Density Emancipation
By Natalia Alba
Posted on September 9, 2024
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are now immersed in a phase of profound density emancipation, which is going to be an important part of our inner work next year. As my Guides shared, density emancipation is a process of losing density from our physical bodies that many of you will be undergoing, as you have finally crossed the veils of illusion, healed trauma, and soul fragmentation.
The process of density emancipation is indeed an unequivocal sign that ascension is taking place, at a physical level. This process can be divided according to my Guides into three main phases.
The first one starts when we finally transfigure the three-dimensional chakra system and embody the higher ones, releasing density from our lower chakras, as we too remove from them all the disempowerment, female repression, fears, familiar and genetic patterns, masculine distortions, and many others that are embedded within our three-dimensional lower chakras, an that impeded us to embrace higher frequencies.
Now, many of you have moved into the second phase, one of profound metamorphosis in which you start moving from the astral levels to the soul fifth dimensional ones, embodying more aspects of your mission and starting to align to harmonic timelines, a process that is in truth determined by the frequency you hold within and by the level of integrity you too hold.
During this second stage, we start as well losing density in our skeletal system, some feeling extreme sensations due to the process of losing bone densification, not to be confused as Guides shared with the process of the passage of time in our human vehicle that is related to losing bone density, such as calcium, etc., as the process I am referring to is the one in which your bones start becoming more crystalline, for many of us are already undergoing a crystallization process like never before in our life.
Many of us have suffered pain, go to the doctor, and find nothing was wrong at all, at a medical level, as we always need to make sure nothing further is taking place in our bodies.
This is also a clear sign that the process of losing density has been initiated and that we need to take further steps towards keeping our bodies healthy and flexible, while this process lasts, knowing it is an organic transition we have chosen and we need to embrace it and deal with it as graceful as we can, as ascension is not always about pain and symptoms, for there is also joy, stabilization and many blessings that come too with this journey.
This process can be especially very challenging for those of you who also have some physical issues such as arthritis, arthrosis, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia. There are many other painful conditions not listed here that will too make this process even more complex and painful. When this occurs, we need to include new healing tools or natural remedies to support our bodies.
Sound therapy, acupuncture, organic supplements, programming specific crystals to aid our bodies, such as muscovite, which Guides share is an excellent one to support physical ascension, and many other tools such as swimming, and light immersion exercises will support our bone structure while they are under this process, which is a lifetime one.
Drinking pure water and gradually leaving drinks that contain soda, alcohol, and many other sugars is too pivotal as this is literally a poison to our body, especially when we are in this process of bone crystallization.
We need to learn to shift habits, as for example those of you who never exercise, may want to include some subtle but efficient exercise, such as yoga, pilates, or walking. This is essential to move energy and release toxins, anxiety, and strong and negative emotions, as exercise is a natural healer.
On the contrary, for those who are accustomed to exercising hard, if the bone structure is giving you many painful sensations, you may want to shift from running to walking, to set an example, as many of you are noticing as well differences in how you used to exercise and how it is changing for you now. Intense exercise when we are passing through certain stages of this process has a deep impact on our bones, especially if you have some of the above diseases.
All of you are sovereign healers who know what your body needs, for only you can truly discern what feels good for what you are experiencing and what does not, as we are all unique.
The third stage of density emancipation will occur when we physically choose to leave this three-dimensional plane. Another one will start in which we will be supported by our God Self and Guides team to initiate ourselves into a new harmonic dimension, with a totally new body and with totally different ways of being and living.
2025, a year my Guides named the year of mental liberation, as Pluto in Aquarius confirms, density emancipation, as we are all feeling in our bodies, as we continue to ascend, and above all, soul freedom from our three-dimensional plane. It will be a year filled with many endings, but also with many blessings, if we are willing to conclude a cycle and step into the unknown, which is never unknown to us at a soul level, only at a conscious one.
As we step into 2025 we will start realizing the importance of removing all that cannot coexist within our new bodies, and state of being, whether relationships, habits, old beliefs, jobs, and all that belongs to an old timeline.
We all have our time to release and let go of what impedes us from progressing in our evolutionary path. What is important is to continue walking with an open heart, and mind to receive all the love, wisdom, and power that we are descending and that will help us too achieve a better understanding of our personal process and how we can best serve All.
May you be loving and compassionate towards yourselves and your bodies during this process, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
My notes:
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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