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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Holographic Timelines Clearing

By Natalia Alba

Posted on December 5, 2024

Beloved Ones,
We are entering a powerful transformational passage of soul remembrance and release. Many of you are feeling the urge of retreating, being in deep communion with your soul to receive authentic guidance, for the next steps of your journey. We are crossing an interdimensional bridge into a totally new timeline, one many of us have been creating from the inside for many years. We will now be asked to review our past and present timeline, through holographic retrieval, which is how now ascending souls neutralize, cancel, or manifest new timelines.
My Guides shared the importance of working on holographic memory retrieval at this time when we are shifting timelines, and stepping into a New Era. This is how we review our past timeline and actions, by seeing holographically all we have done, said, and felt, and how it affected All in Creation.
As our planet has had many new openings in the earth’s fabrics of time and space, many of us are starting to retrieve our holographic memories, from this and any other timeline we need to remember, remove, cancel, or expand.
When we have embodied enough plasma and have built part of our light body, we can now have access to our holographic memories, or to the ones that will most benefit us at this time, so we can see how we can become better creators, or how we can shift the current trajectory of what we are already giving birth.
Everything in the Universe as you know is holographic, everything affects everyone else, and when we observe through holographic neutral witnessing the repercussions of our actions, we become more aware of our existence and planetary trajectory.
The more we commune and link our human self with the soul dimensions, the more access we will have to the holographic memories of these timeliness too, working on not just reviewing our present human path, but also if we are prepared, at a multidimensional level, all the parallel existences we had and how they continue to affect us in our present lives.
This is an exercise that should be supported by our Unified Self and personal Guides team, as our Unified Self will determine if we are ready to confront our choices, and which ones will be descended for us to review.
My Guides invite us to wear clear quartz, diamond, Herkimer diamond, and/or any other similar one that serves as a plasma conductor, light amplifier, and sender.
It may occur in your sleep phase when your mind is quiet and surrenders to this process, or you may be literally immobilized, for you are not only in your body but in other dimensions at the same time, reviewing, witnessing, and transforming as you choose, from your new level of consciousness, a better timeline for you.
You will see holograms of how things happened, or are happening, or are about to, and you will be granted a time to shift if it is meant to be for the highest good of All. I experienced this process recently, which is not easy to explain in words, as well as I am sure many of you, and even though we often need to clear painful memories, we can see now clearer how all affect our parallel selves too, and how we can best serve Creation, by choosing from a wiser view.
During our holographic review, we may see timelines that are left incomplete, as we choose other ones to manifest, we will also see false timelines we are inserted with to deviate our current trajectory, and many other future possibilities we can choose to live.
Erase the ones that are not serving your highest purpose and trajectory. Remove them from your DNA as possibilities to be happening, and clear all records of them, only focusing on what you are now choosing to align with, and truly desire to bring into fruition.
As you do this conscious exercise, you will literally unplug your mind, and DNA, from 3D false, timeliness and all you wish to cancel as a future manifestation.
This is how ascending souls manifest, in a multidimensional and parallel way my Guides explained, by not only taking into account our present moment, but also being conscious of our parallel selves, our actions, and their repercussions for All, in other timelines, surrendering completely to the Divine’s Will, for we now understand this journey is not just about us, but about altogether.
It is a time to transform the ashes of the old into the new paths that are being opened for us to transit them. A time to review our life, what we have given, received, created, healed, cleared, and what we too have achieved.
It is due to our efforts of choosing and acting lovingly and benevolently, that planet Earth shifted its trajectory, one we need now to support and stabilize with our daily loving actions and neutral witnessing.
May you create and make your choices, from an unconditionally loving and compassionate space, for the highest good of All, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Diamond Hara Line Activation

