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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Fevereiro 28, 2021


A Verdade Libertar-nos-á.

Pode ser difícil imaginar, em um mundo de opiniões e perspectivas amplamente divergentes, que você possa encontrar a harmonia. No entanto, toda a vida – incluindo você – existe em uma dança de vibração lindamente sincronizada. Harmonia é o que você experimenta quando se entrega aos impulsos naturais que surgem dentro de você – quando você está em harmonia com o seu próprio Eu mais profundo. Você encontrará evidências desta harmonia...
É hora de se liberar da necessidade de lamentar o que você não tem e celebrar o que está em sua vida. Ao abraçar com alegria o que tem, você cria sentimentos de gratidão que, por sua vez, abre todo o seu ser para receber. O que existe em seu mundo está em relação direta com seus pensamentos sobre quem você é e o que pensa de si mesmo. Ser grato cria a energia necessária para co-criar e manifestar! O Universo está pronto e esperando por você! ...
PRATIQUE SUA FÉ.... Metatron
Filho, as provas que vem e vão e retornam são bênçãos que o Céu envia para que você se purifique, através da cura dessas provas. Essas lições quando se repetem são porque não foram resolvidas por você. A divindade que habita seu ser, sua alma, tem sabedoria e poder suficientes para purificar definitivamente essas provas. Entretanto, você tenta resolvê-las através de seus próprios pensamentos que se transformam em ações que podem afastar essas provas momentaneamente, mas, seguramente, não as curam definit...
Ir além da co-dependência não significa que você não vai mais ajudar as pessoas. Significa que começará a ajudar as pessoas de maneiras novas e muito mais fortalecedoras e, às vezes, isso envolverá dar um passo atrás recuando amorosamente e se manter nesse espaço com sabedoria e encorajamento, para que outros tenham a oportunidade de descobrir sua própria capacidade Divina. ...
Saudações. Nós somos o Conselho Arcturiano. Temos o prazer de nos conectar com você e com todos vocês. Estamos enviando transmissões a você a todo e qualquer momento, todos os dias. São transmissões energéticas, também. Esta é uma transmissão energética que este canal foi capaz de captar e passar por seu corpo físico, e agora aqui ele está entendendo o que estamos enviando e o que ele está recebendo. Você também pode f...
História dos Illuminati e da Nova Ordem Mundial-NWO - II
(Nota minha: O simbolismo do judeismo talmuld é somente uma cobertura ao satanismo que é a verdadeira religião das elites.) ~ Artigos da história dos Illuminati publicados* *A História da criação dos Illuminati e o desenvolvimento da implantação da Nova Ordem Mundial (NWO-New World Order), desde Frankfurt, (hoje) na Alemanha em 1773.* 30 d.C.: “Conheço as tuas obras, e tribulação, e pobreza (mas tu és rico), e a blasfêmia dos que se dizem judeus, e não o são, mas sã...
Nosso foco nos próximos meses é duplo. Por um lado, seremos encorajados a continuar a deixar de lado o antigo e o passado. Por outro lado, continuaremos a nos alinhar com a nossa alma e a co-criar a vida para a qual estamos destinados. Como resultado, os lugares e os espaços onde estamos desequilibrados, tanto interna quanto externamente, irão se tornar cada vez mais evidentes. O desejo de se envolver conscientemente com o propósito da sua alma está crescendo, sacudindo o que é ...
As pessoas dirão: "Bem, tenho que trabalhar em minhas metas" ou, "Tenho que trabalhar em minha visualização". Queremos que pense mais sobre manter sua visão porque é prazeroso manter essa visão, não porque você está tentando fazer a visão funcionar para chegar a algum lugar que você não está agora. “Quanto devo trabalhar?” Diríamos apenas, trabalhe no sentido de seguir em frente com alegria. Nosso Amor Abraham e Jerry Extraído de North Los A...

