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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Aquarius Water Angel

By Celia Fenn

Posted on January 30, 2025



In this week we are moving towards the 2/2 Aquarius Gate Portal and so we can expect fairly intense energies. We are integrating the beautiful 9D HeartSong of the Angels frequency and activating our access to 6 and 7D in our daily lives.

The image of the Water Angel/Water bearer is not only a symbol for Aquarius, but also for our new role as Human Angelic mediators between Heaven and Earth.

As we fully activate the original DNA template for the Human Angel, we also become mediators for the life giving water plasma energies that flow from Heaven to Earth.

We receive these energies in our High Heart and then we transmit them to Earth and into the collective to bring purifying and cleansing and transformation.

So, no matter how chaotic and upsetting things may be on the material level, we can be sure that our personal I AM radiance and the energy of our WE ARE as a community is bringing in the Light Codes for the original plan for Earth.

Whatever we may be feeling right now, we should know that we are not alone. There are myriads of our Angelic family that are here to assist, and also our loving communities on Earth who also support our journey.

So, I wish you Joy, Peace and Abundance in the days leading up to the Aquarius Gate on Sunday.


Celia Fenn


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


2025, The Year of the Angels: The Heart Song of the Angels and Manifesting New Earth

By Archangel Michael  

Channel: Celia Fenn

Posted on January 2, 2025




Welcome to 2025 Beloved Souls!

This year will be the Year of the Angels, in which you will come into closer alignment with your Angelic families and also explore the power and beauty of your inner Human Angelic Template.

In the second half of 2024 you made huge leaps in consciousness, releasing the old and soaring upwards on the spirals of transformation to a level that we call Angelic Consciousness. This is a very fine and beautiful consciousness that celebrates love, creation and beauty. It is what we call “The Heart Song of the Angels”. In 2025 you will become One with this frequency of Joy and Miracles.


As we have said, the Heart Song is a frequency that you can hold and transmit from your own High Heart Chakra that is situated at the Thymus Gland above the Heart.

Its Light Code colours are are pale blue and gold and its sound codes are angelic music! Its dream codes are soft winds moving through fields of flower in the morning sunlight! Its energy is miracles and manifestation.

This frequency, from the Elohim Angels, creates the New Earth and transforms the old by activating the frequency of growth and beauty in Nature.

If you hold this frequency in your Heart and in your Being, you will become a channel for the energy of Renewal on Earth Wherever you go and wherever you are, that frequency will be activated.


You will BE the change
You will BE the renewal and the REBIRTH
You will BE the Wind in the Field of Flowers



As you move into the Heart Song frequency, your heart will call to others of similar frequency to create and celebrate in Joy.

You will be drawn to those of your own Angelic families, and in doing so you will feel the initiation of new soul and group missions for the New Earth.

Your Galactic and Solar energies may be refocused into the new Angelic Light Codes that predominate in 2025. These will be Diamond and Opalescent Light Codes that shimmer with pure Angelic Light.

And you will experience a renewed sense of Who You Are and your connection to your Higher Angelic powers of Manifestation and Miracle creation on the Spirals of Light.


Also part of the Angelic frequency in 2025 will be the Angelic Soul Reunions.

These are close and loving partnerships of souls brought together to facilitate the unfolding and manifestation of the New Earth.

They will be souls who have been drawn together because their love is multi-dimensional and is able to move through Time and Space and to embody the Angelic Heart Song Frequency.

To be able to come together successfully, they will need to be able to also hold the powerful forces of love and creation within their union and direct these energies into new creations for the New Earth.


With all these powerful forces on the move in 2025, the Heart remains the Still Point and the Balancing Point of Peace and Love on the spiral Path of Transformation and Creation.

The Path of the Pure Heart, as taught by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, remains the Template for Holding and Flowing both the Galactic and Angelic frequencies, from the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness to the Diamond and Opalescent frequencies of the Angelic Consciousness.

