We are here now.
We love you
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, throughout your life you have acquired many beliefs about yourself, others, circumstances and goals.
These beliefs were mostly established by the Ego Mind to uphold the Illusion of separation from God and others in your world.
The Ego Mind keeps telling you “Trust me. I will protect you. I will keep you safe.”
Over many lifetimes, the Ego Mind became such a part of yourself that when it is threatened with Love and Truth, it will protect you from it at all costs.
What is the cost of it?
That you will remain in the Illusion – the opposite of Heaven and Oneness with God and all the children of God.
That’s the ultimate goal of the Ego Mind.
It will disguise this goal by “protecting” you, “shielding” you and separating you from everyone else.
The Ego Mind says: Trust me and you will be safe.
However the Truth is that none of it really keeps you safe. The underlying feeling of being vulnerable at any moment will never go away… unless you decide to Trust in God’s Strength.
This is a decision point that you will be brought to, over and over again, until you full heartedly Trust in the ultimate Safety and Strength of God.
In the Illusion, everything is upside down.
What appears to be strength (protection and attack) is actually weakness.
What appears to be weakness (love, peace and kindness) is actually strength.
The only way out of the rat race of the Illusion is to begin to Trust in the Strength of God.
This begins on the mind level by overriding the “I know better.” of the Ego Mind (based on past programming) and instead, by saying:
“God is my Strength. I trust in God.”
Then, begin to ask for Divine Guidance, listen and follow the new direction that God will give you.
This will lead you out of the Illusion and back Home to God’s Reality.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you… always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste.
Asara Adams