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Posted February 11, 2025
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Photo credit: globalbizarre.com/what-are-the-akashic-records |
I celebrate your life. Every moment of your existence, I Am awed and astounded at your perfection. I Am given the most amazing gift in your presence, in your communion, in and as and with My heart. This assurance of all that you are to Me is the riches of your life, the core of your being, that you might drink in this Love and let it be for you the foundation of your every breath, your every movement, your every extension of Love. You are whole and holy Love.You are sung to by all of the Angels who are the out-picturing of My joy in you, and who are that which holds the consciousness of the miracle that your life is. This is what I give to you continually and I ask you to let this be always the beginning of our communion, that you might return to the truth of being cherished and might recognize, beloved ones, that nothing you have ever done…nothing that the mind creates… nothing can ever make Me love you any less, for My Love for you is the truth of Love eternal that never changes and never wavers, not even the tiniest increment.
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© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
It is not the only California’s phenomena. Here is one more testimony, shared from the first person…
After divorce from my husband, I lived alone for a long, but in 2005 met a nice Norwegian, whom I liked right away. We started dating, and soon got married. My son was 7 years old at the time. We moved to Norway, to a commune in the south-east of the country, to a small village where my new spouse had a house. Two years later, we had another son.
I was offered a job as a teacher in a neighboring rural school based on the Danish model. From 1st to 7th grades there is an elementary level. The goal of the state program is to learn the alphabet before the age of 13 and teach children to count by reading price tags in stores. To read aloud in class is not allowed, because it’s “embarrassing.” A teacher has to take the kid out into the hallway, and only there, so as not to confuse the baby, listens as he reads. The teacher has the right to analyze two math examples with the pupils per day, if they do not master the material, then after three days he tries to explain the lessons to them again. Homework for the week is five words in English or eight, at the discretion of the child…
Before relocating, my eldest son attended a regular school. That’s why he became a prodigy in Norway. He didn’t learn anything until the 7th grade – there was nothing to learn. In classes, there were even ads on walls: “If your parents ask you to do your homework, call us. We will help to free you from such parents.” The piano became the only way to train the son’s memory. I warned him: “Don’t you dare to tell anyone that you have such a demanding mom…”
The tragedy happened after six years of my stay in Norway. I didn’t know anything about their Barnevernet, literally “child protection”, the public agency responsible for child welfare. I lived with my worries: work, home, family… I lived with little understanding of the state structure of the country, to which I moved. I heard that kids were taken away from someone, but I was a normal mother.
Three years later, after the birth of my second son, I and my husband separated. The reason was the incompatibility of cultures. I started learning to live alone with my children, took out a bank loan, bought a small two-room apartment, and gradually established a normal life. I never was a social client: I worked, and devoted enough time to kids. They were always with me. Since former father was hurting my elder son, I insisted that there would be no meets.
According to the law, he was obliged to contact with the little one. I held on as best I could so that the child would not spend the night with his father – there was a threat of beating. But the kindergarten and other government agencies pressured me. Therefore, the little son stayed with his father for two hours at first on Saturday or Sunday, but latter, had to spend almost a week with him and his relatives in northern Norway.
In 2011, on March 7, I went to the police because my little boy told me that aunts and uncles, relatives of the dad, hurt him in his mouth and butty. He told me about things that I couldn’t believe at first, that father took him to see his daughter from his first marriage. There were 12 people in the house that weekend. The baby became the object of their perverted pleasures. The boy was bullied not only by men, but also by women who raped the tot with the help of strapons.
On March 8, we were invited to the child custody service. The interrogation lasted six hours. It was just me and my two kids. They have an exemplary child protection system, ostensibly created to combat incest. Then I realized that Barnevernet centers, which are available in every village, are needed only to identify a child who has let it slip and a disgruntled mother or father and isolate them, punish them. I learned from the newspapers about a case where a girl, aged seven or eight, was sentenced by the court to pay litigation costs and compensate the rapist for his detention in prison. In Norway, everything is turned upside down. Pedophilia, in fact, is not a crime.
On March 8, 2011, for the first time, both children were taken away from me. It happens like this: the child does not return from kindergarten or from school, that is, he is taken away from you and placed at a secret address. I was told that day: “You’re talking too loud about child abuse. We need you to be examined by a doctor and told that you are healthy.”
I didn’t refuse. The clinic was ten minutes away by car. An employee of Barnevernet put me in it, saying: “We will help you and play with the kids in your absence.” The children stayed not just anywhere, but in the child protection service. Now I understand that it was illegal. When came in clinic, my eldest son, who was 13 at that time, called me and said, “Ma, we’re taken to a foster family.”