The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine pathways will provide the “container” or “Grail” chalice for holding these powerful energies within your Heart and within your life.


I AM the JOY



The LIGHT OF CREATION shines through me

The New Earth Awakens


That shines in All Things
In a field of Stars


Have a wonderful Year in 2025 Beloved Souls.


Celia Fenn



Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Eu Sou Nós Somos; ser o amor e a paz à medida que 2025 se aproxima

O Arcanjo Miguel 

Cannal Célia Fenn

Tradução 30 de dezembro de 2024

Nos últimos meses, de agosto a novembro, vocês passaram por enormes atualizações em seu corpo de luz e no modelo de anjo humano em seu ADN. Ativou as suas capacidades de transmissão holográfica e a sua consciência do viajante do tempo. Agora é hora de descansar um pouco e ser apenas a luz do mundo.
Isso significa que vocês são o amor e a paz da nova terra na forma encarnada.
O coração e o "eixo Vertical" e a necessidade de estar aterrado
Neste momento, você precisará estar totalmente presente no agora e alinhado com o seu "eixo Vertical". Este é o alinhamento entre a terra e o céu dentro do seu modelo de anjo humano que inclui todos os doze chacras.
No nível Material, estes são os chacras abaixo do chacra cardíaco e incluem também o Chacra Estrela da terra e o chacra da Nova Terra. No nível superior, isso inclui os chacras acima do coração, incluindo o coração Superior e o Chacra da Estrela Da Alma e os chacras solares e galácticos.
Quando este alinhamento está ativo, é necessário estar fundamentado e focado no agora, de modo a manter o equilíbrio em todos os momentos.
As práticas de aterramento podem incluir estar na natureza ou no Oceano. Andar numa floresta ou num prado ou simplesmente fazer jardinagem em casa. Ou passar tempo com amigos e familiares. Ou empreender práticas simples como a limpeza e organização do espaço em casa.
Segurando Sua Luz Interior
À medida que avançam em dezembro e em 2025, haverá muitos desafios como o caos nos níveis mais baixos que afeta a vida de muitas pessoas. Isso vem sob a forma de condições meteorológicas extremas, conflitos sociais e até guerras.
Amados, vocês estão aqui como almas iluminadas para manter a luz para a consciência coletiva, para que ela possa se manifestar dentro da humanidade.
Você é luz incorporada.
Essa luz que você mantém dentro de seu coração e alma pode irradiar e iluminar e iluminar todos os espaços escuros e pesados da consciência Global. Pode mostrar a muitos o caminho de casa para uma consciência superior.
Somos um em amor e graça divina
O que pode fazer no mês de dezembro
Queridos, sugerimos que, nas suas meditações diárias, incluam uma prática de gratidão, não só para si, mas também para o planeta. Estejam conscientes da profunda gratidão pelo seu lar Planetário e enviem-lhe gratidão pela forma como ele apoia a sua vida: ar para respirar, água para beber e comida para comer e tudo o mais que desejem incluir.
Sugerimos também uma oração diária de bênção ou uma prática de bênção em que você abençoe todos os seres vivos na terra com amor e compaixão.
Você pode fazer desta uma breve oração / bênção que você faz pelo menos 3 vezes ao dia, enviando amor, luz e bênçãos.
Amados, esta é uma prática tão poderosa!
E agora, pedimos que deixem que este Amor, Luz e compaixão se movam para a consciência coletiva do planeta, juntamente com o perdão e a libertação. À medida que vocês se curam, tornando-se conscientes do trauma e das crenças equivocadas, e depois perdoando a si mesmos e liberando energias negativas, isso também pode ser alcançado no coletivo. À medida que você cura e transforma, você capacita o coletivo profundo para curar e transformar.
És um.
À medida que você cura, capacita a cura dentro do coletivo.
E isso é feito simplesmente por ser quem é!
Uma luz para o mundo
Um no amor e na Graça
Do Amor Divino
Cada um de vós
Espaço para o amor, a paz e a beleza
Dentro De Si
E na Terra.
Celia Fenn
  * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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I Am We Are; Being the Love and Peace as 2025 Approaches

By Archangel Michael  

Channel: Celia Fenn

Posted on December 30, 2024




In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World.

