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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Spark, Part 2 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 9, 2025

What happens if the Soul completely rejects and wants to erase all the experience gained in incarnations, and, in this state, strives to return to the Source? On the one hand, it is a natural and constant process of coming back to its origin. On the other hand, it is not always possible, and sometimes Spark even disintegrates and disappears. And this is always a huge tragedy and loss for everyone. The Universe will never be the same as it was with the participation of this being. The world will become impoverished. It’s like taking a species of butterfly out of its life, and then the entire ecosystem starts to fall apart.

That is why, a large number of Sparks, tired of their uniqueness, take a break to make final decision: how much they want to return to the Source, or to continue their evolution. This is very common dilemma, when Souls incarnate on Earth. Determine own position. Confirm or deny the choice. Be or not to be. Create self as individuality in this Universe or quit. In oblivion, it doesn’t hurt much, although it’s dull and not so bright. ‘Whether I am a trembling creature or whether I have the right?’

How many such Souls are on Earth now? On average, 10% and about 20% more are doubters. Many aren’t interested in joyfully and proudly creating selves with every action, but strive to dissolve in some guru’s teaching or movement. They constantly repeat that the current incarnation is the last one, and they’re not going to do it anymore. Rejecting and not recognizing own experience, they cannot see themselves truly, and often have problems with sight. At the same time, a person can be a clairvoyant and a healer. But his Soul has already become hopelessly heavy, and with increasing force is pushing the Spark towards decay and disintegration. How fast does it happen?

Depending on the strength and frequency of self-denial, disruptions can last one or dozens of lives. At the same time, the Soul cannot escape from the circle of incarnations on Earth, as it has lost the desire and ability to evolve, based on all previous choices and decisions. For example, how can we continue to be selves and be proud of our eternal Spark if we have constantly betrayed and lied, hated and denied selves? If we stupidly and manically repeat: “I don’t want to remember”, “nothing interesting”, “it’d be better if this or that didn’t happen”?

There are several ways out of such situation. Namely, passing the point of no return, the disintegration of a person and the Spark’s destroying. The hard work of self-re-engineering and rebuilding. The painstaking assembly of own aspects, the elaboration of all traumatic situations, and the reassessment of personal whole life (lives) are parts of this process. Removing all the heavy fragments of experience and integrating it as an individual value in a unique pattern. Any victimhood, sort of “I unwittingly ended up on Earth, and didn’t want this at all”, “I was lured and forced into embodiment here” – block the possibility of such work. Seeing the preciousness of every incarnation is the universal key here.

Purifying and recreating the Spark looks like the perfect solution at first. But it depends on a lot of nuances. If a Soul is happy to create its uniqueness, and wants to be, the return to One is like bathing in a liquid cleansing and renewing flame. If the Spark desires, then it will simply dissolve into the Source. If the Soul is overwhelmed by heaviness and can’t or doesn’t try to integrate own experience, it may start following the opposite direction, towards its Origin. And in it, all those parts of the Spark that it no longer wishes to be will burn and disappear. Only what isn’t burning will remain.

It must be emphasized once more that absolutely all the parts, which contain the impulse, the desire to vanish and cease to be, will be removed. Will it be 100%, 90%, or 40% of the Spark? Nobody knows in advance. It will be found out only by the fact. Therefore, we can easily find selves in a completely different pattern of interests, meanings, and goals than before. The changes can be the most radical. Our Spark can be completely extinguished forever.

Before incarnation, we knew that terrestrial environment is hostile, but the memory of this gradually fades, when we immerse in the mental gravity of Earth (or of the entire Universe, if we come from outside). From the level of Spirit, we also were sure that everything will be okay, and we will certainly cope. But after embodiment, our ego and Soul often face the real hell. We are not always aware of all the hardships and pitfalls that exist on that planet, which are invisible from above due to Veil, or whose power is underestimated. It’s difficult to appreciate something you have never encountered or cannot fully understand without direct contact or immersion.

