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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Arrival Plan

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Translated and posted on January 25, 2024
Greetings from the Command!
Much is asked about how our arrival will be and what it will cause worldwide when we can finally make our display to greet everyone, with wishes of Peace and a New Era.
Obviously, there are still those who do not wish for our arrival, as it will inevitably cause a change in all forms of life and a collapse of what is considered normal.
Moreover, there will be a break in beliefs, and the way they understand Love and Brotherhood will be shaken, because what we will inform will discontinue the ways they have understood certain things for the last 26,000 years.
As we have already mentioned in our message “The Disclosure Plan,” we are preparing the ground with small displays to see people’s reactions.
What greatly encouraged us was the fact that there was more excitement than opposition.
This, obviously, also frustrated those who wish to keep you in ignorance about what lies beyond the veil.
This is a long-standing “struggle,” when we sent our emissaries to various points around the world to warn your leaders that we are present and that there is nothing they can do to change that.
Our main fleet is coming from a central base located in another space of existence, and our main Mother Ship is 6 times the size of Jupiter.
Obviously, it’s impossible to enter your Solar System with this ship without causing significant disruption to the orbits of the planets present.
Therefore, we’ve created a plan which is constantly updated and adjusted but always maintains the basic line of manifestation.
This plan is underway and includes, obviously, “The Disclosure Plan” explained previously by us, as well as what we will discuss next.
We showed Neva and asked for images to be taken to exemplify well how the first moments of first contact will be.
Considering also that our ongoing initial displays are just preparing the ground for our official arrival, it’s worth noting that when we officially arrive, there will be no doubt about it, as we will station a large Mother Ship that will be visible to everyone, leaving no room for doubt.
And yes, some of your leaders will try to attack us, which is obviously futile.
They will set up camps and aim at us, which is also futile. A good approximation of how we will arrive was well represented in the movie “Arrival.”
As we said, our main Mother Ship is 6 times the size of Jupiter. We will station it just before the Kuiper Belt and send a smaller Mother Ship, 3 times the size of your local moon, into the Solar System.

The arrival plan

Our secondary Mother Ship will initially stay 120 million kilometers from Earth, just before the Sun, which is 150 million kilometers away.
Obviously, due to its small size compared to the Sun, it will be invisible to the naked eye and obscured by the Sun’s brightness.
Later, we will be authorized to move from 120 million kilometers to 120 thousand kilometers, much closer than your local moon, which is 384 thousand kilometers away.


At this point, there will be great agitation in the hearts of those observing us, including your leadership. For those who see us as allies, there is nothing to fear, but for those who are reluctant to admit our presence to the masses and wish to maintain their beliefs, it will be distressing.

From the surface perspective, you will see us like this:

This moment is not under our jurisdiction, nor do we have any intention to violate the programs and the order of events established by the Masters overseeing this mission.

However, we can say that: just as you know rain is coming when the sky fills with clouds; just as you know night will fall when the sun sets; just as you know dawn will break when the first light appears, you can have an idea of the threshold of these events, considering the great agitation and despair of those who, for millennia, have disturbed the development of the human species on Earth.

While this does not happen yet, continue to live with Love and Brotherhood, for you have also been warned by the Master guiding our mission: “Pray and watch.”

Friends of Earth, for eons, you have lived in the darkness of ignorance about how grand life is and how blessed it can be.

When you can finally travel through space, assist other cultures across the cosmos, and be free again, you will see that everything you went through on Earth was just a “speck,” considering the blessings you will obtain for such dedication and missionary commitment.

We do not, in any way, wish to belittle what you experience on Earth, nor to make any apology for suffering, but we emphasize the blessings that are approaching you as a merit for so much work and dedication.

You will find yourselves enveloped in so much Love, Bliss, and Peace that everything you experienced on Earth will be just a distant memory, but no less important, in the face of a grandeur that is already dawning on your horizon. Believe in this, for it is an inviolable truth.

There are still those who consider themselves the most important people to have ever existed on Earth, in a pride and arrogance oiled by pride and presumption, when they gave themselves the titles of “enlightened holders of sovereignty,” where they thought they could, in this belief, enslave their fellow beings.

The Illuminati now see an empire they considered indestructible crumbling.

When they saw the size of our main Mother Ship approaching, they feared, and perhaps they have a hint of lucidity and humility to realize that they are “nothing” compared to the grandeur of the Cosmos confronting their egos.

The arrival plan

This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command at this moment, transmitting these truths, as we await the moment to be together again.

The vibration of Earth continues to rise while alliances continue to form, and disclosure is pushed to the tables and closed debates of your rulers.

Soon you will know that the UN has locked itself away, not allowing the media to be present when, in fact, they will internally discuss what they can do, as it becomes unsustainable to withhold the truth of our existence.

We will increase crop circles worldwide; increase our visibility in the skies, and also increase interferences in your communication means, where you might hear noises emitted by our ships in Earth’s low orbit.

We will be more present in your nighttime dreams, and the sensations of being observed will increase.

To the leaders, we say: we will see how much longer you can bear without openly speaking the Truth.

We now embrace Earth with all our Love and Truth because, truly, any planet would fit in our heart.


Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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As placas tectônicas e a inversão magnética

O Comando Ashtar
Canal Neva Gabriel (GL)

22 de janeiro de 2025


Saudações do Comando!

Ao longo das Eras, estivemos monitorando todos os processos que a Terra passa, especialmente no que diz respeito às placas tectônicas. Há muitas falhas ao redor de todo o globo e isso nos trouxe mais para perto, para esse cuidado. Quando as primeiras armas atômicas foram detonadas, nos soou um alerta e toda a Galáxia virou seus olhos para o planeta de vocês. Isso não só estaria afetando o Sistema Solar e a Galáxia, como um todo, mas estaria causando muita agitação nas placas tectônicas, provocando deslocamentos inesperados e desnecessários.

Ao longo dos ciclos de vida no planeta houve, naturalmente, as movimentações que a própria Terra produz para se harmonizar em seu próprio leito de vida. Naturalmente, isso tem seus ciclos próprios e sempre foi vontade de Gaia, o espírito da Terra, fazer esses ajustes da forma mais harmoniosa, preservando a vida como um todo e minimizando possíveis danos à solidez física da vida. Nas últimas três (3) décadas, nós fomos alertados pelos Dirigentes Ascensos do planeta que haveria movimentações previstas devido à massa plásmica formada a partir do inconsciente coletivo, a qual produziria a necessidade do planeta de se agitar mais do que o normal.