By Natalia Alba

Posted on November 27, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are at the beginning of a very important passage, one my Guides call the end of old times. We are traversing a portal into our new Home, one we have been building from within for many years. As we continue moving into our new harmonic destination, we will encounter many challenges but also many blessings.
Many of you are leaving behind your old self, embodying a more illumined essence of who you are, and activating your true divine potential, by anchoring yourselves to the Divine within you. In this New Cycle, you will start feeling the activation of your Diamond Hara Line, which comes as a result of your willingness to keep yourself linked to your soul, monad, and 12th-dimensional God Self, aligned to your purpose and All within Creation.
The Diamond Hara activation occurs when we activate our diamond template, an arduous inner work that takes time, devotion, and long periods of embodiment. This is what triggers the rebirth that many of you are already undergoing in your light bodies, and entire human lives, for we are resurrecting into the Illumined beings we were created to be.
Pluto in Aquarius, with Venus also moving into this sign on December 7th, Ceres too on this same day, welcome us into this New Era, a new timeline we have chosen to manifest individually and collectively, and that many of you are now stepping into.
During this passage Guides remind us of the importance of stepping out of artificial or false timelines, generated to impede us from progressing into the authentic soul dimensions.
We are entering a new Era in which freedom is key, and remaining in our hearts, is pivotal to discern what is real and what is produced by artificial sources, as this is the new way of confusing the masses, to present as real what is inorganic and drains our life force.
Governing our consciousness and balancing our brain-heart complex is what will determine the outcome in this time of timeline shift.
Many of you will be already feeling-living the consequences of shifting timelines and moving into the soul dimensions:
Diamond hara line activation, is the first and the most important of the activations and inner shifts that need to occur for us to move into the soul dimensions and hence fifth-dimensional timelines.
This activation occurs when we build our silver cord or hara line, in its totality, anchoring ourselves to our soul, monad, God Self, and beyond, into the Three Flames of Creation, activating our protective 12th-dimensional shield, and with it the diamond cord or line that keeps us anchored, at all times, Above and Below.
In this process, a highly evolved one, we activate our Diamond Seed, our 12th dimensional template, and with it, our original programming, fulfilling our authentic soul mission, and living an integrated life.
Activation of your simultaneity, achieved through the activation of your 2nd DNA strand, and its time codes. Feelings of dizziness and confusion at the beginning can occur when you are literally living in more than one dimension, as your consciousness is no longer limited to our 3D one. As always, we need to make sure our physical sensations are not coming from medical conditions.
During the first stages, you can also have many ear sensations, as your ear portals get accustomed to a new frequency.
Receiving a lot of information at the same time, feelings of already living this before, when we did not in this present timeline, as we are aligning to our future-parallel selves, are also common. Memories we have never lived before in this reality, or past ones that come to our present self to be healed, and unified.
Bone structure and nervous system recalibration can cause undesired sensations, especially when we have issues in our nervous system or brain complex.
Freedom from the 3D illusory trap
Karmic release
Balances relationships, releasing toxic and karmic ties, through cord-cutting, and stepping into the creation of conscious reunions that benefit All.
Many signs will show you where you are if you scan your body consciously, and commune with your soul. This is not a path for rushing in our personal evolution, we have our own time and where we are is where we need to be.
Inner work through ascension mechanics is pivotal to reconnecting ourselves and initiating the journey into a new timeline which does not only come from desiring it, but working on it, every single day of our existence, through our kind thoughts, and benevolent feelings.
You, through all that you do with a pure intention and a loving Heart, have been one of the many precious souls, who have helped achieve the present transition.
Continue being a Divine harmonic channel for All, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Alcançar A Auto-Síntese

Por Natalia Alba

Tradução a 26 de novembro de 2024

Só quando abraçamos as nossas sombras é que podemos transmutar eras de sofrimento e tornarmo-nos seres iluminados. Só quando nos incineramos completamente e ressuscitamos das cinzas do nosso antigo eu é que nos tornamos luz.
É nisso que as energias ardentes Sagitarianas estão nos ajudando durante este tempo, pois é somente alcançando a auto-síntese que podemos recuperar nossa essência divina autêntica, que, como Sagitário nos lembra, é sempre de esperança, alegria e fé no Divino dentro de todos nós.
A auto-síntese é alcançada quando integramos nosso passado, presente e futuro, pois é onde reside nosso poder e onde o corpo se torna um portal para acessar dimensões mais profundas de nosso ser.
É aqui que estamos agora, alimentando nossos corpos, pois eles são nosso sagrado templo divino. Eles mantêm nossos registros galácticos, humanos e universais, todos em nosso DNA e corpo emocional, e é por isso que é tão importante nos concentrarmos na liberação neste momento, para que possamos nos esvaziar e encher nossa alma novamente.
Durante este último mês, com as energias Sagitarianas, estamos agora a aceder a camadas ocultas das nossas memórias encriptadas, impressas no nosso ADN, tanto desta vida como de muitas outras, emoções cristalizadas, energias aprisionadas, que procuram libertação e cura.
À medida que entramos em dezembro, concentrar-nos na recalibração, harmonização e libertação é fundamental para preparar o corpo para as energias vindouras. O sol em Sagitário, juntamente com uma lua nova a trinar Marte, neste mesmo signo a 1 de dezembro, ajudar-nos-á a ter mais poderes, recuperando a força necessária para nos movermos para um estado de ser mais alegre, completo e Pacífico.
Estamos agora a navegar por uma passagem em que trabalhar connosco próprios é essencial para permanecermos ligados, rejuvenescidos e íntegros. Um período em que aprender a dominar-nos no meio do caos é de extrema importância, para não cair em armadilhas e manipulações 3D, pois este é um momento em que precisamos trabalhar em autodisciplina e devoção para continuar a ter fé em quem somos, no nosso caminho pessoal e no caminho que o coletivo também está tomando durante este tempo de transição.
Trabalhar com testemunho compassivo e completa neutralidade é essencial para equilibrar nosso complexo cérebro-coração, especialmente para dissolver qualquer ansiedade mental por desafios pessoais que possamos ter, ou devido à cura maciça que estamos passando neste momento, pois limpar nossas células do corpo de memórias passadas e traumas gera ansiedade mental e aprender a lidar com isso e curá-lo é vital para recuperar a harmonia mental.
A maior parte da ansiedade mental que experimentamos deve-se a viver no passado ou no futuro, ou a ruminar sobre o que nos confunde e, portanto, nos traz mais desespero. Existem dispositivos orgânicos para ansiedade e pílulas, se você ressoa em tomar pílulas, novamente não há julgamento. No entanto, só quando nos abrirmos a abraçar a raiz da nossa ansiedade, a ferida original, e a abraçarmos, é que poderemos realmente curar esta questão.
Quando estamos sob ansiedade mental, nossa Frequência não pode corresponder totalmente à nova frequência harmônica que estamos incorporando, e mesmo que muitos de vocês façam seu trabalho interior, com profunda devoção, seu estado interior de espírito e ser, não podem coexistir com a nova frequência iluminada que estão tentando integrar.
É um tempo para concluir um ciclo pessoal, um tempo para rever, mas também um tempo para estar com nós mesmos, para aliviar qualquer desconforto, encontrando a semente e curando-a.
Todas as formas de ansiedade causam baixa auto-estima e, portanto, fragmentação da alma, razão pela qual a recuperação da alma, quando estamos sob esses períodos, é tão útil para nos trazer mais amor, luz e poder. Limpar, se possível, velhos conflitos, físicos ou a nível da alma, é essencial para concluir ciclos, libertar a ansiedade e recuperar a paz interior.
Para aqueles que estão na frente, trabalhando diretamente com o caos 3D, Muitos de vocês estão em posições e lugares específicos de cura onde sua missão envolverá literalmente tornar-se um filtro vivo e transmissor do que você testemunha, sente e experimenta. Então, é ainda mais importante permanecer neutro, e não fazer tudo o que você está transmutando seu, pois uma vez que você o torna seu, ele se torna você.
As energias sagitarianas nos ajudam a transmutar sentimentos, pensamentos e distorções físicas inferiores, tornando-nos os seres capacitados que somos, pois é com Sagitário que recuperamos nosso poder pessoal Solar e nos iniciamos novamente na Roda da vida.
O serviço aos outros começa quando há primeiro serviço a nós mesmos, reconhecendo-nos como seres divinos, apagando todos os programas de auto-sacrifício e entendendo que não é egoísta cuidar de nós mesmos, mas sábio, pois não podemos servir aos outros quando ainda não estamos inteiros dentro de nós.
Estamos caminhando para um ciclo muito importante, no qual a liberdade e a soberania são fundamentais, e ambos começam abraçando nossa Divindade, movendo-se para um espaço amoroso em vez de temeroso, e abraçando tudo dentro do amor divino, compaixão e neutralidade.
Estamos prontos, pois já o fizemos antes, noutras vidas, noutros mundos.
Continuai a honrar-vos a todos, como uma só família.
Que a força, a sabedoria e o poder que Carregais vos acompanhem na vossa jornada de cura, amados.
Dentro Do Amor Infinito,

