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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



Saint Germain

Channel: Lee Degani


Posted on January 20, 2025
Comte de St Germain, 18th Century European

Greetings. I am St. Germain* and I come to you with my title of Saint because it is to let you know that you also have this same title.
Now what is a saint? A saint is seen as someone who does good works, one that is connected to the Divine. But a saint is also one that can create, that can create miracles and that is your heritage, that is your legacy.
That is what I come to share with thee today. That you too have the capacity, the ability. You have within the very essence of your soul, within your genes, within your DNA, however you wish to see it, as a gift from God even, that you have the ability to create miracles.
Now how does one go about that?
How, I ask you to find that which humors thee. For humor brings you into the higher vibration and being in the higher vibration is where miracles do occur.
And I do not say, can occur. I say, do occur. Many times you are creating miracles without even realizing you are doing it. You wonder, wow! Why is it that all of a sudden money is coming my way? Or why is it that my relationship seems to be better? Or why is it that my health is improving?
Because they were originally wishes, thoughts that you decided within, without maybe realizing it, that you would like to have in your life.
And you say, St Germain, I have those wishes all the time and it does not happen. Beloved, when you are in the higher vibration, it does. For the thoughts attract the energy that is the creating energy to make whatever it is that you wish to happen.
It is as simple as that. It is not work, it is play. So I ask you, will you come play with me? Will you step into the world of a child, of laughter, of fun, of imagination? For this is where it starts.
Imagination is a gift. It is part of your makeup. It is what you were given as you were born and even before. Imagination is a tool that is meant to stay with you throughout all your years. Imagination opens the doors. It opens the viewpoint that all can be as you wish.
You have heard of the dancers and the athletes that perhaps had injuries and were told they could never perform again. But yet with their imagination they began exercising. With their imagination, they saw what could be accomplished. Through imagination, they combined it with belief and yes, this is not that this will be, but that this is.
I ask you to do the same.
What is it that your heart desires? Become a child. Laugh! I am known for my laughter. I am well known for my fun. It is to bring these gifts to you.
Step into that world of delight, of even taking a morsel, perhaps a chocolate and savoring it and saying, this is delicious, thank you! For that brings you into the higher vibration. And you say, just as I have this chocolate that tastes so delicious, what else would I like to taste that is so delicious?
I am now tasting the freedom that I am wishing for. I am now tasting the excellent health, the full health that I have been yearning for. I am now tasting the abundance that I have been asking for.
What will you do with all of that beloved? Begin to make your list, make a file. Bring it into reality and then let it go. For it has been put into motion.
This is the magic of the creation laws of the universe and of course it will never hurt to use my violet fire and let it burn up anything that is a doubt that you have this ability. And use it under your imaginative ideas for it also is a tool of creation.
And so I leave thee.
Laugh, smile, imagine!
Imagine that you are even more than you have ever seen yourself to be.
Farewell with Love.
Lee Degani


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • *On his last incarnation in Europe, he has the title of Count of Saint Germain.
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Mais ajuda está a chegar…

Qual O Caminho Que Escolherá?

Saint Germain

Canal: Daniel Scranton

Tradução a 14 de janeiro de 2025

Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Dou-vos as boas-vindas a todos ao vosso novo eu, Ao eu que é realmente o eu mais antigo dentro de vós. Você tem fingido ser alguém e algo que não é quem e o que você realmente é. E convido-os a reconhecerem-se como seres de amor e luz que sempre foram, que nasceram para ser e de que nasceram. Lembre-se de que esta é uma experiência temporária que está a ter como o ser humano que você é e de vez em quando, se se envolver neste pequeno e simples processo que estou prestes a lhe dar, então terá uma compreensão muito maior e muito mais sólida de quem e o que você realmente é como um ser infinito e eterno de amor e luz.
Descanse sua consciência em seu coração agora e agora respire em seu coração e sinta a chama eterna de que você é como o amor da energia da Fonte se expandindo, queimando mais brilhante, queimando mais forte. Dar a si mesmos essa experiência pelo menos uma vez por dia mudará a maneira como abordam tudo em sua vida e mudará a maneira como vêem a si mesmos e aos outros.
E se quer transformar sua vida e viver a vida que sempre quis, deve começar por transformá-la. Muitos de vocês viram ou experimentaram como é difícil mudar tudo fora de vocês para lhes dar a vida dos seus sonhos. É um trabalho árduo, e às vezes é preciso muito tempo e muito dinheiro, muito esforço e muita energia. E, mais cedo ou mais tarde, não conseguirão manter todas essas placas a girar, e vão desistir e muitos desistiram.
E na desistência, muitos encontraram a verdade de quem realmente são, porque não tinham para onde se voltar senão para dentro. Deixe de lado qualquer ideia de quem você foi definido como sendo por outros, e deixe de lado essa programação que diz que deve ser assim porque você tem essa idade ou assim porque é desse gênero. E, é claro, a partir desse lugar de encontrar a chama eterna dentro de seu próprio coração, pode começar a criar o que quiser. E estará a criar isso a partir do conhecimento de quem realmente é e do poder que todos têm dentro deles.
Poucos exploram esse poder, mas quando o fazem, vêem-no. Percebe isso e o experimenta no que eles criam. Seja uma dessas pessoas, não para que obtenha o reconhecimento dos outros, mas porque é o caminho para você viver no fluxo, ser feliz e viver a vida que sempre quis viver. Merece isso como um aspecto da Fonte de energia que é infinita, eterna e, no entanto, sempre em expansão.
Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Daniel Scranton
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)
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More Help is Coming…