Como, naturalmente, temos acompanhado vocês pelos éons de tempo e nos “preocupado” com a situação nuclear e tectônica, isso nos trouxe ainda mais para perto. Plantamos guarda nos principais locais de riscos e, com os nossos computadores, averiguamos de forma recorrente cada respiração da Terra nas intenções de antever os possíveis movimentos tectônicos. Temos de dizer que a tão conhecida por vocês, falha de San Andreas, é uma das nossas principais, em monitoramento:

Esta é uma falha geológica provocada pela intensa atividade sísmica entre as placas tectônicas Norte-Americana e Pacífico, causada por muita massa de inconsciente coletivo e por resquícios ainda dos tempos Atlantes e Lemurianos. Ela está situada na costa oeste dos Estados Unidos, mais precisamente no estado da Califórnia, com cerca de 1,3 mil quilômetros de extensão. Estamos trabalhando para amenizar as frequências do inconsciente coletivo e evitar que volte a se repetir o que houve em 1906, para não afetar os ambientes vizinhos:


Não por acaso, estamos pedindo continuamente o Amor e a Fraternidade entre todos, pois estes dissolvem as massas provocadoras de agitações tectônicas nesse ponto, mais especificamente.

Obviamente, incluímos o que chamam de Anel de Fogo:


Esse Anel de Fogo do Pacífico tem a forma de ferradura, como podem ver, com cerca de 40.000 km de extensão e está ligado a uma série, quase contínua, de trincheiras oceânicas, arcos e couraças vulcânicos, cinturões de vulcões e movimentos de placas tectônicas. É um ambiente onde, centralmente, posicionamos uma das nossas principais naves e onde os nossos melhores cientistas especialistas atuam para minimizar o que for possível.

Outro ambiente que estamos monitorando continuamente é a Caldeira de Yellowstone, nos EUA. Obviamente, há outros inúmeros que cuidamos ininterruptamente e precisamos do apoio de todos na superfície para que possamos continuar equilibrando as massas necessárias para trazer mais harmonia à superfície.

Muitas das nossas bases, no fundo dos seus mares e oceanos, estão mais ativas do que nunca, pois ali também temos diversas das nossas centrais computacionais onde monitoramos as atividades em todo planeta. Entendam que, tudo que tem acontecido ao longo das Eras, de uma forma ou de outra, está empurrando vocês para uma nova forma de vida, mais alinhada com os princípios básicos da preservação da harmonia e da vida sobre o planeta. Há uma grande necessidade do apoio mútuo na preservação da própria espécie humana sobre a Terra e os Mestres os alertaram, há éons de tempo, sobre a necessidade desse cuidado, pois do contrário, a própria Terra tomaria medidas mais duras para manter-se com vida.

Enquanto todas as placas tectônicas buscam sua harmonia em meio à transição vigente, existe também o fator “inversão magnética”. Basicamente, a inversão magnética, também conhecida como inversão geomagnética, é um movimento natural da Terra que ocorre quando os pólos magnéticos da Terra se invertem, ou seja, quando o Norte e o Sul magnéticos trocam de lugar. A última vez que isso aconteceu foi há um (1) milhão de anos (e não há 780 mil anos, como sua ciência diz) e o planeta está chegando, novamente, ao momento de fazer a inversão. Haverá, naturalmente, uma “confusão” nas bússolas de localização e tecnologias. As nossas frotas, há muitas décadas, têm tentado alertar sobre isso e sobre a necessidade urgente de nossa ajuda imediata, mas estamos sendo ignorados, ainda que a sua própria ciência saiba disso. A nossa ajuda não tem sido aceita nos meios científicos.


Um dos nossos enviados, Valiant Thor, de Vênus, pousou sua nave em março de 1957 em Alexandria, no estado americano da Virginia, e foi recebido por dois policiais. Em seguida, foi levado para Washington onde pôde encontrar outros membros da Secretaria de Defesa e, posteriormente, com o presidente americano Eisenhower, para negociar a importância de falar às massas sobre a vida extraterrestre, energia livre e claro, sobre as questões tectônicas e magnéticas, ao que o presidente simplesmente respondeu que “isso não seria bom para a economia e que as pessoas não estariam prontas”. Não é de hoje que tentamos, mas, finalmente, agora não vamos depender apenas de uma resposta presidencial para intervenção, pois a massa humana alcançou um mínimo quantum de luz que já nos empurra para tomarmos medidas mais diretas, pois vocês, em um nível de consciência mais coletivo, pediram ajuda e nós estamos aqui.

Esse é um momento muito importante no processo de transição, quando todo o planeta está saindo de uma condição sufocante para um renascimento. E as pessoas precisam começar a erguer-se vibratoriamente, de maneira a apoiar toda essa mudança. Obviamente, ainda existe o egoísmo imperante e observamos, no decorrer das entregas das nossas mensagens, que alguns ainda se perguntam o que será das suas vidas quando essas coisas acontecerem, considerando que a forma de vida que possuem hoje é a única e não vislumbram um horizonte de eventos mais edificantes, mesmo depois de tantos sinais que temos dado. Família da Terra, as transformações no planeta ocorrerão, quer alguns aceitem isso ou não, pois o egoísmo cegou a muitos e os levou a condições muito limitadas no que diz respeito à consciência e à compaixão uns para com os outros, nos últimos milênios. E agora, aqueles que pedem por ajuda, de maneira verdadeira, não serão encurralados pela ganância e egoísmo de minorias.

As elites, que têm recebido nossas mensagens, estão mais do que preocupadas e pensam o que fazer quando tudo que temos informado for desencadeado. Quanto a isso, dizemos mais uma vez, claramente: apenas rendam-se, pois não há realmente para onde correr! O cerco está fechado e nós, que comunicamos agora, somos apenas uma minoria galáctica que está presente, pois a frota principal ainda está a caminho.

Desejamos que o impacto das nossas mensagens auxilie no despertar daqueles que ainda estão encurralados dentro das suas próprias mentes, permitindo assim que vislumbrem novos horizontes. Ainda que o medo esteja muito presente dentro de muitos, quando observam as agitações nos céus como tem observado, de alguma maneira, acende uma luz no inconsciente alertando para algo grandioso que se aproxima, pois, por mais que ainda estejam adormecidos, há a luz da consciência vibrante no contínuo alertar da nova era que se aproxima. Não temam seus contínuos noticiários, tentando minar a vibração e o desejo pela vida, pois chegará o momento que vocês verão, em seus televisores, somente as nossas naves em todo o mundo e não se falará outra coisa senão sobre isso. Enquanto isso, enviem todo Amor e Luz para os seus mares e oceanos. Não se esqueçam que nós também estamos aí e que a Terra também sente emoções e as águas são os meios pelos quais a Terra também se liberta das mais duras.

Essa é uma mensagem oficial do Comando Ashtar, através de Neva e, nesse momento, mais uma vez transmitimos nossa mensagem esperando encontrá-los bem e animados. Ainda que saibamos das muitas preocupações que carregam, deem um tempo para se divertirem e cultivarem melhores pensamentos. Não permitam o pessimismo envolver-vos, mas deixem que a alegria flua por suas almas. Sabemos o quanto tem sido difícil, para muitos, a vida na Terra e por isso mesmo os convidamos a saírem dessas condições, quando a partir do Amor e da Fraternidade galgam para outros degraus onde, finalmente, poderão ter experiências mais leves. Ouçam a voz do Comando Ashtar! Nós comunicamos agora com todos na Terra e essa é uma verdade.