Natália Alba


 * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Achieving Self-Synthesis

By Natalia Alba

Posted on November 26, 2024


Beloved Ones,

It is only when we embrace our shadows that we can transmute eons of suffering and become enlightened beings. It is only when we completely incinerate ourselves and resurrect from the ashes of our old self, that we become Light.
This is what Sagittarian Fiery energies are helping us with during this time, for it is only by achieving self-synthesis, that we can retrieve our authentic divine essence, which as Sagittarius reminds us, is always one of hope, joy, and faith in the Divine within us All.
Self-synthesis is achieved when we integrate our past, present, and future, for it is where our power lies, and where the body becomes a portal to access deeper dimensions of our being.
This is where we are now, nourishing our bodies, for they are our sacred divine temple. They hold our galactic, human, and universal records, all in our DNA and emotional body, which is why it is so important to focus on releasement at this time, so we can empty ourselves to fill our soul again.
During this last month, with Sagittarian energies, we are now accessing hidden layers of our encrypted memories, imprinted in our DNA, both from this lifetime and many others, crystallized emotions, trapped energies, that seek release and healing.
As we enter December, focusing on recalibration, harmonization, and release is pivotal to preparing the body for the coming energies. The sun in Sagittarius together with a new moon trining Mars, in this same sign on December 1st, will help us be more empowered, retrieving the strength required for us to move into a more joyful, whole, and peaceful state of being.
We are now navigating a passage in which working with ourselves is essential to remaining connected, rejuvenated, and whole. A period in which learning how to master ourselves amid the chaos is of utmost importance, not to fall into 3D traps and manipulations, for this is a time when we need to work on self-disciplined and devotion to continue having faith in who we are, our personal path, and in the path that the collective is also taking during this transitional time.
Working with compassionate witnessing and complete neutrality is essential to balance our brain-heart complex, especially to dissolve any mental anxiety for personal challenges we may have, or due to the massive healing we are undergoing at this time, as clearing our body cells from past memories and trauma, generates mental anxiety and learning how to cope with it and heal it is vital to retrieve mental harmony.
The majority of the mental anxiety we experience is due to living in the past, or future, or ruminating about what confuses us, and hence brings us more desperation. There are organic devices for anxiety and pills, if you resonate with taking pills, again there is no judgment. However, it is not until we open ourselves to embrace the root of our anxiety, the original wound, and embrace it, that we can truly heal this issue.
When we are under mental anxiety, our frequency cannot fully match the new harmonic frequency that we are embodying, and even though many of you do your inner work, with deep devotion, your inner state of mind and being, cannot coexist with the new illumined frequency you are trying to integrate.
It is a time to conclude a personal cycle, a time to revise but also a time to be with ourselves, to ease any discomfort by finding the seed and healing it.
All forms of anxiety cause low self-esteem, and hence soul fragmentation, which is why soul retrieval, when we are under these periods is so helpful to bring us more love, light, and power. Clearing, if possible, old conflicts, whether physical or at a soul level, is essential to conclude cycles, release anxiety, and retrieve inner peace.
For the ones who are in the front, working directly with the 3D chaos, many of you are in specific healing positions and places where your mission will involve literally becoming a living filter and transmitter of what you witness, feel, and experience. Then, it is even more important to remain neutral, and not make everything you are transmuting yours, for once you make it yours, it becomes you.
Sagittarian energies help us transmute lower feelings, thoughts, and physical distortions, becoming the empowered beings that we are, for it is with Sagittarius that we retrieve our Solar personal power and initiate ourselves anew into the wheel of life.
Service to others begins when there is first service to ourselves, recognizing us as divine beings, erasing all self-sacrifice programs, and understanding that it is not selfish to take care of ourselves, but wise, as we cannot serve others when we are not yet whole within us.
We are heading into a very important cycle, in which freedom and sovereignty is key, and both start by embracing our divinity, moving into a loving space rather than fearful, and embracing it all within divine love, compassion, and neutrality.
We are ready, for we have done this before, in other lives, in other worlds.
Continue honoring yourselves to honor All, as One Family.
May the strength, wisdom, and power you carry within accompany you on your healing journey, beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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A New Harmonic Earth

