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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Recuperação de ADN e reconexão Interdimensional

Por Natalia Alba

Tradução a 31 de janeiro de 2025
À medida que continuamos trabalhando na recuperação do ADN, reabilitando e reconectando nosso ADN e sua sabedoria, experimentaremos mais aceleração e integração, pois agora estamos prontos para incorporar frequências mais altas. À medida que continuamos a restaurar o nosso ADN ao seu funcionamento original, depois de termos muitos programas não benevolentes, inserções e outras formas de manipulação a governá-lo por muitas eras, podemos sentir uma libertação completa de muitos velhos hábitos, padrões e até mesmo mudanças repentinas de hábitos que nunca pensámos serem possíveis, porque agora estamos preparados para deixar o velho para trás e continuar a tornar-nos quem realmente somos, em essência.
A ascensão é precisamente trabalhar com os portais do nosso corpo e com o corpo humano, despertando-o do esquecimento, para que a nossa consciência possa manobrar através do tempo e do espaço, e é por isso que é fundamental restaurar os nossos códigos de tempo de ADN em cada cadeia, ou pelo menos na primeira sétima, para que a nossa consciência possa viajar livremente através de, trazendo a informação, códigos de luz ou outras transmissões importantes necessárias para ajudar, no nível a que estamos destinados. Isto é o que muitos de vocês fazem, comunicar às suas dimensões originais como âncoras da sexta e sétima dimensões na Terra.
Muitos de vocês estão agora passando por um processo de reconexão interdimensional com as muitas linhas do tempo que existem e com os muitos seres/formas e forças da criação que nos auxiliam em nossa atual transição planetária. Quando curamos e restauramos nosso DNA, e os tecidos e grades de nossa terra experimentaram uma abertura significativa, nosso DNA agora pode integrar frequências mais altas dos mundos divinos, transcendendo as falsas conexões astrais e incorporando mais luz, sabedoria e poder.
É por isso que é tão importante começar a reconexão nosso ADN, bem como nosso ADN pequenas antenas ou transmissores abertos, para que possamos receber a luz divina e decodificá-la.
É então que os nossos sentidos intuitivos começam a recalibrar, recuperando também o seu funcionamento original, pois nunca fomos feitos para nos desligarmos de quem somos. No entanto, não há nada ou nada para culpar, pois nos foi dado o poder de reconstruir todo o seu modelo e recuperar nossas memórias e missão.
Quando assumimos total responsabilidade e paramos de culpar os outros ou as circunstâncias e nos concentramos no que podemos mudar, e isso é apenas nós mesmos e nossos corpos, tudo começa a mudar, alinhar-se e manifestar-se em perfeita ressonância com quem somos e o que desejamos, pois agora estamos libertando os véus que carregamos por tanto tempo, abrindo-nos para receber.
Muitos de vocês estão agora sendo ativados, graças ao seu trabalho interior, Movendo-se para uma nova banda de Frequência da criação, deixando o plano astral e movendo-se para os da quinta e sexta dimensões e, como consequência disso, estarão recuperando muitas habilidades sensoriais, como:
Telepatia, telempática, memória fotográfica, transmissões futuras, que muitas vezes vêm de suas visões paralelas ou qualquer coisa que você possa receber que o ajude a mudar seu presente e, portanto, uma linha do tempo futura por algum motivo. Outros despertarão para suas habilidades de clariaudiência, clarissenciência e claircognizância, que surgem frequentemente quando vocês despertaram sua multidimensionalidade e trabalham na ascensão física, pois abrir nossos portais de ADN e corpo é essencial.
Não importa o que v ocê está a despertar ou a lembrar, a forma mais clara de orientação é através dos sentimentos, e todos nós podemos abraçar nossos sentimentos, desapegando-nos da mente, para saber o que sentimos, recebemos e o que nos beneficia e não de todo.
Todos vocês são preciosos emissários e canalizadores divinos e todos vocês têm habilidades únicas. Como sempre digo, Deus não se repete na criação; ele é infinito, e tu também.
Ama-te a ti próprio. Confia em ti mesmo e em Deus através de ti. Continua a fazer teu trabalho no físico. Não te compares a mais ninguém. Ser quem és, pois é no ser que conhecerá tua singularidade e talentos.
Dentro do Amor Infinito,

Natália Alba


 * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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New Earth Manifestation

By Judith Kusel

Posted on January 31, 2025


I am realizing that we have stepped into a totally new life in a much higher dimensional state and we now need to constantly aware what we think, what we say or write, or radiate out, and what we do, and how we do it, or do not do it.
I was really challenged at the beginning of this week, as I was informed of things which would happen this month, which would literally push me totally out of my comfort zones. It basically meant that of all the intense noise of jackhammers above my home (they are the worst things mankind ever invented for it is not just the noise but the terrible vibrations). So I need a temporary place to work from during the day.
I am firstly on this planet to render loving service and this I affirm every single day, and this is not just applicable to me, but to every single one of you. Now what to do. I have a very full schedule and already fully booked for months ahead.
I purposefully that night, decided to put this to the Divine, and my whole Ascended Master teams, plus Archangels etc. and then was told to get specific. Where would I truly love to work, (environment, place, etc.) away from my home. I went deeply into my soul and then started getting very specific and even envisioning what it would look like, being like, and even being able to be near water, where I can see and hear the birds, with trees, etc. Then I released it, with the words, “Or something even better and more amazing than this.”
The latter is something that an Australian friend taught me, who belonged to Bahar faith, and it has been a tool I have been using since then.
For I have learned that we so often LIMIT ourselves with our own beliefs of what is possible and what is impossible, yet the Universe is limitless. And the Divine wishes to bestow upon us so much more than we could even imagine at this time, of new birth, rebirth and transfiguration!
We need to get past our own limitations, in thinking, in believing, and in stepping with faith into the totally unknown.
The first place was a no go, I looked into. And when I went on Google, because it is still peak holiday here until April and summer, it seemed quite a task. I was too exhausted yesterday at the end of the day, even to try. Again, I left it in higher hands and surrendered.
This morning the most perfect place has manifested, exactly as I had envisioned it, and even better than I could ever have imagined and with the help of my dearly appreciated Secretary, and with the help of my cosmic teams. It is truly a Miracle! I am so grateful!
To me this was another lesson that we now need to truly allow the unfolding of a totally new and much higher way of life, without tripping ourselves up in the process.
There are no limitations anymore of what is possible and what is impossible!
And more than this, the Divine and the whole cosmic teams are now asking us to transcend the old and to step into the totally new, unexplored, unchartered, yet familiar to our souls and far better than anything we could ever imagine right now!
So remember when you wish to manifest or pray for something to always add: “And something even better and more amazing than this, in the highest and best ways for all concerned.”
Then release it all in higher hands.
Divine Will and my Will are One and the Same.