I was ten kilometers away from the kids, who were being taken to no one knows where. According to local law, children were seized without presenting any papers. The only thing I could do was pull self together. Crying is forbidden in Norway, it is considered a disease, and Barnevernet can apply compulsory psychiatry to you. It turns out that in this country there is a state plan, a quota for the removal of children from their parents. The child services even compete to fulfill it. Graphs and diagrams are published every quarter – how many kids were “protected” in which area.
As my youngest son later told me, he was taken to some “red house”. There, the boy’s mouth was taped shut and he was beaten through a pillow and raped again. There were several other children in the house with him, the youngest of whom was less than two years old – it was my ex-husband’s granddaughter. The next day, the boy was returned to the orphanage, but he wouldn’t even let his older brother near him, everything hurt so much. When I was finally able to pick up the kids, the baby kept repeating: “Mom, I’m going to die, let’s go, I’m going to die here.”
Next day, I took him to the local doctor, who, in turn, prescribed a referral to a hospital that specializes in victims of violence. But here an obstacle has arisen: the police and social welfare authorities had to sign the referral. However, the child protection specialist who handled that case was a participant in those very orgies. I decided to go to the hospital on my own, without the approval of the authorities, but the surgeon, after hearing the whole story, refused to even examine the kid.
About three months have passed since I found out what was being done to my son, but there has been no progress in the case. I couldn’t even stop my ex-husband from visiting my son. And more, with the help of social protection agencies, he exposed the child as an ordinary dreamer, and me as a patient with paranoia. It turned out that the kid was a sex slave of his own father, and I, knowing the names of my son’s rapists, could not force the police to work. They adamantly refused to register the case as a sexual offense.
When it became clear that no one will help me, I invited a member of the Italian Professional League of Psychologists and Psychotherapists for examination. The doctor has been treating psychopathological disorders in young victims of sexual violence for more than ten years. She flew to Norway and spent several days with us, talking with the children. Her conclusion was unequivocal: a four-year-old kid has all the signs of sexual abuse. One day, the boy had an appointment at a local clinic. I was not allowed to see a doctor, but the Italian doctor, as a specialist, was allowed to attend. The interpreter translated a phrase from Norwegian for her, which the boy said to the doctor examining him: “Daddy broke my bum-bum”…
Trying to protect my son, I learned a lot of “interesting” things. A little over 15 years ago, a scandal broke out in the kindergarten, which was then attended by the daughter of my ex-husband: 100 (!) tots reported rape. At that time, only one nursery teacher was imprisoned, who was released a year later, saying there was no evidence of his guilt. The court concluded that 100 small kids had made it up.
A little later, a 12-year-old girl claimed that she was being raped by her own parents. No one believed her either, and she was sent to an orphanage, because a friend of the girl’s mother, who was involved in this crime, served in the social protection agency. When the girl turned 16, she asked for help again, but again to no avail – no evidence was found. It was only at the age of 25 that the victim of domestic violence found a lawyer who believed her and undertook to investigate this dirty story. Ten people were sentenced to 7 and 12 years in prison.
According to Save the Children, every fifth kid in Europe is a victim of sexual violence every year. In 85% of cases, the victim knows his aggressor, but 90% of such crimes are hushed up. According to an Italian doctor, pedophilia is one of the most acute problems in the Apennines today. The number of such crimes reaches 21,000 per year, but most of them are not registered with the police. Nine out of ten abuses of this kind are committed within the family.
According to KRIPOS (Norwegian Criminal Police), 40,000 pedophiles live in Norway. This data is provided on the website of assistance to victims of violence. 9% of boys and 19% of all girls are raped under the age of 18. But about three out of four appeals to police are not considered due to lack of evidence. The penalty for false accusations of pedophilia is eight years in prison in Norway.
But sometimes, after all, such cases are brought to a court verdict. In March 2011, a high-profile trial took place in the so-called Alvdal case. In this small town in the south-east of the country, for many years, two families with their friends raped five of their own children starting at the age of six and filmed it on video. There were ten people in the dock – eight men and two women.
In the spring of 2015, a trial of three men and two women who raped their own infants took place in the city of Drammen. This group was uncovered after the arrest of one of the participants, a 32-year-old father who raped his own son and the daughter of his live-in girlfriend (the babe was less than a month old), recorded it all on video, and then posted it on a closed Internet resource created specifically for pedophiles.
I recently got a Report: Child Removal Cases in Sweden and the Nordic countries that was issued by Nordiska Kommitten for Manskliga Rattigheter, headed by reputable lawyer Ruby Harrold-Claesson. It reveals the scale of the monstrous practice of removing children from their parents. The document says that 300,000 kids have suffered this fate in Sweden alone. In other words, we are talking about a whole generation stolen from blood parents. Scientists, criminologists, lawyers, human rights defenders – people with traditional values, who still remember that there was a family in Sweden, – were shocked of what is going on.