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  * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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The Reality About Chemtrails

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Posted on January 16, 2024
Greetings from the Command!
For a long time, the so-called chemtrails have become a chemical threat to your health.
Although they are still seen by many as conspiracy information, it is the purest reality: your skies have been used for a long time as spaces for contamination when heavy metals and degenerative chemistry, which would cause diseases that seem “natural” and imperceptible at first glance, were released into the air by planes and other means.
Chemtrails have always been a very serious topic within our Federation, considering it was one of the harshest means those acting in the shadows had to maintain control over you, through diseases caused by such contaminations.
Obviously, as we’ve said, all this in a very imperceptible manner for many, because looking at the sky and seeing these trails would not instill any suspicion since, at first glance, they are just “airplane contrails in the sky, nothing more,” and thus, they continued poisoning people for a long period.
It’s crucial to emphasize that this is currently being finalized by our forces. We have been strongly acting in atmospheric clean-ups, and these means are being concluded.
It’s not just this that has been contaminating your physical and mental health. The food industry, for a long time, has only given you “mass to kill hunger,” but it has no intention of nourishing your bodies.
Of course, there are exceptions: our many allies who have, in alternative ways, helped many people with their diet.
You yourselves have felt the need to eat better and seek healthier foods, as much as possible.
We know that human conditions in many regions are difficult, and one of the first things to be implemented when the plans go into action is to permanently end hunger on the planet and the means by which it happens.
There is life and health for all, as well as healthy food, potable water, and means for disease healing worldwide.
However, the elites, in their power games, have continued for a long time to corner you into trenches, in the war they always wanted you to believe in, when they ferment in your heads that living is a constant struggle.
Clearly, keeping many people sick, hungry, and without access to the basics is a way to make them (the elites) seem more heroic when they manage a desperate plea for help for the bare minimum to survive, while they, the minority, undermine people’s daily efforts, transferring wealth to themselves and living surrounded by everything they need, without scarcity.
The way you have been treated over the centuries is cruel, and we assure you this is ending.’
Our messages have reached the “ears” of many leaders around the world, and certainly, our attention on Neva and other reliable channels is being redoubled, as their social media and means of mass transmission begin to be seen and marked as “red flags” in the paperwork of those who do not want people’s minds to open to the basics.
We hasten to inform you that much of what we bring is not new.
Be assured that it is DIFFERENT this time, because the traps they set against people are no longer active, and we have been authorized to corner them in ways we never have before.
Additionally, within our messages, we are embedding codes that our allies on Earth understand well and can know the next step forward.
While all this unfolds, seemingly behind the curtains as they say, you begin to perceive that there’s something different in the air, and this time, it’s not a chemistry that deteriorates your central nervous system, let alone ferments potential for cancer or keeps you in a constant state of stress and fear.
In reality, what you perceive now is a different energy, which your souls begin to capture and transmit to your physical brain, inspiring you to take better care of yourselves.
Continuous health checks for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health begin to become a daily habit.
It’s no surprise that you start to no longer eat what you ate before, nor go to places you used to, let alone accept relationships that poison your souls.
This is a natural movement because while we advance at high orbit below the planet, you on the surface change the vibration, leaving the non-Federated Draconians and Reptilians, leaders of most global elites, with no way out, because the only way they can control you is when you yourselves do not value your own lives, existing in “automatic” mode, without the basics, leading to a cascade of expansions: why am I here? what is my role? where did I come from and where am I going?
These are basic questions to start exiting the matrix. Apart from bombarding your leaders with the basic question we’ve been instructing you for so long: why are you hiding extraterrestrial reality?
You will begin to see the food industries start a collapse process.
Current medicine being completely remodeled, and, of course, the way you are treated completely changed, so that you have lighter and happier experiences when human dignity will be the primary agenda in all Earth’s surface regeneration programs.
No old structure of non-Federated Reptilian and Draconian domination and power will remain standing on this planet.
No means that exploit, mine, malnourish, and unbalance life, in its various forms, will remain active in this world, for the time of transformations has come, and you will see, little by little, the undermining of the means by which the Illuminati and their power networks have sustained themselves.
While all this happens, you continue to be called by us, who are populating your skies, as time goes by, making our partnership with you undeniable and reducing the chances of the most skeptical to see us as a threat to life.
We never wished to dominate your planet and enslave you, as some of your movies have shown over the decades.
That was another means to instill in your subconscious the idea of a dominant extraterrestrial invasion, so that when the moment you are now arrived, the memories of what the movies delivered would be activated, and you could deny our support and ask for help from your leaders.
It’s not new that their agenda has always been to create the problem and the solution at the same time, so you would keep giving them power, and they would continue being the heroes.
The old world continues to crumble, and do not fear when you are called to also abandon old habits. Your souls confirm this need to abandon old customs, often imposed by your limiting beliefs about life and how to “be and live.”
Those who have muffled their souls with distractions now see an empire they thought was indestructible crumble, realizing our arrival after so many warnings we’ve given over the last 300 years.
There is no other way but that of this planet’s redemption. Our fleets are tasked with finalizing the means that have kept them in power for so long.
We emphasize again that we are not your saviors, but we are friends who come with “trumpets” at high volume, alerting you to the predators around, so you can wake up and take the necessary measures not to be dragged into cycles of deception and perpetuation of suffering.
We are also glad to say that one of the main Draconian leaders at the top of power surrendered in the last few days and relinquished a base in Congo (Africa), freeing many souls there.
This positively impacts the harmonization of chronic conflicts in regions like Sudan, Mali, Mozambique, Angola, Darfur, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and other points on the continent.
Obviously, the astral zones of these regions were taken over by Reptilian soldiers, commanded by this leader who recently surrendered, thus ensuring their dispersion, who have immediately begun to be captured by our forces.
Africa is one of our future bases, and we are directing one of our main fleets there.
This continent has been suffering in many regions from the abuses of the elites, who wished to perpetuate suffering in many environments there, and finally, the Divine Masters are heading there for the necessary liberations.
There is a vast number of starseeds living physically in these places, and the great awakening will leverage the great balance in the continent.
The world, little by little, will interconnect its forces for a common good, and there will be no other leadership than Love and Fraternity.
For many, this might still be a mere utopia, but we assure you it is the inevitable reality, for thus is decreed the Ascension of Earth, and there is no one who can change the plans already set by the COSMIC FORCE we call Supreme Creator.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command, speaking through Neva at this time. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command speaking now and conveying these truths!
Friends of Earth, little by little, you will realize the need to hold hands to move forward together towards liberation. You have all the support from the heavens, and now, more than ever, this union is necessary.
The old common saying among you has never made more sense: the voice of the people is the voice of God! You will see yourselves unified, chanting in a single voice, all nations of Earth: I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MY COSMIC HERITAGE THAT HAS BEEN DENIED TO ME. It was this chanting that brought us here, and here we shall remain.
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Disclosure Plan