By Natalia Alba

Posted on November 21, 2024



Beloved Ones,
As we step into a New harmonic Era, marked by Pluto finally moving into Aquarius, many of you will feel the big shift in your bodies and how they now perceive and adjust to the new earth’s energies. Many of us have been working for many years so we can align now to these new frequencies, and above all, to the new earth’s fifth-dimensional crystalline portals available, for all who are choosing to exit the 3D old timelines.
Portals that our Aurora family and the White Elohims, Guardians of our Galaxy, sustain, protect, and create to support those who are now choosing to pass into the last physical ascension stage.
Many of you are now feeling the physical sensations of literally being upgraded into a more illumined frequency. This is what my Guides named as energetic and physical soul reconnection signs. It begins when our chakra system starts being transfigured into higher illumined chakras, with colors that are not part of our human color spectrum.
We start vibrating at a higher frequency, and our bodies start the long-term process of energetic crystallization, as it will take eons until we can see our new harmonic bodies losing their density.
When we do our inner work, there are some common signs, and sensations, that we are heading into this process. Signs that clearly confirm that we are embodying a higher level of consciousness, moving into a new state of being, and leaving aside more of our old 3D one.
Many of these sensations start happening in our ear portals when we feel as if we are a bit deaf, hearing how sound vibrates in our ear, while all the other sounds fall silent, as if we are only listening to a new sound we have never heard before, a new frequency that echoes in our ears and numb the other senses.
Our ear portals are readjusting to the new and denser frequency that we are now able to pick up. All the other noises feel uncomfortable until we begin to adapt again to the loud noise of our dimension. All feels more intense, but more precious and unique than ever before.
These sounds have nothing to do with the so famous ringing in the ears which is a totally different issue, and it will also depend on your individual situation.
The bone structure, especially the legs, ankles, and fingers, will also experience many sensations as they start losing density, even though we are still in the initial phases. Legs may creak, as may too other bones. Pain can become a constant when we pass through periods of profound density loss, which again has nothing to do with losing bone mass.
For others, this process can be more emotional, as they release an old self, balance their ego, and let go of an old life, starting the creation of a new lifestyle that is now aligned with their soul’s will.
Some people suffer from anxiety as our dense bodies are not accustomed to dwelling in the Love that we are now able to embody.
All must be first checked physically, making sure we do not have any physical condition.
Others may not have any sensations. We are not always meant to be experiencing symptoms and challenges. Ascension after all is about simplicity, as we embrace higher levels of love and go with a pure heart to serve where required.
This is an introductory passage to the new frequency that will reign for the next years. A passage that will be key for us to create the foundations of the New Earth we wish to leave for future generations.
What values are we fomenting with our daily thoughts and actions? What do we continually feed with our energy? what are we energetically and spiritually consenting? Sometimes to consent we just have to do nothing, which foments and supports what is lower in frequency.
Self-observance is the most important to be able to heal and remove fixed patterns that limit us, as the more we work on ourselves the more we will be changing the world, as it is all about creating within the frequency we desire to feel, see, and manifest outside ourselves.
Many are the signs of our personal and planetary reconnection to the soul dimensions. We just have to know where to look, and that is always inside to feel the love, wisdom, and power that we, as a collective, are gradually reclaiming, supporting the shift in consciousness that is taking place on the planet.
You, with your kind heart and benevolent assistance, contribute, immensely, to the current transition.
Thanks to the effort of many as One, we are seeing physical evidence of what we have been working with for many years.
This is just the beginning, do not let the mistakes of a few mislead you from the Truth.
Continue being brave, remaining in your Higher Heart, within divine love and compassion to All, for this is the only way back Home.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Os Nossos Corpos Em Evolução