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Do You Need Religious Rules to Make Right Choices?

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 31, 2025

Credits: Reddit
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We are not here to tell you what to do and what not to do. You get that from a religion. A religion will give you a list of do’s and don’ts, and then the people following that religion can either adhere to that list or deviate from it when they feel they must or they want to, and they will believe that there are consequences for doing so. But we are here to tell you that you have the answers within you and that you will know what to do by how you feel and what not to do by how you feel as well.
We are always seeking to direct you back inward and to pay attention to the feelings, the thoughts, the physical reactions in your bodies. We know that you have to be flexible and that you have to take lots of things into consideration when making any decision about your lives. We know that life is not as simple as just giving you a list of do’s and don’ts, and we respect you, your free will, your right to choose, and your sovereignty.
When you are feeling that you just want to be told what to do and what not to do by a higher power, by someone outside of yourself like an authority figure, then you know you are feeling out of touch with your internal guidance, and you probably just need to go and meditate, or you can go sit in nature at the top of a hill, or under a tree, or by the ocean. You don’t have to give your power away to anyone who tells you that they know what is best for you.
Now, you can take advice from someone that you deem to be wise or very informed, but you always have to determine for yourself how that advice feels, whether it resonates or not. And this is an ongoing process for every single one of you, because you’re always going to be faced with more and more choices in your lives. Dilemmas will come up. Issues will arise. And sometimes challenges will come at the most unexpected of times.
You also need to understand that with every decision point that’s in front of you, there’s a purpose for it being there. The perplexing choice that’s in front of you is not just there to get you into a state of confusion or frustration. You create your reality, and so you put it there because you, at the soul level, knew that facing that decision would help you to grow spiritually. That’s why everything is in your life as it is. The less you resist the difficult decision that’s in front of you, the easier it will be for you to relax into discovering its purpose for you. There will always be a purpose for you.
And everything is meant to serve you, as the person who is on a journey back home to Source. Now, the person that just wants everything to go smoothly all the time and wants to have only pleasant interactions with other people, and a nice big house, and a nice neighborhood, and lots of money in the bank, and a fancy car doesn’t always get what they want. Sometimes, that person that you can be pretending to be in any given moment will actually get something better than what they originally wanted. And usually, the person who is operating from more of an egoic state of being will have to go through the growth experience first.
By and large, you don’t like going through the growth experience, but you like the end result of the growth experience. Now, we will return to where this transmission began and let you know that you are meant to create these challenges for yourselves so that you have to make a decision. It is much more important that you make the decision and take the growth experience than that you have a set of rules from the correct rules givers.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on January 31, 2025
It is time, once again, to settle into your safe space and prepare for new changes. 
Practicing self-care, treating yourself (and those around you) with kindness and compassion will be the gentlest way to move through this. You have been given the tools, skills and wisdom, as well as the experience of doing this many times before. 
Move easily and peacefully into tomorrow, dear one, knowing you are protected by The Universe. 