Which Path Will You Choose?

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 14, 2025

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I welcome you all to your new selves, to the self that really is the oldest self within you. You have been pretending to be someone and something that is other than who and what you really are. And I invite you to acknowledge yourselves as the beings of love and light that you always have been, that you were born to be and born of. Remember that this is a temporary experience that you are having as the human being that you are and from time to time, if you engage in this little, simple process I am about to give you, then you will have a much bigger, much more solid understanding of who and what you really are as an infinite and eternal being of love and light.
Rest your consciousness in your heart right now and now breathe into your heart and feel the eternal flame that you are as Source Energy’s love expanding, burning brighter, burning stronger. Giving yourselves this experience at least once a day will change the way you approach everything in your life, and it will change the way you view yourselves and others.
And if you want to transform your life and to live the life that you’ve always wanted, you must start by transforming you. Many of you have seen or experienced how hard it is to change everything outside of you in order to give you that life of your dreams. It’s hard work, and sometimes it takes a lot of time and a lot of money, a lot of effort and a lot of energy. And sooner or later, you won’t be able to keep all of those plates spinning, and you will give up and many have.
And in the giving up, many have found the truth of who they really are, because they had nowhere else to turn but inward. Let go of any idea of who you have been defined to be by others, and let go of that programming that says you must be this way because you are this age or this way because you are this gender. And, of course, from that place of finding the eternal flame within your own heart, you can begin to create whatever you want. And you will be creating it from the knowing of who you really are and from the power that everyone has inside of them.
Few tap into this power, but when they do, you see it. You notice it, and you experience it in what it is they do create. Be one of those people, not so that you get the acknowledgement from others, but because it is the way for you to live in the flow, to be happy, and to live the life that you’ve always wanted to live. You deserve it as an aspect of Source Energy that is infinite, eternal, and yet ever expanding.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

On the Blogs:
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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How Long, O Lord?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 12, 2025

Pacific Palisades, Jan. 2025

How long will the chaos and mayhem continue? Let’s look at what’s being said.

St. Germain though Chellea Willer:

“Your inner and outer worlds are undergoing immense changes and profound transformation. The shifts that are taking place, penetrate deep into the very dynamics of your existence. As you look around at the current state of affairs, you can observe that things are beginning to heat up on a global scale. This is due to the light that is penetrating every aspect of your reality, as it also has triggered the Grand awakening.

“No longer can the shadows remain hidden; all is being exposed to the illuminating rays of truth. This unveiling is causing those who wish to maintain control and influence over you, to experience great fear, as they scramble desperately to hold onto what little power they still possess. The walls that once shielded their dominion are crumbling, and they are feeling the pressure of the awakening masses.

“As they pull at their last straws, the situation is expected to continue escalating in the months to come. The urgency of their actions will likely increase as they attempt to regain a sense of control over a rapidly evolving world. This is a critical moment in human history, where the forces of light and darkness are clashing more visibly than ever before. The struggle for power is becoming more pronounced, and the repercussions, will resonate throughout society, affecting the lives of every individual on planet Earth.” (1)

We may wish to remember this in the time ahead, to quell our fears.

