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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Being Clear on What Is and Is Not Your Responsibility

By Archangel Michael

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

January 27, 2025

My dear ones, it is I, Archangel Michael. It is my pleasure to join you, and reach you, through these channeled messages to those whose lives you touch with your presence. For when our influence is felt by you, it ripples out to others you connect with.
And you will do the same for others. As you touch their lives, they will touch others as well, and so you see the blessing that the gift of oneness represents? That connection is enduring and undeniable. And while there are many who only recognize the truth of this as a feeling, in time it will be fully recognized by all, that this is the nature of the reality in which you exist – whether they are conscious of it or not in this moment in time.
So, you may bless others around you with your steadiness, through your steadfast anchoring in peace itself. As you do, you help stabilize the energetic greater field around you. This steadiness filters out to others who are seeking this assistance, consciously and even unconsciously. They are able to receive it and calibrate themselves by the mere association of your energy expression and signature. So please, never underestimate the power of your presence.
Consciousness is an immense power in and of itself, regardless of how it is directed. And as you discover your mastery to direct it towards specific aims and intentions, it is funneled in a powerful dimensional focus. This conscious focus assists that intention to come forward. This does not mean it is guaranteed, for there are many aspects at interplay with any given intention. However, it is not necessary to know all of them.
You, as a being of light who is aware of your existence as divine essence, have agreed to come and be committed to bringing greater light to the presence of others who have yet awakened. And this can be as simple as offering a cup of tea from a place of great love in your heart without any words. Your presence and what the channel calls your way of being, is extremely powerful indeed.
And that is all you need concern yourself with in many instances. For there is much you have no control over. So not pretending so, is of great assistance. It allows you to move into neutrality toward all the forces around you. Then you can settle on the focus with which you decide to utilize your intention and focused consciousness. This allows for the most impactful use of your focused energy.
For when you allow others the respect and acknowledgement of their free will, and do not pretend that it is your role to manipulate, force, cajole or influence unduly in any way — you are most powerful. You are simply making your choice to stand in a field of love, choosing to bring and penetrate the field around you with that light and love. That is simply enough and has far greater impact than you can know.
Then those around you have a choice to make. Do they wish to align themselves with fear, with the darkness, with troubled thoughts? Or do they wish to open their field to the love that is present in your presence and allow it to permeate them? Will they allow it to soothe those fears and to calm their hearts?
You are simply not responsible for how that is received. As much as you would like to guarantee that others receive the love that you offer them or the peace that is available to those you see suffering, it is simply not your role.
So that brings us back again to what is your responsibility. And when you gain crystal clarity on which choices are truly within your realm of responsibility, a great burden can be lifted from you.
Only those that are in your free will – those that emanate through your life, through your presence, through your words, through your actions, are those that you are responsible for.
You’re not responsible for changing the whole world. You are not responsible for single handedly influencing the quality of the energy in a specific place in time. It is simply your role to be who you are. To emanate as you desire and wish to express your light. And I ask you to trust in that. To open your vision to how powerful that can be and to allow it to be enough in these difficult times.
I am your brother with the sword of protection, Archangel Michael.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


