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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Prepare for the Big Change

Por Peter B Meyer

Posted December 2, 2024


Much accomplished, but deliberately little published

Planet Earth is completely sealed off no cabal criminal will escape!

The foundation of the new 5D world is based on gratitude, joy and support for others.

Our planet is in the process of a very rapid transformation from 3D to 5D. The higher cabal minions are trying to leave in a hurry because they know their time is up and nothing can save them now, but they won’t be able to escape.

For now, only lower level minions are still trying to run the show, which won’t work anymore. The plan was to kill 90% of the population and then create special work camps to imprison the rest.

Their 2030 agenda has also failed and the Alliance continues to clean up secret cells and rescue women and children from torture and murder.

The Quantum Financial System, Free Energy, New Internet etc. are already set up and are operational, they have been ready to use by now for two years.

For many of you it feels like nothing is changing, as corrupt souls are still in charge and controlling events worldwide, but you don’t see everything that is going on. Fortunately, every day new groups of people are rising up against the world order that dictates how we should live our lives.

Great progress

Much has been achieved, but deliberately little has been published. But here is a brief summary of the great progress that has been made on various fronts.

Other extraterrestrial civilisations are at least many thousands of years ahead of our current knowledge and technology. So if it sounds implausible, think about it and take it as a fact.

Meanwhile, planet Earth is completely sealed off by our alien brothers and sisters with their vast armada of as yet invisible spaceships. No creature can escape the Earth’s atmosphere without permission. Those who have attempted to flee to Mars have been turned back. All bases on the Moon and Mars are in the hands of the Galactic Federation and inaccessible to the Deep State Cabal elites.

All underground dumps have been destroyed. The Cabal figures have nowhere to hide and can be found on the surface of the earth. Mass arrests is in progress, including of known puppets.

They are the ones who want to exterminate humanity and are now running out of ideas, such as bringing in another virus. By now even the unbelievers are getting tired of the fact that the fake COVID pandemic is not based on any scientific evidence.

Remember, each of us still carries the essence of God within us, and the spark of that essence will soon ignite the rest of the population.

Mankind must be tired and exhausted by now of the constant lies and scaremongering from governments and false media reports. Urgently people are needed to stand up and say: “No more”, “We want to be free”!

Continue to have faith and do your part by sending light and love to each other to ease and speed up the process of transition to the new 5D world.

No criminal against humanity will escape. Every accomplice from high to low, including those involved in the fake COVID pandemic, will be arrested and put to death. Including the nurses who handled the syringes.

Mass awakening must bring about the reversal. All those who are not awake or not awake enough will eventually be removed from planet Earth.

Gradually the frequency of the earth will be raised to about 40 Hz to prepare the awakened among us for the 5D world.

All extraterrestrial criminals, such as Draco’s and Grays, cannot live on a higher frequency and are automatically removed.

The cabal has been defeated, what is happening now is a rear-guard action by the smaller puppets who do not yet know that their leadership has been eliminated, and that they have lost. They fear the light for it burns and hurts them. Nothing stands in the way of the cleansing and transformation of our planet.

The speed of completion of this final phase depends on the timing and extent of our mass awakening, so it is in our own hands.

If you do not fight for your own liberation, freedom cannot be of value to humanity. There will be great developments on planet Earth. Many new professions will be created.

Change yourself first

Are almost all FWC readers asleep, no longer reading or not understanding what they are reading? It would seem so, as there are hardly any substantive comments on the articles that concern the readers themselves.

Have people become so superficial that they are only interested in a quick breakthrough to a better world? But they forget that they are the world, and to change it, you have to change yourself first!

We only get advice from our alien brothers and sisters, but we have to do the work ourselves. There is a lot of work to be done, thousands of centuries of mismanagement cannot be cleaned up in a few months.

It is important that the people of today focus on this, prepare themselves and realise that there is more to do than has been thought. It is not an easy task that has been given to us, but that was known as the condition of being on earth now!

So the great change we are all waiting for will only come if we do it ourselves.

Take action and put your shoulders to the wheel to make the great change a reality!

Our world will change beyond recognition; there will be no more taxes on money earned. Except for sales tax on big new items, but not on food or holistic health care, to name but a few.

Prepare and educate yourself so that you can also help others who are struggling with the coming changes.


*The book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.



Peter B Meyer
On the Blogs:

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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