10,000 crowns (about 860 euros) per day is the amount a new family receives for one “adopted” child. Barnevernet receives a huge bonus from the state budget for ruining the ancestral nests, for stealing offsprings. This happens in all Scandinavian countries. Moreover, the foster parent can choose children, as in the market. For example, you liked that blue-eyed girl, and want to get her. Then all you have to do is call Barnevernet and say: “I’m ready and have a small room for a foster child…” And enough to say the name – it will be delivered to you immediately. That is, first, the “foster” family expresses a desire, and then the child is removed from his or her biological parents “by order.”
Norwegian human rights activists are trying to fight the omnipotent Barnevernet system, as they are sure that it is a corrupt child trafficking system. The victims are holding protests against the forced separation of parents and children by the State. One fifth of kids in Norway have already been “rescued from their parents.” One fifth is almost two hundred thousand “saved” and now living not at home with their mother, but in orphanages.
The allowance for a shelter in Norway is approximately 117 thousand euros per year. And if you make a tot disabled, you get even more benefits and subsidies. The more injuries there are, the more profitable it is for the orphan asylum, which is nothing more than a family-type prison. According to statistics published in Norwegian newspapers, out of every ten newborns, only two children are born to Norwegians, and eight of these ten – to migrants that provide healthy kids, because they do not practice closely related marriages.
If the child is taken away, what you can do in this case? Not a thing. You are unarmed and alone face the System. They tell you: “You’re not making an omelet according to a Norwegian recipe… You’re making the kid wash his hands… You’re limping, you can’t sit in the sandbox with your child… So you’re a bad mother, we’re taking the kid away!” The Norwegian child protection system is based on the presumption of parental guilt. The parent is obviously guilty. A sea of lies falls on them.
You are constantly put in a situation where you have to justify yourself. And you understand that it is impossible to do. You can’t resist the Norwegian state machine, built on fabulous bonuses for lawyers, child welfare officers, judges, psychologists, psychiatrists, foster parents, experts and others … Bonuses are given for each withdrawn baby. You have no chance to save your son or daughter from a Norwegian orphanage, alas. I’ve been through all the Norwegian courts. Everything is caught, corruption is everywhere. Children are a commodity. They are not being returned.
Barnevernet’s lawyer collected all the press materials about my sons and used them as an accusation in court. “She’s crazy, she’s defending her kids in the press!” There is no freedom of the press in relation to children. It is impossible to appeal to society. There is a privacy law in force there.
Sexual minorities in Norway are no longer minorities at all. Straight people are a minority… The freely available materials of sociologists show that by 2050 Norway will be 90% homo-country. Gays and lesbians are the last century. At least thirty types of non-traditional marriage have been legalized in Western countries. Norway is the most “advanced” country in this regard, where “man” and “woman” are obsolete concepts. And it is no coincidence that in Norway there is no way to protect a child born into a natural family.
It would seem that this does not concern you. You tell yourself: “Let them do what they want! What does it have to do with me and my kids?” I also once reasoned this way, because was completely unaware that sexual standards had been introduced that regulate the upbringing of children in a certain way. This regulation is mandatory for all countries that have signed the relevant convention. It explicitly states that parents, together with doctors and kindergarten staff, are required to teach tiny tots “different types of love.” And a special section of this pan-European sex standard explains why parents and kindergarten staff are required to teach children masturbation strictly up to the age of four and no later.
The document states that a newborn should become aware of his gender identity and decide who he is: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite or transexual. And since the concepts of “man” and “woman” are excluded from gender equality, then, draw your own conclusion. If your child still does not choose “gender”, then the all-powerful Norwegian Barnevernet or Finnish Lastensuojelu or German Jugendamt, etc. will help him/her in this.
Norway is one of the first countries in the world to establish a research institute at the University of Oslo, which studies suicides of children from 0 to 7 years old. In the opinion of a normal person, it is very strange: how can a newborn child commit suicide? And in the opinion of the local Barnevernet this is natural. If tot is killed due to rape, then officially it can be attributed to “suicide”.
My children were taken away from me for the second time on May 30, 2011. Two policemen and two Barnevernet employees rang the doorbell. I opened the door with a chain and looked out. All the policemen have revolvers, and even the chief of police has arrived and said: “We’ve come to take your children.” I called my lawyer, and she confirmed, “Yes, according to Norwegian law, you have to give them back. If you resist, they will still be taken away, but you will never see them again. You have to hand over the sons, and tomorrow they will explain to you what’s going on…” Both kids were taken away without show me any paper, no decree. After that I stayed in shock, now I had to prove that I was a good mother.