A navegar pela mudança da Terra com calma interior

Por Maria Madalena

Canal: Laura Smith Biswas

Tradução a 12 de janeiro de 2025




Sou eu, a Magdalena. Uno-me a vocês neste dia em reverência à transição da qual todos vocês fazem parte. Uma transição não só nas vossas vidas, mas também na Terra maior. Como trabalhadores da luz, vocês serão chamados à medida que avançarmos mais profundamente nesta linha do tempo ascendente. Os remanescentes do velho continuam a gritar com resistência baseada no medo para tentar dominar a mudança que está a ocorrer. É, como sabem, desnecessário. E, no entanto, na sua perspectiva, não compreendem que as imensas mudanças que estão à mão são inevitáveis. E, embora a resistência seja ineficaz, continuarão a tentar.
Assim, a vossa presença é necessária para manter a vibração da paz dentro dos vossos corações, para que outros possam alcançar isso e trazê-lo para dentro de si, pois essas ocorrências, como as que acontecem hoje em Los Angeles, ocorrem em outros lugares, em outras épocas deste ano. Saiba que este é um grande serviço para todos.
Para cada trabalhador da luz que estabiliza o seu campo energético, permite-lhe fortalecer energeticamente o outro. Embora não seja da exclusiva responsabilidade de ninguém agir como a chave para estabilizar o campo para todos, cada pedacinho faz a diferença. Cada pessoa com quem fala que sente essa calma dentro de você, tem uma oportunidade e uma chance maiores de navegar para essa sensação de paz dentro de si. Portanto, não subestime sua capacidade de fazer grandes mudanças no mundo simplesmente mantendo seu centro em paz.
Isto é o que é necessário muitas vezes nestes tempos de mudança. Não deixeis que as vossas mentes considerem esta tolice nem diminuam a qualidade desta contribuição. É essencial, pois o medo de correr desenfreado pode aumentar de maneiras que são altamente perturbadoras para todos. Isso cria mais desafios para aqueles que já estão a lutar para manter sua confiança e senso de segurança em tempos tão turbulentos.
Permitam-me fundir-me convosco, no vosso campo, e transmitir uma sensação de profunda paz, em honra da verdade, de que tudo está bem abaixo da superfície. Quaisquer que sejam as ações que os seres humanos tenham tomado para exacerbar a situação são de pouca importância no grande esquema das coisas.
Haverá momentos de prudência para não falar de tais coisas, de modo a não incitar mais medo. E haverá momentos em que será necessário falar de tais coisas, para mudá-las, para chamar a atenção para o que está a acontecer e convidar à mudança.
Permiti que a minha paz penetre dentro de vós. Deixe-o guiá-lo através do seu próprio processo de descoberta de como você pode estar a serviço da presença da paz em tais tempos. Explore se isso é através da fala verbal ou atenção plena silenciosa, ambos são necessários às vezes dentro de si.
Imagine as pétalas macias do centro dum botão de rosa a descansar dentro do seu coração. Cheire a sua fragrância, sinta a suavidade dentro de cada pétala. E veja como graciosamente se permite abrir no devido tempo. Este é um símbolo de confiança, que no desenrolar é a própria beleza. Não é o destino, é o desenrolar do qual vieram aqui participar. Embora estes tempos pareçam caóticos e desafiadores, isso faz parte do que você esperava experimentar.
Você esperava desafiar a si mesmo, manter a vibração da gentileza, da paz e do amor dentro de si. Quando outros ao redor podem não ser capazes de fazê-lo, é um serviço para eles. Permita-se entrar no domínio com o qual pretendia quando veio a esta Terra. Abra-se para receber este dom de mim, para que ele possa emanar através da sua presença para todos aqueles ao seu redor. Muitos procuram tal alimento e segurança.
Deixe-os encontrá-lo dentro da segurança de sua presença amorosa. 
Eu sou a Magdalena.

Traduzido por  com agradecimentos a: 

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Navigating Earth’s Shift with Inner Calm

By Mary Magdalene

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

January 11, 2025

It is I, the Magdalena. I join you this day in reverence to the transition that you are all a part of. A transition not only in your lives, but the larger earth as well. As light workers you’ll be called upon as we move into this ascending timeline more deeply. The remnants of the old continue to cry out with resistance based in fear to attempt to dominate the change that is occurring. It is, as you know, unnecessary. And yet, from their perspective, they do not understand that the immense changes that are at hand are inevitable. And while resistance is ineffective, they will continue to try.
So, your presence is needed to hold the vibration of peace within your hearts, that others may be able to reach for that and bring it within themselves, as these occurrences, like those happening today in Los Angeles, occur in other places, in other times of this year. Know that this is a great service to all.
For every light worker that stabilizes their energetic field, allows it to strengthen another’s energetically. While it is no one’s sole responsibility to act as the key to stabilizing the field for all, every little bit makes a difference. Every person you speak with who feels that calm within you, has a greater opportunity and chance to navigate to that sense of peace within themselves. So do not underestimate your ability to make great change in the world by simply holding your center in peace.
This is what is needed often in these times of change. Let not your minds consider this foolish or diminish the quality of this contribution. It is essential, for fear running rampant can escalate in ways that are highly disruptive to all around. It creates more challenges for those who are already struggling to maintain their trust and sense of safety in such turbulent times.
Allow me to merge with you, within your field and transmit a sense of deep peace, in honor of the truth, that all is well beneath the surface. Whatever actions humans have taken to exacerbate the situation are of little consequence in the grand scheme of things.
There will be times of prudence to withhold speaking of such things, so as to not incite greater fear. And there will be times it is necessary to speak of such things, in order to shift them, to draw attention to what is occurring and invite change.
Allow my peace to permeate within you. Let it guide you through your own discovery process of how you can be in service to the presence of peace in such times. Explore whether that is through verbal speech or quiet mindfulness, both are necessary at times within you.
Imagine the soft petals of the center of a rosebud resting within your heart. Smell its fragrance, sense the softness within each petal. And see how gracefully it allows itself to open in due time. This is a symbol of trust, that in the unfolding is beauty itself. It is not the destination, it is the unfolding that you have come here to participate in. While these times seem chaotic and challenging, this is part of what you expected to experience.
You expected to challenge yourself, to hold the vibration of gentleness, peace, and love within you. When others around may not be able to do so, it is a service to them. Allow yourself to step into the mastery with which you intended as you came to this earth. Open to receiving this gift from me, that it may emanate through your presence to all those around you. So many are seeking such nourishment and reassurance.
Let them find it within the safety of your loving presence. I am the Magdalena.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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O dom da tua sombra, o efeito cascata