We’ve looked before at the impact of the rising energies on the dark ones, but usually physically rather than socially. (2) We’re hearing now that the dark hats’ grip on power will remain for a while and then gradually wane.

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild also says that the madness will continue for a while:

“The madness shall continue for quite a while to come … jaw-dropping madness. Yet, you understand that all is to be well, therefore, such insanities shall be accepted by you as the necessities of the ‘Game Plan.'” (3)

They too reassure us that “all is to be well.”

I’d say the Judge Advocate General dropping the need for tribunals and sentencing deep staters to death on the basis of the evidence alone qualifies for “jaw-dropping madness,” in  my eyes. (4)

No trial, no opportunity for defence or even to be heard, no rights. That’s a long step back that we’ll have to re-negotiate later.

It’ll remain on our record as other civilizations ponder how we navigated this first ever mass-physical ascension into an interdimensional region of space.  Is that really how we wish to be seen?

Finally the Arcturian Group tells us:

“Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time.

Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on Earth must be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be eliminated. The high frequency energies now pouring to Earth at this time are acting like giant shovels digging and exposing layers of energy that have lain dormant for centuries.

“Energies of duality, separation and many powers cannot continue to exist in the presence of higher frequencies because they are not real and have no Divine law to support them. Because the clearing process is a facet of Earth’s ascension, it will continue until Light energy becomes more dominant.” (5)

So the forecast is for chaos to continue and even get greater. But we know and have the assurance that the Light energy will eventually become more dominant and that the dark ones will just as surely leave as the Light increases, by one means or another.


(1) “Things are HEATING UP ~ Saint Germain,” through Chelsea Wilder, Jan. 7, 2025, at

(2) See:

(3) The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 10, 2025, at

(4) See:

  • Michael Baxter, “JAG’s New Leadership Executes Deanne Criswell WITHOUT Tribunal,” Real Raw News, Dec. 9, 2024, at
  • ….., “Mayorkas Executed at GITMO,” Real Raw News, Dec. 11, 2024, at

(5) The Arcturian Group, Nov. 24, 2024, at

After numerous malware attacks, the Golden Age of Gaia links only to its own sites now.

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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This is the End of the Old Paradigm

By Saint Germain

Channel Chellea Wilder


Posted on December 23, 2024
Blessings, My Dear Earth Family.
It’s wonderful to connect with you, thank you for communing with me.
Life is full of changes, and at these moments Humanity is finding yourselves at a crossroads where you must decide how to move forward. 
Transitions can be challenging, as they often bring up questions about your long held beliefs and ways of being.
The old paradigm is ending, but it is also opening the door to new possibilities for a brighter future.
The old paradigm was made up of the old beliefs and control structures that have long been a part of humanities reality. These beliefs and societal structures might have provided a false sense of security, but they have also restricted your spiritual growth.
Letting go is often one of life’s hardest lessons. It takes strength and a willingness to part with attachments. Every ending serves a purpose, clearing the way for new beginnings.
The Earth and Humanity are embarking on a new chapter in your reality. You must now decide the direction you want to take as a collective.
As humanity enters a new era, you as individuals are also concluding an old way of existence.
The ending of the old paradigm, is unveiling a new, more aligned version of yourself. Embrace this transformation and explore how it can influence your life. This new identity may bring a sense of courage and curiosity that encourages you to step out of your old comfort zone, and into a new way of being
When you begin to feel uncomfortable with your current situation, this is a sign you may be experiencing a shift in your consciousness. This discomfort is a signal that change is needed. By facing it head-on, you can open yourselves up to new experiences and possibilities. Acknowledging this ending is the first step toward elevating your consciousness and embracing what lies ahead.
Recognize that personal transformation is rarely a straightforward process. There will be ups and downs, moments of clarity intertwined with confusion. Embrace this natural ebb and flow, knowing that each twist and turn is part of your unique journey.
Celebrate small victories: Each step forward is progress.
Each lesson learned helps build resilience, a vital trait when navigating new experiences. Reflecting on your journey can help solidify this perspective.
All life experiences can serve as stepping stones for personal growth. When faced with challenges, rather than viewing them as roadblocks, understand how they contribute to your journey.
Remember to Honor your journey. This enables you to recognize how far you have come and gives you motivation for what lies ahead.
Think about specific goals you want to pursue. Setting these intentions will help guide your path when uncertainty strikes. Your Intentions act as your compass, keeping you grounded and focused even during turbulent times.
Navigating the ending of an old paradigm and the start of a new chapter can seem intimidating, yet it can be an adventure. As you navigate this transformative time, remember that each ending leads to a new beginning. Offering a chance to discover more about yourself and your spiritual Journey. Embrace this New Version of You, and let your inner Light lead you towards a new way of being.
I share with you now the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you in Love and healing. Allow it to bring you courage, to step into this new Chapter of your existence.
May peace and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Chellea Wilder


