It is not just the US but the entire West that is bankrupt: both financially and morally
Benjamin Fulford
“What do you do if a public figure you know of as a nice old lady has chopped a child’s head off, drunken their blood and eaten their heart?” responded a top MI6 figure when asked why Queen Elizabeth II had “tested positive for Covid” i.e. been arrested.
We heard before from a cousin of the Queen that the British Royals (until recently) had annual human sacrifices at Balmoral Castle. Now we know the details because video evidence of this has been given to MI6.
The reason this is coming out now is that the Rothschild family and other top Khazarian mafia bosses like the Rockefellers have gone bankrupt. They have been pulling out all their blackmail cards, such as the one they had against the Queen, in a desperate bid to stay in power. “It is a compromise and control mechanism and it exists worldwide,” says MI6. “Every painting in every government office has a camera in it,” MI6 continues, explaining why it is so hard to “drain the swamp.”
“A lot of people are forced to do it with a gun to their head” the source continued while noting that “A lot of the worlds’ military has also taken part in human sacrifice.”
This explains why I saw a look of sheer horror on the faces of George Soros and Paul Wolfowitz when I asked them about the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. They must have been recalling their own bloody initiations into the top ranks of power. >>>https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/02/it-is-not-just-us-but-entire-west-that.html
Benjamin Fulford
“What do you do if a public figure you know of as a nice old lady has chopped a child’s head off, drunken their blood and eaten their heart?” responded a top MI6 figure when asked why Queen Elizabeth II had “tested positive for Covid” i.e. been arrested.
We heard before from a cousin of the Queen that the British Royals (until recently) had annual human sacrifices at Balmoral Castle. Now we know the details because video evidence of this has been given to MI6.
The reason this is coming out now is that the Rothschild family and other top Khazarian mafia bosses like the Rockefellers have gone bankrupt. They have been pulling out all their blackmail cards, such as the one they had against the Queen, in a desperate bid to stay in power. “It is a compromise and control mechanism and it exists worldwide,” says MI6. “Every painting in every government office has a camera in it,” MI6 continues, explaining why it is so hard to “drain the swamp.”
“A lot of people are forced to do it with a gun to their head” the source continued while noting that “A lot of the worlds’ military has also taken part in human sacrifice.”
This explains why I saw a look of sheer horror on the faces of George Soros and Paul Wolfowitz when I asked them about the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. They must have been recalling their own bloody initiations into the top ranks of power. >>>https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/02/it-is-not-just-us-but-entire-west-that.html