Arcanjo Miguel

Canal: Laura Smith Biswas

Tradução a 6 de janeiro de 2025






Sou eu, Arcanjo Miguel. Venho ajudá-lo a reforçar o seu campo, pois o seu escudo protetor é importante. Ele permite que você fique equilibrado e centrado, para ficar em sintonia com as energias de vibração mais elevadas, não importa o que é trazido para ser transmutado. A introdução de energias sombrias que procuram a transmutação, trará reflexões sempre que necessário para que cresçam. O seu papel é manter-se firme, mantendo o campo, sabendo que tudo está bem.
Quando vêem um reflexo de sombra, muitas vezes julgam-se por tê-los. No entanto, a beleza do trabalho de sombra é que cada partícula das sombras presentes dentro de você está conectada à vasta rede de sombras de outras pessoas também. E assim, à medida que Libertas a tua porção da sombra, expressa dentro de TI, ela sinaliza, convida e encoraja outros como ela dentro de outras pessoas no Campo Maior, a serem transmutados também.
É um convite ao efeito cascata que experimenta quando trabalha com uma destas partes. Muitos de vós já tiveram experiências de ferimentos semelhantes, embora talvez por várias razões. Na sua essência, muitas vezes está o medo da indignidade, de se sentir abatido ou rejeitado por outro.
Quando esses aspectos passam a entender que são verdadeiramente amados, então eles naturalmente procuram se apresentar para serem transmutados e experimentar sua própria mudança e evolução. Eles reconhecem que, ao libertá-los, eles não fizeram nada de errado, mas de alguma forma, forma ou forma, têm servido você. Eles então são livres para transmutar, para passar para outra dimensão ou para a terra para serem transformados para outro propósito.
Somos todos um. Deixe-me lembrá-lo disso. É por isso que, quando vemos outros que estão numa cena pública e os julgamos, estamos apenas a julgar-nos a nós próprios. De facto, através da nossa própria atenção às nossas sombras, podemos contribuir para levantar as tendências egoicas dos outros. Essas percepções prejudiciais retêm tantos da unidade. Quando nos aproximamos de todos com compaixão, e uma vontade de compreender as diferenças entre nós, vêm da necessidade de nossas partes para tentar nos manter seguros, então pode-se entender as diferentes escolhas dos outros no domínio público.
Talvez se você tivesse tido a experiência da vida de outra pessoa, andado em seus passos, você os entenderia em um nível mais profundo e teria compaixão pelo que eles trouxeram e projetaram no mundo. Mesmo aquilo que, na vossa opinião, é inútil, nocivo e até Cruel, pode ser entendido.
Muito do que é projetado em seu mundo que é odioso, enganoso e prejudicial no plano físico vem do medo puro de uma criança que se perdeu dentro de si mesma. É uma criança que sente que não há para onde recorrer, mas tenta assumir o controlo e forçar os seus pontos de vista e desejos sobre os outros, para manter o seu sentido de sanidade ou segurança.
Encorajo – vos, no mínimo, a aproximarem – se de outros que são extremamente diferentes de vós com a compaixão que imaginam que a energia da fonte-que criou tudo o que é-lhes daria no seu desenvolvimento e evolução. Tentando uma perspectiva de que talvez eles tenham muito a aprender, e ainda assim eles ainda são amados e valorizados em sua essência. Esta escolha pode levar a humanidade a entrar no caminho da paz entre toda a humanidade. Este é um passo simples que todos podem dar e que pode fazer uma diferença significativa no vosso mundo.
É uma oportunidade perfeita para praticar manter em seus corações a perspectiva mais elevada da unidade de todos os seres, a unidade de todas as coisas. É a verdade ao nível mais elementar e não pode ser negada.
E se você não entende como manter essa vibração, então volte-se para si mesmo e olhe para a unidade dentro de você, para que você possa criá-la através de sua própria prática de amor, aceitação e perdão.
Este é o Arcanjo Miguel.
Laura Smith Biswas