Por Natalia Alba

Tradução a 8 de novembro de 2024


À medida que continuamos a transfigurar-nos em seres de luz de base cristalina, o autocuidado é vital para fornecer aos nossos corpos o apoio necessário para curar e evoluir.
Estamos a passar por uma fase muito intensa este ano de integração SOL-AR, pois não só estamos a ser ajudados pelo nosso Sol Central, mas também pela nossa família Aurora para transformar completamente os nossos corpos. É agora mais do que nunca quando a nutrição, a hidratação, os pensamentos amorosos e o testemunho compassivo do nosso processo único e de todos devem prevalecer se estivermos dispostos a continuar a avançar.
Durante este processo de emancipação da densidade que muitos de vós estão a iniciar, os meus guias convidam-nos a tornar-nos mais conscientes do que intoxica e desestabiliza os nossos corpos, o que ocorre quando envenenamos involuntariamente os nossos corpos com muitos alimentos inorgânicos e modificados, e outras substâncias que podem literalmente destruir as células do nosso corpo e impedir o processo de regeneração e cristalização que estamos a sofrer.
Neste momento em que muitos de vocês estão entrando nas fases iniciais da Ascensão física, é importante discernir tudo o que colocamos em nossos corpos e mentes, pois há coisas que não podemos controlar, como chemtrails, ondas wifi e muitas outras, mas há algumas que podemos, como os alimentos que comemos e o líquido que ingerimos.
Os alimentos OGM são muitas vezes parte do que modifica o nosso ADN, bem como muitas outras fontes inorgânicas a que também estamos expostos que distorcem a nossa fáscia, sistema nervoso e complexo cerebral, fundamentais na ascensão para iniciar o processo de reconexão e ascensão do corpo.
O nosso cérebro tem um fluido, como sabe, denominado líquido cefalorraquidiano, que flui por todo os espaços do cérebro, medula espinhal e as meninges. Este é o que protege a nossa medula espinal e o que inicia o transporte da luz dentro do nosso cérebro e para a nossa medula espinal e fáscia, carregando as frequências divinas da luz que descemos e que serão transportadas para todos os nossos corpos e órgãos.
Quando comemos alimentos modificados, bebemos insalubres e não nos exercitamos, da maneira que podemos e se pudermos, como muitas condições podem nos impedir de nos exercitarmos, esse fluido e nosso cérebro em geral sofrem danos e, com isso, as muitas funções que ele desempenha.
Nossa missão é ajudar nosso corpo a integrar, decodificar e transportar as transmissões cristalinas que estamos recebendo neste momento e que está nos ajudando a iniciar ou levar adiante o processo de ascensão física, um processo que será fundamental durante 2025, pois será um ano de término, liberação, mas também de início, liberação e reconexão espiritual adicional.
Nosso complexo de fáscia cristalina, juntamente com nosso sistema nervoso, é a chave para transportar a luz que descemos para todo o nosso corpo e ADN.
Nosso sistema nervoso, como sabe, pode ser dividido em passivo, parassimpático, (feminino) e excitado, simpático (masculino). Um sistema nervoso excitado, por assim dizer, não será capaz de conceber, seja literalmente ou dando origem às criações da nossa alma, relaxar, render-se e seguir em frente, pois está intoxicado por pensamentos inferiores, emoções, alimentos, estresse, trauma e, portanto, fragmentação da alma.
O equilíbrio na nossa nutrição é a chave para mudar o que não funciona no nosso corpo e nenhum método de cura pode dissolver-se, pois só podemos ouvir o nosso corpo e as nossas emoções, detectar e verificar onde está o trauma, a ferida ou o desalinhamento e curá-lo.
A ascensão não é apenas sobre ter a intenção de evoluir, ou sobre fazer muitos exercícios de cura e visualização, mas sobre a combinação de tudo o que desencadeia o processo de emancipação da densidade e libertação da alma que muitos de vocês já estão experimentando.
Muitas vezes não se trata de ferramentas de cura, mas de mudar emoções e pensamentos e destilar conversas internas negativas.
Outros, trata-se simplesmente de comer de forma mais consciente.
Somos todos únicos e, como as únicas autoridades dos nossos corpos, somos os únicos que podem mover-se para dentro, falar com o nosso ADN, reprogramar o que foi distorcido e começar a reabilitar a nossa essência autêntica e a ordem divina interior, pois tal como está dentro, assim será fora.
Que continuem a abraçar a liberdade e a recuperar o vosso poder como soberano mestre curador, amados.
Dentro do Amor Infinito,

