For those who don’t give up, work on selves, and are up to speed… On the eve of Christmas, we received a wonderful gift: Co-Creators activate all levels of our consciousness, as well as dormant or previously blocked DNA strands. How do we sense it?
1. Sleep disturbances, sudden awakenings in the middle of the night, insomnia. Give up the manic desire for enough sleep. The more we try to do this, the more exhausted we’ll feel. Use moments of insomnia for meditation. If it becomes really hard, ask own “Higher Self” for a break and deep, healing sleep.
2. Anxiety and feeling of foreboding.
3. Heat in the feet.
4. Tiredness and fatigue in the morning and throughout the day.
5. Activities in the crown chakra area: buzzing, ringing, vibrations, pressure, tingling… Don’t worry, we are simply opening selves up to high freqs’ energies.
6. Feelings that something is crawling up and down our skull and spine. No need to worry, this iss elevated vibes’ touches.
7. Unexplained sudden bouts of depression. Our heart chakra is being cleansed.
8. Unreasonable nervous breakdowns or a surge of happiness are also a cleaning up of the heart chakra, which activates and forces us to cut off all negative relationships and remove from our lives everything that does not match our rising vibrations.
9. Constant occurrences of events that upset us or the appearance of people who cause us irritation, or situations and relationships that drag us down. Accept and work them through with gratitude, and let them go forever.
10. Weight loss or gain. That way, all our fears are coming to the surface and we need to get rid of them, but unconsciously, we try to fight them by attacking food. Or, vice versa, lose interest in food and it becomes unpleasant for us. The advice is simple – fill the food with love every time we eat. Consciously say that this food will serve our Spiritual growth and not just satisfy hunger. Listen to self and our body will tell what food is right for us.
11. The general attitude towards food is changing a lot. Sometimes, there is a feeling that we don’t need coarse physical stuff to maintain our bodies. There is only one piece of advice: listen to self, not “well-meaning” people or doctors.
12. Loss of sharpness and blurred vision.
13. We see small, shining particles in the air and the aura around plants and animals. Some things look transparent. We often see rainbows in the sky and in unexpected places.
14. When we close our eyes, we don’t see darkness but light.
15. Also, when our eyes are closed, we see geometric shapes, colors and beautiful pictures.
16. The colors of the world around us are becoming more vibrant and saturated.
17. Objects that were previously invisible begin to take shape and become visible. This is the feature of another dimension, the veil between densities becomes thinner, helping our observation.
18. In the twilight, with our peripheral vision, we notice white silhouettes – these are our Guides. Don’t be alarmed.
19. Increased or decreased hearing. Constant tinnitus, clicks, ringing, squeaks, buzzes, the sound of falling water. Sometimes we have difficulty understanding what others say, as if we had forgotten our native language. We hear strange voices in our dreams. Don’t fear, listen consciously to everything we hear.
20. Taste enhancement. Now we are keenly aware of harmful food additives in our products, and this is very unpleasant. Some meals taste incredibly delicious.
21. Scent gets stronger. At times, we even smell flowers that are not near us.
22. Skin rashes, allergies. New energy squeezes out toxins from our bodies, which come out through pores. These are also suppressed emotions that we need to work through and release.
23. Moments of hyperactivity, when we want to jump out of bed and rush somewhere or to do something immediately.
24. Apathy and fatigue are usually caused by deep transformations taking place within us. Don’t lose heart, calmly regain own strength and accept changes with gratitude.
25. Difficulty in focusing during meditation or prayer, they become shorter. This means our contact with the Source became more complete, so we can now commune with One on a daily basis, not just through Spiritual practices.
26. Brief and powerful bursts of energy flowing from head to toe like a shock. Sometimes they cause discomfort or intense chills. Don’t be afraid: this is how high frequency energy flows into us, and we should welcome it with gratitude.
27. Headaches, neck and back pain, as well as flu and cold symptoms.
28. Digestive issues.
29. Muscle cramps and spasms.
30. Rapid heartbeat, chest discomfort.
31. Changes in libido.
32. Tingling or pain in extremities.
33. Unintentional muscle contractions.
34. Appearance changes. We started looking younger. This indicates an increase in our vibrations.
35. Vivid dreams. It feels like these messages are meant for us. We have to remember them as they are sent us to learn.
36. Desire for solitude, loss of interest in social activities and entertainment.
37. Wants to break free and burn all bridges, or get rid of old things we once liked so much – clothes, furniture and anything else – and even set them all on fire. It’s how we get rid of everything that holds us back internally.
38. We become increasingly annoyed by “empty” conversations and hollow communication on socials, and an urgent wish to delete our accounts from all sites. This is how our Higher Self telling us to focus on selves and the changes taking place.
39. Wonderful images and creative ideas come to us. Write them down. The Higher Self reveals our purpose and how we can help heal the planet.
40. The feeling that time is speeding up, increased concentration on the present.
41. Constant feeling that something big is about to occur. Calm down, and remember that it will only happen when we’re ready. Impatience is a sign of distrust in our Higher Self.
42. The feeling that we are not the same as we were before, that our lives have changed completely. We have become more open and honest with ourselves and others. We say “no” freely to what we don’t like and “yes” to what we really desire. There is nothing to hide.
43. We feel a close connection with Earth and Nature, and easier stand the change of seasons and weather.
44. Computers, radios, phones, household appliances and machines may break down in our presence, but that’s okay.
45. Everything is going well in our lives. Everyday we see little miracles. That’s a sign we’re on the right track. Conversely, when we stray from it, things get difficult. But that’s also a sign.
46. An irresistible urge to find our half. Now, more than ever we need Soul and Spiritual support from someone we love, who fully understands us.
47. Accelerated hair and nail growth.
48. Dizziness, falls, bruises and fractures. This means we are not earthed. We need to work out some event or life situation, get rid of anything superfluous. Be grounded by standing and walking barefoot on the soil, be in Nature and take baths more often. Stay in the present moment, carefully monitoring emerging emotions, listening to self.
49. Never passing desire to get home, a feeling that nobody around understands us. Don’t worry. It’s normal in these circumstances. We’re not alone, and there are millions of people that feel the same. Listen to own body and Soul, and they’ll suggest a solution. This is how new strands of DNA are activated. Take it consciously and kindly. We become who we truly are. It’s a miracle to come home. And in order not to get lost again, remember what our ego and Soul are.
The ego is a self-created version that focuses on the past and future, fearing, distrusting and doubting. It serves only itself, concentrating on the outer world and always feeling dissatisfied, perceiving life as a competition for prizes, with an eternal feeling of lack, dreaming of wisdom, sensing its own mortality and separation. The ego is me.
The Soul is an authentic self, free from conditioning and devoid of labels, focusing on here and now, based on love, serving others, concentrating inward, accepting and forgiving, striving for the Source, taking life as a gift, enjoying the journey, feeling inner wealth and wisdom, knowing that it is immortal and aware of its own unity. The Soul is us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!