Traduzido por  com agradecimentos a: 

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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The Gift of Your Shadow, The Ripple Effect

By Archangel Michael

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

January 6, 2025

It is I, Archangel Michael. I come to assist you to strengthen your field, as your protective shield is important. It allows you to stay balanced and centered, to stay attuned to the higher vibration energies, no matter what is brought in to be transmuted. The introduction of shadow energies seeking transmutation, will bring reflections where necessary for you to grow. Your role is to hold steadfast, holding the field, knowing that all is well.
When you see a shadow reflection, you often judge yourselves for having them at all. Yet the beauty of shadow work is that every particle of the shadows present within you is connected to the vast network of other people’s shadows as well. And so, as you free your portion of the shadow, expressed within you, it signals, invites, and encourages others like it within other people in the greater field, to be transmuted as well.
It is an invitation to the ripple effect that you experience when you work with one of these parts. For so many of you have had experiences of similar wounding, though perhaps for various reasons. At their core, is often the fear of unworthiness, of feeling dejected or rejected by another.
When these aspects come to understand that they are truly loved, then they naturally seek to come forward to be transmuted and experience their own change and evolution. They recognize that in your freeing them, they have done no wrong, but have in some way, shape or form, been serving you. They then are free to transmute, to pass through out into another dimension or into the earth to be transformed for another purpose.
We are all one. Let me remind you of this. That is why, when we see others who are on a public stage and judge them, we are only judging ourselves. In fact, through our own attention to our shadows, we can contribute to lifting the egoic tendencies of others. These damaging perceptions hold so many back from unity. When we approach all with compassion, and a willingness to understand the differences between us, come from the necessity of our parts to attempt to keep us safe, then one can understand another’s different choices in the public domain.
Perhaps if you had had the experience of another’s lifetime, walked in their steps, you would understand them at a deeper level and have compassion for what they have brought on and projected into the world. Even that which is in your estimation, unhelpful, harmful, even of cruelty can be understood.
So much of what is projected in your world that is hateful, deceitful, and harmful on the physical plane comes from the pure fear of a child who has been lost within itself. It is a child who feels there is nowhere to turn but tries to take control and force their views and desires on others, to maintain their sense of sanity or safety.
I encourage you, at the very least, to approach others who are extremely different from you with the compassion that you imagine Source energy – who created all that is – would hold for them in their development and evolution. Trying on a perspective that perhaps they have much to learn, and yet they are still loved and cherished at their essence. This choice can bring humanity to enter the road of peace amongst all mankind. This is a simple step for all to take that can make a significant difference in your world.
It’s a perfect opportunity to practice holding in your hearts the higher perspective of unity of all beings, the unity of all things. It is the truth at the most elemental level and cannot be denied.
And if you do not understand how to hold this vibration, then turn to yourself and look at the unity within you, so you may create it through your own practice of love, acceptance and forgiveness.
This is Archangel Michael.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The Power of Attuning to the Divine Breath of Life