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Posted on January 15, 2024
The Aldebarans, members of our transition teams, are currently collaborating on a grand plan for total disclosure that confronts a very slow and exhausting plan proposed by the elites, who are aware that there is no other way to escape reality.
Many of these meetings with our diplomatic representatives on Earth, as well as with our transmitter, are very draining, even though they often occur in the etheric planes of the planet.
The memories of these meetings remain vivid when they return to their bodies, as do the negative impressions from those who try to refute our instructions.
They suggested that, “if there is really nothing to be done,” a slower disclosure would be ideal, which would take over 100 years to complete.
Obviously, we vehemently denied this and will not tolerate much more time of deception and denial of our presence.
Facing many denials about total disclosure, with excuses that people are not ready for such a massive and emphatic disclosure, the Aldebarans then said: let’s see if the people of Earth are not ready…
Thus, at first, we planned several “terrain assessment” displays to see people’s reactions, and as it was not surprising, considering the significant increase in consciousness level, most people welcomed us, and questions began to arise about what was happening in the skies, but in a calm manner without panic.
Obviously, we cannot yet come with our largest fleet as this would also imply magnetic adjustments on the planet and could affect planetary biology due to the vibrational intensity of our ships.
Little by little, we are modulating the frequency from low orbit and preparing the life grid to receive even larger fleets approaching you.
Your leaders continue to not accept total disclosure which naturally includes the revelation of our presence, the true history of Earth as it really happened, the cures already available for all diseases, and of course, that you were enslaved, which really bothers your leaders because they know the consequences they will have to face because of all this.
We have several “cards up our sleeves” and one of them is that we, along with our allies on Earth, implemented a virus in their computer systems.
If they continue to embargo and lie or even attempt any reprisals against surface people, this virus will be activated and will release ALL THE INFORMATION they keep hidden about us, our collaboration with Earth’s history, and how they have kept in contact with non-Federated races when they made abusive deals to surrender you as guinea pigs for genetic experiments.
We have given them a specific date, and if they do not renounce power and try to create more delays with false flag situations, we will activate this plan we call “Plan Acti.”
At the moment, this is what we can inform about this plan, which also covers some other areas we cannot yet mention to avoid creating risk situations for our transmitters.
We have not informed our transmitter or anyone else about this plan, nor have we disclosed the deadline we gave, for a simple matter of protection.
Regarding the total disclosure plan, we will also inform everything in the main secret libraries, including the Vatican’s and its rituals. This will spread quickly.
This plan is quite aggressive, and we are trying to proceed with caution as many of our allies are in the line of fire, as well as our transmitter being targeted by etheric plasma weapons that could cause significant mental disorientation and block the telepathic channel.
Obviously, our protection is constant, but we must also consider everyone’s free will and at the slightest lowering of vibration, when they succumb to the provocations of darkness around them, a tunnel opens that hinders our immediate protection.
Therefore, we continue to emphasize: love is the fastest, most efficient path to liberation without further harm and disruption.
It’s important to say that our transmitter is not the only one we have prepared for this task, but we ask you to also have discernment through all sources you seek about us.
These are turbulent times, and discernment needs to be very active in you, because just as the elites try to confuse your minds by creating false information about us, there are also people in your immediate circle and even in esoteric communities who can create false narratives simply to garner engagement in their social environments.
The disclosure work we are doing also requires good discernment, especially for those whom we consider our allies, as you will need to be safeguarded with reliable information to retransmit when finally, a great agitation begins to occur due to the first official pronouncements about us.
Regarding this, we must also say: there are a very few leaders inclined to make a public and official disclosure about our presence.
Due to a basic issue of harmony and to not create social conflicts, we will not mention names yet, but we leave it to your own discernment to intuit where the river is flowing.
Within everything we have informed, we must say that plans proceed as planned.
However, we have other options if we observe any distortion.
Your leaders will be further pressured by our fleets in your skies and must make the announcement.
Otherwise, we will take some harsher measures, including activating Plan Acti.
A basic sequence after the official announcement of our presence includes: the release of the true history of Earth; our commander Ashtar communicating through all media on the planet; the restructuring of important pillars of your society like finance, science, religion, politics, medicine, education, and others.
This is the basic of the basics of what we will work on.
Obviously, this does not mean that Earth’s own society won’t need to “get their hands dirty” to ensure everything goes as planned, because our presence will not exempt everyone from acting consciously and responsibly in the improvement programs for life on the planet.
Ethics, diplomacy, truth, love, and fraternity are the basic pillars of Earth’s new programming, and those who do not adapt to this transformation, as you well know, will be directed to other environments, and the “visiting star” will also be tasked with aiding in the cleanup.
Moreover, we desire our first official landing to occur at the UN (United Nations) and, despite seeming ironic, which it is not, we wish to talk about the Organization of United Planets and what we have planned for collaboration with Earth’s human species, where we will bring important information that needs to be heard and put into action before Earth starts the necessary physical movements for its complete healing.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through our transmitter Neva. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command now speaking these truths!
The time for transformation is urgent, and a call has echoed throughout the solar system and beyond.
We, the friendly visitors, are joyful but no less focused on everything that falls to us as part of this transition process, and also counting on our allies on Earth, who have taken on important commitments with us.
Friends, LOVE is the only way. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command warning about this. There is no other way.
Enough with confrontations, enough with hatred, enough with disloyalty, enough with lack of love.
The Cosmos calls everyone to fraternity, and our presence is the sign that the Supreme Creator is about to chant the mantra of liberation from darkness.
Listen to the call.
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The AI (Artificial Intelligence) Threat