The Creator


Credits to: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Storybook of You

Ophelius is the Teacher

Received by Chris Maurus

Posted on January 31, 2025

Asheville, NC, USA, October 11, 2015
Teacher Ophelius: “In many of your lessons, thus far, and from the lips of many teachers, you have heard it said that it is better to live in the ‘now moment’ than to live in the past or future. What exactly is meant by this statement? Can you live in the now moment without reminiscing about your past or ever having a thought about the future? Let’s examine this ‘now moment’ and try to understand what it is to live in it, for many are puzzled by these statements and wish to have a clearer understanding of the deeper meanings behind these popular phrases.
Before we can understand the present, we must look at the dimension of time and what time actually accomplishes in the greater scheme of universe realities. Time is a like a storybook and each page represents a succession of ‘now moments’ as they have occurred, are now occurring, and may be occurring in the future. The ‘present’ is like being in the middle of the story — the page you have read up to and continue to read as you go is — the ongoing experience of reading. This is the place in time that occupies your attention and the present awareness of your life. What you think, feel and do writes the pages in history going backward in the book. Going forward, looking into the pages at the back of the book is the future. To skip forward is to read into the potentials of what ‘may be’ according to your sphere of influence and your awareness of the collective experiences of yourself and others living together on a world in time and space. Your idea of this future is quite different from others depending on where you are on the planet and what your daily experiences are.
Your beliefs, assumptions, and conditioning shape who you are now. They have a direct influence on the life you may have in the future. To truly live in the ‘now moment’ is to have some cognizance of the overall picture of your life, which includes the failures of your past and your hopes for a brighter future. Those who are said to be living in the past are those who see themselves as having already lived the greatest moments of their life with little hope for a future that can bring a greater joy and understanding than what has been. They have effectively stopped reading the storybook and are constantly re-reading only the parts of the book that give them comfort. They are not living in the now moment. In constrast, those who live in the future are living in the hope for a better tomorrow, which in and of itself is not necessarily detrimental, except that it places all values of life on unrealized potentials and completely ignores the present moment, which is vital to bringing those potentials into manifestation. The reader again has stopped reading the storybook and has chosen to skip ahead, yet finds that the pages are blank because they are doing nothing in the present to manifest the words on the pages of the future.
To live wholly in the present means that you are aware of your past failures and triumphs and see them as teaching moments — stepping stones — as a means to move from the imperfections of the past to a more mature, loving state of being in the present. ‘If I had not had those experiences at that time, I would not be in this better place today.’ Moreover, future hopes drive the present in a way that keeps you moving toward that future. ‘If I hope to accomplish this dream of being a _______, then I must start doing ______ today.’ This realization of sequence, ‘cause and effect,’ must be present in your mind at all times. When you are doing those things that will shape your future toward those potentials that you idealize, then are you co-creating and writing the present pages of the storybook. You are now confident that when you turn the page, there will be something there to read — not a blank page.
The most important part about living in the now moment is your awareness that the Creator, the Father’s presence — the I AM, lives in your mind and is guiding and coordinating your life experiences in a way that lets you be the driver. Yet He is always steering you toward those experiences that will bring you to a greater awareness and understanding of your real-self (I AM) where you can idealize the inherent potential that God sees in you from a place outside of time and space. The Father’s presence places the seed idea in your mind and then leads you to water. You must draw the water from the well and nourish that seed to discover what fruit it will bear. Living in cooperation with the I AM means you are co-writing the storybook from the seat of the soul. Having the assurance of this divine partnership means you are ever confident that as you turn the page, the story gets more interesting and exciting and you realize (ah-ha) that you are the main character ‘living it.’
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009. 



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Nasce o Amoroso

Mensagem de Jesus

(Issa, Yeshua)

