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A subscrição é anónima e gera, no máximo, um e-mail por dia.
I have no words for last week....the intensity of it was off the charts. For many difficult feelings and emotions have been rising giving us the opportunity to see what needs healing and what needs release. Collective and individual feelings of fear, anxiety and restlessness have arisen which can be overwhelming as we navigate the start of a new year.
It has not been a comfortable time and we are reminded of the need to remain balanced. Regulating our emotional reactions and developing the mental discipline needed to manage our thoughts is key.
If you are needing support and or guidance book a session with me and lets get you balanced and ready for whatever the rest of January wants to throw at us!
May you find peace amongst the chaos!
Much love
2025 promises to be a year of profound transition with the cosmic and planetary alignments indicating that we are in for another powerful year... yay! (with just a touch of sarcasm).
I am slowly inching my way into the new year... 2024 was pretty brutal and I am being somewhat cautious as I enter 2025. The energy feels different already which is good! What I do sense very strongly about 2025 is the importance of boundaries, balance and groundedness. The energies will be wild and unpredictable and being centered in our hearts, aligned with our soul, balanced and grounded is how we will navigagte our way through whatever the year has in store for us.
Be especially mindful of where you are placing your energy and your focus this year as this will determine how you experience each moment. Draw on the tools, strength and resilience you have gained over the past few years while remembering that as a soul you signed up to be a part of one of the most exciting events - the shift in human consciousness.
In 2024 I was very aware of how our energy system and body was shifting and evolving in prepartion for a deeper embodiment of our soul's consciousness. For many this has been an incredibly uncomfortable process as old patterns, beliefs and energies rose to the surface to be released and cleared.
This year our soul's consciousness will be grounded within our human bodies activating an ever greater embodiment and expansion. From February each month a different energetic point will be activated generating a process of healing, release and then deeper embodiment. To support us through this I will be offering a 12-month program called Energetic Mastery. You can learn more about this program HERE.
I will continue to offer a bi-weekly Sunday Webinar where I will share the insights, wisdom and guidance I am receiving for us. The first webinar of 2025 will be held this Sunday, January 5th, 2025. I look forward to seeing you all there. You can register for this webinar HERE or below.
As always I offer personal one-on-one sessions for those who are looking for support, guidance and healing. Please view my website to book or contact me for information on sessions, healing processes and coaching programs.
I thank you all for your continued support! It is a pleasure and an honour to be a part of your journey. May 2025 bring you joy and peace!
Much love
12 seguidores
A subscrição é anónima e gera, no máximo, um e-mail por dia.