This means YOU ARE the Love and Peace of the New Earth in embodied form.

The Heart and the “Vertical Axis” and the necessity of Being Grounded

At this time you will need to be fully present in the NOW and aligned with your “Vertical Axis”. This is the alignment between Earth and Heaven within your Human Angel Template that includes all twelve chakras.

On the Material level these are the chakras below the Heart Chakra and includes also the Earth Star Chakra and the New Earth Chakra. On the Higher level this includes the chakras above the Heart including the High Heart and the Soul Star Chakra and the Solar and Galactic chakras.

When this alignment is active, it is necessary to be grounded and focussed in the NOW so as to keep your balance at all times.

Grounding practices can include being in Nature or at the Ocean. Walking in a Forest or a meadow or simply gardening at home. Or spending time with friends and family. Or undertaking simple practices like space clearing and decluttering at home.

Holding your Inner Light

As you move through December and into 2025, there will be many challenges as the chaos on the lower levels that affects the lives of many people. This comes in the form of extreme weather, social conflict and even wars.

Beloved Ones, you are here as illumined souls to hold the Light for the Collective Consciousness so that it may manifest within Humanity.

You are Light embodied.

That Light that you hold within your Heart and Soul can radiate and illuminate and lighten all the dark and heavy spaces in the Global consciousness. It can show many the way home to Higher Consciousness.


WE ARE ONE in Divine Love and Grace


What You can Do in the Month of December

Dearest Ones, we would suggest that in your daily meditations that you include a GRATITUDE practice, not only for yourself but also for the Planet. Be aware of deep gratitude for your Planetary Home and send it gratitude for the way in which it supports your life : air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat and whatever else you wish to include.

We suggest also a daily prayer of BLESSING or a Blessing practice in which you bless all living beings on Earth with Love and Compassion.

You can make this a brief prayer/blessing that you do at least 3 times a day, sending Love, Light and Blessings.

Beloveds, this is such a powerful practice!

And now, we ask that you let this Love, Light and Compassion move into the Collective Consciousness of the Planet, together with Forgiveness and Releasing. As you heal yourselves by becoming aware of trauma and mistaken beliefs, and then forgiving yourself and releasing negative energies, so this can also be achieved in the Collective. As you heal and transform, you empower the deep Collective to heal and transform.

You are One.

As you Heal you Empower Healing within the Collective.

And this is simply done by BEing Who You Are!

A Light to the World





ONE in the Love and Grace
Of Divine Love



Each one of You
Holding Space for Love, Peace and Beauty



Within Yourself
And on Earth.




Celia Fenn



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Being the Love and Peace as 2025 Approaches

