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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 5, 2024



In the Greater Cosmos, all Universes, Galaxies, Constellations and planetary systems are governed by Hierarchies of the Source descending to the lower dimensions. This is how One learns about Its creations and Self through them. Each Hierarchy is bestowed power, which means SOLELY DUTIES and strictly defined sphere of responsibility.

This unified, dynamic and continuously evolving structure has dozens of administrative levels of various scales and functions. In our Local Universe, the Archangels are located in the middle part of the Supreme Light Hierarchy and include Higher Entities, which in the earthlings’ tongue are called Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel and some others. Their number veries in different Christian movements, which describe in detail the activities of each Archangel, and always unanimously note the leading role of Michael in this Hierarchy.

In all texts, he is, first of all, a soldier of the Light Hierarchy, the commander of an army that stands against Evil in the Local Universe. From the very beginning, the duality was put in it, which works as a catalyst of evolution, separating and removing from its path all, who can’t or don’t want to Spiritually develop. And if they resist and wage wars, Archangel Michael and his army always stood in their way. This is what goes on now in the Local Universe, and what occurs on Earth is only the smallest part of these events, although no less dramatic.

Disclosure News narrated about it. Not long ago, the former Black Co-Creator returned to the Light Side, and with Yaltabaoth, Lucifer and many other his supreme hierarchs, who did the same, eradicates own legacy – dark and gray eons’ remnants and their civilizations. Our entire Local Universe as large as 28 billion light-years is in the grip of a war that one way or the other affects all of its 3.8 million inhabited planets. The army of Archangel Michael is actively involved in the campaign, and is ready to intervene at any moment if space warfare unfolds again on the terrestrial surface.

More than once, passive confrontation turned into an active form, as it was during the wars with Lucifer. This Supreme Being came to our Local Universe from 35D to get new evolutionary experience. He got this opportunity in 13D Pleroma, where, as Archon, was the Absolute’s Perfect Light Guardian. All of his creations, including Lucifer planet in then-Solar System, were also Keepers of this Light. Their Causal Matrices and Logos cores consisted of aspects of Lucifer’s heart, carried in selves the Perfect Light Crystal, and were its vehicles in various space parts.

Everything changed after the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarch betrayed the Source and started building own Local Universe with black and gray eons. Lucifer followed him and got for the run the planets’ cluster (619 inhabited worlds) with Earth in it. As a punishment for treason, Lucifer was deposed and deprived of his Divine status. In the Pleroma, the Perfect Light that he kept was divided into seven rays and entrusted to seven Ascended Masters under Archangels’ supervision and protection.

Michael took charge of El Moria and the Blue Ray (Strength, Balance, Will); Jophiel – of Lanto and the Orange Ray (Illumination, Wisdom, Perception); Samuel – of Paul the Venetian and the Rose Ray (Goodness, Compromise, Beauty); Gabriel – of Serapis Bey and the White Ray (Purity, Resurrection, Joy); Raphael – of Hilarion and the Green Ray (Health, Consecration, Focus); Uriel – of Lady Master Nada and the Purple Ray (Peace, Service, Brotherhood); and Zadkiel – of Saint Germain and the Violet Ray (Freedom, Mercy, Compassion). Some sources mention another casts.

In response to the deposition, Lucifer entered into a confrontation against the Pleroma and its Supreme Hierarchs, which began during the time of Lemuria and continued until the Atlantis death. He was joined by Satan (his first deputy), Devil, Beelzebub and about 40 other rulers (princes) of the planets. In almost all religious texts, they appear as one demonic person, but are different entities, though acted as a single negative force. They ignited at least three space wars, and in all were opposed by the army of Archangel Michael.

The warfare reached the highest peak in 150,000 BC, which led to destruction of the planet Lucifer, the moons of Mars and Venus, the Martian civilization and the displacement of the Earth’s axis by 23.5 degrees. These and other events triggered the deepest crisis in Lucifer that ended up with his death, resurrection and return to the Light Side. But his former minions continued the war in space and on Earth. Its next round occurred in March 2021, during which the army of Archangel Michael inflicted a new defeat on them. In April of the same year, Lucifer himself helped the Pleroma to smash the Dark Forces (for more details see – Intra-Galactic Merkaba Reactivation – New Galactic Ops, Part 6, DNI, 5 March, 2021; and Armageddon Chronicle, Parts 1-4, DNI, 21, 23, 24 and 25 April 2021).

Suffered a military defeat from Co-Creators and forces of Archangel Michael, Darks again agreed to a truce to preserve own rule over Earth. In the duality epoch, it always ended this way, allowing everyone choosing between Light and Dark. Formally, the Lucifer Covenant is also valid, according to which, after the departure of this Higher Being from Earth, all Darks and Greys should follow him, and devolve power on earthlings. By signing the document, they confirmed their agreement with its terms. But as it turned out, don’t intend to fulfill them.

At the same time, they won’t be able to stay either on high frequency Earth or in the new Local Universe of Absolute Light. If they refuse to leave, then face annihilation. Are they ready for this? Or will continue to kill earthlings as hostages, delaying the inevitable and bargaining for their lives in this way?

Sensational info on this came on 1 September 2024 at 01:54 PM CET. By the decision of the Absolute, confirmed by the Ascended Masters, Karma Lords and Archangel Michael, Darks and Grays are given another chance. Recently, our dipole Absolute has created another Universe, in which formation and structuring continues. It is also one-vector, with the only force manifested – Darkness that backs destructive evolution, negative Intelligence forms and their civilizations. Naturally, it is completely isolated from the new Earth and the Local Universe, but allows Darks to stay alive. During the eclipse corridor from 17 September to 2 October, their first large group will be escorted to the new habitat.

The Absolute’s idea is simple and clear. Darkness survives only by parasitizing something or someone. Today, it vampirizes active Light carriers, blocking their evolution. But even in the blackest Soul, sometimes at least one quantum of Light remains. If all such entities are locked in an isolated common space environment, they will, like spiders in a jar, search and gobble the peers with that Spark to get the vital energy. Or the latter will find enough courage and strength to break out of this ghetto and continue their development in the Light.

The army of Archangel Michael is in constant guard mode of these processes on the planet and in space, in which Earth plays an important role for a number of Universes and civilizations’ evolving. The Archangel Michael, as being, is omnipresent, his powers and aspects are active everywhere to preserve peace and avert conflicts. He always stays in the human field, and only an open heart allows feeling his presence and receiving Spiritual help. New details will follow…


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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