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Bringing Forth the Republic

By Saint Germain

Cannel: James McConnell 

Posted on December 18, 2024


I am Saint Germain, and I come to be with you at this time, in these special times, these times that you have been awaiting for a long, long time, many, many lifetimes that you have experienced.
All that is a part of this three-dimensional expression for so long now, but this three-dimensional expression, this matrix, if you will, is fading more and more, collapsing upon itself more and more.
So all that was, the lies, and the mis-truths that have been told to all of you for thousands of years is now becoming the truth, or the truth is coming forward.
The truth of those mis-truths, coming forward, the light spreading and expressing outward, replacing the darkness, the darkness of the mis-truths, all of that is happening.  So allow it to continue, allow yourselves to move through your daily lives now, moment to moment, day to day, week to week, month to month, and even into the years to come.
Knowing that the expression of love, the expression of oneness, the expression of connectedness, togetherness, peace, harmony, all of this is coming forward.  Because of you, you as an individual and you as the collective that are bringing this all about, you are the ones that are bringing forth, the expression of the new republic, but not only of this United States for America, but the new republic for the entire planet, for the world.  For Gaia is expressing herself more and more, she has indeed herself come out of the darkness, and has brought the light down to her.  And as she brings the light down to her, it comes down to all of you as well, and the truth shall indeed set you free.
The expression of truth, the expression of oneness, the expression of the new republic, which was always meant to be here, again not only for the United States, but for the world.
But it has to happen somewhere first, and that happens to be the United States for America, for long ago, 200 plus years ago, I stood among the forefathers of this nation and expressed to them, that this would be the republic, this would be the new expression of freedom, freedom for all, not just for one, not just for a few, but for all.
And that is becoming more and more realized now, for that part of the plan is coming forth now, and it is coming forth again because of all of you as the catalysts.  And those of the ones that are within your expression, here in this planet, here in this nation, are coming forth more and more now.
Those that are leading the charge, just as the George Washington led the charge across the Potomac River, and confronted those adversaries at that time to bring about the freedom of the nation.  So too is that happening again with all of you, and those that are leading the charge ahead, crossing, not the Potomac, but crossing the Rainbow Bridge.
That is where you are all headed now, the Rainbow Bridge of ascension.  So allow the process to continue.
Believe, believe, and it shall become a knowing, more and more.   Continue to trust, continue to trust in yourselves, continue to trust in those ones that have stepped forth and are leading the charge, and trust in the overall universal plan to bring about world freedom.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to believe, believe, believe, believe, and then know, know without a shadow of a doubt that you are approaching, the doorway to your ascension.

James McConnell

Compiled by from: 
 On the Blogs:
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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A ascensão está garantida ... sabe o quê?