Natália Alba


 * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Our Evolving Bodies

By Natalia Alba

Posted on November 8, 2024



Beloved Ones,
As we continue transfiguring into crystalline-based light beings, self-care is vital to provide our bodies with the support required to heal and evolve.
We are undergoing a very intense phase this year of SOL-AR integration, for we not only are being assisted by our Central Sun but also by our Aurora family to transform our bodies completely. It is now more than ever when nourishment, hydration, loving thoughts, and compassionate witnessing for our unique process and that of All must prevail if we are willing to continue moving forward.
During this process of density emancipation that many of you are initiating, my Guides invite us to become more aware of what intoxicates and destabilizes our bodies, which occurs when we unintentionally poison our bodies with many inorganic foods and modified ones, and other substances that can literally destroy our body cells, and impede the process of regeneration and crystallization that we are undergoing.
At this time when many of you are moving into the initial phases of physical ascension, it is important to discern all we put into our bodies and minds, for there are things we cannot control, such as chemtrails, wifi waves, and many others, but there are some we can, as the foods we eat and the liquid we ingest.
GMO foods are often part of what modifies our DNA, as well as many other inorganic sources we are also exposed to that distort our fascia, nervous system, and brain complex, pivotal in ascension to start the process of body reconnection and ascension.
Our brain has a fluid as you know called the cerebrospinal fluid, which flows throughout the brain spaces, spinal cord, and in between the meninges. This is the one that protects our spinal cord and the one that initiates the transportation of the light within our brain and to our spinal cord and fascia, carrying the light God Frequencies we descend and that shall be transported into all of our bodies and organs.
When we eat modified foods, drink unhealthily, and do not exercise, in the way we can and if we can, as many conditions may impede us from exercising, this fluid and our brain in general experience damage, and with it the many functions it does.
Our mission is to help our body integrate, decode, and transport the crystalline transmissions that we are receiving at this time and that is helping us initiate or take further the process of physical ascension, a process that will be key during 2025, as it will be a year of termination, release, but also of beginnings, liberation, and further spiritual reconnection.
Our crystalline fascia complex, together with our nervous system, is key to carrying the Light we descend into our entire body and DNA.
Our nervous system as you know can be divided into passive, parasympathetic, (female), and excited, sympathetic (masculine). An excited nervous system, so to speak, will not be able to conceive, whether literally or giving birth to our soul’s creations, relax, surrender, and move forward, for it is intoxicated by lower thoughts, emotions, foods, stress, trauma, and hence soul fragmentation.
Balance in our nutrition is key to shifting what does not work in our bodies and no healing method can dissolve, for only we can listen to our bodies and emotions, detect and scan where the trauma, wound, or misalignment is, and heal it.
Ascension is not just about having the intention to evolve, or about doing lots of healing exercises and visualization, but about the combination of all that triggers the process of density emancipation and soul liberation that many of you are already experiencing.
Many times it is not about healing tools, but about shifting emotions, and thoughts and distilling negative self-talk.
Others it is simply about eating more consciously.
We are all unique and as the only authorities of our bodies, we are the only ones who can move within, talk to our DNA, reprogram what has been distorted, and start rehabilitating our authentic essence and the Divine Order within, for as it is within, so will be without.
May you continue embracing freedom, and reclaiming your power as a sovereign master healer, beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Solar Transmissions, and Density Emancipation