By Sanat Kumara

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

December 16, 2024

I welcome you all as your teacher, Sanat Kamara, holder of the universal laws and universal logos, transmitter of the teachings of universal light. It is my honor to join you this day, to bring to you a message from the Council of Love. I surround you in connection and love, in service, in devotion to the heart of One.
Allow us to continue to play a guiding role in a more vibrant way, on a more ongoing basis throughout your days, that you may learn to perceive what we have to offer you as you encounter moment to moment, your day-to-day experience. For there is much we have to share with you to assist you, not just to navigate what is occurring in your personal life, but to bring greater light and influence to those around you.
If you are but willing to listen to us with greater refinement, within many more moments of your day, there is an expansion that we can participate in together that will be tremendously joyful. In this subtle shift of your attention, you experience a unique flow that occurs in your life.
It occurs as you are attuned and listening more carefully throughout what you call time. Time then disappears, and you are immersed and beholden only to the Now moment, and within that moment, anything can be accomplished.
So, your perception of what occurs in a single day can vastly shift as you experience the timelessness of this level of attentiveness and care. In this tuning, we encourage you to focus not just to us, but to your heart’s desires, to the songs of your soul, to the subtle, quiet energies that are seeking to find their way through you into your world.
There are tremendous energies coming from your sun at this time, up from the earth, rolling in on the seas and oceans around you, through your water, present in your atmosphere, and within the clouds. All that surrounds you, the very air you breathe, holds these energies. This is why there are so many practices with the breath, to open, to heal, to enlighten.
As each of you breathes one breath after another, you take in more light and when done so consciously, it amplifies this transmission greatly. So taking even a single conscious breath every day is profound.
Let it fill you with the deep love that we all have for you. Invite it to bring you new ideas to inspire your minds. Allow it to cleanse you, to clear you of anything you seek to shift out of your field for transmutation. And let your practice on a daily basis be in devotion to not only the love that you are, but the love that comes to you through every breath and every part of your day.
Let every breath take you into deeper understanding of the gift your beautiful Earth provides through her ecological system. She offers you this through her numerous trees, plants and other forms of life that support you. For in acknowledging this, you share your love with her, you offer appreciation for the air you breathe for the gift that it is to you, and bring greater consciousness to this planet in each and every moment.
So allow yourself to know that the breath is a tremendously sustaining force in your lives that you each have at every moment at your disposal. Please never take it for granted. Protect and share your gratitude for the air you breathe, allowing yourself to embrace the possibility of a rapid shift on your planet towards the purification of Gaia so that all may breathe healthy, vibrant, living chi through this means.
We ask you to feel the beauty of this potential that is waiting – divine union with beloved Gaia in this plane in which you live. Feel deep within you the blessing and gratitude your beloved Earth offers you in every moment, as this tremendously fuels her healing and expansion as well. And as you engage with others in your daily life, invite them to join you for a conscious breath and let this spread throughout the world.
I am Sanat Kumara.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Honrar o desejo secreto do seu coração