Canal: Jahn J Kassl

Tradução a 31 de janeiro de 2025

Deus é o pilar da sua vida. Deus é tudo o que precisa para tornar sua vida um sucesso e chegar à luz. Deus é a verdade e o caminho, o amor e a liberdade, a vida e a meta. Você, como ser humano, está entrelaçado nesta divindade, invisivelmente incorporado, de modo que não tem que sofrer por falta, mas pode se banhar em abundância.
Pessoa amada,
Eu sou JESUS Cristo,
Estou agora convosco, com a minha luz, com o meu amor e no poder do Deus vivo, que opera em nós, através de nós e connosco:
* Chegou o momento em que você deve e pode dominar sua vida.
* Chegou a hora que abre todas as portas do conhecimento para si.
 Chegou o momento em que a verdadeira natureza da vida, o essencial, vos é revelado e vos completa como ser humano que chegou na glória de Deus.
Hoje estamos no ápice da Ascensão, o ponto em que o trigo é separado do joio, onde o tempo cria novas linhas do tempo e, desta forma, os mundos se separam. Onde alguns vão, outros não podem estar – e onde outros estão, lá os Ascendidos vêm voltar-se para os irmãos e irmãs deixados para trás, como uma mãe e um pai voltam-se para os seus filhos com todo o seu amor.
status quo
E, verdadeiramente, o que está a acontecer na terra e a espalhar-se na escuridão deve-se ao facto de os líderes estrangeiros com corações feridos e conflitos internos não resolvidos terem ganho poder terreno. Tornar este mundo um lugar de paz, harmonia e unidade ou tornar o mundo um lugar de ódio, discórdia ou separação é a escolha que se dá a uma pessoa quando ela assume posições de responsabilidade.
Esta escolha foi feita por muitos dos actores actuais a favor da divisão e decidida no interesse da retenção destrutiva do poder.
Os resultados estão a tornar-se muito claros. Tudo o que é saudável, sadiol, nutritivo, gratificante e faz feliz o coração das pessoas está a ser sabotado a todos os níveis. Em troca, tudo está sendo fornecido para alienar as pessoas de si mesmas, para removê-las de sua bússola interna e para bloquear a conexão com sua própria alma. Este é o estado actual dum mundo dedicado à Ascensão e ao Estatuto da humanidade, que se encontra no meio do processo de elevação.
Então, como podem ambos existir lado a lado? Como é possível que o mal, o mal, viva ao lado do bem e da luz?
Como pode a ascensão de que se fala em muitos lugares ser alcançada quando o mundo parece aproximar-se dum abismo a cada dia que passa? Digo-vos: é precisamente por isso que é possível e precisamente por isso que pode acontecer! Porque toda a infâmia que vem de certas entidades é o sinal de que as mudanças mundiais estão em andamento, o sinal de que as pessoas estão a erguer-se num acto de domínio.
ataques gerais
Qualquer mal que exista neste mundo não pode existir no mundo brilhante. Isso dá a todas as pessoas a oportunidade de decidir para onde a sua viagem As levará, para onde o seu coração as Move e para onde o chamado da sua alma as leva.
Manter o maior número possível de pessoas presas durante este tempo e mantê-las disponíveis para os seus próprios fins é o objectivo das Entidades das Trevas, uma exigência que são cada vez menos capazes de cumprir nesta Terra a cada dia que passa.
Daí o seu desespero, daí os ataques generalizados, que se expressam em exigências cada vez mais duras contra o povo e em ataques cada vez mais óbvios a todos os níveis.
Chegou agora o momento decisivo em que a luz atravessa a escuridão! Isso cria a dinâmica atual no processo de ascensão, o processo em que o ser humano individual reivindica seu próprio poder e em que a humanidade como um todo se liberta de sua impotência auto-imposta ou externamente determinada. Ao mesmo tempo, vocês estão a ser sintonizados com um novo nível de consciência e alinhados com a nova energia duma vida em abundância divina.
Este acontecimento planetário e cósmico do despertar da humanidade requer a interacção do céu e da terra, dos poderes angélicos e dos tronos angélicos, dos Mestres Ascensos e de vós humanos – de vós, pessoas que estais dispostas a opor-vos às forças da luz fria, respondendo às suas acções de forma pacífica e decidida.
O vosso confiante não pode ser ouvido em toda a criação! Ele permite que os governantes da luz fria saibam o que eles se deixaram entrar e o que agora está reservado para eles. Tornastes-vos activos com pleno empenho, muitas vezes da vossa vida. Tomastes o destino nas vossas próprias mãos e começastes a preparar o caminho para a luz, a paz e a unidade para todos os povos.
Porque é isso que é necessário neste momento decisivo: pessoas determinadas, corajosas e sem medo que reconheçam nas sombrias perspectivas futuras de uma nova ordem mundial a oportunidade para o seu próprio crescimento e percebam nela a oportunidade para a libertação de toda a humanidade.
Para onde vais, meu?
Hoje, tudo está sujeito a esta dinâmica; cada decisão tem a marca do vosso destino escolhido. Nada é deixado ao acaso ou à arbitrariedade. Oportunidades são oferecidas, a luz ilumina a escuridão e a clareza é dada.
Agora, tudo o que precisa é de si e de uma única decisão: para onde vai, humano?
À luz do amor de Deus – ou sente-se tão atraído pelos jogos dos velhos tempos que não quer perder estas experiências ou lamentar as aventuras perdidas?
O que já viveu e o que ainda quer experimentar? Tudo é decidido com base na sua escolha! Este é o ponto em que todas as pessoas se encontram hoje e a partir do qual se dirigem para o seu futuro auto-escolhido.
A escolha é: dominar este tempo com Deus e renascer na luz, ou mergulhar no tempo ímpio. Em ambos os sentidos, os destinos das pessoas serão cumpridos nos próximos meses e anos – auto-escolhidos e autodeterminados.
Quão livres somos realmente?
JJK: estamos a viver uma grande manipulação e ataques fisiológicos, electromagnéticos, psicológicos ou mentais no corpo e na mente das pessoas. Uma pessoa pode realmente decidir livremente nessas circunstâncias e fazer essa escolha com confiança?
JESUS Cristo: o homem é sempre absolutamente livre nesta decisão! A decisão pela luz e pela liberdade do Espírito é tomada muito antes duma pessoa se tornar um objeto manipulável de segundo e terceiro lugar. Esta decisão está registada na assinatura da alma e obedece a este plano da alma.
Uma pessoa que escolheu isso para si mesma não pode ser tomada pelas forças da luz fria.
É claro que seu corpo pode sofrer danos, mas sua alma permanece intocada por todos os ataques e feridas. Quem toma uma decisão divina recebe a proteção de Deus-irrestrita e absoluta.
JJK: isso significa que tudo já está predeterminado?
Jesus Cristo: auto-escolhido e auto-determinado - a alma responde assim que a vida levanta questões e a pessoa se depara com bifurcações específicas na estrada.
 JJK: um ser humano pode corrigir um plano original?
Jesus Cristo: desviar-se do projecto é possível em qualquer direcção! O livre-arbítrio permite a cada pessoa moldar a sua vida de uma forma que se desvia da Providência, um facto que tem hoje um efeito luminoso sobre muitas pessoas, à medida que as pessoas expandem e enriquecem o seu plano de alma com decisões imprevisíveis.
O chamado de despertar de Deus para a ascensão soou e está a ser ouvido por mais e mais pessoas.
É assim que os ascendentes não são afectados pelos avanços tecnológicos específicos que limitam a liberdade do espírito humano, enquanto aqueles que permanecem no jogo desta linha do tempo são arrastados pela tempestade. Torna-se muito claro que escolhas o homem fez, para onde dirige a sua atenção e o que determina o seu futuro.
O que há muito foi anunciado está agora a acontecer: a transformação dos que estão prontos para a transformação e o amadurecimento dos imaturos na penumbra do mundo entre privações.
As pessoas estão a afastar-se internamente; aqueles que podem viver em unidade e paz entraram no Reino da paz interior e se comprometeram com sua própria cura.
Quem não reconhece essa necessidade, que não tem o desejo dela, ou que é alheio ao anseio de Deus, move-se no tempo na sua própria órbita e espera outra oportunidade para ascender.
A nova humanidade baseia-se no fundamento saudável de decisões claras da alma. Alguns estão na sua existência mestra e outros estão a tentar dominar a sua existência. Deixe o amor crescer, alimente o que você é, para que possa viver em liberdade. 
Os verdadeiros saltos de consciência estão a acontecer, os mestres entre vós estão a despertar e torna-se cada vez mais impossível enganar as pessoas. É por isso que os vários movimentos de Verdade, Liberdade e paz em todo o mundo estão a crescer em força e importância. Novas almas mestras estão a entrar em cena e aos olhos do público. E tu?
existência mestra
A cada dia que passa, torna-se mais consciente de que tudo tem a ver contigo.
Tem influência, tem poder, tem a força não só para viver a sua vida, mas também para afirmar o seu SIM ou o seu não! O trabalho de transformação do passado está a ter um efeito e está a aumentar a sua nova autoconfiança. Ancorada em Deus, ligada aos poderes celestes, nasceu uma nova presença.
Que ainda está à espera de uma revolução quando se revoltou com sucesso contra a sua resistência interior:
* Não confia mais em ninguém porque está ciente de seu próprio poder.
* Não quer mais mudar nada porque mudou.
• O mundo não precisa mais de si e você não precisa mais do mundo.
Agora, um novo poder, uma nova energia, uma nova consciência emana de vocês! O que o mundo ainda pode fazer consigo - despertado na existência do mestre?
JJK: agora, enquanto escrevo, sinto esta nova energia de que está a falar – é pura liberdade e um estado livre do medo. Estou inundado de energia…
JESUS Cristo: a todas as pessoas que escolheram o caminho luminoso do amor de Deus, a todos os que se levantam, é agora concedida a graça de receber esta nova energia de liberdade e de libertação do medo.
Este é o dom do céu para que o vosso desapego desta falsa matriz possa ser alcançado sem problemas.
Agora precisa de força, coragem e libertado do medo para poder escolher livremente.
Nesta mensagem, a energia é transmitida a si para que possa entrar num nível completamente novo de autoconsciência e experimentar a si mesmo como um mestre no meio da vida cotidiana.
Porque o que decide o jogo não são os ataques maciços das forças das trevas, mas o comportamento poderoso das pessoas que tomaram consciência do seu próprio poder. Satanás não terá mais poder sobre si, porque o que o mundo a seus pés significa para si se pode possuir Deus?
Tome a sua posição!
Dominar sua vida descreve o momento em que se levanta como uma pessoa desperta e participa ativamente da mudança. É o dia em que assumis a vossa posição, aceitais as vossas ordens e não vos permitais ser dissuadidos pelo mundo ou pelas pessoas nos vossos esforços para as pôr em prática.
Que liberdade escolhes? A liberdade de circular pela gruta sem correntes, ou a liberdade de sair da gruta e entrar na luz.
Os primeiros efeitos destas decisões são hoje visíveis. Fenômenos que estão a ocorrer:
* Sente-se como um estranho nesta terra.
* Às vezes as pessoas não te percebem, como se fosse invisível.
* Sente uma profunda paz interior, uma felicidade, enquanto a tempestade do tempo se enfurece lá fora.
* Sente-se deslocado, às vezes negligencia escadas ou solavancos na estrada.
* Tende a esquecer as coisas e misturar seus dias. Seu senso de tempo muda porque sua consciência está num nível diferente.
*Percebe as pessoas em sua vibração, seu carisma e presta cada vez menos atenção ao que elas dizem.
*Tem a profunda certeza interior de que tudo vai dar certo.
* Não pode mais meditar, mas o dia inteiro se torna meditação.
* Alguns dias pode mover montanhas, outros dias sente-se vulnerável como uma borboleta.
São fenómenos que indicam que já percorreu um longo caminho e que ainda tem um longo caminho a percorrer.
Nesta hora da Graça de Deus queremos dedicar-nos com todas as nossas almas a este último trecho do caminho.
Dominar este trecho final da jornada envolve:
É dado!
Como é alcançada a confiança incondicional em Deus?
Amado, é dado…
E este dom flui agora para ti, atinge o teu coração e abre a tua alma…
Diga, assim:
Eu, (diga o seu nome aqui),
pausa …
Como alcançar a autoconfiança incondicional?
Amado, é dado…
Diga, assim:
Eu, (diga o seu nome aqui),
Como o amor incondicional é alcançado?
Amado, é dado.
Diga, assim:
E, (diga o seu nome aqui),
pausa …
pausa …
Tudo o que funciona é feito pela graça de Deus. Sua parte é provar-se digno da Graça de Deus. Quando é digno? Assim que queimardes as vossas paredes interiores, abandonardes a vossa ignorância de Deus e abrireis a vossa alma à luz do amor de Deus.
Então todas as curas virão ao seu coração e você voará tão alto quanto sua alma pode levá-lo. Então estareis prontos para a graça de Deus e eu vos digo: muitos estão prontos e isso acontece sem que o saibam.
Verdadeiramente: o curado não precisa de curador e o redimido não precisa de Redentor – nasce o amante!
No amor infinito