Fevereiro 28, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

How can we confront that which we cannot see?
How Can We Confront* What we cannot see? How can we remember Who we are meant to be? This is a NOW To remember HOW We came to be *within* this NOW We realize that something, somehow Has changed our world, in an invisible way That we must deal with every day How do we deal with this unknown If we search inside, Will we be shown? At least if we look deep inside We'll know that we aren't Trying to hide Hide from what? We ask above Can we face this NOW With Faith and Love? We cannot hide, ...
Graduation is Coming
I wish to bring a message of hope. Soon things are to change dramatically. We know you have heard this word far too often and you are understandably weary of this particular word, nonetheless, it is true. There are great changes about to manifest for all humanity. These changes will present both the best and the worst in humanity, they will require the light workers of all vibrations to model compassion and forgiveness in their daily lives; these times will also bring the presents that have long...
Do Not Avoid me
Our beloved Yeshi has asked that I share a recent channel given in the Council of Love Teacher Training class. Yeshi reminds us that he wishes to join each and every one of us – to walk with us always and in all ways. We are all teachers of the new way of Love. Linda ~ Greetings, I AM Jesus. I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Yeshua, I AM Yeshi, I AM brother, I AM sister, I AM friend. Welcome beloved ones, and yes, many join us here this day in this sacred undertaking as you open your hearts, your minds, and your b...
For Newness in your You’ness
Hey friends! I'm not a unicorn, but I play with them in the inner realms. Here's some musings, echoes of their lessons that I've been remembered of and would like to pass along for those who are open to receiving. Thank you in advance for participating in this co-creation by reading along with this 'translation' of mine. My wish and prayers and Faith are held for you/us each and all, many blessings of happy smiles, and tearful eyes from fits of giggles; stitch in your side, peeing from laughter and more hugs and '...
We are waiting for the New Republic to be announced
Greetings My Children, I am Prime Creator, God, Father or Source here today to send my message to all of you. This is a call for humanity to wake up and raise their consciousness and help bring by Earth to the Golden Age. As I said previously that we started The Final Phase of Divine Plan to bring Ascension to Mother Gaia, who moved awhile ago to 5th dimension, now you need to catch up to her speed. Ashtar with his fleet are working together with other Light Force...
Family Picture, a Snapshot
The Goddess stood that fateful day, as she had many days and days before. Recoiled in grief, horror and rage; The Goddess has wept. The Goddess Stands as she always has, strong, unwavering; fortified by the living streams, rolling waters and infinite dreams of the Dreamers for Freedom, US! You, Me, Them and All. The Goddess Stands, righteous and upright, as she has timelessly, tirelessly since the day she stepped ashore and arose in her full might as Guardian, Protector, Witness and Guide. The Land of The Free, The ...
The Change I Want to See
Covid-19 was introduced to push mail-in ballots in the American election. The Quantum Financial System is online, is instantaneous, and will cost nothing to use. Elon Musk put $1.5 billion into Bitcoin. And it wasn’t even his money. On and on the public discussion goes, as we head towards something we know not what. (1) But I know that the most important thing to me – even as I do this work – is how I feel. I spend my days trying to escape from the mud of grumpiness. I don’t count the days until the Reval...
You must know by now that nothing happens by chance and therefore the Lockdown caused by Covid19 that has resulted in a virtual standstill of your normal activities. It is a worldwide phenomenon during which you have had more than ample time to consider better ways of conducting yourselves and living in peace. There are many matters that affect your way of life and how you relate to others, so that instead of being separated you could come together in mutual respect and understand...
Be Unmanipulatible 2
To the lady who messaged me saying that she finally found me back on YouTube, I know, I'm shadow banned. I might just become unavailable to viewers at any given time. Our video channelings are all on our website, in text format on the blog usually. I'm also putting up some of our older videos on the site as well in video format. With censorship becoming as acute as it is now, you might want to consider visiting people's websites more for your information than you previously did. As...
The March 2021 Energies
The March 2021 EnergiesThe 9D Arcturian CouncilThrough Daniel Scranton *February 27th, 2021* Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exploring all of the various timelines that are in front of you now there on Earth in 2021, and we are very impressed by the timelines that you are currently creating and that you have been creating so far in this calendar year of yours. You are looking for opportunities to go deeper in your connections, and that is of paramount importance to the unification of the human collective...
See Yourself as God Does | Aurea via Sharon Stewart
People will use their opinion of you to manipulate you. God won't. People will even make up an opinion of you to gain their ends. God won't. He loves you. If you're like me and were highly sensitive, you experienced others' behaviour as brusque, gruff, frank, aggressive, uncaring or unpleasant, whether it was intended to be or not, and you developed an opinion of yourself that there must be something wrong with you if everyone else is so nasty to you. If you were raised in an abusive home like I was, then yo...
Federation of Light: A Planetary Shift Occurred
Hello to you. Well, something shifted in my energy last Sunday. I’d heard an energy Light boost was coming in (someone had sent me the info) and to be honest, I take everything with a pinch of salt these days. Yet, for me, and others I know … it happened … something that was said actually happened! A definite lift of my energy … as if an ‘attachment’ had been removed, type of feeling. Just feeling so much Lighter. Any thoughts? ~ Dearest Blossom and all souls who par...
They Eyes Of Time
A child will play with emotions to learn their significance. “I love you”, “I hate you”, “I am sad”, “I am angry” are often expressed with intensity and passion in the moment to be replaced by another of equal strength. As you grow older, the tempo changes to a more even rhythm. Be like a child in your emotional expressions, but temper them with the eyes of time. ...
Regret is an indicator of growth
The energy of regret is an indicator of growth. It shows that you tried something and have discovered it isn’t a true energetic match to who you really are or who you wish to be. Some of you experience regret and end up getting stuck there, unable to shift out of the resulting energies of guilt and shame. This actually stalls your own growth and expansion. This amounts to choosing to stay in lower vibrating energies as some form of penance which serves absolutely no one. If you regret an ac...
A Vision for Help from Higher Beings
Today's Vision comes from Brian K and he asks us to take a look at the bigger picture. Thank you for the wise reminder, Brian.* My vision is for all awakened souls on earth to ask for help from the brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light to assist us in the realization of the perfect reality that we all desire. We want your help!!! So be it and so it is!!!!! ...
Hershey, Nestlé and other chocolate makers sued for child slavery
A human rights group has filed a lawsuit against some of the biggest names in the chocolate industry for allegedly trafficking children across national borders to harvest cocoa. Eight Malian men claim they were victims of this child slave labor scheme, which involved their being recruited under false pretenses, trafficked into Côte d’Ivoire, and forced to work on cocoa farms without pay, travel documents, or any knowledge of when they would be allowed to return home. Among the...
Media Obsession With Jan. 6 ‘Extremely Frustrating’ to Law Enforcement
Black Lives Matter protester Jorge Mendoza holds a sign while rallying at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Following an agreement between Democratic Gov. Kate Brown and the Trump administration to reduce federal officers in the city, nightly protests remained largely peaceful without major confrontations between demonstrators and officers. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) National Police Association spoke...
The Decline of the West: American Education Surrenders to “Equity”
 From The Strategic Culture Foundation Feb 18, 2021 *It will be difficult or even impossible to go back to a system where learning is actually a discipline that requires hard work and dedication.* Public education in the United States, if measured by results, has been producing graduates that are less competent in language skills and dramatically less well taught in the sciences and mathematics since 1964, when Scholastic Aptitude Test...
Return To Love
My spirit guides often say nothing you do, say, or think is done in a vacuum. It all ripples out to the whole world and touches many lives, whether you’re aware of it or not. *Spirit* You have often heard us say you are all connected. It can never be otherwise. However, you live in the illusion of separation. You see this person here, another there, and so on—all separate, even distant from you. You chose to physically incarnate, or reincarnate, into this world of illusion many times over many years. But now your world ...
Special 'Mad World' edition reveals we are all living in an insane asylum
The world has gone completely mad. Mass psychosis now rules everything. In a high school in Washington, they're stuffing band kids into suffocating "cocoons" and calling it progress. In China, US diplomats are getting "anal swabbed" for covid, against their will. And in America, a new company is reportedly cloning the flesh of Hollywood celebrities to make cloned sandwich meat so you can literally eat the flesh of your favorite movie stars. Yes, it's all dem...

