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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Spark, Part 1 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 7, 2025

Who are we, where do we come from and where are we going? The start of a new year is a great opportunity to recall it. When we dive into the depths of our cosmic memory, we see selves again as fiery Sparks flying in streams along with the same ones, larger and smaller, and differ in power and intensities of glow.

The shining and magnitude of each depends on the quantity and quality of experience. From the Source’s space, filled with white milky Light, Sparks fly at tremendous speed. It’s like a child’s joy on swings and rides. There’s a sense of teamwork and adventure in the overall flow, as well as thought forms of collective cheer.

The Source is progenitor of Its Sparks in our Souls. It’s the place of residence between lives and development, with no boundaries, beginning or end. This space has no physical laws, only a Spiritual realm. Outside, it has a toroid shape, in which creation and evolution take place. Inside, this sphere contains everything: accumulated potential and energy for creating new worlds and life. Sparks move in an ascending spiral, gaining higher vibrations due to their intention to incarnate. From there, they are released.

Newly born or burdened with difficult background, Souls start from the bottom of the spiral. All communicate with each other, share experiences, shape their potential and intentions to embody, and try to create something. If a Soul lacks determination and will, it can sink even further. Assistants, enormous and powerful Light Beings, operate at different levels, helping those stuck to get higher, giving advice and guidance. When a Soul has formed an intention to incarnate, mentors and assistants contact it, offering best practices and tasks for that embodiment that is met with gratitude and enthusiasm.

After departure from the Source, young Souls descend on Earth like dandelion seeds, according to a pre-planned scenario in due time and into a pre-selected bodies. More mature and experienced Sparks can change their destination and choose where they want to incarnate. Even more powerful ones can build Galaxies, Stars and Planets and realize selves within them. At the destination point, these Sparks split like fireworks into many flashing aspects.

Leaving the Source, the Soul sees that there is more than just one sphere in interminable space, and these countless orbs form an extensive neural network. All the neurons are connected and exchange information. These “Chinese Balls” of the microcosm and macrocosm have no boundaries either, and they expand into infinite levels and dimensions.

For example, Sparks that come to Earth return to their new sphere. Each one has its own characteristics and accommodates Souls of certain qualities. After incarnation, it can move to another orb. The “customs officials” conduct a test to ensure compliance with their environment. If the guest doesn’t meet the requirements, the admission is denied, and the Soul has to find another home similar to its own vibration.

An overobstacle course is very important, programmed and provided for young Souls. They place selves in minerals, plants or animals to experience such a “simple” existence compared to human lives. After completing it, they again forced to return into such “bodies” as soon as possible. When have learned enough, they continue their evolution as earthlings or in energy form. Some choose to be a spiritual assistant to teach less experienced peers. Or go on a new journey. How does this occur?

Externally, our Soul looks like a white cellular structure, similar to a liquid white flame in a honeycomb or protoplasm that can stretch, fold or take on any shape. It glows brightly with the purity of its intentions. When the Soul is interested in an experience, it focuses on the dimension or space where can get the needed track record. The white flame extends one of its tongues, filled with Love and pure attention, illuminating everything in the world around and observing what happens there.

Then, Soul begins to weight that saw and, having made a final decision, is embodied in this place. When all lessons are learned, a white flame tongue draws back into the subtle structure, spiraling into one of the cells where experience is stored. Filled cells glow brightly, while unfilled ones shine more faintly. If each radiates intense Light, it means that all incarnations were effective. Many Souls have less than half their cells loaded.

On this level, the Time doesn’t exist, and it’s not important to the Spark how many incarnations or how many years it will take to master this or that knowledge. On Earth, many Souls often reject their experiences, especially difficult situations when what’s desired is at odds with reality, and there are lots of failures, pain and suffering in life.

In this case, the white flame tongue remains hostage to the space where the tough background occurred until the person reviews it and recognizes its value. The Soul triggers repetition of the same situation over and over in different settings. Its goal is to remove the heavy burden of negativity and fear, hate and shame, guilt, longing and despair. To make right conclusions about how the world functions in that dimension and how manifests self in these circumstances. Integrate this scene into own unique pattern.