Por Maria Madalena

Canal: Laura Smith Biswas

Tradução a 8 de dezembro de 2024




É minha bendita honra falar convosco neste dia. Eu sou a Magdalena e venho transmitir uma mensagem de esperança e de amor a toda a humanidade. 
Nesta época do ano, em muitas partes do mundo, o foco está centrado em Yeshua (Jesus) de Belém, nascido de Maria e José, aquele considerado por muitas religiões como o salvador da humanidade.
Embora este seja um título honroso a ser dado ao meu amado, este título foi usado para distrair a população de uma verdade mais profunda que ele mesmo ensinou a todos que conhecia: a verdade de que a Divina Luz Crística ou Consciência Crística reside em toda a humanidade.
Não é apenas uma descrição do seu legado. Trata-se de uma verdade ainda mais ampla que permeia para além da sua vida, para além da religião, para além do que passou a significar para muitas pessoas. É uma descrição do amor encarnado na forma. É uma descrição daqueles que comprometem a sua vida a viver com amor como a motivação predominante para tudo o que fazem.
Este é, de facto, um modelo para o vosso mundo replicar, à medida que explora formas de criar novas estruturas societais, quer sejam nas empresas, no governo, na educação, na saúde ou noutros serviços de apoio. Isso não significa que se precise ser cristão ou aderir a qualquer religião, trata-se de uma verdade mais profunda que está dentro de todos os Seres para elevar-se a um nível mais elevado de consciência que serve ao bem maior de todos os seres.
Quando se perguntar o que vem a seguir ao longo do seu caminho, faça uma pausa e pergunte o que pode contribuir de forma única para tornar a vida melhor ao seu redor. Não tem de ser um esforço heróico para salvar outros ou criar uma fundação sem fins lucrativos. Pode ser tão simples como visitar um vizinho. Pode consistir em cuidar melhor da sua própria saúde mental ou física. Não há amor no auto-sacrifício. Isso também precisa ser corrigido na compreensão de muitos que seguem o caminho de Yeshua. Ele não pretendia deixar seus seguidores com a ideia de que eles estavam iluminando o mundo através de sua própria morte ou da subjugação de seus desejos aos outros.
Cada um de vocês teve as sementes do amor colocadas em seu coração e cada uma delas é única. Não há duas sementes – a que poderíamos chamar os vossos sonhos-iguais. Cada um deles está à espera de irromper em forma, para ser expresso como um elemento da própria fonte de energia. Porque é que faria sentido criar a mesma coisa repetidas vezes? Não há alegria nisso. O que é muito mais excitante é que a diversidade de expressão encontre o seu caminho para o mundo. E quando isso acontece, há uma experiência única para cada alma ter que informa o coletivo.
Então, permita-se levar algum tempo, se esta é uma temporada de férias para si, para sonhar. Não os sonhos de seus pais, sociedade ou cultura, mas atender aos seus próprios desejos que podem ter ficado empoeirados por falta de atenção. Deixe-se levar em conta o que um presente que poderia ser para o mundo, se você permitir que eles brotem em realidade. E imagine o quão alegre pode ser para si experimentar sua realização!
Este é frequentemente um tema que causa um pouco de medo na humanidade, infelizmente. Pois muitos tiveram a dificuldade de fazer com que outros pisassem nos seus sonhos como pequeninos. Ou talvez tenham sido repetidamente informados de que não são desejos realistas. Essas admoestações eram muitas vezes feitas por aqueles que o amavam, mas temiam a sua decepção ou se preocupavam com a sua segurança na sociedade de alguma forma.
Mas agora, permita-me assegurar-lhe que os tempos mudaram. Deixe que aquele pequeno dentro de si faça um desejo para esta temporada de férias que você pode realizar confiando em seu coração para ouvir. E, uma vez escutados, podem considerar como primeiro passo o que este desejo vos diz para fazer. Não precisa conhecer todas as formas e meios pelos quais um sonho é realizado. Esse não é o seu trabalho! Só é necessário tomar parte na aceitação da criação da sua realidade, na busca do fio da inspiração e na dedicação diligente para a manter viva com alimento.
Então, permita-se sonhar meus queridos amados. Deixe-se aproveitar o desdobramento dessas novas energias em sua vida que têm mais potência do que pode imaginar. Sim, é apenas o começo, mas é realmente uma nova era, um novo tempo e uma nova oportunidade para experimentar a si mesmos como criadores divinos na forma humana. Deixem-se confiar que isso é verdade e explorem, para que possam descobrir se o que estou a dizer tem ressonância dentro de si. Se sentir o acendimento dum fogo e duma paixão para arriscar os seus sonhos, então terei contado esta comunicação como uma bênção. É meu desejo apoiá-los em seus sonhos e desejos sinceros, pois é assim que o novo mundo, todos vocês desejam tão profundamente vir, nascerá.
Estou pronta para ajudá-los, assim como o vosso amado irmão, Yeshua. Peça-nos que apoiemos o seu desenvolvimento único de amor, pois é para isso que estamos aqui a serviço.
Maria Madalena

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  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Honoring the Secret Wish of Your Heart