Fevereiro 27, 2021


A Verdade Libertar-nos-á

Atualização das energias
As energias que estão fluindo são MUITO intensas. São energias que abrem o coração, que nos ajudam a reavaliar todos os aspectos de nossa vida. Se algo não fizer mais ressonância, liberem-no. As frequências que chegam são diferentes de qualquer coisa que eu já vivenciei. Até os tons em meus ouvidos estão em uma oitava diferente. O corpo está se acelerando. Isso pode derrubar alguns, outros estão conectados. Não existe um modo “certo”. Apenas o seu modo. As dores no corpo são comuns, princ...
O mistério do Programa Espacial Secreto “SOLAR WARDEN”
Pesquisadores de informações secretas sobre OVNIs, continuam falando sobre a existência de uma frota secreta de espaçonaves terrestres encarregadas de monitorar o tráfego alienígena em nosso sistema solar, e até mesmo de defende-lo em caso de um ataque extraterrestre. Se existisse, a frota do programa espacial secreto Solar Warden exigiria uma tecnologia muito mais avançada do que a usada agora pelas forç...
Pfizer exige reservas bancárias, bases militares e edifícios de embaixadas dos países como garantia para as ‘vacinas’ COVID-19
A gigante [Big Pharma] farmacêutica Pfizer tem mantido governos soberanos como resgate, fazendo exigências bizarras, pedindo reservas bancárias, edifícios de embaixadas e bases militares como garantia em troca da venda de suas [pseudo] vacinas mRNA COVID-19, ao mesmo tempo que não aceita nenhuma imputação legal e responsabilidade pelas mortes e da...
Patente da Marinha dos EUA com tecnologia de UFOs levanta questões : Brett Tingley, do site “The War Zone” / The Drive , lidera a análise e relato de uma série de patentes de tecnologia de próxima geração solicitadas pela Marinha dos Estados Unidos em 2019 e criadas pelo engenheiro aeroespacial da Marinha, Dr. Salvatore Pais. Essas patentes incluem um gerador de campo eletromagnético de alta energia e sistema de p...
Nós somos o Conselho Arcturiano. Temos o prazer de nos conectar com você e com todos vocês. Estamos muito satisfeitos com o movimento que todos continuam a fazer em direção a um coletivo humano mais unificado e queremos que saibam que se tornar tão dividido e polarizado sempre fez parte da jornada da humanidade. Você tem que primeiro sentir o quão mal você se sente quando exclui alguém de sua vida ou de sua comunidade espiritua...
Se você sentir que está no lugar e na hora errados, lembre-se disso: O Universo coloca suas luzes mais brilhantes onde são mais necessárias. Pode não ser o que você espera, mas há um propósito nisso. Abra seu coração e ouça; você ouvirá a verdade disso. ...
Quando você se torna crítico em relação à maneira como alguém atrai ou usa o dinheiro, está afastando o dinheiro de si mesmo. Mas quando você percebe que aquilo que os outros fazem com o dinheiro não tem nada a ver com você, e que seu trabalho principal é pensar e falar e fazer o que é bom para si mesmo, então estará alinhando-se não só sobre o assunto do dinheiro, mas sobre todos os assuntos importantes em sua experiência f...
P'taah: Agora, vamos lembrá-lo, o que é a ciência e o que é, diríamos, a compreensão espiritual e o conhecimento, neste tempo estão juntos. É importante que perceba que a ciência está simplesmente colocando rótulos no que já existe. Quanto mais os cientistas se aprofundam no estudo do modo de ser - e isso é sobre a energia eletromagnética, que você é, é disso que você é composto - então, de fato, combinado com a compreensão espiritual, eles pode...
Ser crítico de si mesmo é um hábito que prevalece em muitos seres humanos esclarecidos. O cerne disso é desejar ser diligente, para não perder nada do que precisa para se curar ou evoluir além. Embora a intenção seja boa, você não pode curar ou evoluir se estiver constantemente sendo crítico de si mesmo, porque suas críticas e resistência a si mesmo continuarão agravando a ferida central que está procurando ser curada. Isso é simplesmente um hábito, e você...

Fevereiro 27, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

In this February of 2021, on our planet earth, in this human experience, we lightworkers, we starseeds feel as if we are on hold. On the surface nothing appears to be happening. Yet we are calm, we are peaceful and we know all is well. We have now got beyond the waiting for promises of change on predicted dates. We have been so often disappointed. For a year now, ever since the start of isolation and social distancing, ever since the infliction of the supposed virus upon us, we have waited for and desperately ...
How to Tune Yourselves to Higher Frequencies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sending you transmissions in every moment of every day. They are energetic transmissions, and so is this. This is an energetic transmission that this channel has been able to pick up and run through his physical body, and no...
The Humane and Kind has been Taken out of Humanity and Mankind
It is another beautiful day in Paradise dear friends, dear brethren, if we make it so. For, in this February of 2021 every day can be a beautiful day in Paradise. It is the great awakening, the time of the great revelation of Mankind’s enslavement. It is the time of his release from that enslavement. The time when the frequencies on the earth are increasing exponentially to support the ascension of humanity out of the fear vibration. It is the time for mankind to ret...
The Power Over Others System
Since we're on the subject of the dark ones, creating Loosh and energy vampires, we'll do a review of what the power over others system is. For starters, the power over others system is the opposite of the power over self, or self mastery system, in which the authentic, self empowered person retains control over all decisions pertaining to self in their life and allows others to do the same without undue interference. Any interference in others' lives is often carried out because of fear, by the w...
Pentagon says military does not have resources for 'urban combat' in dystopian 'megacities
Pentagon says military does not have resources for "urban combat" in dystopian "megacities" With the new domestic "war on terror" quickly gaining steam, the Pentagon is anticipating a dystopian future in which the military is entirely ill-equipped for "urban combat." In a video entitled, "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity" that was shown at... By Ethan Huff | Read the full story New Videos from Situation Update, Fe...
Isolation, Introspection, Illumination
For it is important that awake people be awake, or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep; the signals we give — yes or no, or maybe — should be clear: the darkness around us is deep. ~ William E. Stafford ~ In my view, the only real upside to our enforced isolation is it can lead to introspection, which can lead to illumination. For instance…if someone offered me an all-expenses-paid writer’s retreat (and I had no pressing obligations), I would jump to the moon. And then pack a bag. Writer’...
Fully and Forever in This Wonderful Space of Higher-Dimensional Love
The Self exists in the deepest reach of the heart, called the seat of the soul. Credit: Ute Possega Rudel. I promised my friend Traci a post for her fiftieth birthday. I’m pretending that I get one chance to communicate this. It’s like: If the whole world were listening, what would you say – that kind of thing? THE most important thing I can do with this marvelous opportunity is to try again to put into words what higher-dimensional love is and is like. There’s nothing more importan...
Shifting beyond codependency doesn’t mean you are no longer going to help people. It means you will start to help people in new, far more empowering ways, and sometimes that will involve lovingly stepping back and holding the space with wisdom and encouragement so others have the opportunity to discover their own divine capability. ...
Heart And Soul
Video below ~ Heart and soul, I fell in love with you. Heart and soul, the way a fool would do, madly. -Hoage Carmichael ~ That’s how I feel about this country. Maybe it was because I was born on the 4th of July, who knows. But I love this country, heart and soul. But you can love someone (or country) and not always like it. And I am not liking large parts of my country right now. The part of my country that seems to have no heart or soul. That is making every issue a political football, condones the uber wealthy making money ha...
Nice vs. Kind: How to Know the Difference?
Would you say that you are a nice person? What about being a kind person? Let’s talk about these two similar characteristics and compare nice vs. kind. Is there really a difference between the two? It’s so common to say things like, “Oh, she is so nice.” However, this statement may not mean what you want it to mean. Let’s just say you’re trying to pay a compliment about the good things a person does, and how warm she seems to be. Well, there is a better word for that. Maybe sayi...
Call it Forward
Each new day is truly a gift that so often is put aside as you pick up the remains of yesterday. Remember that when old programs and doubts pop up you are offered the opportunity to transform that piece of emotional/mental dysfunctional energy. You are transformers, pure and simple. You have the tools and the master keys of energetic alchemy. Every human is equipped with the awesome power to transform their reality. The shift and the transmutation of energy from patterns of dysfunction to patterns of empowerment and gr...
SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on 1 Big Fat Assumption
Above: what has never happened and seemingly never will: *true virus isolation*. SARS variants, spike proteins and more all rest on 1 big fat assumption: that SARS-CoV-2 exists. But we are still without proof of that. AT A GLANCE... *THE STORY:* As the WHO, CDC and Governments ramp up COVID fear with new scary stories of SARS variants, let's get back to the basics: there still has never been true virus isolation. *THE IMPLICATIONS:* No matter how much the MSM tries to convinc...
Support of the Universe
Greetings and love I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence as I bring forth the energy, love, and peace of the Angelic Kingdom. May this vibration and frequency download into your being, through your being and into Mother Earth so she may experience the blessings and gifts that we share with you and with all. Today I, Archangel Michael, wish to bring forth an insight. ...
Our focus in the coming months is two fold. On the one hand we will be encouraged to continue to let go of the old, to let go of the past. On the other hand we will continue to align with our soul and co-create the life we are destined for. As a result, the places and the spaces where we are out of balance both internally and externally will become more and more evident. The urge to consciously engage with your soul’s purpose is growing shaking up the familiar and pulling you towar...
Creation and Manifestation
It is time to release the need to bemoan what you do not have and celebrate what is in your life. As you joyously embrace what you do have, you create feelings of thankfulness which, in turn, opens your whole being to receive. What exists in your world is in direct relation to your thoughts of who you are and what you think of yourself. Being grateful creates the energy needed to co-create and manifest! The Universe is ready and waiting for you! ...
Raise His Voice!
A group of men preparing to stone an adulterous woman to death were addressed by Jesus with the words: 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. [John 8:7] ~ Thought Adjuster:* “Jesus had a keen ability to defuse volatile situations, which earned him the honorary title of Prince of Peace. Those of you who wish to follow in his remarkable footsteps have to do it from a place of peace—not one of emotional turmoil. Only the unruffl...