A lot of similar cases were described in Norwegian newspapers. A boy was separated from his mother and was raped in all shelters. He lived to be 18, bought a gun, came “home” and shot his foster parents. The other boy was taken away – he was crying and wanted return to his mom. The doctors said it was paranoia. They stuffed him with medicine and made a vegetable out of him. After the hype in the press, he was given back to his mother in a wheelchair. He could no longer speak and lost 13-15 kg. It was dystrophy, irreversible processes occurred.
When I got permission to visit my eldest boy, he said: “I’m better die, but I’ll run away from Norway anyway. I won’t live in a concentration camp.” And he could arrange his own escape. On the Internet, he found a Pole who managed to rescue a Polish girl from a Norwegian orphanage. The Pole called me at the very last moment, when everything was ready, and said: “If I take your son out without you, it will be kidnapping, and if with you, then, I’m just helping the family.”
He advised me to buy my son new clothes, and to throw away the ones he wore when he lived in foster family. He explained that sensor chips could be sewn into the clothes, and they could easily spot the kid’s location. This is the practice for children who are in foster care. It was hard for me to make up my mind, but the choice was terrible: to kill all three of us in Norway, or at least to save myself and my eldest son…
We stayed in Poland for three months. I have always believed that as a blood mother I belong to my children, I am a subject of family law. It turned out to be completely different. My child first got a Norwegian foster mother. Then we were detained at the request of an allegedly “other” official Norwegian mother. The request read: “A certain woman-that is, I-stole a child from Norway.” After that, Poland, according to the laws of Europe, provided my child with a Polish foster mother. And to take a kid from Poland, my mom, that is, my son’s grandmother, became a new foster mother. Thus, an exchange took place between Norwegian parent number one, Polish parent number two, and the next parent number three. As for me, I don’t count in accordance with European laws.
And there are huge amount of such cases. Irene S. lived in the UK for eighteen years. She had a friend there. A daughter was born. One day, she accidentally found out that he is a member of a sadomasochistic club. Her girl saw on TV a local racer and at once recognized him, and said, “Mom, this uncle came to play doctor with me. Oh! And this aunt was playing with me in the bathroom…”Can you imagine when your kid says that to you? Irene went to an English child psychologist, and he told her: “Honey, you suck, you’re yesterday. It’s not perversion, it’s creative sex for the elite.” She shut up and started packing her things, preparing escape to her homeland…
At first, same-sex marriage was legalized in Norway. Then the adoption of children by same-sex parents was legalized. There, priests – women and men – openly declare their non-traditional orientation. And now there are those among same-sex people who raise the issue of the right to marry children. If we sit and wait, we will lose this battle for our kids. Today, the worst situation is in the Northern Europe, Germany, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. From these “hot spots”, continuous “SOS” signals come. These are the flashes of a war for the sacred image of the traditional family.
The thought of the need for open resistance gave me force not to break down, and not to go crazy. Every parent should understand that over the past 30 years, structures interested in child trafficking, engaged in the redistribution of demographic masses, have legitimized the position that parent and child are not at all one. Now kids belong to some abstract society or state. Moreover, according to the Hague Convention on Child Theft of 1980, children belong to the territory where they have lived for the last three months.
I’m fighting for the right to get back my youngest son. In prison, Anders Breivik, who shot 77 people at the Arbeiderpartiet youth camp in the summer of 2011, has the right to call his relatives every day. Those sentenced to death all over the world have the right to correspond and to call, and I, as mother, don’t even have the opportunity to talk to my child!
By the way, Breivik, who was declared an ultra-right neo-pagan and a hater of Muslims, was raped by his Norwegian mother at the age of four. Barnevernet took him away and passed around, and in every foster family, he was raped. Then, the young man spent nine years preparing his slaughter. Now they’ve isolated him and said, “We’ll build you a palace, anything, just keep silent about it!” This aspect is surfaced in the media. It was Swedish journalists who dig out this story.
Every five years, Barnevernet makes a report on migrants whose children have been separated from their parents. The top list is headed by Afghanistan, then Eritrea, then Iraq. Blood parents receive permission from the state to visit stolen children for 2 hours once every six months. This is the maximum. Now my eldest son, who ran away from Norway, is formally obliged to stay in their orphanage, as the property of the Norwegian bifolkning (subspopulation), until the age of 23.
It’s not just about pedophilia per se. This is a different phenomenon. In Norway alone, there are 19,000 non-governmental societies for the conversion of children from “ancient” (male, female) to other non-traditional genders. The child is being forced to develop in a certain non-traditional gender category. What my little son was telling me is no longer primitive pedophilia, but legalized and organized training aimed at a different orientation.