By Natalia Alba

Posted on November 2, 2024


Beloved Ones,
The process of density emancipation has already begun for many of you stepping into this path and those choosing to consciously shift their bodies. We are now immersed in a potent Sol transmission, together with the Scorpion lunation, whose energies will facilitate the emotional healing that many of you are undergoing. This is a time of profound liberation at all levels, for only when we govern our bodies, minds, and Consciousness are we free.
It is a time when many of you may feel emotionally challenged, as these waves bring to the surface all we hide within that needs to be released. Embrace it. Love all of who you are and have ever experienced, as the only way to neutralize your past and parallel selves’ influences. Emotional healing occurs at many levels, psychological, soul, mental, and spiritual, and we shall treat all aspects of who we are equally.
There are somatic techniques and EFT techniques to help you release physical blockages as a result of emotional damage, and many others that can help you let go of what has become stagnant in your emotional body. These two months are crucial in our crossing to our new destination, for next year will be a year of termination, at all levels and physical initiation for many, which will involve the liberation of physical blockages and density to continue our crystalline process.
We also have the healing influence of Jupiter sextile Chiron tomorrow, to help us increase the healing transmissions received at this time, for when we ask it is Law to receive, and every time we ask for assistance, whether we are prepared to feel it or not, it is always sent, we just need to surrender and embrace it in the way it comes.
With the current energies, my Guides invite us to work on the following as the most important for those who wish to start the process of physical emancipation:
DNA clearing of all artificial influences, programs, and inserts that cause unconscious repetitions of non-beneficial habits and patterns, and all self-sacrifice beliefs we carry within our DNA, inherited epigenetically or self-created.
All of us have slavery records in our DNA, whether through past life experiences, or galactic ones, and it is pivotal when working on freeing our Consciousness to start by clearing all of our DNA records of all that still creates these false patterns.
Our bone structure system – is being tremendously impacted by the loss of density, as many of you are already feeling. For those who have inflammation diseases, and/or arthritis, arthrosis, or other similar ones, this may be even more challenging and you may need to do other therapies to help you remain balanced and above all, with the least possible pain.
The nervous system – is one of the most affected parts of our anatomy in ascension, for it is responsible for transmitting all the light we descend through the spine, and the rest of the organs, and it is commonly the most imbalanced, due to emotional triggers and many other anomalies.
Brain-heart complex – and especially the importance now of our sphenoid bone, as I recently shared, and all of our brain and heart complex to receive the Divine Transmissions that keep us connected to authentic Sources, to our Unified Self, and our personal Guides team, which are often future-parallel aspects of us. This is what brings balance into our being, so our mind does not govern our being or our emotions, but both functioning as One.
Polarity integration – releasing duality inserts, geometry, and starting to embrace trinity, through hara line reconnection, removal of dual geometries within our brain structure, and all we need to release that creates fragmentation. This work also involves the unification of our shoulder blade portals and all sixth and seventh-dimensional body channels that are linked to them.
There are many other important parts of our bodies we may need to work with and that will be revealed to us, for we are all unique and the process of density emancipation, as my Guides named it, will impact us all differently.
During our ascension journey, especially during these times of integration, remembering the importance of conscious nutrition is essential not to exhaust our bodies. Detox is fine as long as we do not take it too far to cause more misalignments in our bodies.
As always the quality of water is vital to allow the free flow of the light transmissions we are receiving, as well as to properly release what we are letting go.
Disengaging or unplugging from the 3D manipulative traps is what will allow us to be still, listen to our soul, reconnect with it, and above all detect any Consciousness controlling mechanisms, liberating ourselves from them.
Guides also invite us to work on practicing love, and kindness in our meditation towards our bodies, talking to our DNA to help in its reconnection and healing, and balancing the ego, as we navigate these new energies.
Being kind to yourselves is one of the most important things to your well-being. This is a very long process in which many times we will feel confused, alone, or depressed, due to the many life changes it involves.
Other times, there will be joy, creativity, and instant manifestation, for this path is full of wonders as well. It all depends on how we look at what happens to us, and how we choose to deal with what happens to us. Witnessing everything from an outside perspective helps us in knowing what is truly taking place, what we need, and how we can best solve the situation.
When we understand that we can be the love we search outside and start practicing it for ourselves, as we too want to send it to others, all start shifting, for we start allowing healing to occur in our bodies.
We are heading into the soul dimensions, where we cannot lie to ourselves or others, for there is nothing we can ever hide in these soul planes. When there is no love for the self or self-care, there cannot be integration and assistance to others. This is why recognizing ourselves as Divine Beings and treating ourselves, and our bodies, as such is so important to achieve physical ascension.
This path is not about us, but about All together as One. However, as individualized aspects of the Divine, it is also our personal mission to honor our Divinity and how She/He chooses to express Herself/Himself through us.
I wish you a loving, healing, and revealing passage, Beloveds.
May you love and honor yourselves and your bodies completely, and perpetually.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Planetary Advancements

By Natalia Alba

Posted on October 16, 2024


Beloved Ones,
We are witnessing important planetary advancements, despite the chaos we too are feeling, as in our dual plane both Forces coexist in perfect balance. Love is everywhere for those who live with an open heart and mind. Love is the only Source and the only Force that can heal and overcome any obstacle, for it is from Love that we all come and that one day we All will be back.
Chaos is also very real in our 3D plane, for when there is free will there are many different outcomes. Where we focus now is key to engaging in the chaos, or in the love that we are, sending love, by remaining in a neutral compassionate space, supporting at a soul level, what we cannot change physically.
During all this year we have been supported in the process of light body reconfiguration and monadic integration, that many of you are experiencing. A process that cannot occur without the plasmatic waves we are massively receiving from Sol, the Auroras, Eclipses, and many other sources beyond our Earth’s confines.
New Earth’s Anchors, Stabilizers, Neutralizers, Transmuters, and energetic harmonizers, it is time to clear anomalies in both the collective and at a planetary level, seed more balance, and start bridging the new Earth’s energies in the Earth’s fabrics, restoring inorganic timelines and correcting the reversals that keep us experiencing limited time in our earth plane, and that redirect us to the manipulated earth’s 3D timeliness.
This is a crucial time in which many of you holding this mission or any other equal one within Creation, will be called to act as harmonic pillars where required, as the more chaos man creates, the more balance is needed to keep everything within Divine Order.
For those of you working on the Field at this time, daily clearing, replenishment, and above all, discernment and detachment from inorganic sources is key to being in a natural and loving space.
When anxiety feelings, confusion, unlove, and similar feelings emerge, scan your nervous system, and brain, finding if the misalignment comes from you or if it is part of what you are here to transmute and clear.
Remember what is not yours shall only be filtered, not kept inside your heart. Let it go, cry your tears of release, and continue anchoring more love to help neutralize all the pain and chaos.
You have done it before, you are supported by many Illumined Beings in charge of accompanying you in your personal journey and mission. You have within the Divine strength and Guidance to continue standing firm in your Divine assignment.
Keep dwelling in the Illumined Presence of your Sovereign God Self.
Many destructive pathways are being removed at this time, my Guides shared the importance at this time, at an individual level, of fortifying our hara line, to receive only love, wisdom, and power from our God Source, clear timelines, and lower thoughts and feelings which are the ones that link us to old and destructive timelines.
Focus is key not to falling into energetic and consciousness traps, feeling in our Hearts what is good and true to us and what is another delusion or tactic to keep us in a lower frequency.
You know who you are, you know through your feelings what you are here to do, how, and what is authentic for you and what is not.
Follow only your inner compass at this time to know where you are heading, knowing your personal false timelines and the Soul ones you wish to navigate in.
Moving inward is the only way forward.
May you always choose to remain in your Illumined, Precious, and Brave Hearts, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 17th

