But first, the BASICS: Do you have
ROCK SOLID evidence that your
POLITICIANS actually give
DAMN about YOU? Let’s just say that if you DID, you’d LITERALLY be living in legit PARADISE right now, “evidence” regarding matters not even NEEDED. And no, the “money’s” quite clearly NOT a problem; there seems to be trillion$ around to fund literal wars and everything; to speak nothing of all of that insider trading (and countless other forms of corruption going on). But JACK SHIT to give healthcare to the needy or homes to the homeless or food to the hungry and…I could go on and on and on with this forever.
Next, do you have ROCK SOLID evidence that your mainstream mass MEDIA gives a DAMN about YOU? Go open your favourite news portal, and let me know how many CORRUPTION cases they’re exposing DAILY (when practically endless un-exposed corruption cases exist out there). Or let me know how many CRITICAL “HUMAN” ISSUES the likes of homelessness and poverty and hunger are being talked about DAILY, with the LEADERS responsible for causing them being PUBLICLY named and SHAMED.
Alright, surely there’s ROCK SOLID evidence that your CELEBS do care, right? No? How about all of those prestigious BILLIONAIRES? Oh, they all donate so much to charity, you say? PLEASE DO name a few charities that these celebs/billionaires are regularly donating to. And NO, not just “ANY” charities, oh HELL NO. I want you to name charities that have PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE and 100% ONLINE balance sheets and 100% TRANSPARENT RECORDS that show where they RECEIVED every single penny from, and where they SPENT it…complete with PHOTOGRAPHIC and VIDEO EVIDENCE of ACTUAL WORK with ACTUAL ADDRESSES given (wherever necessary) for people to VERIFY whether a SHELTER was really even BUILT for someone in need of it; (or a SCHOOL or HOSPITAL or what-else-have-you).
Any “charity” which CANNOT meet the ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE criteria is just a money-laundering SCAM. Enough said.
And so, how is it that when Donald Trump got legitimately elected back in 2016; ALL of these politicians, celebs, rich fucks and media outlets started attacking HIM and HIM alone…that too NON FUCKING STOP? Can you name even ONE OTHER elected leader (from all of HISTORY) who has been attacked this way from ALL SIDES 24x7x365? Not even absolute WARMONGERS the likes of the Bushes and the Cheneys (some of whom have been all too “coincidentally” supporting Trump’s opponents as of late) got that “treatment”.
If EVERY SINGLE PERSON/ENTITY (who doesn’t give a single flying FUCK about you) is all-of-a-sudden UNITED in the opposition of THIS ONE SPECIFIC PERSON; what does that LOGICALLY tell YOU? (about said PERSON?)
How many open assassination attempts were made on actual warmonger presidents, last you checked? To speak nothing of the (now disproven) character assassination attempts and all.
How is it that Barack Obama – a guy who literally bombed innocent children – is considered one of the greatest “presidents” of all time?
How is it that he THEN goes on to get a fucking NOBEL prize for “PEACE”?
Did common fucking
sense commit literal (Epstein-style)
“suicide” while we all weren’t looking or something?
Where the FUCK are all of the MEDIA attacks on THIS GUY (and his ” awards’ ” CREDENTIALS?) The CELEBRITY attacks? The BILLIONAIRE attacks? The “FACT CHECKER” attacks? The SOCIAL MEDIA GIANT attacks? The POLITICIANS attacks? The ACTUAL attacks?
How the FUCK is it that (ex-Musk) Twitter was allowing the literal TALIBAN to have a Twitter account; but not TRUMP (a literal democratically-elected PRESIDENT with exactly ZERO blood on his hands?)
And now, the Cheneys are backing his opponent. Diddy’s (ex?) girlfriend is backing his opponent. And practically every other person and institution with exactly ZERO credibility is backing his opponent; and so many of our so-called “spiritually evolving” people STILL do not see anything OFF about all of this? What in the everloving FUCK is even going ON here, folks?
Where the fuck is everyone’s “Bullshit Detector”? Where the fuck is their “Intuition” at? “Logic”, anyone?
It was (and IS) EXTREMELY saddening to see so MANY people who frequent this website (and other places) losing the plot THIS bad. I’m not saying this to “judge” them; I’m saying this (out publicly) to help awaken them. Because they GOT TO put in at least SOME work, should they wish to ASCEND to higher REALITIES. And I ABSOLUTELY cannot make this ANY more CLEARER than THAT.
There are no HANDOUTS in spiritual EVOLUTION.
And for absolutely ANYONE out there looking to hate and attack me for writing the above, allow me to raise the stakes even higher:
IF you can answer ALL of my above questions with LOGICALLY SOUND arguments and reasoning (and exactly ZERO deflections or “excuses”); I’LL quit posting on here FOREVER.
I’ll repeat my (once-in-a-lifetime!) GUARANTEED OFFER just to be very, VERY clear here: Prove me WRONG by LOGICALLY answering ALL of my questions (put forth above) without ANY deflections or excuses; and I’ll STOP writing/posting on here PERMANENTLY.
You have my (very publicly posted) WORD for it.
And if you simply cannot do that (but were nonetheless misled by shallow “externalities” EARLIER); perhaps NOW is as DELIGHTFUL a time as ANY to upgrade those discernment SKILLS of yours. Skills, that involve sharpening BOTH your INTUITION as well as your LOGIC (which, just so you know, is the very real FOUNDATION for THIS very ARTICLE).
Let’s just say your very ascension depends upon it.
Above that, it’s your call.
On a closing note (and just to make something very, VERY clear): Yes, I both respect as well as SUPPORT Donald Trump. Because of what he’s even DARED to ENDURE for us all. And NO, I do NOT think that he’s “flawless” or “perfect” as a human being or anything (and even if he isn’t, let he who hath never sinned cast the first stone!) And yet, obvious evidence says he’s far, FAR AHEAD of absolutely ANYONE attempting to defame/eliminate him. (Like J.Lo and the Cheneys? Seriously? Are you f’ing kidding me here???)
Also NO, I’ll also never EVER give away my very own POWER away to either him or absolutely ANYONE else. NOR would I EVER SUGGEST anyone ELSE to do SUCH, EVER. But I got respect where respect’s due; and love where love’s due. Until such time arrives as said person actually chooses to go “dark” or whatever; a free will choice that is DIVINELY available ETERNALLY to YOU and ME and absolutely EVERYONE ELSE out there.
Issued in public interest by
Don Spectacularis of the Spectacularis Supersentience.
P.S. If the above message resonates with you at all, please DO SHARE IT EVERYWHERE (even LinkedIn and Tinder will do!); help TRANSLATE IT into your local languages; or even TRANSMIT IT EVERYWHERE using any creative way that you so enjoy: be it Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Sketches, Tik Toks, or even literal Memes if nothing else! And you’d likely end up helping more people, than you can even imagine at this time!
What did Trump say to all of the idiots attempting to end him?
“I didn’t hear No-bel.”
– Don Spectacularis, 2024
My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?