By Mary Magdalene

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

December 8, 2024

It is my blessed honor to speak with you this day. I am the Magdalena and I come to deliver a message of hope and love to all of humanity. 
At this time of year, in many parts of the world the focus is centered upon Yeshua from Bethlehem, born of Mary and Joseph, the one considered by many religions to be the savior of mankind.
While this is an honorable title to be given to my beloved, this title was used to distract the populace from a deeper truth that he himself taught to everyone he knew: The truth that the divine Christ Light or Christ Consciousness resides in all humanity.
It is not a description of his legacy alone. It is of an even broader truth that permeates beyond his lifetime, beyond religion, beyond what it has come to mean for many people. It is a description of love embodied in form. It is a description of those who commit their lives to living with love as the prevailing motivation for all they do.
This is, in fact, a template for your world to replicate, as it explores ways to create new societal structures, whether they be in business, government, education, health, or other support services. It does not mean that one needs be a Christian or adhere to any religion at all, it is about a deeper truth that lies within all beings to rise to a higher level of consciousness that serves the greater good of all beings.
When you find yourself wondering what is next along your path, pause and ask what you can uniquely contribute to making life better around you. It does not have to be a heroic effort to save others or start a non-profit foundation. It might be as simple as visiting a neighbor. It might consist of taking better care of your own mental or physical health. There is no love in self-sacrifice. This also needs to be corrected in the understanding of many who follow Yeshua’s path. He did not intend to leave his followers with the idea that they were lighting up the world through their own demise or the subjugation of their wants to others.
Each of you has had the seeds of love placed in your heart and each of them are unique. No two seeds – that we could call your dreams – are alike. They are each waiting to burst forth into form, to be expressed as an element of Source energy itself. For why would it make sense to create the same thing over and over? There is no joy in that. What is far more exciting is for the diversity of expression to find its way out into the world. And when it does, there is a unique experience for each soul to have that informs the collective.
So, allow yourself to take some time, if this is a holiday season for you, to dream. Not the dreams of your parents, society or culture, but attend to your own desires that may have gotten dusty from lack of attention. Let yourself consider what a gift they might be to the world, if you were to allow them to spring forth into reality. And imagine how joyful it might be for you to experience their fulfillment!
This is often a topic that strikes a bit of fear in mankind, unfortunately. For so many have had the difficulty of having others stomp on their dreams as little ones. Or perhaps they have been told over and over that they are not realistic desires. These admonitions were often done by those who loved you, but feared your disappointment or worried about your safety in society in some fashion.
But now, let me assure you that times have changed. Let that little one within you make a wish for this holiday season that you can fulfill by trusting your heart to listen. And once you have listened, you may consider what this desire informs you to do as a first step. You do not need to know all the ways and means by which a dream is fulfilled. That is not your job! You only need to take your part in accepting the creation of its reality, pursuing the thread of inspiration, and offering diligent devotion to keeping it alive with nourishment.
So, allow yourself to dream my dear beloved ones. Let yourself enjoy the unfolding of these new energies in your life that have more potency than you can imagine. Yes, it is just the beginning, but it is indeed a new age, a new time, and a new opportunity to experience yourselves as divine creators in human form. Let yourselves trust this is true and explore, so that you may discover if what I am saying holds resonance within you. If you feel the igniting of a fire and passion to take a chance on your dreams, then I will have counted this communication as a blessing. It is my desire to support you in your dreams and heartfelt desires, for that is how the new world, you all so deeply wish to come forth, will be born.
I stand by ready to assist you as does your beloved brother, Yeshua. Call on us to support your unique unfolding of love, for that is what we are here in service to.
Mary Magdalene


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Love is the Great Transformer

By Saint Germain

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

December 1, 2024

This is Saint Germaine. I bring the Violet Flame as an accessory tool to guide you to clarify your understanding of your relationship with your innate purpose as a soul in this crucial time of ascension.
Each of you has many ways in which you may express your soul’s innate desire to be of service. You each set out at the start of this lifetime, with a continuation of your plan for your soul journey, the design that is inherent, literally within your cells and DNA.
So, you may use my Violet Flame to purify and bring clarity to your physical form, that love may flow more fully through each one of you. Invite it in, as you receive this, to filter from above the crown of your head, through each cell of your body. Let it fall slowly to anchor, deep within your heart, to bring the great blessings of clearing and transformation to each cell in your body.
Your ability to access your true loving nature, and to bring that love to yourself, allows this conduit that you are, to open and allow far more light to reflect through your lives.
So, as I join you here today, let the gentle but powerful Violet Flame work its way between and through each cell, surrounding every strand of DNA. Let every place within you, that is willing to accept my flame transmute any shadows, limiting beliefs, misunderstandings, or judgments at this time.
This is a gift I freely offer to you in this moment to lift your cares, worries, and burdens of the past that have come from difficult experiences, from your journey along the way. This is understandably so, but they are not true and do not reflect your authentic blueprint for this lifetime.
So, allow yourself to enter into this transmission, this gift of transmutation, with an openness and trust that all those particles of energy that have been stuck, that may have been placed there, even nefariously by others, are free now and gone from your system. It is a simple willingness that I ask, and a commitment to allow yourself to trust that this process is real.
Trust and know that you have the sovereignty, freedom, and power to accept this gift and to let it be, no longer picking back up those elements now being released from your system.
To do this, I encourage you to soften your relationship with yourself as you go forward. Pay attention to any moments of what we could call hardness or stiffness within your own being. This may show itself when you try to force something, call something wrong, or feel disappointed in yourself.
Allow yourself to be just as you are, knowing that this is part of the vast journey home, and that however this manifests in your experience and reality, when you meet it with love, all is well. It is the great transformer of all, the presence and awareness of the Divine Eye, gracing that which it looks upon with love. This presence is the manifestation of your sense of God or Spirit, what some call the Universe.
So take in this sense of deliberate generosity, and know yourselves as worthy to receive it. There is nothing other than fear that can stop this transmission. Your trust in allowing this, is sufficient to meet the invitation, to allow a greater lifting of any burden you carry at this time, and to receive this loving transmission as my gift.
Together, it is our desire that you experience tremendous love in your lives. By inviting and trusting these elements, which have been resistant to love through shame, protection, fear, and any innumerable other emotions that are based on illusion, you can find yourself on the other side, gently, softly opening to love. You have my blessing and my tremendous desire to bring you the potency of this gift of love.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Uncovering the Power of Love in a Polarized World