By Natalia Alba

Posted on September 17, 2024

Beloved Ones,
We are crossing the threshold into a new destination. Many of you are now strongly feeling the Piscean lunar eclipse that is already being formed in our Heavens. The Piscean eclipse acts as the antechamber of the energies that we will be working with during 2025. Energies that are key to helping us awaken our ninth chakra, ending the reconnection to our monadic dimension, and starting with the process of healing and activating our sapphire body.
Many of you who have already healed disconnection and other healing anomalies, and are already working with your ninth chakra, embodying the liquid Gold Light that is the result of monadic activation/integration and that will signify a major opening in your soul mission, for many of you are now embodying new aspects of your purpose, receiving new divine assignments to continue contributing into our current planetary transition.
We all have our time to find a more harmonic state of being, for all needs to occur within a Divine Order for All Creation.
The Piscean eclipse will align Neptune, square to Jupiter which expands Piscean and Neptunian essence, and harmonizes with Uranus, propitiating the transformation and adaptation to change required for us to continue with our process of metamorphosis, as we are literally becoming anew, in mind, body and spirit.
The eclipse will provide us with the healing frequencies required for us to focus especially on healing pineal anomalies, as I see often, have imprints, inserts, or implants in your pineal, as well as many other Indigo manipulations that impede you from being the Divine messenger and emissary that you are, for it blocks your ability to fully receive all the guidance you are naturally meant to descend, as part of the Divine.
Pisces offers us the opportunity to heal our upper chakras, and female and masculine trauma, restoring our shoulder blades, and our polarities, and reclaiming our wings, for we were never made to crawl but to fly high within the many Divine dimensions.
Pisces will also show us where we are reticent to move forward, what we have not healed yet, and what has been unified, as a cosmic ally to help us move into a more illumined space. Feelings that can too manifest in our feet, and hips, where we often hide our repressed emotions, and our fears to live within divine love and joy, moving forward from the old and embracing the new, that even if unknown bring many blessings for our new path.
When your body is ready the activation of your Crown complex and shoulder portals does not go unnoticed. It feels like a total download that fills the body with an immense feeling of love, gratitude, joy, and tears of remembrance. The expression, the tingling feeling as I previously shared, and many other similar feelings will inform you that you are under this process, for you are always no matter where you are on your path, under the process of becoming more loved, sovereign and free.
Just keep walking your chosen path, keep being who you are, showing up for yourself each day, as you too show up and care for others. The path is about walking it and learning from it, not about the final destination.
Focusing on our body, and becoming fully aware of what they need is pivotal to embody the divine transmissions that we are receiving at this time. Self-observation and neutral witnessing are key when we are experiencing challenging situations and many body sensations, as our bodies will not only manifest the trauma from this present timeline but from all the timelines we can heal, for as ascending souls we are now ready to confront our shadows and heal all parallel timelines.
Learning to scan our bodies and emotions is vital for us to know what we truly feel, from what is another form of illusion, or egoic pattern, from what is authentic and is informing us of what we need to heal, and from what specific timeline.
Self-exploration, always from a balanced space, will help us determine if what we are feeling belongs to us and is authentic, or if it belongs to something we have created, or being implanted, or indeed something that belongs to another timeline. It can also belong to others, as many of you as empaths and telempathics may be feeling what your familiar, closest ones, or even others (including the planet, the land, animals, and all living forms) are feeling, and it is not yours to carry.
Pisces enhances your intuitive and telempathic abilities, and when we are grounded and balanced we can discern what we are experiencing from what should be filtered, as many of you are Violet holders, stabilizers, and karmic transmuters and will too filter the collective trauma, now being emphasized as we are witnessing.
We all have the same abilities as part of God’s Source, there are not privileged ones on this path, and even though the mission is facilitated in some ways so we can be able to fulfill it, it is through inner work and especially detection of our energetic blockages what start awakening our unique divine abilities.
We have now a propitious and wonderful passage to look within, where everything we need is, healing, guidance, joy, love, and everything we may think we can obtain from the outside.
A passage to be lived from a space of service not just to the Self but to All, as Pisces and Virgo too remind us at this time.
We are heading into a totally New Cycle governed by the power of All united as One, the power of the people together for a more illumined cause that helps the whole retrieve its sovereignty and freedom.
The more we look within and heal ourselves, the more we are helping All on their path to become free sovereign beings, for what we do for ourselves we do for All.
May you love yourselves and your Divine uniqueness unconditionally, Beloveds.
Thank you for your loving and healing essence.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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