When it looks like your world is in chaos, the inner world is always a temple of refuge and a place of peace. Beneath the choppy waves on the surface of the sea, there exists a calm ocean. Beneath the choppy and turbulent situations on your earth, there exists a calm Presence.
Whether you are dealing with storms, grief, life’s challenges, politics you don’t enjoy, or a variety of other things you find challenging, remember this dear ones. God is with you. The Presence of love that lives within never leaves you. The help you require is there for you. If you can truly believe, you will receive. From the Divine, there is a constant outflow of love, guidance, support, and well-being. You can tap in at any time.
We know that life can be a struggle, but if you can stop struggling with life and accept it as it comes, while simultaneously reaching for more, then your challenges become simply adventures that give way to kinder adventures. Your problems become launching pads for solutions. Your concerns become the fertilizer for your desires.
You say this often, “Life happens.” How you respond to the external is an inside job. Try to respond with this mindset – I am having an adventure. If I like it, I’d like more, please. If I don’t, then I’d like a kinder adventure. I know that my desire in this moment for better is strong. I know I have already set the universal wheels in motion.
Dear ones, we love you. We are with you. In calm and in storms, sickness and health, good times and bad. We never leave you. The Presence and power within is always there. Sit with us. Breathe. Receive our love. We want to help your lives become greater adventures in love, serenity, joy, and all that you wish.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels.
Ann Albers
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