Fevereiro 26, 2021


A Verdade Libertar-nos-á.

Muitos seres humanos esclarecidos acham muito mais fácil dar do que receber. Este é um tema importante que deve ser examinado e curado para que aqueles que estão em serviço possam obter o apoio total que está disponível para eles e que eles merecem. A entrega excessiva geralmente ocorre porque a pessoa sente que não é seguro receber. Essa crença pode ter vindo de experiências de vidas passadas nas quais você aceitou ajuda apenas para perceber qu...
Saudações queridos corações amorosos, sou o Mestre Kuthumi. É uma honra estar na vossa presença e trago comigo um coração, uma alma, um grupo de alma carregado de amor. De facto, eu apresento-me com a vibração do amor do Criador para vos abraçar, apoiar e para vos alavancar para o vosso verdadeiro eu. Desafio o vos a olhar para dentro do vosso ser, reconhecendo a verdade que está presente. E...
Saudações, amados faróis de luz na Terra. Eu sou o Arcanjo Miguel; é uma honra estar em sua presença hoje, pois muito está ocorrendo nos planos internos e na Terra. Tudo está florescendo, a evolução espiritual está avançando e acelerando, você está compreendendo e a lembrança do Criador está se desenvolvendo em grande velocidade. É importante neste momento reconhecer que em 2020 vocês embarcaram em um novo...
Seus campos de energias estão se abrindo para uma nova consciência que está incentivando seu sistema energético a se mover e funcionar de uma maneira nova e diferente. Seus campos de energias se abrirão para essa nova consciência, e o movimento resultante causará um processo de limpeza e desintoxicação com os sintomas usuais de uma desintoxicação. Concentre-se em equilibrar seus níveis de ph, seus centros de energias e mantenha-se hidratado, pois a água é uma part...
Vocês têm isto controlado!
Sim, é difícil sentir que coisas maravilhosas estão a acontecer quando tudo dói! Estas são as tão esperadas e bem vindas atualizações/melhorias que à tanto tempo aguardais… Simplesmente respirem fundo ao encontro do alinhamento. Todos os antigos serviços foram dispensados e novos upgrades estão disponíveis…tecnologia muito mais avançada está sendo preparada dentro de vocês, transformando o vosso veículo e DNA. Estes são os upgrades mais significativo...
Estamos sob o influxo de poderosas Forças planetárias que nos auxiliam no processo de liberação e aceleração constante de nossa jornada de cura pessoal pela qual muitos de nós estamos passando. Um processo que leva à expansão da missão de alma que ocorre quando finalmente descobrimos nosso Eu Iluminado sob todas as falsas camadas que costumavam cobri-lo. Durante este mês intenso, temos tantas energias representando a fase pela qual a humanidade está passando neste moment...
Muitas Mudanças
Haverá mais e mais mudanças dentro deste AGORA. As mudanças que estamos enfrentando dentro deste AGORA provavelmente continuarão a mudar de maneiras cada vez mais diferentes. “Quais são essas maneiras diferentes?” nós podemos perguntar. No entanto, a mudança é mais algo que podemos olhar para trás para entender do que olhar para frente para ver quais mudanças ocorrerão. É claro, há sempre pessoas que tentam olhar para o futuro para ver se elas podem prever que as ...
Somos o Coletivo Cristalino dos raios da 9ª dimensão. Todos os raios têm suas próprias assinaturas de energia e estas podem ser codificadas com aqueles que desejam ajudar. Queremos ajudar. Trabalhamos com o Arcanjo Miguel e muitos outros arcanjos. Trabalhamos com a música das esferas pois a criação está sempre zumbindo. E desejamos trabalhar convosco, queridos, passando pela tremenda mudança do mundo de então para o mundo...
Os portais mais poderosos que você já acessou
Despertamos muitos de vocês para os portais de energia que têm ao seu redor e que continuamente adicionamos à sua dimensão a fim de melhorar nosso sistema de entrega de energia. Também queremos que reconheçam q...
Ex-conselheira de Clinton: EUA esta se tornando um ‘Estado Totalitário’ [Fascista] sob Joe Biden
Totalitário com “Características do Fascismo Totalitário dos anos 1920”: A autora e ex-conselheira de Bill Clinton [também Democrata como Joe Biden], Naomi Wolf alertou na segunda-feira que os EUA estão se transformando em um estado policial fascista sob o governo de Joe Biden, já que bloqueios, lockdowns, distanciamento social, uso de “focinheiras” e restrições intermináveis usando a covid...
À medida que a mais nova onda de energia começa a chegar, lembre-se de continuar seu trabalho de perdão. Pode ser tentador colocá-lo de lado e voltar a ele mais tarde, quando as coisas parecerem menos carregadas de energia. O Universo está gentilmente lembrando você que este é definitivamente o momento certo. (Sorrindo) Ser o mais claro possível tornará a sua transição mais agradável, fácil e pacífica. Como sempre, O Universo está lá para guiar e apoiar você em cada et...