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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The Lunar New Year

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on January 31, 2025


Each year there is a “Lunar New Year” which begins at the time when the New Moon is closest to the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.

Today, Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, is the “Lunar New Year of the Snake”.

Each new year is represented by a specific animal.

The symbolism of the snake is calmness and introspection.

Some people celebrate the “Lunar New Year” for three days and some for longer periods of time. However, everyone in the Asian nations are most festive on the first day, and many other nationalities around the world enjoy celebrating too.

The actions that are taught to do are to clean the house the day before which includes washing any laundry, preparing red envelopes with money in them to be given to children and teenagers, decorating the house with colorful lanterns, and making sure that sweet smells are in the house coming from either incense or hot water on the stove into which has been placed cinnamon and nutmeg.

The main color worn is red which symbolizes love, good luck, and wealth.

Those persons with a fire place light it to represent transformational energy and loving warmth.

On the evening before or on the evening of the “Lunar New Year”, people set-off fireworks.

Color wise, in Bharata (India), brides wear red on their wedding day.

The symbolism of the color red is very interesting when in most of the Western world, being “in the red” is when finances are low while being “in the black” is when finances are good.

A red traffic light indicates “Stop!” for a driver or a pedestrian. Thus, every nation has its own belief system relative to color energy.

Scientifically, certain colors hold various chemical contents.

For example, red vibrates to antimony, cadmium, hydrogen, manganese, potassium, radon, gallium, krypton, neon, and yttrium.

Orange contains boron, calcium, copper, helium, selenium, silicon, xenon, and aluminum. Thus, when we wear or eat particular foods, we are receiving certain chemical components.

Further information on colors known as “Chromotherapy” (the science of how colors increase our health and assist in the re-programming of DNA) can be found in the research of Dr. Marcella Von Harting and Dr. G.I. Bergstrom who authored the text entitled CHRONOBIOTIC NUTRITION.

The “Lunar New Year” is a specific time when particular nationalities are celebrative, but it is actually a major point in the cosmos to which all people can relate.

A “New Moon” pulls upon the Earth just as a “Full Moon” does, although a “Full Moon” has a greater pull.

