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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Problems and Obstacles

Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher

Message received by Oscar

Posted on November 13, 2024

Alabama, USA, May 20, 2014
Thought Adjuster: “The Father sustains His creation from both ends. On one hand, He is at the center of all creation, being the origin of all things. On the other hand, He resides within each of the material creatures of the evolutionary worlds, which represent the farthest points from Paradise perfection. This is how the Father directly or indirectly participates in everything that happens in the universes. What a great fallacy it is when man imagines himself to be alone, abandoned by his Heavenly Father!
The experience of knowing God is only possible through human faith. Faith is that special ingredient that helps man transcend his origin and peek beyond the limits of his own existence. Every human being possesses the spiritual presence of the Father and an immortal soul that is evolving, becoming more real, more active, and more dominant in the decisions of that being. However, this entire experience can be denied and ignored through the mental determination not to believe.
In reality, very few human beings would give up the benefits of greater spirituality if they knew of them beforehand. What often happens is that many are drawn to the things of this world and become so distracted that they fail to explore that aspect of their being that would provide them with true and lasting satisfaction. Many today are enslaved by the desire for material pleasures. Many are focused exclusively on satisfying their false needs for entertainment, wealth, recognition, and power. Very few have the insight to recognize when "it is enough" and can dedicate their time and intellect to the pursuit of higher goals and ideals.
However, life on evolutionary worlds is designed to be dynamic and ever-changing. Daily challenges arise where even the most indolent and dormant souls will be forced to make decisions and choose between their lower nature and their true spiritual self. When a world is dominated by error, fear, and materialism, civilization suffers the consequences of this spiritual blindness, and this causes a multitude of problems. This is the current state of this world.
But it is through these problems and the repeated opportunities to face the consequences of past, thoughtless decisions that human beings have the chance to choose to be better. It is only when one hits rock bottom that many fighting and tireless souls feel the motivation to begin ascending again. It is not an easy life nor a life full of pleasures that forges a brave and loving human soul. All the problems that have been caused in this world will be the hammer and anvil that shape the noblest and most loving spirits, who will be a great treasure for the entire creation.
When you are faced with problems and obstacles show you their fiercest face, remember that it is in those moments when you can choose to do the Father's will and become the best you can be. Never forget that there is no situation that cannot be faced better with the help and guidance of the divine spark of God that dwells within you, and that there is no bitter difficulty that cannot be sweetened with the balm of unconditional love in the human life experience.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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