Fevereiro 26, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Is fake prez. Biden about to be removed? Plus news on vax, equality and more
New anomalies are surfacing that suggest Biden may not be the "real" president at all. For example, where is his State of the Union address that's now overdue? In today's Situation Update, we cover some fascinating new developments on the rigged Biden "fake" presidency, the insane attack on our culture with the "Equality Act," and how vaccine maker Pfizer is trying to take possession of entire military bases in South America, making the vaccine company a m...
Your energy field is opening to a new awareness which is encouraging your energetic system to move and function in a new and different way. Your energy field will open to this new awareness and the resulting movement will cause a clearing and detoxing process with the usual detox symptoms. Focus on balancing your ph levels, your energy centres and keep hydrated as water is an essential part of shifting your energy and keeping the flow moving. You will most certainly feel different and feelings of bei...
Being critical of yourself is a habit that is prevalent in many enlightening human beings. The core of this is wishing to be diligent, to not miss anything that you need to heal or evolve beyond. While the intention is good, you cannot heal or evolve if you are constantly being critical of yourself because your criticism and resistance to self will only keep aggravating the core wound that is looking to be healed. This is simply a habit, and you can change any unwanted habit by replacing it with one that bett...
A Vision for Service
We see a world where everyone is in service to everyone else; where we have rediscovered the connection between us; and wherewe have realized, to the depth and core of our beings, that when we serve others we are really serving ourself. ...
A Purpose
If you feel you are in the wrong place and time, remember this: The Universe places its brightest lights where they are needed most. It may not be what you expect but, there is a purpose to it. Open your heart and listen; you will hear the truth of it. ...
Your Consciousness
Your consciousness is the aspect of yourself that uses your mind and the experiences received to build a conceptual framework about life. Through your life experiences and what you learn, you start creating a life philosophy that justifies your actions and directs your efforts toward progressively higher goals. This is the intent, at least, but there are so many who do not exercise the...
The Biden blowout and the final looting of America
The covid stimulus bill is really just an act of desperate looting of America, creating more fiat currency and handing it out to Democrat loyalists as a kind of grand money laundering operation. The dollar collapse is already under way, and you're seeing it in the rising prices of almost everything around you, from groceries to gasoline. As the dollar death spiral accelerates, prices are going to skyrocket with breakneck speed. In today's Situation Update, I cover how to recognize...
Many enlightening human beings find it much easier to give than to receive. This is a major theme that is up for examination and healing so those who are in service can move into the full support that is available for them and they so richly deserve. Over giving often occurs because the person feels it isn’t safe to receive. This belief could have come from past life experiences where you accepted help only to realize that it came with strings attached. Worthiness issues can also be at the core of not b...
What You’re Moving Towards, Whether You Know It or Not
We are very satisfied with the movement that you all continue to make towards being in a more unified human collective, and we want you all to know that becoming so divided and polarized was always part of the jour...
Ha! I check on yesterday's video and it has 111 likes and one dislike. 11:11. Yes, thank you for that reminder! *Loosh* “I've been thinking about "loosh", what it is, how it is manipulated and created and consumed by the dark ones. I don't think people really understand how pervasive this is in the reality of life on this planet.” Me: That's a comment from a friend with the request that we channel on this subject. We've touched on it in many video's, but hey, Ivo, let's lock and load, give everyone the straight goods o...
Exit Homo Sapiens; Enter Homo Universalis
Exit Homo Sapiens; Enter Homo UniversalisSteve BeckowFebruary 25, 2021 I’m working on a book on timelines and, as always, different revelations and discoveries occur in the process. Many of them are on who Gaians are, who Gaia is, and what Planet Earth is. (1) To look at subjects like these, we have to leave “present” and “past” behind and talk about vast sweeps of non-discrete time and space. Here’s an example. The evolution of the human species. We can’t talk about that as an historical or biographical event. We have to discuss it in evolutionary or developmental terms – in b...
Embrace This Peace that Lies in Forgiveness
I wish to give you and to more deeply ignite within your being not only the peace but how to arrive at peace… and might I suggest that it is through forgiveness?* *Channeling:* Greetings, I AM Shirdi Sai Baba, and I bring you greetings from many because I speak for many. I speak for an entire host that wishes to embrace you, to gift you, to glorify you. I am not this or that Sai Baba, I AM the energy of Baba. And one of the things that I wish to give you and to more deeply ...
Ben Fulford Report: Massive March Campaign Planned Against Global Idiocracy
Morgan The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say. The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction through a series of vaccines. This is ...
Christine Morrison talks about the predatory system and abuse of power by the judiciary
This is suggested listening as recommended by one of our subscribers: Christine Morrison, book author of, “Judicial Criminals: The greatest fraud upon American society America’s Legal System,” on the show to discuss her case, reparation bills, predator judges, their judiciaries and color of law actors. Christine explains how all this unfolded for her and the damage it did to her child and livelihood. We discuss the case Foster vs. Foster ...
Switzerland bans AstraZeneca vaccine for ALL citizens as Europe declares war on UK jab
SWITZERLAND has made a shock move not to approve the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for use in its roll out of Covid jabs. The decision makes it the only country in Europe not to authorise doses of the Oxford-produced jab for use. The Swiss medical regulator claimed there was a lack of data to reach conclusions on the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. Approval of the jab had been widely expected by many in Switzerland. SwissMedic said: “For the vacc...