During a “New Moon” is the time to write-out your needs and desires for the next thirty days, but a “Lunar New Year Moon” is when an entire year can be focused upon — from now until about this time next year.

So, if you did not do so last night, spend some time today “planting” your “seeds” in writing for the next year.

Do this not just for yourself but for the entire planet. Consider giving a special gift to someone today, wearing some red, and having a special festive meal.

Our Moon in Tropical Aquarius is in alignment with our Sun in Aquarius and Pluto in Aquarius — quite a line-up by sign.

Also, the hole in our Sun’s corona earlier reported has enlarged and is directly facing Earth, and its energy is expected to launch-off with geomagnetic storming due to large flares, increased solar winds, and CMEs by January 31st or February 1st.

The cosmos is non-stop in its messages. As humanity elevates in awareness, the messages will be understood more readily.

As of today, dense proton plasma is pressing into the planetary magnetosphere; there was an “M.2-Class” solar flare last evening (EST) and a low “C.2-Class” flare early this morning.

Thus far, solar winds are slightly above 350 km/s and are thus in normal ranges.

As has been often expressed, we are in a roller coaster ride in terms of cosmic energetics.




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Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Accelerate into Rapid Transformation

The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

By Chellea Wilder

Posted on January 22, 2025



We are very grateful for this connection.

As you navigate the changes in your world, there’s a noticeable shift in energy urging you to participate in a transformative journey toward a new Earth. Now is the time to complete the tasks necessary for embracing your higher self. This process will help to accelerate your Ascension. Aligning with the light brings a rapid Transformation. It is as though all the puzzle pieces just fall into place.

With this powerful alignment, you will unlock a path to your spiritual attunement that invites you to actively engage in this sacred work.

Committing to the Light and divine plan opens a treasure trove of potential. Once setting the intention, you connect directly to the essence of creation. Which automatically invites help from celestial Families from the Higher Realms. By setting strong intentions, you play an essential role in the powerful work of the Light.

As you elevate your consciousness, it becomes easier to align with your higher self. While many feel that this is just a concept. It is a reality that brings Higher awareness, heightened insights and innovative solutions, from a much higher perspective.

During this transformational time, clarity emerges. You might find that old burdens feel lighter as you connect with the universe’s larger picture. Recognizing your role in these cosmic shifts can bolster your trust in the timing of your own journey.

Also remember to stay grounded amidst disclosures.

In these, your Now Moments, your world is experiencing the revelation of profound information that can stir a range of emotions. However, an elevated consciousness allows you to observe these events without becoming overwhelmed. Instead of reacting impulsively, you can remain centered, trusting that your alignment with the Light guides your way.

This mindset empowers you to take deliberate action with clarity and purpose.

As you progress on your spiritual path, nurturing higher frequencies becomes essential. Engage in practices that elevate your energy, such as meditation, spending time in nature, or journaling. These practices are invaluable tools that help you tune into the divine flow and stay connected to your higher self.

Prioritize self-care, ensuring your environment supports your spiritual goals. Surround yourself with uplifting influences, whether it’s through the company you keep, music that inspires you, or art that resonates with your aspirations. This commitment to maintaining a high vibrational state reinforces your journey.

Transitioning into this new paradigm may feel intimidating. However, trusting in the process is crucial. Every step you take serves a purpose, with every experience enhancing your understanding of your own light. Emotions of uncertainty can be navigated gracefully, knowing they contribute to the universe’s unfolding.

Stay open to the lessons that arise in your daily life. They will lead you to deeper awareness and opportunities that may have been hidden before. Realizing that you are not just the Observer, but a co-creator in this dynamic landscape empowers your spiritual evolution.

As you prepare to accelerate your spiritual ascension and connect with your higher self, remember this journey extends beyond the individual. Aligning with the Light amplifies your impact, fostering a collective transformation.

Reflect on what it truly means to embody your higher self. Make a conscious commitment to work in harmony with the energies around you. Let the emerging insights and inspirations guide your decisions. Recognize that you are positioned to help create a new Earth, and trust that the universe is actively supporting your ascension.

In these extraordinary times, the inner work you do matters. Each choice made from love and light contributes to a broader, enlightened Human collective consciousness. You are paving the way for a reality enriched with higher consciousness and joy.

With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.

Chellea Wilder


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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DNA Retrieval and Interdimensional Reconnection