It’s hard to digest all these horrors…And while we’re debating whether to believe it or not, there’s already an entire generation of parents who have to live with this nightmare. All this is presented in modern Europe as a tolerance. They say that children supposedly have the right to sexual preferences from the age of zero, and have the right to sexual diversity. A well-organized global criminal network is operating against us, against parents and children. And, the time has come to admit this honestly and openly, and to start introducing Special Forces in every police department and throughout its entire vertical to counter these international groups of demographic banditry.
I urge everyone to understand that behind the beautiful mask of “juvenile justice,” which is presented to us under the guise of supposedly “saving children from alcoholic parents,” there is a global operation to change the gender of our children. A monstrous experiment that has been going on for more than thirty years throughout Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, everywhere parenthood is crushed and divided. Parent’s bond with a child, is being systematically destroyed. The figures of the seized children are 200,000 in Norway, 300,000 in Sweden, 250,000 in Finland, Germany, and Israel – the same huge number is the stolen generation.
I paid too dearly for my mistake-with my own sons and a terrible experience. And how many families are on their knees today and shouting in tears and rage, “Our children have been stolen from us. Look at our grief and learn. Wake up, finally, stop the plague of the third millennium. Put up an iron curtain of tolerance for perversion. Crush this abomination!”
Greetings to you One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is here, and we are ready to have you ask your questions, if you have them?
We cannot tell you what to do but we can tell you that the natural way, the way of allowing for the immune system to be completely in control and not to modify or in any way incapacitate it, such as the vaccines tend to do.
So we will tell you that the new world, the new golden age, will be the bereft of the vaccines. They will no longer be needed or wanted or even thought of in the times, not too far off in the future as we find it. So take that for what you will here, and perhaps Shoshanna has something more direct she can give you.
Now, there is so many falsehoods here about vaccination. They are not necessary, Period! A newborn child cannot withstand truly a vaccination. It inhibits their growth. It inhibits their health. It inhibits their ability to receive the mother’s immunity, you see. So research is important here and we will tell you that every doctor knows this, that there is no immunity in a newborn child and that it must receive its immunity from its mother. Every doctor knows this, but they ignore it, because the pharmaceutical industry has sway over them, you see. So you must be independent here. She must be independent here, and we feel for her, as the programming is deep and long regarding this crazy idea that a newborn must be immunized in some way. That is not correct. We hopefully have helped, namasate.
Can you clarify a little bit for us if it’s important for us to know which area is a heart chakra, a crown chakra? and then I have a follow-up question after that.
And the California area, as you are saying, is now considered the root chakra. And that again, though, has shifted over a period of time. We cannot go into the various shifts that have occurred, but just know that that is always in process of happening here, and we’ll continue to do so. But for you to focus on that as something that is important, we would say not so much at this point. Because it is most important for you to focus within yourself and your particular chakra centers and how they are affecting the rest of your being in your consciousness. And to allow for that focus on the chakras more and more because they are very important. And most people on the planet have no idea of the chakra centers and how important they are. But with your Sunday calls when we come together in this way, we have attempted as much as possible to continue to help you work with these chakra centers and build them up, make them stronger, make them more real for you so that you can bring about the balance needed out to your continuation journey. That is what we will say.
Shoshanna, anything to add here?
But we will say that those particular fires there are by the cabal, the deep state, if you will, in order to bring about chaos as much as possible. But their plan has been misdirected themselves, to themselves, because there has been great revealing that it is occurring as a result of this.
And what they had thought would happen is exactly the opposite of what is happening. And now, because of the one that President Trump, and we use that term “the one” purposely here, that one that has come onto the scene now, and is foiling their plans in every which way possible here.
And will continue to do so. Not only in this area, but in other areas throughout the United States as well as throughout the world. He is again the catalyst, the one that bring all of this together, and is in the process of doing so.
Shoshanna, do you have anything?
Regardless, you see, and it is not on a macro level. This is on a micro level, you see, because you are on a path. You are on a journey. And you will find that individuals that cross your path along your journey, that require your assistance will just show up. They will come into your sphere of influence without you reaching out, you see. This is always the way it is.
You will find that your heart is the responder when it comes to who to help and who not to help, and that this will happen organically and naturally, namaste.
It is just kind of came to me, so I am going to go ahead and ask it, out of the blue. What is, I feel like everybody is moving into the next phase, both micro and macro across the planet, as we go through, what I call a pretty accelerated metamorphosis and transition at this point. And it is happening pretty quickly, which is awesome. And I think it will speed up even more. But the question is, what is the next phase mission for this group?
We are system busters and we have done a lot, and I think we have come a long away, and I have a part two of this question, What is the next level mission for ancient awakenings? How do we, how does this group play into this massive awakening? And more, I am asking that more from a future next level perspective.