By Archangel Michael  

Channel: Celia Fenn

Posted on December 11, 2024



In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World.
This means YOU ARE the Love and Peace of the New Earth in embodied form.
The Heart and the “Vertical Axis” and the necessity of Being Grounded
At this time you will need to be fully present in the NOW and aligned with your “Vertical Axis”. This is the alignment between Earth and Heaven within your Human Angel Template that includes all twelve chakras.
On the Material level these are the chakras below the Heart Chakra and includes also the Earth Star Chakra and the New Earth Chakra. On the Higher level this includes the chakras above the Heart including the High Heart and the Soul Star Chakra and the Solar and Galactic chakras.
When this alignment is active, it is necessary to be grounded and focussed in the NOW so as to keep your balance at all times.
Grounding practices can include being in Nature or at the Ocean. Walking in a Forest or a meadow or simply gardening at home. Or spending time with friends and family. Or undertaking simple practices like space clearing and decluttering at home.
Holding your Inner Light
As you move through December and into 2025, there will be many challenges as the chaos on the lower levels that affect sthe lives of many people. This comes in the form of extreme weather, social conflict and even wars.
Beloved Ones, you are here as illumined souls to hold the Light for the Collective Consciousness so that it may manifest within Humanity.
You are Light embodied.
That Light that you hold within your Heart and Soul can radiate and illuminate and lighten all the dark and heavy spaces in the Global consciousness. It can show many the way home to Higher Consciousness.
WE ARE ONE in Divine Love and Grace
What You can Do in the Month of December
Dearest Ones, we would suggest that in your daily meditations that you include a GRATITUDE practice, not only for yourself but also for the Planet. Be aware of deep gratitude for your Planetary Home and send it gratitude for the way in which it supports your life : air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat and whatever else you wish to include.
We suggest also a daily prayer of BLESSING or a Blessing practice in which you bless all living beings on Earth with Love and Compassion.
You can make this a brief prayer/blessing that you do at least 3 times a day, sending Love, Light and Blessings.
Beloveds, this is such a powerful practice!
And now, we ask that you let this Love, Light and Compassion move into the Collective Consciousness of the Planet, together with Forgiveness and Releasing. As you heal yourselves by becoming aware of trauma and mistaken beliefs, and then forgiving yourself and releasing negative energies, so this can also be achieved in the Collective. As you heal and transform, you empower the deep Collective to heal and transform.
You are One.
As you Heal you Empower Healing within the Collective.
And this is simply done by BEing Who You Are!
A Light to the World
ONE in the Love and Grace
Of Divine Love
Each one of You
Holding Space for Love, Peace and Beauty
Within Yourself
And on Earth.

Celia Fenn



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Water, Wind and Sunlight

By Celia Fenn

Posted on November 8, 2024


Yesterday, when many people were focussed on the election in the USA, my American friend and I decided to take a whale watching trip in the Bay. It was a great decision. first of all, we never left the area in front of my home, the first picture, because for a few weeks there has been a small pod of Humpback whales that has taken up residence in our bay. Local wisdom is that there is a rich source of food near the harbour wall and so they hang around.

We saw many whales surface all around us.

But for me the best was when a whale came under the boat and surfaced right next to me. What a thrilling event! Humpbacks don’t stay long so it surfaced and then went down again. But even the captain of the boat said that the whale came to me! I felt the usual “whale buzz” that I get in close contact with whales, but also a deep peace and love.

The Planet is filled with Fire/Sunlight and Water, and on this day, wind as well. These are the elements that provide a matrix for a new creation. Everything was bright and magical and filled with absolute wonder.

No matter what happens, the planet is on track to express its Ascension into Higher Consciousness.

Welcome to the Magical world of creativity (fire) and flow (water) and new creations. Welcome to your own creativity and new creations.

Never lose the Joy!