Due to this, many civilizations become stuck here in their incarnations, considering the local world to be an ordinary nursery that is not different from others in terms of the complexity. Anyway, when we come here, we can choose our role. Whether to remain creators (to the best of our abilities) or become victims of circumstances depends only on us. This is the ultimate purpose of learning. Everyone is the master of own reality.

Entering into incarnation with a burden of non-integrated experience, the Soul unfolds situations along the way. It decides to reject, as worthless, unnecessary, and meaningless, one or another track record. Each such decision is a question, addressed to the Spark. Has it indeed decided to refuse this part of self? Does it not know what value this experience has? Will it confirm the rejection at this point? The more severe our disappointment, the larger and more significant events and circumstances will be created to allow a different decision to be made. Find a way out of the situation so that we can shine brighter, become lighter, and triumphantly create new selves.

If we persist in rejecting ourselves, repulsing others and betraying them, the repetitive situations on the same topic become increasingly tough. When we cross the point of no return, self-denial materializes. The disintegration of personality occurs, first, as a cosmic entity, and then, as an earthly entity. The gradual dissolution and death of the Spark begins, which has nothing to do with returning to the Source. There is nothing left for this. It’s more like slow rotting from within.

When the point of no return is passed, former Sparks are coming under control of the Balance Service’s staff. There are a lot of them on Earth today. They witness the Soul’s free choice to disintegrate, and make copies of all the experiences that it had undergone. The harder the background, the more valuable it is. The batches are sent to Universe’s public databases. If the Spark is ancient and has gone a long way in evolution, it has a lot of unique skills and knowledge. Every experience is precious in the Greater Cosmos, even the most negative ones. They don’t shine in databases, but can be found by search engine for further use.

Some Sparks do it and even engage in a specific entertainment (or work, whichever ones prefer). In databases, they gather a collection of experiences with luminous (i.e. successfully integrated) and partly without it, and dive with it into the embodiment to “shine through” the darkest background by their own lives and Light.

This is how, for example, a disabled person achieves the highest Spiritual accomplishments that stun the entire world. Returning to the Light the aspects of skells, drug addicts, hit men, mass murderers, cancer patients, etc., demonstrate cool re-engineering solutions, and are subjects of admiration for many Sparks in the Universe. Moreover, healing own tumor paves a path for all others with similar experiences. For those who follow, it is already several orders of magnitude easier.

Sometimes, to get super capacities, it needs to become a cripple, born blind or lose sight, be paralyzed, infected with AIDS and so on. Rey Charles, Stevie Wonder, Andrea Bocelli, Freddie Mercury, Nick Vujicic, Baba Vanga, Stephen Hawking and many others are examples of such Souls. A lot of experience has already been accumulated, but not each shines and returned to the Light.

All hardships and tragedies teach us to love absolutely any our track record. The following questions may help: How has this experience changed me? What it has brought me personally? What opportunities have it opened up? How valuable is it? What it has closed for me? How to incorporate this experience into my life? Where I can invest this?

The honest answers help us to change. The experience itself is nothing. It acquires some meaning only if we upgrade selves and our destiny based on it. For comparison, the bricks scattered on the street and the house built from the same bricks are a huge difference. If we don’t know where apply and use our skills and knowledge, then why do we need them? What are we going to do with them?

These issues are fundamental. Just saying “I accept this experience, I treat it positively” won’t help at all. The right answer is: how exactly can I use the opportunities, which this experience has given me? For that, it’d be good to know what we want to be. In which direction should we evolve further? With a wealth of experience and a variety of constantly emerging chances, the possibilities are endless.

Many people disagree with this. They believe that the fading Sparks can be saved and given another alternative to develop by providing them with the necessary assistance. They disintegrate due to their inability to realize themselves. Souls have come a long way and gained experience on their civilizations’ assignments that sent them here. But while they accomplished a task, home worlds and their races left the arena and sank into oblivion, or for some reason the Spark broke off contact with the Source.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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