Part two of that question is, it has been many years that we talked about, James was very into this at some point, pursuing the records that have been kept back. I feel like we are starting to get closer to a vibration, where those could come forward. Is this group involved in recovering those records in any way, shape or form? And is that more of a post-discension event?
The understanding more and more of who you are, what you are here to do, why you are here, and to understand moving forward your mission. Your mission, as you are in it right now, this is the mission you are in right now. This is where you need to be, right now. But as things continue to develop, the changes continue to move forward, the revealings come forward, there will be a continuing metamorphosis of this particular group as well, just as it have been over the years here. Look from the beginnings of this group, those that were there in the beginning, and look at it now, and the different types of questions that you have, the different discussions that you have. It has all moved through a transition, we will say, as we have continued to attempt to bring the training to you, the training of the ancient mysteries, and how you can work with those ancient mysteries to continue to develop your own interpersonal self, and to bring you closer and closer to your higher God self and that connection once again. That is how we will answer that. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
It has been mentioned very often, the 12 of 12, you see, the 12 tables of the 12. There must be a movement here within the group to expand it, to take on more leadership, to expand within the group, you see, that some may identify themselves as a leader and begin to create their own groups, you see, and that it would culminate, the groups would culminate on a call or a conference in some way on a weekly basis. But truly, the mission has always been to expand the group, but it must come from within the current members of this group to take that on. Does that make sense to you, your brother?
Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!
James and JoAnna McConnell
alliance, ascension, awakening, boots on the ground, breakthrough, changes, crystal pendulum, cloning operations, compression, finish the game, great awakening, greater plan, guidance, higher consciousness, higher self, independence, kara, kara of the pleiades, life itself, lockdowns, love, med-bed, meditate, pleiades, reset, revaluation, saint germain, the cabal, the jouney, the picture, the storm,
Posted on February 11, 2025
It is the One.
Thank you.
You have questions.
Yes. I wonder about these air disasters. I wonder about our collective power. I wonder about the acceleration we feel in almost every part of life.
Let us speak about the time you are living, for it is at the cause of every one of your wonderings.
Acceleration is a well-chosen term. Each part of your life accelerates, and there will be no part untouched.
Humanity chooses a “quick” Ascension. This was expected, yet the fallout was not. The quickening shows up in all things human. Once a choice is made it manifests at breakneck speed. This is due to both the choice and the energetic in which it is made.
We will explain so that comprehension occurs.
I am receiving it all at once. It is coming in completely formed.
Yes. Would you talk about what you see?
I’ll try. What I see goes back to the beginning.
The controllers who ran the Earth had to follow a method. First, there was exposure to what they wanted. This had to be maintained so that there was belief. Belief on our part. We had to believe that this reality they presented was the only “real” one.
Belief often accompanied fear. Humanity followed “orders” and “rules” and belief systems out of fear.
These controllers were brutal. They used the moniker of religion to cover a multitude of sins. Human sacrifice was built into the system from the start.
Systems, rules, and obedience created a world of “order,” more or less. The controllers kept that order in place with fear.
Go on.
There is so much coming in…
This concerns creation, which has been on my mind lately.
The controllers understand the “genie in the bottle.” It is us. Our thoughts and beliefs are creative. It is why they only need to create the culture. They did not have to physically enslave all of us to get us to do what they wanted. We’d do whatever we believed was “right.”
We learned what was “right” from them, from their control systems. They “taught” us to follow their rules in order to “win” the prizes they told us we should want.
Manifesting was not magic (according to them). It was the result of hard work, dedication, and following very specific steps. These steps followed rules and institutions. Rules and institutions that were put in place by them.
So, we did [follow those steps], and we’d see our dreams pop into our reality after a good deal of “time” passed. Creation was slow.
In the current energy, it’s not slow. The reasons for that are many, yet at the top of that list would be that the controllers have lost control. In these last five years, we’ve all seen the “Naked Emperor.” We have noticed the lie.
This did something to our creative juices. We no longer follow any specific rules. The controllers have lost their stranglehold on the race, and we’re sort of running wild.
This means our thoughts are all over the place, and there is a good deal of scrambling. All of us are reaching for something, without looking for the control systems to give it to us or tell us what it should be.
This consciousness rising is turning the tide in our reality. Creation feels instantaneous. We see synchronicities everywhere.
We are also talking about them online and verbally. There is so much power in our collective creative ability.
This is what the control systems have attempted to harness for their own benefit for generations. We haven’t fully accepted responsibility for this yet, and so it feels as if no one is in control.
It looks that way too. There is so much blame. There is also unfocused fear. All of this is powerfully creative.
Yes. What occurs for the race now is a reset. This feels turbulent and unleashed. It feels as if creation is out of control. Until mankind accepts responsibility for its participation, it will continue to feel haphazard and potentially deadly.