By Natalia Alba

Posted on January 31, 2025

Beloved Ones,
As we continue working on DNA retrieval, rehabilitating and reconnecting our DNA, and its wisdom, we will experience more acceleration and integration, for we are now ready to embody higher frequencies. As we continue restoring our DNA to its original functioning, after having many non-benevolent programs, inserts, and other forms of manipulation governing it for many eons, we may feel a complete liberation from many old habits, patterns, and even sudden changes in habits we never thought possible, because we are now prepared to leave the old behind and continue becoming who we truly are, in essence.
Ascension is precisely about working with our body portals, and the human body, awakening it from oblivion, so our Consciousness can maneuver through time and space, which is why it is key to restore our DNA time codes in each strand, or at least in the first seventh ones, so our Consciousness can freely travel through the, bringing the information, light codes or other important transmissions required to assist, in the level we are meant to. This is what many of you do, to communicate to your original dimensions to be sixth and seventh-dimensional anchors on Earth.
Many of you are now undergoing a process of interdimensional reconnection with the many timelines that exist and with the many beings/Forms and Forces of Creation that assist us in our present planetary transition. When we heal and restore our DNA, and our earth’s fabrics and grids have experienced a significant opening, our DNA can now integrate higher frequencies from the God Worlds, transcending the astral false connections, and embodying more Light, Wisdom, and Power.
This is why it is so important to begin reconnection our DNA, as well as our DNA little antennas or transmitters open, so we can receive the Divine Light and decode it.
It is then when our intuitive senses start recalibrating, retrieving as well their original functioning, for we were never meant to be disconnected from who we are. However, there is nothing or anything to blame, for we were given the power to reconstruct your entire template and retrieve our memories and mission.
When we take full responsibility and stop blaming others or the circumstances and focus on what we can shift, and that is only ourselves and our bodies, everything starts changing, aligning, and manifesting in perfect resonance with who we are and what we wish, for we are now releasing the veils we carried for so long, opening ourselves to receive.
Many of you are now being activated, thanks to your inner work, moving into a new frequency band of Creation leaving the astral plane and moving into the fifth and sixth dimensional ones, and as a consequence of it, you will be retrieving many sensory abilities, such as:
Telepathy, telempathic, photographic memory, future transmissions, which often come from your parallel selves visions or anything you may be given that will help you shift your present and hence, a future timeline for some reason. Others will awake to their clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance abilities, which comes often when you have awakened your multidimensionality, and work on physical ascension, as opening our DNA and body portals is essential.
No matter what you are awakening or remembering, the clearest way of guidance is through feelings, and we all can embrace our feelings, detaching from the mind, to know what we feel, receive, and what benefits us and not at all.
You are all precious divine emissaries and channelers and you all have unique abilities. As I always say, God does not repeat Himself-Herself within Creation; He/She is infinite, and so are you.
Love yourself. Trust yourself and God through you. Continue doing your work in the physical. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Be who you are, for it is in BEing that you will know your uniqueness and talents.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Lover is Born

Jesus (Jeshua/Issa)

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight
Posted on January 31, 2025

GOD is the pillar of your life. GOD is everything you need to make your life a success and to arrive in the light. GOD is the truth and the way, love and freedom, life and the goal. You, as a human being, are woven into this divinity, invisibly embedded, so that you do not have to suffer from lack, but can bathe in abundance.

Beloved person,


I am with you now, with my light, with my love and in the power of the living GOD, who works in us, through us and with us:

• The time in which you should and can master your life has come.

• The time has come that opens all the gates of knowledge for you.

• The time has come when the true nature of life, the essential, is revealed to you and completes you as a human being who has arrived in GOD’S glory.

Today we are at the apex of the Ascension, the point where the wheat is separated from the chaff, where time creates new timelines and in this way the worlds separate. Where some go, others cannot be – and where others are, there the Ascended Ones come to turn to the brothers and sisters left behind, as a mother and father turn to their children with all their love.

status quo

And truly, what is currently happening on earth and spreading in darkness is due to the fact that foreign leaders with wounded hearts and unresolved inner conflicts have gained earthly power. Making this world a place of peace, harmony and unity or making the world a place of hatred, discord or separation is the choice that is given to a person when he or she rises to positions of responsibility.

This choice was made by many of today’s actors in favor of division and decided in the interests of destructive retention of power.

The results are becoming very clear. Everything that is healthy, wholesome, nourishing, fulfilling and makes people’s hearts happy is being sabotaged on all levels. In return, everything is being provided to alienate people from their selves, to remove them from their inner compass and to block the connection to their own soul. This is the current status of a world dedicated to ascension and the status of humanity, which is in the midst of the process of elevation.

So how can both exist side by side? How is it possible that the bad, the evil, lives next door to the good and the light?

How can the ascension that is being talked about in many places be achieved when the world seems to be moving closer to an abyss with each passing day? I tell you: this is precisely why it is possible and precisely why it can happen! Because all the infamy that comes from certain entities is the sign that world-shattering changes are underway, the signal that people are rising up in an act of mastery.

all-round attacks

Whatever evil exists in this world cannot exist in the bright world. This gives all people the opportunity to decide where their journey will take them, where their heart moves them and where the call of their soul takes them.

To keep as many people as possible imprisoned during this time and to keep them available for their own purposes is the aim of the dark entities, a demand that they are less and less able to fulfill on this earth with each passing day.

Hence their desperation, hence the all-out attacks, which are expressed in ever harsher demands on the people and in ever more obvious attacks on all levels.

The decisive moment when the light breaks through the darkness has now arrived! This creates the current dynamic in the ascension process, the process in which the individual human being claims his own power and in which humanity as a whole frees itself from its self-imposed or externally determined powerlessness. At the same time, you are being attuned to a new level of consciousness and aligned with the new energy of a life in divine abundance.

This planetary and cosmic event of the awakening of humanity requires the interaction of Heaven and Earth, of angelic powers and angelic thrones, of the Ascended Masters and of you humans –

of you people who are ready to oppose the forces of cold light by responding to their actions peacefully yet decisively.

Your confident NO can be heard throughout creation! It lets the rulers of the cold light know what they have let themselves in for and what is now in store for them. You have become active with full commitment, often of your life. You have taken destiny into your own hands and started to pave the way for light, peace and unity for all people.

Because that is what is needed at this turning point: determined, courageous and fear-free people who recognize in the bleak future prospects of a New World Order the opportunity for their own growth and perceive therein the chance for the liberation of all humanity.

Where are you going, man?

Today, everything is subject to this dynamic; every decision bears the stamp of your chosen destiny. Nothing is left to chance or arbitrariness. Opportunities are offered, light illuminates the darkness and clarity is given.

Now all it needs is you and a single decision: Where are you going, human?

Into the light of the love of GOD – or do you feel so attracted to the games of the old days that you do not want to miss these experiences or regret missed adventures?

What have you already lived and what do you still want to experience? Everything is decided based on your choice! This is the point where all people find themselves today and from which they are directed towards their self-chosen future.

The choice is: to master this time with GOD and be reborn in the light, or to immerse yourself in the godless time. In both ways, people’s destinies will be fulfilled in the coming months and years – self-chosen and self-determined.