From this point, the Soul can clearly see how precious any experience is. ABSOLUTELY ANYONE. The flower of life is interested in blooming in all possible ways to spread self in every direction. Are there monstrous pressures, darkness, and hydrogen sulfide at the bottom of the ocean? And bacteria live in this environment? Great! Radiation, heat of 80 degrees Celsius and wind? And grass grows under these conditions? Wow, how cool! Man without arms and legs, but full of joy and happiness. Wow! Millions of people with arms and legs can’t resist suicidal thoughts. Very interesting!

If the Soul does not want to accept its lessons, doesn’t see value and meaning in it, and refuses it, then the following occurs on the Subtle Plane. One of the attention rays sticks in the space of received but not taken experience, stretching in the form of plume, collecting all sorts of dirt. This makes the Soul much heavier and prevents from overcoming the mental gravity of Earth and leaving this planet.

There is a huge amount of discouraged Souls, who are lost selves and no longer interested in anything. Neither getting experience nor gaining the new skills inspires them anymore. They have not made the decision yet to curtail white flame tongue and come back to the Source, but have stopped moving forward.

Self-awareness and self-discovery are automatically embedded in the Spark. When it comes to individual maturity, understanding also comes. Illusions and ideas about own nature dissolve, and the Soul seeks a way to reconnect energetically and informatively with One. This doesn’t mean that it will necessarily return into It, although such an opportunity is provided. As a rule, the Soul will gradually reveal itself as a multi-dimensional entity, wherever its aspects are located.

Traveling through space, we willingly or unwittingly leave traces of our energy structure in it. We interact with the worlds we inhabit and, in each one, place our parts. They have their own lives and destinies. But there comes a time when we decide to bring them all back together. With lessons they’ve learned and experiences got that we want to incorporate into ourselves. However, we often encounter problems. What are they? Higher laws operating in multi-dimensional realms are distorted in other densities. Aspects of our Soul, left to explore worlds, cease feeling like parts of us. Gaining free will and action freedom, they begin independent evolution. Not everyone is ready, when we try recapturing them.

Of course, as a multidimensional entity, we can always find ways to get our aspects back, but they won’t be the same as were originally. And when embedded back into our Soul, they will bring not only the accumulated skills, experience and information, but also part of the worlds, in which were located. As a result, our primary essence undergoes restructuring and ceases to be what it was before copying.

Many of us are passionate about finding our aspects and assembling them. But carrying the Source’s Spark, the Soul quickly realizes that it is more correct to let go of its parts and not pull them and interfere with their evolution. What has gone must go its own way, and it is not true that losses are irreplaceable. We have replenished our aspects for a long time, though don’t notice it, obsessed with what we lost and preventing them from growing and slowing ourselves down.

According to the Creator, the more we give to the outside world, the more receive in return. The brighter we shine, the purer our Light is. And by dividing into copies that go to other places, we become Creators ourselves. We stabilize these realms, in which we leave our aspects. We grow through them and become parts of these worlds. We drive their evolution, and it is impossible to close it as unpromising.

The Source takes it differently, because not a single Spark has been lost. The droplets have never left the ocean of eternal Intelligence. Some fragments of the infinite consciousness simply visit this physical reality until they decide to expand their field of play. And further, it’s a matter of creativity, free will and choice freedom.

The Spark exits from the Source and begins its unique journey through the Universe, helping One to know Its creations and Self through them. From the Soul’s perspective, the experience of own uniqueness and evolution is very interesting and valuable. It self-creates in conjunction with the Almighty, as an individual consciousness. Every step and every choice shapes who we are as part of the Source and what we’ll be.

If a Soul embodied on Earth is not interested in or does not care of experiences gained, it means that it has stopped valuing its uniqueness. That is how it would say: “Enough is enough! I no longer want to upgrade myself as like no other being. I reject the results and have no desire to proceed.” At this point, reverse gravity occurs and steers towards the Source. The Soul begins striving to dissolve into One and stop its journey and evolution. What happens next?


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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