Life is meant to be experienced “full-on.” Where that “full-on” is focused determines the course your life takes.
Until recently, man has looked to “authority” for methods, rules, and benefits. This is a dismantling. We’ve said this before, yet you are in the middle of it now. As your world lets go and rebuilds, there will be disruption.
This is not to say that no one is to blame for events. It is to point out that you all have a part in their creation.
What you witness now is an amplification of your power.
You are here to learn how to harness and utilize your creative potential. It is time to take your head out of the basket and share what you know:
In no time before this have your thoughts been so supported by the field in which they exist. You are accomplishing this shift on your own. So many souls wanted to be here for this.
You are.
Step into your power and create. The force in place to stop you is being removed. There is nothing in your way that will prevent you from accomplishing what it is you intend to accomplish.
You are love in human form, and by enclosing your creative power with compassion, your world shifts. What you are doing has never been done here. You are in for such a treat.
Thank you.
Posted on February 11, 2025
Hallo Amazing Beings,
First the latest update following my free workshop on 13th January at the full moon, to boost your 6D ascension and enable our planet to reach the tipping point of 50% light. As you may have heard the YouTube crashed at 1.11 minutes into the workshop due to an overload so I then recorded it and it went up on Youtube an hour or so later. So many of you wonderful lightworkers supported this effort that together we not only reached 51% but almost 52%!!!!!!
This is how my guide explained it. As a planet, while we were less than 50% light, we were in thrall to the dark. As soon as we reached the golden ratio of 50%, those lower energies no longer had their claws into us. We set ourselves free. Situations and certain people can no longer control or influence us. And now that we have been liberated, we will move more rapidly into the golden future.
On 22nd January, I was told that we can surpass 52% light if enough people continue to do the meditation on YouTube. On the following day, Merlin and Metatron came in together to talk to me. They said there has been a huge buzz of excitement in the spiritual realms and on Earth about this Energy shift.
AND the whole planet has now tipped into 52% – some parts of the world have reached 53% light.
The light coming in is now so bright it is accelerating the process of Earth’s Ascension to higher dimensions, as we become a multidimensional planet. As ever it is the task of those who hold bright light to shine it out so that others can see the way up the spiritual mountain.
This time now is of great importance to many light workers who have been working so hard for the planet and humanity. A greater number than is realised were actually completing their final exams in this universe during this period. With the tipping point they passed their finals and can move onto a new and higher part of their journey when this incarnation is complete.
AND if enough of us concentrate our efforts, we can reach 55% light by Easter. Then we really will be on the upswing.
On February 7th there is a long awaited and incredible moment. Have you ever had a big idea, a vision, something amazing you wanted to create or achieve but never thought was possible? I am not an astrologer, but I’m told that the North Node, Neptune and Saturn come together to impact us on February 7th – and under its influence, your incredible dream can become a reality. It can manifest. This is an extraordinary opportunity. Not only that but the roots of the idea that you plant at this time will grow strong and sturdy as an oak. It is time to start planning and take action.
On February 12 is the full moon and it is the Snow Moon. It is a time for purification. Archangel Gabriel is looking after this Moon. He is helping everyone to release what no longer serves and move to a higher frequency with a new clarity and joy.
Wherever there is snow Archangel Gabriel presides, people with joy, so remember to give thanks for everything that brings you joy. Enhance your delight in life as spring approaches. I was asked to create a special Snow Moon meditation with Archangel Gabriel. Do you look for it on my YouTube channel and in my newsletter.
Dianna Cooper
Posted on February 11, 2025
A very huge 7.6 magnitude earthquake has occurred a few hours ago in the Caribbean (Cayman Islands).
Usually after a strong quake of this magnitude, aftershocks in the category of 5, 6 or greater can occur in the area where the main quake happened.
This is the largest quake since the February 6th, 2023, “7.8” (some Seismologists say that it was an “8.0”) earthquake that occurred in Syria and Turkey, and notice, that this Caribbean quake is near the same date as the Syria/Turkey one.
Of further concern is that parts of the USA are experiencing mild jolts after the Caribbean quake (Alaska, California, for example).
This newest quake has derived from huge coronal holes on our Sun that are spewing out electromagnetic gaseous material from its escalated solar wind streams that are activating planetary tectonic plates and grids.
More solar wind streams are expected to hit Earth by tomorrow, Monday, February 10th and on Tuesday, February 11th, which will possibly deliver a geomagnetic (radiation) storm of about a “G1” level.
However, with the extreme solar winds that have eventuated in the “7.8” quake in the Caribbean, there is a chance that geomagnetic storms could reach “G2” levels or higher.