Fevereiro 25, 2021


A Verdade Libertar-nos-á

Se você está se sentindo perdido
Meus amados irmãos e irmãs, se vocês estão se sentindo perdidos nestes tempos, é um sinal de que vocês despertaram, que sua jornada entre 3D e 5D está realmente avançando em velocidade. Se você está se sentindo perdido, é um sinal de que você é um trabalhador da luz que se desconectou do mundo 3D e está em transição para a consciência 5D. Você tem que se desconectar das crenças e da “Viscosidade” da realidade 3D para entrar na consciência 5D. Isso...
Anjo da Terra em Treinamento
Amado, Não pense nisso como sua fé sendo testada, pense nisso como sendo fortalecida! Este é o momento da grande escolha. Na divisão dos mundos, qual lado você escolhe? É uma reafirmação contínua de sua força, seu compromisso, sua determinação, sua direção. Porque você é um soberano sendo governado pelo livre arbítrio, você deve claramente – inequivocamente – escolher. Este é o grande presente do Divino. Há uma divisão na estrada – qual é o seu caminho? À medida...
Historia dos Illuminati e da Nova Ordem Mundial-NWO - I
Nós sinceramente damos às boas-vindas a uma divulgação completa dos atos secretos de seu Governo Mundial Oculto (das trevas) a Nova Ordem Mundial, NWO – New World Order, cometidos durante os dois últimos séculos e meio da história da Terra, que têm dificultado o retorno da humanidade à sua plena consciência” – Comando Ashtar – Federação Galáctica* A História da criação dos Illuminati e o desenvolvimento da implantação da Nova Ordem Mundial (NWO-New World Order), de...
A “Gripe desapareceu da Terra”, há um ano só temos Covid
As autoridades de saúde na Inglaterra anunciaram que nenhum caso de gripe foi detectado este ano no pais. A gripe também esta quase inexistente nos EUA e na Austrália, enquanto o governo canadense parou de relatar casos de gripe em 2019 , quando o Covid-19 apareceu. Por que mais de 200 cepas de vírus da Gripe, subita e inexplicavelmente deixaram de infectar os humanos ? Autoridades de Saúde do Reino Unido: Nenhum Caso de Gripe foi detectado este Ano – A Gripe “misteriosamen...
Temos acompanhado você devagarinho, por assim dizer, preparando-o, pouco a pouco, para os downloads maiores para os quais achamos que você está pronto neste momento. Você está pronto para receber esses downloads porque nós e nossos parceiros nos reinos mais elevados o temos amaciado. Temos preparado você para a aval...
Querido, o que você deseja não está aí para deixá-lo desconfortável. É o que cria pontos de conexão para o seu futuro. Suas esperanças e desejos mais profundos são os cartões de visita de sua alma. Honre aonde isso está tentando levá-lo. Essas pequenas faíscas são as sementes dos seus sonhos. Se você tem um sonho que está sempre lá, em vez de ignorá-lo ou tentar apagá-lo, por que não abaná-lo explorando-o e permitindo que ele se desenvolva em sua expressão mais plena. ...
Ocasionalmente, O Universo apresentará uma emoção, situação ou experiência desafiadora e pedirá que você "caminhe com ela" para obter uma compreensão mais profunda e visceral. Em vez de lutar contra esses momentos, abrace-os e saiba que, quando eles chegarem ao fim, você terá um insight que poucos possuem. A melhor parte de tudo, meu querido filho, é que você pode tornar o processo tão longo ou tão curto quanto quiser. ...
Aprender como se adaptar em tempos de incertezas é fundamental para navegar nesses tempos de mudanças. O inesperado continua a nos sacudir para fora de nossas zonas de conforto, levando-nos a mudar nossa perspectiva, expandir nossa consciência e abraçar o desconhecido. Se continuarmos a nos apegar às velhas ideias de como a vida deveria ser, nos sentiremos confusos e dispersos quando nossas expectativas e planos não se desenvolverem como o esperado. Atualmente, há um novo fl...
Meu querido, Embora você e muitos estejam preocupados com o seu autoisolamento, você também o deseja. Você está acostumado a ser uma criatura social - participando de festas, juntando-se ou criando reuniões familiares, seu trabalho diário. Ainda assim, você está aproveitando esse seu tempo sozinho, algo que acha difícil de admitir até para si mesmo. Isso ocorre por causa de suas necessidades sociais 3D. Como você poderia aprender o que deve e deveria fazer e...

Fevereiro 25, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Yes, the deep state ran the “capitol riots” as yet more evidence emerges the bureau is thoroughly corrupt
The president who gave Americans the best advice they have gotten in the modern age came from Dwight D. Eisenhower. In January 1961, as he prepared to leave office after two terms, “Ike” gave a speech that did not get a lot of attention at the time because the country was excited that the young, dashing John F. Kennedy was about to be inaugurated. But what Eisenhower said, in retrospect, was as threatening to liberty as it was frightening. “A...
Learning how to adapt in times of uncertainty is key in navigating these times of change. The unexpected continues to shake us out of our comfort zones pushing us to shift our perspective, expand our awareness and embrace the unfamiliar. If we continue to cling to the old ideas of how life should be, we will feel thrown and scattered when our expectations and plans do not unfold as expected. Currently, there is a new flow of energy moving within the world which is dissolving the walls you have erected betwee...
Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home: the terrible dying after vaccination
For the first time, there is an eyewitness report from a Berlin nursing home on the situation after the vaccination. It comes from the AGAPLESION Bethanien Havelgarten retirement home in Berlin-Spandau. There, within four weeks after the first vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine Comirnaty, eight of 31 seniors, who suffered from dementia but were in good physical condition acco...
The COVID Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide
The COVID Cult Marches On in 2021, leaving natural unalienable rights, people’s livelihoods and human freedom decimated in its destructive wake. The US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has just tried to tell people they have to wear not 1 mask but 2 masks when traveling using some form of public transport: *“Cloth masks should be made with two or more layers of a breathable fabric that is tightly woven.”* This is the same CDC, you may recall, whose own fig...
The Right Time
As the newest wave of energy begins to arrive, please remember to continue your forgiveness work. It may be tempting to set it aside and come back to it later when things seem less energetically charged. The Universe is gently reminding you that this is definitely the right time. (Smiling) Being as clear as possible will make your transition more graceful, easy and peaceful. As always, The Universe is there to guide and support you every step of the way. ...
I Will Lead You Steadily God-ward
There is no reason to further doubt My existence. Put to rest all your fears – the thoughts of these conversations being a figment of your imagination, for indeed, they are not. It is the Great Source and Center, the Creator of all thing past, present and all future, who desires to experience himself through His creation by giving all mortals a Fragment of His Spirit to dwell within them. Only by listening very closely c...
NASA is lying and covering up the cosmic war to end human civilization
NASA now claims they've landed a helicopter on Mars. They are lying, of course, since helicopters can't function in a near-vacuum, as they need atmosphere to generate lift from the spinning rotors. Mars has virtually no atmosphere, according to NASA. What I'm revealing in today's Situation Update podcast is shocking and stunning: NASA is engaged in a massive cover-up about life on other planets, and the Pentagon now admits to studying UFO wreckage taken from ...
Dear Ones, what you yearn for is not there to make you uncomfortable. It is what creates connection points to your future. Your deepest hopes and desires are the calling cards of your soul. Honour where it is trying to take you. Those little sparks are the seeds of your dreams. If you have a dream that is always there, rather than ignoring it or trying to extinguish it, why not fan it by exploring it and allowing it to unfold into its fullest expression. The higher callings that beckon to you a...
The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access
We have awakened so many of you to the portals of energy that you have around you and that we continuously add to your dimension in order to improve our energy delivery system. We also want you to recognize that these portals pale ...
We are the Crystalline Collective of the 9th dimensional rays. All rays have their own energy signatures and these can become encoded with those whom wish to assist. We wish to assist. We work with Archangel Michael and many other archangels. We work with the music of the spheres for creation is always humming. And we wish to work with you, dear ones, undergoing the tremendous shift from the then to the dream world. You are in the not yet, ...
Going in the Right Direction
I sometimes flatter myself that I’m getting down to basics in the study of this wonderful creation that a human being is. I’m of course flattering myself but more on that in a minute. I say that as a result of noticeing something that existed entirely in what Werner Erhard called the background of obviousness. It was so obvious that it totally escaped my attention. It started out by my noticeing that I felt depressed and looking for the cause. I then saw that I have two categories int...
Like Nature, We Can Constantly say "Yes"
Every no is a yes to something else. Your lives will be continuously full of ups and downs, lefts and rights, and adventures that your mind will call good and bad; but the truth of who you are does not compartmentalize these things. The essence of god, divinity, universal consciousness, does not nudge you toward the good and away from the bad, because no such things exist universally. It is the mind, the ego, that says, “This is not good enough, or not quite right, or I don’...
The 5th Dimensional State
The 5th Dimensional State is all about forgiveness of self and others and the transmutation of fear and negativity. One is receptive the Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, and the Unity consciousness arises as one finally understands that in truth, that one is ONE with all and everything, and the DIVINE, the rest of the cosmos, and in truth cannot ever not be part and particle of the ONE SINGLE WHOLE. Indeed, one lives this. One cannot see or act out separation. The 7th dimensional State is the frequency humans rise to when...
Today a second Nuremberg tribunal is being prepared in which a "class action" will be set up under the patronage of thousands of global lawyers behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who sued the Davos-instrumentalized Covid-19 scandal.* In this context, it should be remembered that Reiner Fuellmich was the lawyer who managed to convict the car giant Volkswagen in the case of the catalytic converters. And this is the same lawyer who managed to convict ...