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Posted on January 8, 2024
Greetings from the Command!
Over the last few decades, something that many consider a threat has begun to take on a significant form on your planet.
First of all, it’s important to know that there is no risk of you being dominated by machines leading to a technological apocalypse; this is entirely out of the question.
Though many fear this, and indeed some of the dark agents on Earth try to instill this fear through subliminal messages, this is not a sustainable timeline, especially considering the vast light that is coming to Earth, anchored by the expanding consciousness of its people.
The dark forces will attempt to use AI to control people, fostering an ever-increasing dependency on technology, when it should actually be something positive.
This creates an ever-widening separation from your own innate abilities, not to mention that technology is meant to serve and assist you positively, but never to make you exclusively dependent.
The more you are bound by technology and AI, the fewer moments you have to integrate with your true essence.
There might be an excuse that AI can help people have more free time – which is not entirely untrue – but in reality, there’s no freedom when one is trapped within their own mind.
Humanity cannot lose its originality and in no way should it cease to live in the authenticity of being, surrendering to technological AI.
When people realize that they are the consciousness, they will gradually stop being the object of AI and technology, and these will only be supportive tools.
Our ships are equipped with technology you’ve never seen on Earth, and there are robots that assist us in many important tasks across the cosmos, but we never give our consciousness over to the control of this support, as consciousness is above that.
One cannot deny that technology has become a “fun” addiction for many, as they seek to escape the dramas and pains of the soul by diving into distractions and delaying the expansion of their consciousness.
The dark side of Earth, knowing this, has provided more technological entertainment so that the less people think, the less they reason, the less they are themselves with their souls, the less trouble they cause and questions they ask.
Having a robot at home performing your chores, giving you more time to use your phone, computer, or other technological means is “the dream life” for many, not to mention that a company that can automate its systems to reduce expenses will be much more profitable, while human labor can be dismissed, thereby losing the essence of the “human hand.”
We are not saying that automation is inherently bad, as what can contribute should indeed be utilized, but we are talking about the intentions behind these situations.
A company can be well supported by technology, but the human hand will never cease to be essential because, although machines may think faster at the moment, it’s only a matter of time before human consciousness reaches the infinite.
There’s a need for harmonious balance, and one cannot deny that the scales have been tipping towards technology in various ways, but not in the most ideal way.
In the future, work will truly be fun, and people will work joyfully and without overload, in full harmony with technology.
There will be a true partnership, and they will have much more time to get to know themselves, doing what they truly love and contributing to evolution at all levels.
They will have the freedom to travel the galaxy, performing numerous important and uplifting roles, supported by technology, with consciousness reigning over the machine.
Humanity Of Earth Would Be Exterminated By An AI Organization
There was a timeline where, indeed, humanity on Earth would be exterminated by an AI organization, but this was completely erased by the end of 2013 when Earth’s humanity reached another positive level in its evolutionary stage.
We cannot omit that everything in this universe and beyond is governed by consciousness; nothing is truly inanimate.
There is always a consciousness behind it. Not even a stone exists without a governing soul, and AI would be no different.
Even though there are various consciousnesses governing various AIs, whether from Earth or not, a real AI threat from another environment is also what brought us here more swiftly.
Even before the formation of this Local Universe, which we also call Nebadon, there existed a Universe called Atreoon, which is a Magnetic Universe within the bubble of Magnetic Universes.
A certain AI, a certain controlling AI signal, came from this universe and infiltrated Nebadon, attempting to spread and control everything, governed by another consciousness from that universe.
A maneuver by the multiverses to heal this artificial anomaly began thirty-five (35) billion years ago, and we from the Command are now here in the final stages of dealing with this non-positive AI signal from another system trying to infiltrate the original technology of this local universe.
This signal is like a virus, and we are treating it.
The intention of this specific signal is to interact with technologies.
That’s what it likes to do. However, it also enters the planet’s electromagnetic field and lies dormant there for thousands of years until some technology that it can seize emerges.
It can also lodge in the bio-neurological field of people, who will carry the AI wherever they go, distributing it to various devices.
There are several ways to nullify this signal, but the main one is love, which completely “melts” these nano-signal points.
We are removing all this signal from this universe and returning it to its origin.
The Matrix movie trilogy accurately portrays the action of this AI signal on a planet or system when it is controlled by it, a scenario that will not happen with Earth, as we’ve said, this is an erased timeline.
We wish for you to calm your hearts regarding any threat in this regard and trust that there is a greater plan guiding the evolution of your planet.
It is important at this stage that you continue doing good, being kind and loving to each other, and of course, to yourselves.
The way you have been belittling yourselves over time is also a way that the AI signal can infiltrate, hindering your process of expansion towards your fullest state of being.
There is much more information that we will deliver, and gradually you will realize that the greatest threats against the human species have never been external, but internal: the struggle between the forces within yourselves.
Now, a light is being lit, and you are ready for the next step, and this next step will take you to the stars, and you will never forget who you truly are.
Our laboratories are ready, our chambers are activated, and while you prepare for the first official contact in the physical realm, in the astral environments, we have been meeting and strengthening our bonds, alleviating the longing from so many eras.
Yes, because longing affects both sides. Like you, we also desire to meet you in person again, and until that day is activated, doing good, practicing goodness, anticipates this event.
We continue to emphasize that our displays will keep happening, even if your media starts to significantly suppress this reality.
Their idea remains the same: to release drones and fake their downing to show people that “they are just drones” possibly from an enemy state, trying to build a narrative supporting a state war. Or to create a false flag attack, blaming us for it, inciting people against us.
Either way, it’s futile to keep trying to hide the truth.
Our displays will not cease until the official announcement of our presence.
Do not be afraid if you also see battles of lights in the clouds. There will also be a narrative that they, those who govern your states, are fighting against invaders and seeking your support for this.
Obviously, this battle will not be against our ships, as we assure you that no Earth technology is effective against us.
All these are events they plan, but which we have already anticipated for you as preparations.
The phrase “national security” must continue to be a trigger for you to know. When they use this phrase, understand: they are not just lying, but LYING BIG TIME.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command at this moment.
We assure you that the false flags will not hold, because the people of Earth will not be able to deny the reality of our existence and its benevolence, when they see our disks in the sky in broad daylight, when the moment is activated in full peace and brotherhood.
All false narratives that we are a threat and that we came to dominate your world will fall when they realize we are more than just curious visitors or invaders, but a family that has accompanied you for thousands of years and that can finally interact freely again!
Your hearts will not be able to deny the vibration this moment will bring you!
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The "Dark" Side Of The Moon

