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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Powerful Being of Manifestation

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on September 17, 2024


We are here connecting with you through the energy of these words. Words carry the energy of meaning as uniquely translated by your beliefs and programs. We find your words extremely limiting in offering expanded awareness of your true multidimensional existence.
You do not have words to illustrate many of the concepts and truths available to you as a divine, multidimensional being in human form. However since this is the tool that is available and which carries our energy, we use it to invite you to expand again and again.
When we say that you are beings of light, we realize that you have heard this concept many times, yet it might still sound a bit far out to you. It is, however, the truth. As we have expressed before, every cell, as well as your DNA, emits biophotons of light. Imagine that your very skin is like natural solar panels and the energies and frequencies given by the sun, moon and stars continually recharge your aliveness.
The electromagnetic emissions from your cells can now be measured with your modern instrumentation. We realize that you experience yourself as this solid and dense physical form. That is what this experience is about, to recognize that you have a physical vehicle, yet you are a starbeing. You are the essence of light energy that happens to be vibrating at a low frequency which gives you the sense of being solid.
Your real state of existence is a being of light energy. Yet while you are focused on the physical aspect, you are always offering your personal energy signature to all you encounter. Remember, your personal energy signature is influenced by what you have experienced, what you have been taught and what you have been led to believe as well as by the state of your emotions.
As you become aware that you are more than your physical form, consider that you might be a true member of the Galactic family and a starseed being. When you begin to accept this as a real possibility, and understand who you truly are, you begin to expand into your starseed presence.
When you consciously, on purpose, begin to release any limited beliefs and patterns you have acquired, when you clear your emotional storage, when you stop repeating your non-supportive stories, you begin elevating yourself to the higher dimensions. As you begin to refine your energy signature, you vibrate at a higher and purer form of the light spectrum, you begin to own and express yourself as a being of bio-luminosity, a being of light, a true starseed being.
As your frequencies and vibrations increase, the other dimensions become more available to your awareness. Of course this is the goal, is it not?
Your planet is in flux, it is shifting as well, moving to the higher dimensions. You are the active part of this occurring, for you are anchoring more and more conscious light vibrations within the very cells of your physical form.
You are a powerful being of manifestation. Your thoughts, words and emotional focus impact the quantum field. You are interfacing with this energy field in each moment. You are entrained and resonate with this unified field. So when you begin to expand your light quota and hold your focused intentions from a higher level of consciousness, you begin interfacing with the 4th and 5th dimensions of light consciousness.
You are here to anchor your starseed awareness into this reality. When you move your focused attention from the imposed limitations of the 3rd dimension, you begin to remember and open up to your awesome abilities and gifts.
Every situation and every perceived problem now occurring on your planet can and will be resolved with solutions generated from the higher realms of truth. Throughout your history there have been those who have tapped into these higher realms and created music which continues to inspire, art that continues to trigger emotions, and inventions that have changed the course of your history.
So it is a matter of you knowing that you also have the ability and can tap into these higher states of consciousness, realizing that there will be a flow of inspiration and solutions that will be downloaded so to speak. Play with this possibility; allow your imagination to travel to a place where the answers will be revealed. Trust the process. Practice and allow for this to unfold.
When you allow yourself to step outside your limited, perceived reality, you open the doors to unlimited awesome abilities. When you can acknowledge yourself as a powerful creator of your reality, you can begin to make the necessary shifts in attitudes that will change the very reality you are experiencing.
We are inviting you to play big. We are inviting you to own your power to make a difference in your personal life experience as well as the world events. You are invited to own this truth.
Remember, your focused intention will manifest. So begin to embrace yourself as a divine co- creator of this reality. Elevate and evolve your thinking, discard any limited beliefs. Allow yourself to play with the possibilities. Imagine that you are unlimited and as an unlimited, divine starbeing, what would you create?
Your focused intention does affect your reality. Imagine that your focused intentions are capable of changing the very molecular structure of matter. It is the highly coherent frequencies of your light awareness that gives this focus its power to transform.
It is this personal awakening that is occurring in the hearts and minds of humanity that will transform this planet. Realize that energy of thought can and will alter the reality that is the focus. When you begin to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions and allow yourself to receive and download solutions to the current situations, you are actively bringing more conscious light awareness to the whole.
We are honored to remind you of your true power to create, your true connection with the stars. We celebrate your starseed awareness. We celebrate you stepping into this truth with deep gratitude for your personal work and service that you continue to offer to humanity from your divine presence in partnership with your physical focus. We are always available by your request.
"The Team"

My Personal Message

Talk about clearing old emotional energy and negative patterns - that seems to be what is up for me. This month was another intense physical experience. Throughout my life I have dealt with headaches, especially during my teens and early twenties. Some were migraine so intense that I just had to go to bed. So, I have known that is a vulnerable area for me. I have continued to have slight headaches, once in awhile, which do not last long and are mild.
Recently, I experienced a headache that started out slow and became more and more intense over several days. Finally, after four days of extreme pain, I was willing to go to emergency. They took a cat scan and said there looked like swelling, a bleed, a mass or even a slight stroke. My daughter and I said heartfelt prayers and made intentions for this to be resolved with ease and grace.
The hospital continued to run tests and we were there ten hours. My EKG was normal, my blood work was normal and the MRI was totally clear. Our prayers were answered. They finally found a medication that stopped the intense pain and they released me.
I read and use Louise L. Hays You Can Heal Your Life and The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal. I looked up the headaches, it was fear of the flow of life, seriousness, perfectionism and over committing myself. Last month when I had shingles, I did look up the emotional component. When I was a child and had chicken pox my emotional state of mind was low self-esteem, feeling inferior, unworthy, fear of the future and being too sensitive. I have overcome those emotional issues. These are qualities that I continue to be aware of and process - they were energetic reminders of those thought patterns. I have used this understanding and cleared this energy. It seems to me that this is a part of my ascension process. All the solar flares and energy we are all feeling right now has been activating these old patterns and emotions to be cleared and transformed.
Right now, I am doing well, just feeling a bit fragile. I am taking care of myself and processing my emotions with sound and energy work. I invite you to notice if any health issues arise for you. How they are serving you and your own transformation? What are the results of this ascension process for you?
Other news of my month. My month was easy with sessions with the 'team,' taking care of myself, and my garden. Our weather has been so lovely and being outside at twilight is my favorite time. My granddaughter just completed her training to be a flight attendant. She is so excited and, of course, I am thrilled for her. Everyone else in the family is doing well. I did get fire insurance for my home, it is expensive plus I still need insurance for liability and personal possessions. Oh my! We finally got the big oak tree that fell in the back yard cleaned up. Now to repair the fence and such. It was certainly a mess. We had another successful and playful collage workshop and class. These once a month happenings at the local library are so much fun and the class is always full.
Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I am honored to be available to you in connecting with the 'team'. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
There have been more powerful solar flares. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. Be mindful of how you integrate these energies into your life. Set your intentions each day to integrate these energies easily. Because of the energy from these cosmic downloads, there are surprises in store. Challenge yourself to shine in new ways and be open to major personal growth.
We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
"Vibration! Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates. at the most fundamental level, the Universe and everything which comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. the Universe has no "solidity," as such. Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration." author unkown
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all
Thought for the Month 
It is this personal awakening that is occurring in the hearts and minds of humanity that will transform this planet. Realize that energy of thought can and will alter the reality that is the focus. 
When you begin to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions and allow yourself to receive and download solutions to the current situations, you are actively bringing more conscious light awareness to the whole.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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