In the past several years, even though Earth has been experiencing hundreds of quakes in the very low “1s”, “2s”, and “3s” categories and some in the low to mid “4s”, there have been more occurring in the upper “4s”, “5s”, and “6s”.
There was a quake over “8.0” in Asia in 2004 that was terribly destructive, and the “7.8” Syria/Turkey quake in 2023 just referred to above.
Lots of quakes around the world have surged up in the “6s”, and any quake that is “6.0” is very major, but when the levels reach “6.5” and above, the quakes become extremely more powerful.
Also, volcanic eruptions seem to follow the large quakes, and there are many volcanoes located beneath the seas and oceans. In other words, the Earth is shaking above and below.
Here comes another repetition of information that has been discussed previously: Scientists of various subject areas — Physicists, Astro Physicists, Geologists, etc. — have noticed that whenever there are events on Earth that are orchestrated by lower levels of human consciousness (hatreds, wars, unwise scientific experiments, environmental toxicity, political drama, sociological discord, etc.), more cosmic events are unleashed that cause quakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, floods, and other profound planetary challenges.
The cosmic events are cleansings in order to get mankind’s attention — and as has also been already mentioned more than once — these occurrences have historically become more prevalent and potent during the move from one age into another one.
This seems to be the case as we move out of KALI YUGA and fully into DWARPA YUGA by the equinoxes in March. We are also approaching eclipse season.
Lots of cosmic events are scheduled to come onto the “Cosmic Stage”.
The “production” is expanding. Any “intermissions” will be of short duration.
Stay “coached” by your HIGHER SELF for the part you are to “play”.
Dr Schavi M Ali
Posted on February 11, 2025
Jacobo Grinberg (1946-?), the Mexican scientist who explored the link between science and the paranormal, was a psychologist and consciousness researcher. He conducted experiments in telepathy and extraocular vision.
Dr. Grinberg raised the possibility that, through consciousness, the human brain could have control over the universe in which we live. In the field of physics, the Lattice is the structure in which space-time is found. For Jacobo, this concept acquired a new meaning, leading him to coin the term syntergy, a neologism combining “synthesis” and “energy.”
His theory proposes that through the process by which the human brain decodes perceptual reality, it is possible to establish links with the Lattice and thereby make changes in space-time. He postulated that we live in an informational matrix, which he called “the hologram,” where it is possible to interact with perceptual reality not just as spectators but as active participants in constructing that reality.
From his brain experiments, Dr. Grinberg developed the syntergic theory, a term formed from the Spanish words síntesis (synthesis) and energía (energy).
Dr. Grinberg also explored the implications of the EPR paradox, which asserts that if quantum theory is a complete model of reality, non-local interactions should exist between particles. He aimed to prove that a quantum system in the brain creates a non-local EPR correlation among human brains. He called this phenomenon transferred potential (TP), suggesting that a brain, suitably prepared through meditation, can interact with other brains, both near and far, by directly involving consciousness without sensory transmission or local effects.
“When consciousness is free, when sensitivity is optimal, we are what the universe is. Ultimately everything is a manifestation of the brain structure, which in turn is a model of the entire universe. When we see the other, we see ourselves,” said Jacobo Grinberg.
Dr. Grinberg further proposed that his syntergic theory could explain the emergence of conscious experience, which he saw as the result of complex multidimensional interactions. The brain initiates an interaction between an energetic field (neuronal field) and space structure, thus giving rise to consciousness.
Contrary to naïve realism, which suggests that reality exists externally to the observer, Dr. Grinberg, adopting an ideological stance, proposed that perception is neuropsychologically constructed, with information existing in space as “complex patterns of energy.” Conscious experience, he believed, occurs when we synthesize this information-energy in space, thereby becoming syntergic. Neuronal changes in the brain cause micro-distortions in the framework of the space-time continuum, which then interact to create a “hypercomplex macro-distortion” of the neuronal field. The outcome of this process is perceptual experience.
Regarding vision, the neuronal and quantum fields’ components “fit together” in experience, minimizing the noise produced by their interaction through a specific, emergent interference pattern (IP). This pattern represents the structure of experience and contains the perceptual components perceived as lines and geometric forms, conceived as energetic forms of high complexity. The percepts, or images, we “objectively” see as colors and objects are ultimately products of the IP.
Dr. Grinberg’s ideas are related to the implicate order theory developed by American physicist David Bohm, in which space is conceived as a holographic “sea of potentialities” from which the universe and consciousness unfold explicitly. Here, the quantum wave/particle duality paradox is resolved, while the “principle of nonlocality”—the capacity of one particle to influence another instantaneously—is preserved.
The syntergic theory both reaffirms and challenges quantum physics by reinterpreting the concept of the Lattice. Dr. Grinberg suggested that, through consciousness, the human brain could control the universe in which we live.
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