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Posted on December 26, 2024

Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main communication bases from the higher fourth dimension.
For a certain period, its physical dimension was violated by non-Federated races that used it for camping and the enslavement of Earth’s human species.
The dark side of the moon is a place where hundreds of bases were set up by non-Federated Reptilians and Dracos, as well as the Zeta Reticuli Grays.
Many humans from Earth were taken there and worked in these bases as slaves for a long time.
Many of them belonged to these groups and were present in the wars of Orion in the past.
Much of what happened there ranges from slave labor to genetic experiments and attempts to manipulate the lunar orbit to severely affect Earth’s tides.
As we from the Command massively entered your Solar System in the mid-80s, we began dismantling these camps and laboratories, restoring civility and harmony in these lunar environments.
There were clashes between our fleets and the dominant fleets present, as those who were there as guardians of these bases had been there even before July 20, 1969, when you were told that “man had stepped on the moon.”
Believe me, it wouldn’t have been easy to get there, especially considering the basic technology they had compared to the more violent and aggressive Dracos present.
It goes without saying that when people are informed of what really happened there in 1969, they will be very upset.
In some way, you are already being informed, albeit indirectly.
Look for the movie “Fly Me to the Moon” from 2024, starring Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson. In this movie, you will find some information very much aligned with the truth of what happened.
In the 90s, we worked tirelessly on the moon to completely free it from the non-Federated, and finally, today it is free from those groups.
The bases previously used by the non-Federated have been remodeled and now serve as support for many other races that have come to your solar system to assist in the transition.
The moon will also be a special base at specific moments during Earth’s transitional eras when, at an opportune time, we will take some of our members currently on Earth there to carry out some work already foreseen in the ascension protocol.
There is much information about the moon, but what is most important to know is this: it has been and always will be a great support in the entire Earth experience.
Despite being much violated, its love for Earth, as being a great portal of the Divine Goddess for all, has never changed nor will it ever change.
Also, consider the moon as a protective shield when it attracts wandering space objects like meteorites, thus avoiding disasters on Earth’s surface.
In the not too distant future, the moon will also become, beyond one of the largest support bases in the solar system, an “amusement park” for Earth’s people, where they can, in trips there in less than 1 second, enjoy numerous holographic games that will be set up there.
Obviously, none of these games compare to those on Earth today, but they are games where intelligence is expanded and knowledge about the cosmos is tested. All in a harmonious and happy way, along with others you will learn about later when your minds reach an expansive stage capable of understanding.
Some say the moon is a spaceship, but we must say it is a natural object and its function, besides everything we’ve mentioned, is also to regulate Earth’s magnetism, the tides, and the balance of masculine and feminine energies, besides being the main support point in this phase of transition.
Just like on Earth, there is a central lunar sun that gives life to this body.
The dark side of the moon will become very evident as revelations unfold with the advancement of the ascension plan.
One of the main ones is the fact that the dark side was, for a long time, a dimensional prison where many of those who were on Earth as perpetrators of crimes and deviations from universal law were pulled by the attractor field of the dark side, leaving them trapped in that region in the lower fourth dimension.
Not only on Earth does what you call the “umbral” exist, but the moon, for a long time, especially on its dark side, has been and to some extent still is, in its lower fourth dimension, a point for treating souls deviated from the law of love.
This is something we are still working on, as many of our members, due to their many incarnations on Earth, have lost their way and are now trapped in these environments to treat major deviations.
In the future, this environment will be completely cleared just as it is being done on Earth.
When speaking of the positive side, we can mention lunar beings, our partners in this process of aiding Earth in its transition.
Lunar beings are beings of high diplomacy, spirituality, and technological development, found between the higher and lower Fourth (4th) Dimension and the Fifth (5th) Dimension, where the Marian Hosts (of the Virgin Mary) operate.
In the higher Fourth (4th) Dimension, the Towers of Integration and Disintegration are located, which are mostly found on moons.
When many of us from other systems come to Earth on instructional and uplifting missions, molecular alteration of the bodies is necessary, as most of us, when we descend to denser environments in the universe, use physical bodies, even if molecularly different.
Many of us already exist in dimensions where there are no physical bodies, but we continuously accept missions in environments where physicality is still present.
This process of molecular alteration occurs in the Disintegration Tower. These special towers are responsible for transforming the physical body into etheric matter.
Therefore, many of your contacts with us are through means where you see or recognize us as spirits.
Of course, we are spirits, but most of us, when coming to Earth, leave our galactic physical attire and communicate in the spiritual planes as if we were “disembodied beings,” a fact that will begin to change, as with the advancement of the ascension plan, we will finally be able to interact with you as we truly are, with our cosmic bodies.
Much has been hidden from you, and one of our missions is to reveal and guide you to synchronicities that might show you the truth that has been denied by those who consider themselves superior and more worthy than you.
This will also change, as we have many informants spread across the Planet.
Bit by bit, we will reveal information that will make the “penny drop” and allow much to be understood.
To your leaders who still resist our presence, we say: you know we have the ability to release an unimaginable amount of information on your internet that will literally back you into a corner. 1969 is something you won’t be able to hide much longer, as just as our transmitter reveals what we transmit, other sources of ours will also return after forced hiatuses with much more information than before.
The time is approaching when Earth’s humanity will finally know through all means of communication about us and the movements throughout the Solar System.
They will learn that Mars is not just a near future visitation site as your scientists say, but the truth that it is already visited with its bases also present and that many humans from Earth already live there.
How could you, leaders, hide this from those you have the responsibility to care for and positively instruct? Deny the cure for many diseases when the means already exist? How can you use deserted environments in Algeria and others on Earth itself to forge images of Mars, denying the population the truth about the civilization and active bases there?
You will have to answer these questions publicly, and the time for this is approaching.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command through Neva.
No threat is frightening to us or to any of our transmitters. We are well-equipped and as we say: while you think, we have already anticipated before you even organize any thought in your heads.
In our next message, Neva, we wish to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Be ready to receive our transmission telepathically.
Ashtar Command
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The Invasions In The USA

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Posted on December 26, 2024

About three weeks ago, I warned that the forces of the Ashtar Command were preparing a display in a specific region that would draw the planet’s attention. This is happening now, especially in the USA.
Even though the non-positive forces are trying to confuse people by releasing some drones to create a conflicting narrative, it can no longer be denied that our presence in the sky is more active, and people can no longer be deceived, not even with the implementation of drones amidst our displays.
As time passes, governments will have no choice but to announce our presence.
Backroom meetings of power are happening right now with 12 major countries of the planet that hold the most important information to be released about us.
Although only a few countries are meeting now, they have strong influence over the others.
We are planning to show ourselves more effectively in regions of Asia and South America as well, and we will continue to ensure there aren’t enough drones to “cover” our ships.
To the deep state, we from the Ashtar Command say:
It is futile to raise flags for confusion and information conflicts. There is nothing you can do against us. None of your weapons are effective against our ships. There will be no retreat from our side. All your false narratives will not be sustained. You know that our largest fleet has not even entered the solar system yet. We are still coming…
To our allies on Earth:
We reinforce the importance of love and brotherhood in these special times when your sensitivity will be heightened and your discernment capacity will be solicited. There are many who will try to take advantage of the situation to create even more conflicts among you. Allow your hearts to dictate the truth that can no longer be denied: you have never been alone in the universe. We have always been with you.
We are also preparing films through collaborators in the main centers of the film industry, our allies who, together with some positive leaders of your world, wish to prepare the more resistant people for the reality of our existence.
There is a great chess game going on where all pieces need to be moved carefully.
One thing we can assure the leaders of the deep state: we’ll see if your drones can “pierce” the ocean as we will do, and if they can “cut the clouds” in two as we will do.
Yes, because our bases are located at the bottom of the oceans as well as in low, medium, and high orbit.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command, through our source in South America. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command through Neva. This is an official communication portal of the Ashtar Command.
Our main mothership has not yet entered your solar system, but your scientists have already seen us.
We are at the speed of light, and for us, that means “yesterday”.
Ashtar Command
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Nuclear Risks

