Alabama, USA, May 21, 2014
Thought Adjuster: “The path to achieving eternity and perfection is traveled day by day. At every moment in your life, you will be faced with the need to choose between your lower nature and your higher spiritual nature. Every time you choose to do your best in any situation, you will be taking a step forward toward achieving your eternal goal. It is that simple. This is the truth hidden behind all religions and what guarantees success in mortal life—the true success that has eternal repercussions: that every decision in your life be made in favor of the Father's will—the path with the most love, the best way of doing things.
If it is so easy, why do so many in this world seem so far from this way of living, and why do most have no clue about what they should do to achieve eternal rewards? In this world, most people are distracted. The clamor of the world, with its constant bombardment of false needs, unrealistic expectations, and role models, has diverted the attention of the majority so much that many do not know why they are living or why they have come into this world. Religions have not helped much either, as they have failed in their primary purpose of bringing man closer to God and have overly complicated human life with useless beliefs, traditions, and rituals. Those souls who turn to religion seeking answers end up trapped in limiting beliefs, confused when dogmas seem to contradict the higher ideals that live in their minds, or simply disappointed when they cannot find what they are seeking to satisfy the needs of their souls.
It is time for the human beings of this world to understand that the responsibility for their spiritual progress falls directly on their own shoulders. When looking back from the higher worlds and considering the value of the mortal life you once lived, you will not be able to blame anyone else for keeping you in confusion and indifference. While the world does much to pull you away from your true goals, you have the freedom to use your will to ensure your spiritual growth. This freedom is so complete that even the Father does not dare to contradict it.
How can a person rise above the confusion of the world and find God for the satisfaction of their soul? The Father’s presence is within every human being, thanks to the ministry of the Thought Adjuster. This presence is the source of divine truth, constantly illuminating the human mind to those realities beyond its understanding. There too lies the source of the progressive revelations of truth that inspire a human being to embark on the adventure of becoming the best they can be. All who sincerely seek will find. All who pray, asking the Father for understanding, will understand. All who wish to experience the unconditional love of God will feel it. All these blessings require only the faith to ask for them and an intimate, personal relationship between each individual and their Father in heaven.
Open your channels of communication. Open your mind to receive the Father’s words. Ask for what your soul longs for the most and wait with faith and hope, for the Father already knows what you need and has granted it to you even before you ask. All that is needed is for you to adjust your focus to notice the blessings and potentials hidden within you, waiting for you to recognize them so they can manifest in your reality and reveal the Father more fully in your life and through your life to your fellow beings, your world, and all of creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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