Urantia, February 8, 2008
The Beloved: “Steadfastness is much needed in the world today, so let us spend a few thoughts on this word and its meaning. So many people are seemingly rudderless because they do not know that they have steady guidance within them, a Pilot Light by which to 'see and steer their little life-boat.’
Blessed are those who seek within for they shall surely find. Blessed are those who persevere in seeking the Stillness of their hearts, for they shall surely secure that connection. Blessed are those who become steady and steadfast workers in God's Kingdom, going forth and spreading the good news among those with ears willing to listen, and in doing so, awaken an urge in others to seek within the Stillness for their own Gift from the Creator of all and be guided thereby.
The battles of life are won by being steadfast, with an increasing love and respect for self and fellow travelers. It is in perseverance that self-discipline can become a reality in self-correction where annoying traits and habits are overcome and the mortal continually works on self-renewal within, growing ever more grateful for God's grace and all blessings received.
What a blessing it is to live in a greater reality of life, a greater awareness of God's love and care found in the smallest of creations, and appreciate the wonder of it all. Such a one is weaving a rich tapestry of life, filled with the beautiful colors of the fruits of the spirit. Such ‘fruits shine forth as one learns to be a comforting presence to someone, by becoming increasingly more patient with self and others, by growing self-forgetful and more tolerant and forgiving, by being able to let go of grudges and not fret about misunderstandings, and by being of a peaceful mind and a restful heart.
Blessed are those who hear the clarion call of the Still Small Voice within and let themselves be guided thereby to the best of their ability, for they shall become steadfast workers in the kingdom of God, always ready to help others with a pure heart and mind, not knowing any hidden agendas, who are becoming as the fresh fallen snow, beautifying the world each according to their own design. They shall shine as the stars in the heavens, unnoticed by the world at large and yet they are known among the mighty of God, because of their steadfastness in the doing of God's Will.”