Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação
Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação
First ever world revolution about to liberate humanity
Geo-Political Report
by Benjamin Fulford
Posted on March 20, 2023
What is happening now has never happened before in human history. We are witnessing the first-ever world revolution. The riots in France, the US military disobedience of fake President Joe Biden, the unification of the Muslim people, the collapse of Credit Suisse and many more events around the world are all interconnected signs of this. It is all part of the overthrow of a hidden ruling class that has presided over the planet for thousands if not tens of thousands of years. The final result will be both mind-boggling and liberating for humanity and earth life in general.
Pension protest in Paris
Before we go look at all the events unfolding though, let us try to grasp the big picture. My former professor Sa’adullah Ghausy -who was Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Japan before the Russians invaded his country- said the best way to understand international relations is to think of countries as individual people. So, with that in mind, here is the big picture:
An African, a Chinese, a European, an Indian and a Khazarian find themselves stranded on a deserted island. The Khazarian says to the African “You go and collect food, firewood and other resources.” To the Chinese he says “You make tools and build shelter and furniture for us.” To the Indian he says “You cook and clean and take care of the various chores.” To the European he says “You beat up the African, the Chinese and the Indian if they disobey.” To all of them he says, “Once you have finished your tasks go collect sea shells and shiny rocks for me.” Then he says to the group, “After you have prepared everything, I will take the best food and most comfortable furniture and give you what is left over.”
Then one night while the Khazarian is asleep, the other individuals get together and say “the Khazarian does not do anything so why should we work for him?” To the European, the others say “He keeps you drugged and poisoned so that you obey him; if you work with us we will help you detox, give you his sea shell collection and make sure you get a bigger share of the food.”
So, the next morning the others tell the Khazarian he will have to work if he wants to keep eating and sharing the island with the others. When he tells the European to go beat the others up, he is rebuffed. He then threatens to poison everybody, blow up the island etc. but it is a bluff and basically, he is going to have either work or get thrown to the sharks.
That in essence is what is happening in the world now.
In the Middle East, for example, the various countries of the region, including Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia have decided to stop handing over their oil to the Khazarian mafia in exchange for numbers on bank computers. That is why fake President Joe Biden has been forced to drain the strategic oil reserve.
No wonder Moussa Ibrahim, former spokesman for Muammar Gaddafi: “What is happening between Saudi Arabia and Iran under Chinese control is not a small thing, it is a change of international power.”
The same is happening with China and other Asian countries who are now demanding payment in real things like gold and physical products from the United States and other Western countries.
In Africa, a large group of countries has asked for Russian help to stop the French Rothschilds etc. from stealing their resources.
This alliance between the global south, the global east and Western white hats is leading to an implosion of the Western financial system and regime change in a variety of countries.
The collapse of Credit Suisse is a reflection of this. Notice how none of the so-called mainstream news articles about Credit Suisse talk about the real reason why it is collapsing and why take over by UBS and a Swiss government bail-out will fail. Let there be no doubt, it will fail and bring down with it the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN etc.
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The real story can be gleaned in bits and pieces from news articles appearing
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What is CIPS?
China’s Cross-Border Interbank Payment System, or CIPS, was launched in October 2015 to provide an independent international yuan payment and clearing system connecting both onshore and offshore clearing markets and participating banks.
Russia’s de-dollarization efforts mean that China and India can help Russia skirt sanctions by jointly building an alternative global financial system.
While India currently does not have its own domestic financial messaging system, it plans to link a service (Rupee-Rouble- Under the proposed system, the dollar or the euro could be used to determine how many roubles would be equivalent of a rupee, based on their respective value against the third currency.)
Currently under development with Russia’s SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages, Russia’s equivalent of SWIFT), which could connect with China’s CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System, the Chinese version of SWIFT).
Once materialized, the linked systems would cover most parts of the world. The global coverage of this alternative system could appeal to countries that are either vulnerable to U.S. sanctions or discontent about the U.S. dollar’s dominance.
After putting these pieces together, in my opinion, this is HOW and WHY the U.S. dollar will SUDDENLY CRASH. IMO, this is “The Alliance’s” plan to usher in NESARA/GESARA.
The ALLIANCE are the following leaders working in tandem with
President Trump &
President Putin:
(China)-President Xi Jinping
The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China opposes illegal unilateral sanction on Moscow and will continue to carry out normal trade cooperation with Russia.
(India)-Prime Minister of India- Narendra Modi has developed ways to trade with Russia while bypassing sanctions. India has been exploring a rupee-ruble trade arrangement with Russia following Western sanctions on Russia.
(Brazil)-Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow shortly before the Ukraine invasion, angered Western allies by saying he was “in solidarity with Russia” without elaborating.
(Saudi Arabia)-Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman-
As the United States and its allies stand united against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Saudi Arabia is siding with Russia.
(North Korea)-Kim Jong Un Pyongyang, however, remains a steadfast supporter of Moscow. DPRK Ambassador to the U.N. Kim Song was one of the only diplomats to speak out in defense of Russia’s actions at the General Assembly on Wednesday, repeating recent North Korean foreign ministry statements that label the U.S. (The BIDEN Administration) the “root cause” of the war in Ukraine.
No wonder why President Trump “Allowed” the DEMOCRATS to “STEAL” the election, this would of appeared to look VERY bad to the general public if this all happened under President Trump.
In my opinion, after the collapse NESARA/GESARA will be announced and new elections are required to be held within 120 days. By this time people will be BEGGING for President Trump’s return.
Enjoy The Show
Disclaimer: After much research, this only my opinion, please don’t take it as fact.
To be updated soon.
This video is reposted from the website : https://theusmilitarynews.com/Benjamin Fulford Update Today March 20, 2023