Celia Fenn


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


11/11 Scorpio Gate 2024: fogo e água e uma nova realidade

Por Célia Fenn

Tradução 29 de outubro de 2024

Amadas Almas, vocês e o seu planeta estão no processo de uma profunda mudança na consciência coletiva e na realidade. Vocês estão profundamente em sua transição do Homo Sapiens para um novo tipo de humano chamado Luminosa ou Christos; o anjo humano e o ser galáctico de luz.
Este processo é impulsionado pelas duas forças primárias da criação: fogo e água, juntamente com o aumento da frequência na Terra. O Plasma do fogo, ou a luz solar e as explosões solares, juntamente com o Plasma da água, a forma mais elevada de água, são os materiais da nova criação.
Códigos de Plasma de fogo e luz Solar para a nova criação
As explosões solares, e também a "luz solar", são formas fluidas e "líquidas" do fogo primordial original da criação. O plasma de fogo contém os "elementos" da vida que alimentarão a vida assim que os modelos de vida forem formados.
Quando a terra foi criada, o fogo vulcânico foi o gatilho para a criação da matéria. A lava vulcânica derretida contém todos os minerais e elementos necessários para a vida na Terra. Quando encontra água (plasma), então é capaz de criar matéria de acordo com os modelos contidos no banco de memória ou biblioteca de água. O primeiro passo do "manual da criação" é criar formas de vida aquática e massas de terra, que são então povoadas com flora e fauna e seres humanos.
A luz solar também é uma forma mais suave de plasma de fogo ejetado pelo sol, que contém "nutrientes" para a vida. Estes são sintetizados por plantas e árvores num processo conhecido como "fotossíntese" para disponibilizar os nutrientes como alimento para animais e seres humanos.
Neste momento, o Sun Cycle 25 está muito activo, com um flare de classe X muito poderoso recentemente. Isso está alimentando uma enorme onda de evolução e transição que está se manifestando como a idade de ouro e a nova terra.
Phoenix Firebird: fogo e água
A Fénix ou pássaro de fogo é um arquétipo associado ao Escorpião e ao portal de Escorpião 11/11 como um símbolo de Renascimento e regeneração.
Na mitologia, o Fénix ou pássaro de fogo simboliza uma era de evolução e criação. Quando está completa, a Fénix explode em chamas e incinera-se, simbolizando o fim desse ciclo de criação.
Mas, um novo pássaro de fogo surge das cinzas do velho. Isto simboliza a nova criação. Este pássaro surge das cinzas do fogo. O Plasma de fogo semeou todos os elementos e nutrientes para uma nova vida, e o modelo da Fénix é reenergizado pela água para uma nova criação.
É aqui que vocês se encontram agora no planeta. Os fogos solares e a luz solar estão a re-energizar e a renascer uma nova criação.
Plasma de água e os modelos de uma nova criação
Nesta dança da criação, o plasma de água cria e carrega os modelos de criação e manifestação que são ativados pelo plasma de fogo.
Assim, uma nova criação requer, em primeiro lugar, o fogo e a água para fornecer a forma e ativá-la na matéria, trabalhando com as energias elementares do ar e da Terra.
A água, na sua forma pura, flui e purifica, hidrata e limpa. Também, como mencionado, fornece modelos e estrutura para suportar a forma, bem como uma impressora 3d.
Assim, podemos ver o processo de criação.
Primeiro, Os Anjos Elohim projetam os modelos da vida nos jardins estelares da criação.
Em seguida, os dragões energizam os modelos com fogo e água e transferem os modelos energizados para a Terra.
Lá, os anjos e espíritos da natureza plantam e nutrem as novas criações que são cuidadas por fadas e devas.
Finalmente, os humanos (Anjos) tornam-se os Guardiões dos Jardins da terra e guardiões dessas criações com seus dons de cura e equilíbrio.
Esta é a espiral da criação e da manifestação que é sagrada.
Quando você cria ou manifesta, usa o mesmo processo: você cria seu modelo visualizando o que deseja criar e, em seguida, energiza e alimenta o modelo com amor e desejo.
Em suas experiências na Terra, vocês também fazem parte desses ciclos sagrados da criação.
Anjos humanos, Co-criadores e viajantes do tempo
À medida que vocês se tornam mais conscientes de quem são como anjos humanos, vocês também se tornam conscientes de suas capacidade de criar e co-criar com a Fonte Divina e os anjos.
Vocês começam a co-criar conscientemente suas vidas reivindicando suas capacidades de viajar no tempo como parte do processo criativo.
Usando o poder da água, vocês podem fluir para o futuro ou para trás no passado para fazer novas escolhas e curar o que não faz parte de quem vocês são ou querem ser.
O ponto de poder é sempre o momento do agora em que vocês criam os modelos e estruturas de suas vidas. Mas, vocês podem viajar em qualquer direção no tempo para fazer escolhas diferentes em níveis mais elevados de consciência ou plantar sementes que se manifestarão no futuro. Muitos de vocês estão neste processo neste momento, embora possam não estar plenamente conscientes disso. Vocês estão a curar suas linhas do tempo e espirais do tempo viajando para curar e mudar as energias enquanto permanecem em seuss corações e ancorados no momento presente.
O portal do escorpião no 11/11 é um momento sagrado para moldar o passado e o futuro para se alinhar com este momento sagrado "presente".
Que vocês possam passar pelo Portal 11/11 no dia 11 de novembro com amor e alegria no processo de Alegre de co-criação com sua alma e espírito enquanto entram em sua nova vida na nova terra.
Celia Fenn
  * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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11/11 Scorpio Gate 2024: Fire and Water and a New Reality