Fevereiro 24, 2021


A Verdade Libertar-nos-á

Não, você não está ficando louco; Tudo é parte da Ascensão e da Mudança
ATENÇÃO: Este artigo é baseado no trabalho apresentado pela lista original de Samuel Greenberg e não é de autoria da Dra. Nickerson. Antes de ler isto, perceba que você está bem e que o que está experimentando é “A MUDANÇA”. Este é um processo normal quando a energia vibracional universal força você a se elevar acima do seu nível normal de existência 3D aqui na Terra. Está tudo be...
Leitura nastrológica para 22 a 28.02.2021
Semana intensa emocionalmente! Começamos com a Lua Crescente em Câncer na segunda-feira, na quinta Vênus ingressará em Peixes e no sábado teremos Lua Cheia em Virgem! Mercúrio segue no seu movimento normal em Aquário, trazendo muita clareza sobre tudo que revisamos durante sua retrogradação. Insights virão! A semana se inicia com as emoções à flor da pele! Na madrugada de segunda-feira, às 00h52, a Lua entra em Câncer, signo que representa o nosso lado emocional, a família, ancestralidade e passado....
O velho poder sobrevive de aparências
Amados! Quantos de vocês ainda não abriram os olhos para a verdade que já se materializa e se consolida de forma definitiva na Terra! Quantos de vocês ainda estão presos ao medo que acompanhou a humanidade por todos os tempos! Presos às velhas crenças, pois as experiências vividas durante as sucessivas encarnações, de fato foram recheadas de dores, sofrimentos e manipulações por parte daqueles que sempre estiveram no comando, ou ao menos, se apoderaram das posições onde podiam ter total controle sobre os dema...
Um conto de fadas que se tornará realidade…
Amados, saiam do caminho da loucura desses tempos, recolhendo-se! A única coisa que importa é que vocês não se deixem confundir, que vocês não se deixem infectar pelas energias do caos e que permaneçam em um pólo de descanso nestes dias turbulentos. É o caminho interior de paz e harmonia que devem trilhar agora, é a atitude interior de confiança e conhecimento que devem irradiar agora. O que se entende por conhecimento? – O conhecimento de q...
Lavagem cerebral, conduta moral, sensibilidade espiritual e cancelamento
Saudações do Comando! Falamos a partir da Alfa Jerusalém (Nave-Mãe). Comunicamos diretamente neste momento através de Neva (Gabriel RL). Agradecemos por tal transmissão. Transmitimos a nossa família em Terra que, a cada dia, tem observado grandes movimentos acontecendo na superfície, os quais têm permitido que vocês entrem mais para dentro, em busca de uma verdade mais alinhada com suas almas. Certamente, nesses últimos ...
Avião comercial da American Airlines encontra OVNI cilíndrico sobre o Novo México
O voo 2292 da American Airlines, um Airbus A320 voando entre Cincinnati e Phoenix em 21 de fevereiro de 2021, teve um encontro bizarro com o que sua tripulação descreveu como um “longo objeto cilíndrico que quase parecia um míssil de cruzeiro” movendo-se extremamente rápido por cima de sua aeronave navegando a 36.000 pés e 400 nós [741 km/hora] de velocidade. O incidente ocorreu no remoto canto nordeste d...
Neste momento, os anjos querem que você pense sobre o que você quer mais do que qualquer coisa neste mundo para você e sua vida. Não queremos que você diga algo como "ah, isso é fácil, ganhar na loteria", pois embora isso possa muito bem lhe acontecer, não é algo que você possa tomar medidas para fazer acontecer, a não ser comprar o bilhete e concorrer. Compre aquele ingresso se você estiver tão inclinado ou sentir vontade, estamos falan...
Parte da razão pela qual você escolhe não se desfazer de suas velhas camadas é porque você não sabe o que vai se tornar. Apenas respire, Meu Amor, e abrace este pensamento; você se tornará nada menos do que o que é agora e, apenas uma compreensão profunda do Universo e sua graça esperam por você. O Criador.  ...
Estamos muito felizes com o progresso que sentimos que vocês estão fazendo aí na Terra como um coletivo de seres. Vocês se levaram muito longe desde os tempos da Lemúria, Atlântida e Egito, e o fizeram com muito pouca interferência e muito pouca intervenção por parte dos extraterrestres. Na verdade, vocês se saír...
Queridos, a sua jornada espiritual não é chegar ao topo da montanha. Trata-se de encontrar o caminho de volta ao seu eu verdadeiro e autêntico, exatamente onde você está. É como uma escavação arqueológica que revela o tesouro de sua bela natureza Divina. Há uma alegria incomensurável em sua alma e, em todo O Universo, toda vez que você faz o seu caminho de volta à verdade de quem você é, pois isso cria uma expansão para sua própria jornada, além de fornece...
Pode ser fácil se preparar e se planejar para aquilo que se tornou familiar e, no entanto, a cada momento, toda a vida e tudo dentro dela estão mudando, ajustando-se e respondendo ao fluxo e refluxo contínuo da criação. Como parte integrante da criação de uma nova realidade e de uma nova Terra, devemos estar presentes e conscientes do que está se desenvolvendo a cada momento. Ao fazer isso, somos capazes de nos ajustar e adaptar às mudanças que devemos fazer. Atualmente há mais...
Conheça os melhores cristais para ajudar na ansiedade
Só quem já passou pelas terríveis crises de ansiedade sabe como isso pode ser desesperador. O que poucas pessoas sabem, é que os cristais podem ser muito úteis nessa batalha contra esse mal. Os cristais servem para muitas coisas e o conhecimento disso pode nos ajudar em inúmeros problemas em nossas vidas, sejam eles emocionais ou até mesmo físicos. A ansiedade está longe de ser algo que pode ser controlado por nós, então qualquer coisa que possa auxiliar nisso já faz toda a diferença, no f...
Que as bênçãos do amor tragam paz aos vossos corpos, mentes e corações. Serenidade, amados, a vida vos pede serenidade! As atribulações contidas em vossas mentes e corações precisam ser apaziguadas, e este é o momento para transformá-las pela compreensão do que realmente sois. Muito do que vivestes em vossas encarnações jaz sepultado no fundo de vosso ser, e este é o tempo de trazê-las à tona para reconhecendo-as deixar que o perdão se expresse como forma de vo...