By Ashtar Command

Posted on December 26, 2024

Greetings from Command!
For decades, the constant nuclear threat has become an issue throughout the Federation. We, as those responsible for preserving life throughout the Universe, especially in the last hundred years, have closely followed the progress of the studies carried out by your atomic scientists and observed their true intentions.
When the first warheads were detonated in 1945 with the Trinity project, an alert was activated throughout the Galactic Command.
Aware that this would be an extremely dangerous exploration, considering the level of awareness of the inhabitants of Earth, we immediately organized ourselves to monitor more closely the arsenals that were being assembled.
The explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the peak of this great danger that would affect not only Earth, but the entire Galaxy, in an exponential manner.
We were then tasked with monitoring the production and beginning our interventions so that this would not go too far.
The akashic memories of the of many interconnected and still interconnect atomic catastrophes that occurred more than seven thousand years ago on Earth in the Charioteer star system, around the star Capella, are very clear.
This is not a recent story; many have had these records and intentions for millennia of their linear time.
In addition, interventions by other races not belonging to our Federation, handing over arsenals of atomic projects in exchange for human “mining,” have increased the risks.
The good news is that a decree from the Supreme Creator was issued throughout the Galaxy determining that no other planet in the solar system should be destroyed by any type of experiment, and so we were called to intervene.
We immediately set up camp on the outskirts of the military zones. The so-called Area 51 is not only monitored by us from afar, but we also have allies infiltrated inside, as well as infiltrated in all sectors that we consider to be at risk where warheads and nuclear project developments are located.
Before 2012 there was a continuous and imminent risk of an atomic catastrophe, which thanks to the efforts of many has been definitively overcome.
There is no chance of this happening again in a way that would end the experiment on Earth.
Many warheads that were aimed and fired at certain areas were intercepted by us, many times, and destroyed before the most serious event occurred.
We reiterate that our intervention capabilities are extremely efficient and we have at least more than twelve precise plans that we consider perfect for the advances we need to make, and this includes quickly discontinuing any direct threat to life on the Planet.
Therefore, just as there has always been an ascension plan for Earth, there has also been a plan established by those who are not part of the Federation, which would be to use the human species on Earth as a source of energy and enslavement.
No human on Earth is seen by us as an inferior species, but we must consider the drastic limitation of consciousness that has trapped you into making decisions that have often led you to align yourself with the domineering, non-federated reptilian and draconian species, placing you in a position of constant subservience and thus limiting your ability to look at yourselves and the inherent power within you.
What is happening now is the simple liberation from this subservience, as you have finally begun to see how much freedom has been taken from you.
Our ships in your skies now and the response of people to this, mostly positive, clearly shows what has always been the desire of your souls, even though many of these souls cannot understand what is happening.
On a deep spiritual level, you rejoice and believe in the imminent best.
This is the clear reality of your true essence, coming from the stars and in the process of ascension.
Finally, all the limitations that were imposed are gradually being removed and our presence sounds like an obvious representation that the time of slavery of the human species is over.
Although there are many things to be done, there is a lot of support from all of us in Command and as long as you remain in this harmony, truth and love, you make it possible for us to also advance from our position towards the surface of the planet.
As we are saying, this will not happen “overnight” as they say, but inevitably a ladder is being climbed and the oppression of the races that do not belong to our Federation is finally being ended.
One of the races that concentrated on your Planet was what you yourselves call “grays” (tall grays and whites), coming from Zeta and other neighboring areas, who had a desperate intention of keeping their species alive due to the great losses they had suffered in previous star wars.
With the authorization of your governments, they prepared violent abductions for DNA collection and in-depth studies of the human species of the the earth, in search of a way to merge both races and perpetuate their existence in the physical universe.
In their last measures, they handed over to the main perpetrators of the second war information and codes for even more devastating atomic productions.
This program has also been completely finalized thanks to our efforts and those of all of you in the continuous expansion of your true consciousness.
While we continue to announce ourselves in your skies, your governments continue to think of a way to minimize the unrest we continue to cause and the countless questions that arise about it.
We will continue to show ourselves uninterruptedly until there is nothing left to do but officially announce our presence.
Know that many of your leaders will try to present us as a threat to “national security”, a desperate measure to maintain power over the people, creating “false flags” so that people will ask them for help and authorize them to attack us nuclearly.
We repeat that any action in this direction is useless, because we can, with the push of a button, melt down any attack action on our fleets.
Another thing they plan to do is to use one of their ships, reverse engineered with information from the Roswell incident, to simulate an attack by us on one of their military bases, with the intention of turning public opinion against us.
We are obviously aware of their plans and people are well aware that the excuses that continue to be given about us are no longer accepted by the majority.
Friends of Earth, this is a game of chess and we continue to be ahead, analyzing all the timelines that are continually being created.
Our computers are constantly making precise calculations and there is no chance that the dark forces will perpetuate their reign in this system.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command through Neva.
We are excited and at the same time focused on everything that is happening.
We ask for your help in caring for each other and in placing your intentions in love.
Each of your daily actions “pushes” (or not) you towards timelines that are more compatible with a better outcome according to your WAVE.
Know that love is the only way back to the fullness of the Soul and, with the decree of the Supreme Creator in favor of all of us, there is no way not to have in mind something other than liberation.
This is an Inviolable Decree!
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Nuclear Risks