By Celia Fenn

Posted on October 29, 2024



Beloved Souls, you and your planet are in the process of a deep shift in the Collective Consciousness and Reality. You are deep in your transition from Homo Sapiens to a new kind of Human called Luminosa or Christos; the Human Angel and Galactic Being of Light.

This process is driven by the two primary forces of Creation: Fire and Water together with the raising of Frequency on Earth. Fire Plasma, or sunlight and Solar Flares together with Water Plasma, the highest form of water, are the materials of the New Creation.

Fire Plasma and Solar Light Codes for the New Creation

Solar Flares, and also “sunlight”, are fluid and “liquid” forms of the original primal Fire of Creation. Fire plasma contains the “elements” of life that will nurture life once the life templates are formed.

When the Earth was created, volcanic fire was the trigger for the creation of matter. Volcanic molten lava contains all the minerals and elements needed for life on Earth. When it encounters water (plasma) then it is able to create matter according to the templates contained in the memory bank or library of water. The first step in the “creation manual” is to create aquatic life forms and land masses, which are then populated with flora and fauna and humans.

Sunlight is also a gentler form of fire plasma ejected by the Sun, which contains “nutrients” for life. These are synthesised by plants and trees in a process known as “photosynthesis” to make the nutrients available as food for animals and humans.

Right now, Sun Cycle 25 is very active, with a very powerful X Class flare just recently. This is powering a huge wave of evolution and transition which is manifesting as The Golden Age and the New Earth.

The Phoenix Firebird : Fire and Water

The Phoenix or Firebird is an archetype associated with Scorpio and the Scorpio Gate 11/11 as a symbol of Rebirth and Regeneration.

In mythology, the Phoenix or Firebird symbolises an age of evolution and creation. When it is complete, the Phoenix bursts into flames and incinerates itself, symbolising the end of that cycle of creation.

But, a new Firebird arises from the ashes of the old. This symbolises the New Creation. This bird arises from the ashes of the fire. The Fire Plasma has seeded all the elements and nutrients for new life, and the template of the Phoenix is re-energised by water into a New Creation.

This is where you find yourselves now on the Planet. The Solar fires and sunlight are re-energising and rebirthing a new creation.

Water Plasma and the Templates of a New Creation

In this dance of creation, water plasma creates and carries the templates for creation and manifestation that are activated by fire plasma.

So, a new creation requires, firstly Fire and Water to provide the form and activate it into matter by working with the elemental energies of Air and Earth.

Water, in its pure form, flows and purifies and hydrates and cleanses. It also, as mentioned, provides templates and structure to support form, much like a 3D printer.

So, we are able to see the process of creation.

First, the Elohim Angels design the templates of life in the Star Gardens of Creation.

Then, the Dragons energise the Templates with Fire and Water and transfer the energised templates to Earth.

There the Nature Angels and Spirits plant and nurture the new creations which are cared for by fairies and devas.

Finally Human (Angels) become the Keepers of the Earth gardens and guardians of these creations with their healing and balancing gifts.

This is the spiral of creation and manifestation that is sacred.

When you create or manifest you use the same process : you design your template through visualising what you want to create and then you energise and feed the template with love and desire.

In your experiences on Earth you are also a part of these sacred cycles of Creation.