Fevereiro 24, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Today a second Nuremberg tribunal is being prepared in which a "class action" will be set up under the patronage of thousands of global lawyers behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who sued the Davos-instrumentalized Covid-19 scandal.* In this context, it should be remembered that Reiner Fuellmich was the lawyer who managed to convict the car giant Volkswagen in the case of the catalytic converters. And this is the same lawyer who managed to convict ...
Self Healing Global Service
Everyone is being encouraged to transform their personal fear, personal righteousness, personal prejudice, personal rage and personal judgment.Each individual, each human is responsible for the energy that they offer to the collective. Each individual, each human is being required to take their magnificent place in the transformation and unfolding of a better world--a world that knows peace, love and joy. You must first have the conscious awareness of any behavior before you can transform that pattern or pr...
Walk With It
Occasionally The Universe will present a challenging emotion, situation or experience and ask you to ‘walk with it’ to gain a deeper, more visceral understanding. Rather than fighting those moments, embrace them and know that when they have reached their conclusion, you will have an insight very few possess. The best part of it all, my darling child, is you can make the process as long or as short as you choose. ...
Seventy Times Seven Is the Magic Number
“What habit is to the individual; custom is to the group; and group customs develop into folkways or tribal traditions—mass conventions.” [UB 68:4.1] *Thought Adjuster:* “Observing how each order of beings conducts their life, it is evident that they, indeed, are creatures of habit, acting according to highly sophisticated patterns. “Nature is in a limited sense the physical habit of God.” [UB 4:2.1] His well-defined, immutable, and unchan...
Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm 5 Days After 2nd Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection
28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID. ~ The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer. Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with n...
How to Not Be Clingy in a Relationship? 7 Annoying Behaviors to Avoid
Relationships can be complicated, but they can also be amazing. One thing you must learn, however, is how to not be clingy. I’m sure most everyone has experienced a clingy partner before, or they’ve been the one who acts this way. Either one or the other most likely has happened, and so you understand that it’s not a normal type of behavior. In case you are the rare person who doesn’t know what clinginess means, here’s a short definition: Clingy means...
Spiritual Journey
Dear Ones, your spiritual journey is not about reaching the top of the mountain. It is about finding your way back to your true, authentic self, right where you are. It is like an archeological dig that uncovers the treasure of your own beautiful, divine nature. There is immeasurable joy both within your soul, and throughout the universe, every time you make your way back to the truth of who you are, for it creates expansion for your own journey as well as providing the fuel that drives the shift on yo...
Huge Downloads Leading to Mass Awakenings
We have been taking you slowly through the paces, so to speak, preparing you, little by little, for the larger downloads that we feel you are ready for at this time. You are ready to receive these downloads because we, and our cohorts in the higher realms, have been softening you up. We have been readying you for the avalanche of energies that are now imminent for all of you. There has...
It can be easy to prepare and plan for that which has become familiar and yet, in every moment all of life and everything within it is shifting, adjusting and responding to the continual ebb and flow of creation. Being an integral part in the creation of a new reality and a new Earth, we are required to stay present and conscious to what is unfolding in each moment. In doing so we are able to adjust and adapt to the changes we are required to make. Currently there is more room to breathe which gives you greater acce...
Note from Suzanne: The below information channeled to me about the Antarians started on 7-4-14. I have been called to send it out, bit-by-bit via my Blog for all of you to experience. Antares is found within the greater star system of Scorpius (often known as Scorpio). Please see the Star map for Antares above. Then, perhaps you can look up into the night sky to find Antares.* (Suzanne Lie speaks:) As I come towa...
Dream Big
Right now, the angels want you to think about that which you want more than anything in this world for you and your life. We don’t want you to say something like, “oh that is easy, to win the lotto” for while that very well may happen for you, it isn’t something you can take steps to make happen other than buying the ticket and getting in, buy that ticket if you are so inclined or feel the urge, we are talking about what is that dream deep in your heart for you and your life. You can say ...
The Great Journey to Earth!
Humanity's Healing Crisis
I was working with my spirit team recently and they shared with me that many of us are in a healing crisis right now. A Healing crisis is a term used when someone begins to address their hurts and trauma and this attention brings about a triggering of more to be healed. This is because the healing begins to expose what has long been hidden, not understood, or shoved away. It can feel quite brutal and at this point some back away from further healing. Others, however double down and see all that is arising as a gift....
The Dismantling of the Old
I woke this morning with a strange dream, in which I was driving a car in a big city and with me was an ex colleague of mine, whom I have not seen or had contact with for years. I parked the car in the street and left her in the car. I then entered a huge building, and did something there. Yet, when I wanted to return to my car, the car and passenger had vanished. I was wondering why I could not find the car nor her. I seldomly remember my dreams, and when I do I pay attention. I then asked for Divine Guidance and the...
Walking Pain
If pain for peace prepares…~Emily Dickinson ~ In my opinion, I shouldn’t have pain. Or at least, I shouldn’t have pain anymore. I’m speaking of physical pain. The ouch kind. As in, take a step, OUCH. Repeat repeat repeat. That walking pain gets old after a month, a year, several years. I can’t pinpoint the exact day it started. Somewhere between 2014 and 2015. No particular injury occurred; it just got worse until I decided investigation would be prudent. The orthopedist, a personable guy who reminds me of “young Dr. Jesse” from ...
What We've Always been Seeking and Never Acknowledged
I’m wrestling with problems of global discourse. Why? I believe I’m being guided in that direction. It arose because I was contemplating evil – pedophilia, adrenochrome, child sacrifice…. Nice things to be thinking about at 5 am. To make a long story short, I came to see at a deeper and deeper level that I cannot know evil in another unless I also have it in myself. Let me take an everyday example. If I were to call someone nasty, I’d have to know “nasty” to know what nasty was. Otherwise, literal...



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