Saint Germain

Canal: Daniel Scranton

Tradução a 11 de dezembro de 2024

Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Nós, nos reinos superiores, às vezes nos perguntamos como você nos percebe, e se você acredita que somos capazes de nos sintonizar com você a qualquer momento. Sei que posso falar por todos nós quando digo que podemos, e fazemos. Por conseguinte, não é necessário que nos invoquem. Você não precisa pedir nossa ajuda, mas sim, você realmente precisa mudar sua crença em sua dignidade para receber de seres em um plano dimensional superior de consciência. Essa é uma maneira de trabalhar para permitir a entrada de mais ativações, mais atualizações, mais downloads, mais sintonizações, mais cura e mais abundância que estamos sempre oferecendo a vocês.
Mude suas crenças para que você reconheça que, como um ser de energia de fonte, você é muito digno. Você não ganha essas coisas; você permite que elas entrem. Vocês se permitem ser curados. Vocês se permitem ser atualizados, sintonizados com uma consciência superior. Agora, outra maneira de receber mais dessas energias que estamos enviando é simplesmente relaxando, abrindo-se e permitindo que aquilo que está vindo para você entre em seu campo. Veja seus campos de energia como sendo essas portas maravilhosas que você pode abrir com sua intenção. Veja a coroa da sua cabeça da mesma forma, e saiba que às vezes você relaxa e se abre, e você recebe muito do que estamos oferecendo aqui nos reinos mais elevados.
Também quero que saibam que trabalhamos com os vossos guias e com os vossos eus superiores. Para eles, também somos seres de dimensões superiores, e todos trabalhamos juntos para ajudar aqueles de vocês que operam nos reinos físicos. Todos nós sabemos como é difícil estar onde está, e todos nós também confiamos que irá chegar onde precisa de chegar, eventualmente.
Todos nós sabemos que quaisquer reviravoltas que tomarem ao longo dos seus caminhos irão servir-vos e servir a todos de alguma forma. E por isso, é claro, não estamos preocupados. Todos nós gostaríamos de ver-vos a viver vidas de alegria mais do tempo, porque agora a vossa ascensão está assegurada. Você não precisa trabalhar para que isso aconteça. Tudo o que tem de fazer é decidir que pode ser uma viagem alegre deste ponto em diante, não importa o que tenha experimentado até à data. Eu sei que você pode fazer isso, assim como o resto dos seres e coletivos de dimensões superiores que se dedicaram a ser úteis, a ver a ascensão para todos que a abraçam lá na Terra.
E sei que nem todos ainda o fizeram, e alguns certamente virão a chutar e a gritar. Mas há muito tempo. Não se preocupem com os vossos semelhantes e se estão a receber o suficiente, se estão acordados ou não. Todos eles têm as suas próprias viagens, e aqueles de vós que estão agora acordados estão lá para os ajudar. E o Senhor faz apenas com a sua presença, e haverá mais por vir, mais por fazer, mais formas de servir, e eu, St.Germain, e todos os outros prometemos-lhe que estaremos sempre a ajudar. Não estamos à espera de ser chamados por vós, mas notamos quando algum de vós se abre e recebe, e é um momento glorioso para todos neste nosso universo inteiro.
Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Daniel Scranton

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)
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Ascension is Assured… Now What?

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 11, 2024

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

We in the higher realms sometimes wonder how you perceive us, and whether you believe we are capable of tuning in to you at any time. I know that I can speak for all of us when I say that we can, and we do. Therefore, you do not need to call upon us. You do not need to ask for our assistance, but rather you really need to change your belief in your worthiness to receive from beings in a higher dimensional plane of of consciousness. That is one way to work on letting in more of the activations, more of the upgrades, more of the downloads, more of the attunements, more of the healing, and more of the abundance that we are always offering to you.
Shift your beliefs so that you recognize that as a Source Energy Being, you are very worthy. You don’t earn these things; you allow them to come in. You allow yourselves to be healed. You allow yourselves to be upgraded, to be attuned to a higher consciousness. Now, another way that you can receive more of these energies that we are sending is by simply relaxing, opening up, and allowing that which is coming to you to enter into your field. See your energy fields as being these wonderful doorways that you can open up with your intention. See the crown of your head similarly, and know that sometimes you do relax and open up, and you do receive so much of what we are offering here in the higher realms.
I also want you to know that we work with your guides and your higher selves. To them, we are higher dimensional beings as well, and we all work together to assist those of you who operate in the physical realms. We all know how challenging it is to be where you are, and we also all trust that you are going to get to where you need to go eventually.
All of us know that any twists and turns you take along your paths will serve you and serve everyone in some way. And so, of course, we are not concerned. All of us would like to see you living lives of joy more of the time because now your ascension is assured. You don’t have to work towards making that happen. All you need to do is decide that it can be a joyous journey from this point forward, no matter what you have experienced to date. I know you can do this, and so do the rest of the higher dimensional beings and collectives that have dedicated themselves to being of service, to seeing the ascension through for everyone who embraces it there on Earth.
And I know not everyone has yet, and some will certainly come kicking and screaming. But there’s plenty of time. Do not worry about your fellow humans and whether they are receiving enough, whether they are awake or not. They all have their own journeys, and those of you who are awake now are there to assist them. And you do just with your presence, and there will be more to come, more to do, more ways to be of service, and I, St. Germain, and all the others promise you that we will always be helping. We are not waiting to be called upon by you, but we do notice when any of you opens up and receives, and it is a glorious moment for all in this entire universe of ours.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

On the Blogs:
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Um pequeno e simples processo de Saint Germain