How free are we really?

JJK: We are experiencing a great deal of manipulation and physiological, electromagnetic, psychological or mental attacks on people’s bodies and minds. Can a person really decide freely under these circumstances and make this choice confidently?

JESUS ​​CHRIST: Man is ALWAYS absolutely free in this decision! The decision for the light and for the freedom of the spirit is made long before a person becomes a manipulable object of second and third place. This decision is recorded in the soul signature and obeys this soul plan.

A person who has chosen this for himself cannot be taken over by the forces of the cold light.

Of course, his body may suffer damage, but his soul remains untouched by all attacks and wounds. Whoever makes a divine decision receives GOD’S protection – unrestricted and absolute.

JJK: Does that mean that everything is already predetermined?

JESUS ​​CHRIST: Self-chosen and self-determined – the soul answers as soon as life raises questions and the person is faced with specific forks in the road.

 JJK: Can a human being correct an original plan?

JESUS ​​CHRIST: Deviating from the blueprint is possible in any direction! Free will allows every person to shape their life in a way that deviates from providence, a fact that has a luminous effect on many people today, as people expand and enrich their soul plan with unpredictable decisions.

GOD’s wake-up call to ascension has sounded and is being heard by more and more people.

So it is that the Ascenders are unaffected by the specific technological advances that limit the freedom of the human spirit, while those who remain in the game of this timeline are swept away by the storm. It becomes abundantly clear what choices man has made, where he is directing his attention, and what determines his future.

What has long been announced is now taking place: the transformation of those ready for transformation and the maturation of those immature in the dim light of the privation-filled in-between world.

People are drifting apart internally; those who can live in unity and peace have entered the kingdom of peace within and committed themselves to their own healing.

Anyone who does not recognize the need for this, who lacks the desire for it, or who is alien to the longing for GOD, moves through time in his own orbit and waits for another opportunity to ascend.

The new humanity is based on the healthy foundation of clear soul decisions. Some are in their master existence and others are trying to master their existence. Let love grow, nourish what you are, so that you can live in freedom. 

Real leaps in consciousness are taking place, the masters among you are awakening and it is becoming increasingly impossible to deceive people. This is why the various truth, freedom and peace movements around the world are growing in strength and importance. New master souls are coming onto the scene and into the public eye. And you?

master existence

With each passing day you become more aware that everything has to do with you.

You have influence, you have power, you have the strength not only to live your life, but also to assert your YES or your NO! The transformation work of the past time is having an effect and is boosting your new self-confidence. Anchored in GOD, connected to the heavenly powers, a new presence was born.

Who is still waiting for a revolution when he has successfully revolted against his inner resistance:

• You no longer rely on anyone because you are aware of your own power.

• You don’t want to change anything anymore because you have changed.

• The world no longer needs you and you no longer need the world.

Now a new power, a new energy, a new consciousness emanates from you! What can the world still do to you – awakened in the master existence?

JJK: Now, as I write, I feel this new energy that you are talking about – it is pure freedom and a state free of fear. I am flooded with energy…

JESUS ​​CHRIST: All people who have chosen the bright path of GOD’S love, all who are rising up, are now granted the grace of being provided with this new energy of freedom and freedom from fear.

This is the gift from heaven so that your detachment from this false matrix can be achieved smoothly.

Now you need strength, courage and freedom from fear so that you can choose freely.

In this message, the energy is transmitted to you so that you can enter a completely new level of self-awareness and experience yourself as a master in the midst of everyday life.

Because what decides the game is not the massive attacks of the dark forces, but the powerful behavior of people who have become aware of their own power. Satan will then no longer have any power over you, because what does the world at your feet mean to you if you can possess GOD?

Take your position!

Mastering your life describes the moment when you rise up as an awakened person and actively participate in the change. It is the day when you take your position, accept your orders and do not allow yourself to be deterred by the world or by people in your efforts to implement them.

Which freedom do you choose? The freedom to move around the cave without chains, or the freedom to leave the cave and step into the light.

The first effects of these decisions are visible today. Phenomena that are occurring:

• You feel like a stranger on this earth.

• Sometimes people don’t notice you, as if you were invisible.

• You feel a deep inner peace, a happiness, while the storm of time rages outside.

• You feel displaced, sometimes you overlook stairs or bumps in the road.

• You tend to forget things and mix up your days. Your sense of time changes because your consciousness is on a different level.

• You perceive people in their vibration, their charisma and pay less and less attention to what they say.

• You have the deep inner certainty that everything will turn out for the best.

• You can no longer meditate, but the whole day becomes meditation.

• Some days you can move mountains, other days you feel vulnerable like a butterfly.

These are phenomena that indicate that you have already come a long way and that you still have a long way to go.

In this hour of GOD’S GRACE we want to dedicate ourselves with all our souls to this final stretch of the journey.

Mastering this final stretch of the journey involves:




It is given!

How is unconditional trust in God achieved?

Beloved, it is given…

And this gift now flows to you, reaches your heart and opens your soul…

Say, like this:

I, (state your name here),


break …

How do you achieve unconditional self-confidence?

Beloved, it is given…

Say, like this:

I, (state your name here),


How is unconditional love achieved?

Beloved, it is given.

Say, like this:

I, (state your name here),


break …




break …

Everything that works is done by the GRACE OF GOD. Your part is to prove yourself worthy of the GRACE OF GOD. When are you worthy? As soon as you have burned down your inner walls, given up your ignorance of GOD and opened your soul to the light of the love of GOD.

Then all healings will come to your heart and you will soar as high as your soul can carry you. Then you will be ready for the GRACE OF GOD and I tell you: many are ready and it happens without them knowing it.

 Truly: The healed does not need the healer and the redeemed does not need the redeemer – the lover is born!


In infinite love



Jahn J Kassl


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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