Human Angels, Co-Creators and Time Travellers

As you become more aware of who you are as human angels, you also become aware of your capacity to create and co-create with Divine Source and the angels.

You begin to consciously co-create your life by claiming your ability to travel in time as part of the creative process.

Using the power of water you can flow into the future or backwards into the past to make new choices and heal what is not part of who you are or want to be.

The point of power is always the NOW moment where you create the templates and structures of your life. But, you can travel in any direction in time to make different choices at higher levels of consciousness or plant seeds that will manifest in the future. Many of you are in this process right now, although you may not be fully aware of it. You are healing your timelines and time spirals by travelling to heal and shift energies while remaining in your heart and grounded in the present moment.

Scorpio Gate on the 11/11 is a sacred moment to shape past and future to align with this sacred “present” moment.

May you pass through the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th November with Love and Joy in the process of joyful co-creation with your Soul and Spirit as you enter your New Life on the New Earth.

Celia Fenn


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Equinox and Sun into Libra

By Celia Fenn

Posted on September 25, 2024

As we move into Libra it seems as if everything has slowed after the frantic pace of the April to September period.
We have arrived where we are meant to be and it is time to be still and find the Inner Balance.
Equinox is the time when the seasons change and so the day and the night are of equal length. It is a time when the Earth herself finds balance as she begins a new phase of her spiral journey around the Sun.
We are called to celebrate this moment by finding that point of balance within ourselves as we rest and connect with Love, Joy, Peace and Beauty before we begin another phase of our inner journey.
We can be confident that we are where we need to be as we embark on the next phase. Everything we need is coming to us, at the right time.
As the Sun moves into Libra, the sign of Balance and Relationship ruled by Venus, we can feel a light being shone on these aspects of our journey bringing intense energies of unconditional love whether it be to friendships, partnerships, romantic or soulmate relationships, or marriages.
The energy is intense, sensual and soulful. It is a good time to “upgrade” relationships to the next level.
The Earth too is feeling the need to come into balance with Nature.
The Feather of Ma’at, the Egyptian Goddess of Cosmic Balance, is an important symbol for now. It signifies the lightness of Joy as we move with currents of the ascending Flow of Divine Energy.
On this day, May your Heart be as Light as a Feather.
May you find balance and peace!
Let there be Ma’at!
Celia Fenn


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Por Celia Fenn

Tradução Regina Drumond,  29 de julho de 2024



Estamos em um momento muito poderoso, no qual a Terra está sendo afetada tanto pelo Sol quanto pela Estrela Azul Sirius na preparação para o Portal de Leão em 8 de Agosto.

Neste momento nas terras do norte, Sirius nasce com o Sol no horizonte oriental, misturando sua brilhante luz branca azulada com a luz dourada e branca do nosso Sol. Os antigos egípcios reconheceram este momento poderoso, pois coincidiu com a ascensão anual do Nilo e o derramamento de bênçãos sobre a terra. Isto também levou ao portal anual do Portal de Leão sob o signo de Leão, no qual a Terra entrou em um novo ciclo ou Espiral do Tempo sob a tutela dos Leões Estelares Reais, os arquitetos do Tempo Galáctico.

Então o Ano Novo Planetário ou Galáctico foi reconhecido como no final de Julho, ou como o conhecemos agora, 26 de Julho. Então, sinta o poder intenso aumentando à medida que nos dirigimos para a ignição de uma nova espiral do tempo na qual podemos alterar nossa trajetória pessoal e planetária.

O Portal de Leão é um momento mágico e poderoso.

Como os antigos egípcios, vivemos neste momento na Terra dos Dois Sóis, sendo fortemente influenciados por Códigos de Luz diretamente de Sirius e do Sol.

Espere fortes impulsos evolutivos para nos mover para cima e para frente neste momento, e lembre-se de permanecer em seu Coração e ser uma âncora para Paz e a Alegria.


As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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