By Jeshua

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

November 24, 2024


Dear ones, it is I, Yeshua, your brother in love.
Allow yourselves to chuckle at the many antics that are occurring on the stage of the country in which this channel lives, for there is much that is posturing, untrue, distracting from the ultimate truth of what we are all here for: to experience the love that we are, to open to engaging within a unified field as divine beings, and to have the experience of creating something that has never been done before.
So while some may champion this individual who has become their president, and others may find this incredibly disheartening, the game is being played out for all of you to find your place in it. Allowing you to discover within yourselves, what calls you forth to create this New Earth.
Whether he inspires you to create change that is very different from what he is speaking, to both people, it can have the same effect; to bring forward the visions of a new life, a new way of being, a new plane of existence that includes all the dreams and missions that you each hold in your heart.
It is a misnomer to think, to consider that any one being has so much power as you often give your elected leaders. The power is within you, and your recognition of this is key to creating this New Earth.
First begin to realize that all is a reflection around you of what is occurring within the many aspects of Source, for example, the people who live within this country. Then it becomes highly apparent that there is division and the need for holistic approaches of unification, loving kindness, of clearly creating from a place of love.  Then you will understand how to move forward.
It has nothing to do with who your elected officials are. In some sense, it is simply a call to turn within. You know your truth and your part in creating a new world. That is where your focus, your efforts, your energy, your intentions and your passions are intended to be.
So allow yourselves to have this kind of focus, to model to others the power of creating within your own life what you desire to experience, for this is the game you’re playing of pulling away the scales upon the eyes of humanity, one by one, as individuals awaken to the recognition of their divine selves and know that they are no longer a pawn on a board, a chessboard, but the master playing the game of chess.
This may, and certainly has been a surprise to many as they have awakened and begun to consider this possibility, and it can be shocking at first to realize, that there is no one to blame for anything you are experiencing in your life; that you yourself have participated in setting up the journey that you are on.
This does not mean that all is okay within that framework that you have experienced as a human. That perspective can be incredibly painful. It can feel like torture, even.  And yet your soul knows what it has come here to do.
I myself questioned this. When I was on the cross, there was a moment that was so difficult I wondered, was I wrong about this? Did I truly intend to walk this path to open the doors to love for all?
And then I surrendered. I let go of having to know, of having to understand, and I surrendered to what love was asking me to do, and that is the ultimate question you have at hand in every moment of your life.
What does love seek to do through you? That simple question can guide you for the rest of your days. You may ask yourself many other questions, but that is a fundamental one that can guide you through any tumultuous time, challenge, difficulty or opportunity, expansion, possibility and door opening that occurs.
So let yourself play with this beautiful inquiry that you have in your hand. Let love guide you to become the masters in flesh that your souls seek to remember yourselves as. You have not come here to be discouraged. Yes, that is part of the human experience. But rather, you have come to conquer that discouragement, to recognize and realize that you are so much more than a human emotion that flows through you.
As a difficulty shows up in the tangible realm in front of your face, may you remember and experience your mastery in those moments the channel calls “an Aha.”
These are moments of self-awareness, where one recognizes and feels that inner alignment: “Ah, this is what I came here to do! This is the truth of who I am! This is the joy of remembering my inner essence and its divine power!”
This is the only way this can be done. If you came in knowing all in advance, there would be no fun in unfolding and coming out from behind the cape of illusion.
And while it may seem harsh to call this a game, in some sense it is, it is more than that. It is the Beloved seeking to reunify with itself in form through each one of you, to feel this expansive unfolding of confusion and darkness and coming back to the Light, for that journey is thrilling for Source itself, that you are all part of.
This is my wish for each of you: that you take it less seriously; that you allow yourselves to laugh when you don’t know what else to do; and to move on and simply ask, “What would love do?”
I am your beloved brother and stand by ready to assist.
I am your brother, Yeshua.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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