Saint Germain

Canal: Daniel Scranton

Tradução a 9 de dezembro de 2024

Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Dou-vos as boas-vindas a todos ao vosso novo eu, Ao eu que é realmente o eu mais antigo dentro de vós. Você tem fingido ser alguém e algo que não é quem e o que você realmente é. E convido-os a reconhecerem-se como seres de amor e luz que sempre foram, que nasceram para ser e de que nasceram. Lembre-se de que esta é uma experiência temporária que você está tendo como o ser humano que você é e de vez em quando, se você se envolver neste pequeno e simples processo que estou prestes a lhe dar, então você terá uma compreensão muito maior e muito mais sólida de quem e o que você realmente é como um ser infinito e eterno de amor e luz.
Descanse sua consciência em seu coração agora e agora respire em seu coração e sinta a chama eterna de que você é como o amor da energia da fonte se expandindo, queimando mais brilhante, queimando mais forte. Dar a si mesmos essa experiência pelo menos uma vez por dia mudará a maneira como abordam tudo em sua vida e mudará a maneira como vêem a si mesmos e aos outros.
E se você quer transformar sua vida e viver a vida que você sempre quis, você deve começar por transformá-lo. Muitos de vocês viram ou experimentaram como é difícil mudar tudo fora de vocês para lhes dar a vida dos seus sonhos. É um trabalho árduo, e às vezes é preciso muito tempo e muito dinheiro, muito esforço e muita energia. E, mais cedo ou mais tarde, não conseguirão manter todas essas placas a girar, e vão desistir e muitos desistiram.
E na desistência, muitos encontraram a verdade de quem realmente são, porque não tinham para onde se voltar senão para dentro. Deixe de lado qualquer ideia de quem você foi definido como sendo por outros, e deixe de lado essa programação que diz que você deve ser assim porque você tem essa idade ou assim porque você é desse gênero. E, é claro, a partir desse lugar de encontrar a chama eterna dentro de seu próprio coração, você pode começar a criar o que quiser. E você estará criando isso a partir do conhecimento de quem você realmente é e do poder que todos têm dentro deles.
Poucos exploram esse poder, mas quando o fazem, você o vê. Você percebe isso e o experimenta no que eles criam. Seja uma dessas pessoas, não para que você obtenha o reconhecimento dos outros, mas porque é o caminho para você viver no fluxo, ser feliz e viver a vida que você sempre quis viver. Você merece isso como um aspecto da fonte de energia que é infinito, eterno e, no entanto, sempre em expansão.
Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Daniel Scranton

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)
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A Little, Simple Process from Saint Germain

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 9, 2024

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I welcome you all to your new selves, to the self that really is the oldest self within you. You have been pretending to be someone and something that is other than who and what you really are. And I invite you to acknowledge yourselves as the beings of love and light that you always have been, that you were born to be and born of. Remember that this is a temporary experience that you are having as the human being that you are and from time to time, if you engage in this little, simple process I am about to give you, then you will have a much bigger, much more solid understanding of who and what you really are as an infinite and eternal being of love and light.
Rest your consciousness in your heart right now and now breathe into your heart and feel the eternal flame that you are as Source Energy’s love expanding, burning brighter, burning stronger. Giving yourselves this experience at least once a day will change the way you approach everything in your life, and it will change the way you view yourselves and others.
And if you want to transform your life and to live the life that you’ve always wanted, you must start by transforming you. Many of you have seen or experienced how hard it is to change everything outside of you in order to give you that life of your dreams. It’s hard work, and sometimes it takes a lot of time and a lot of money, a lot of effort and a lot of energy. And sooner or later, you won’t be able to keep all of those plates spinning, and you will give up and many have.
And in the giving up, many have found the truth of who they really are, because they had nowhere else to turn but inward. Let go of any idea of who you have been defined to be by others, and let go of that programming that says you must be this way because you are this age or this way because you are this gender. And, of course, from that place of finding the eternal flame within your own heart, you can begin to create whatever you want. And you will be creating it from the knowing of who you really are and from the power that everyone has inside of them.
Few tap into this power, but when they do, you see it. You notice it, and you experience it in what it is they do create. Be one of those people, not so that you get the acknowledgement from others, but because it is the way for you to live in the flow, to be happy, and to live the life that you’ve always wanted to live. You deserve it as an aspect of Source Energy that is infinite, eternal, and yet ever expanding.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

On the Blogs:
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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