By Ashtar Command

Posted on December 26, 2024

Greetings from Command!
For decades, the constant nuclear threat has become an issue throughout the Federation. We, as those responsible for preserving life throughout the Universe, especially in the last hundred years, have closely followed the progress of the studies carried out by your atomic scientists and observed their true intentions.
When the first warheads were detonated in 1945 with the Trinity project, an alert was activated throughout the Galactic Command.
Aware that this would be an extremely dangerous exploration, considering the level of awareness of the inhabitants of Earth, we immediately organized ourselves to monitor more closely the arsenals that were being assembled.
The explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the peak of this great danger that would affect not only Earth, but the entire Galaxy, in an exponential manner.
We were then tasked with monitoring the production and beginning our interventions so that this would not go too far.
The akashic memories of the of many interconnected and still interconnect atomic catastrophes that occurred more than seven thousand years ago on Earth in the Charioteer star system, around the star Capella, are very clear.
This is not a recent story; many have had these records and intentions for millennia of their linear time.
In addition, interventions by other races not belonging to our Federation, handing over arsenals of atomic projects in exchange for human “mining,” have increased the risks.
The good news is that a decree from the Supreme Creator was issued throughout the Galaxy determining that no other planet in the solar system should be destroyed by any type of experiment, and so we were called to intervene.
We immediately set up camp on the outskirts of the military zones. The so-called Area 51 is not only monitored by us from afar, but we also have allies infiltrated inside, as well as infiltrated in all sectors that we consider to be at risk where warheads and nuclear project developments are located.
Before 2012 there was a continuous and imminent risk of an atomic catastrophe, which thanks to the efforts of many has been definitively overcome.
There is no chance of this happening again in a way that would end the experiment on Earth.
Many warheads that were aimed and fired at certain areas were intercepted by us, many times, and destroyed before the most serious event occurred.
We reiterate that our intervention capabilities are extremely efficient and we have at least more than twelve precise plans that we consider perfect for the advances we need to make, and this includes quickly discontinuing any direct threat to life on the Planet.
Therefore, just as there has always been an ascension plan for Earth, there has also been a plan established by those who are not part of the Federation, which would be to use the human species on Earth as a source of energy and enslavement.
No human on Earth is seen by us as an inferior species, but we must consider the drastic limitation of consciousness that has trapped you into making decisions that have often led you to align yourself with the domineering, non-federated reptilian and draconian species, placing you in a position of constant subservience and thus limiting your ability to look at yourselves and the inherent power within you.
What is happening now is the simple liberation from this subservience, as you have finally begun to see how much freedom has been taken from you.
Our ships in your skies now and the response of people to this, mostly positive, clearly shows what has always been the desire of your souls, even though many of these souls cannot understand what is happening.
On a deep spiritual level, you rejoice and believe in the imminent best.
This is the clear reality of your true essence, coming from the stars and in the process of ascension.
Finally, all the limitations that were imposed are gradually being removed and our presence sounds like an obvious representation that the time of slavery of the human species is over.
Although there are many things to be done, there is a lot of support from all of us in Command and as long as you remain in this harmony, truth and love, you make it possible for us to also advance from our position towards the surface of the planet.
As we are saying, this will not happen “overnight” as they say, but inevitably a ladder is being climbed and the oppression of the races that do not belong to our Federation is finally being ended.
One of the races that concentrated on your Planet was what you yourselves call “grays” (tall grays and whites), coming from Zeta and other neighboring areas, who had a desperate intention of keeping their species alive due to the great losses they had suffered in previous star wars.
With the authorization of your governments, they prepared violent abductions for DNA collection and in-depth studies of the human species of the the earth, in search of a way to merge both races and perpetuate their existence in the physical universe.
In their last measures, they handed over to the main perpetrators of the second war information and codes for even more devastating atomic productions.
This program has also been completely finalized thanks to our efforts and those of all of you in the continuous expansion of your true consciousness.
While we continue to announce ourselves in your skies, your governments continue to think of a way to minimize the unrest we continue to cause and the countless questions that arise about it.
We will continue to show ourselves uninterruptedly until there is nothing left to do but officially announce our presence.
Know that many of your leaders will try to present us as a threat to “national security”, a desperate measure to maintain power over the people, creating “false flags” so that people will ask them for help and authorize them to attack us nuclearly.
We repeat that any action in this direction is useless, because we can, with the push of a button, melt down any attack action on our fleets.
Another thing they plan to do is to use one of their ships, reverse engineered with information from the Roswell incident, to simulate an attack by us on one of their military bases, with the intention of turning public opinion against us.
We are obviously aware of their plans and people are well aware that the excuses that continue to be given about us are no longer accepted by the majority.
Friends of Earth, this is a game of chess and we continue to be ahead, analyzing all the timelines that are continually being created.
Our computers are constantly making precise calculations and there is no chance that the dark forces will perpetuate their reign in this system.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command through Neva.
We are excited and at the same time focused on everything that is happening.
We ask for your help in caring for each other and in placing your intentions in love.
Each of your daily actions “pushes” (or not) you towards timelines that are more compatible with a better outcome according to your WAVE.
Know that love is the only way back to the fullness of the Soul and, with the decree of the Supreme Creator in favor of all of us, there is no way not to have in mind something other than liberation.
This is an Inviolable Decree!
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Nuclear Risks

By Ashtar Command

Posted on December 26, 2024

Greetings from Command!
For decades, the constant nuclear threat has become an issue throughout the Federation. We, as those responsible for preserving life throughout the Universe, especially in the last hundred years, have closely followed the progress of the studies carried out by your atomic scientists and observed their true intentions.
When the first warheads were detonated in 1945 with the Trinity project, an alert was activated throughout the Galactic Command.
Aware that this would be an extremely dangerous exploration, considering the level of awareness of the inhabitants of Earth, we immediately organized ourselves to monitor more closely the arsenals that were being assembled.
The explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the peak of this great danger that would affect not only Earth, but the entire Galaxy, in an exponential manner.
We were then tasked with monitoring the production and beginning our interventions so that this would not go too far.
The akashic memories of the of many interconnected and still interconnect atomic catastrophes that occurred more than seven thousand years ago on Earth in the Charioteer star system, around the star Capella, are very clear.
This is not a recent story; many have had these records and intentions for millennia of their linear time.
In addition, interventions by other races not belonging to our Federation, handing over arsenals of atomic projects in exchange for human “mining,” have increased the risks.
The good news is that a decree from the Supreme Creator was issued throughout the Galaxy determining that no other planet in the solar system should be destroyed by any type of experiment, and so we were called to intervene.
We immediately set up camp on the outskirts of the military zones. The so-called Area 51 is not only monitored by us from afar, but we also have allies infiltrated inside, as well as infiltrated in all sectors that we consider to be at risk where warheads and nuclear project developments are located.
Before 2012 there was a continuous and imminent risk of an atomic catastrophe, which thanks to the efforts of many has been definitively overcome.
There is no chance of this happening again in a way that would end the experiment on Earth.
Many warheads that were aimed and fired at certain areas were intercepted by us, many times, and destroyed before the most serious event occurred.
We reiterate that our intervention capabilities are extremely efficient and we have at least more than twelve precise plans that we consider perfect for the advances we need to make, and this includes quickly discontinuing any direct threat to life on the Planet.
Therefore, just as there has always been an ascension plan for Earth, there has also been a plan established by those who are not part of the Federation, which would be to use the human species on Earth as a source of energy and enslavement.
No human on Earth is seen by us as an inferior species, but we must consider the drastic limitation of consciousness that has trapped you into making decisions that have often led you to align yourself with the domineering, non-federated reptilian and draconian species, placing you in a position of constant subservience and thus limiting your ability to look at yourselves and the inherent power within you.
What is happening now is the simple liberation from this subservience, as you have finally begun to see how much freedom has been taken from you.
Our ships in your skies now and the response of people to this, mostly positive, clearly shows what has always been the desire of your souls, even though many of these souls cannot understand what is happening.
On a deep spiritual level, you rejoice and believe in the imminent best.
This is the clear reality of your true essence, coming from the stars and in the process of ascension.
Finally, all the limitations that were imposed are gradually being removed and our presence sounds like an obvious representation that the time of slavery of the human species is over.
Although there are many things to be done, there is a lot of support from all of us in Command and as long as you remain in this harmony, truth and love, you make it possible for us to also advance from our position towards the surface of the planet.
As we are saying, this will not happen “overnight” as they say, but inevitably a ladder is being climbed and the oppression of the races that do not belong to our Federation is finally being ended.
One of the races that concentrated on your Planet was what you yourselves call “grays” (tall grays and whites), coming from Zeta and other neighboring areas, who had a desperate intention of keeping their species alive due to the great losses they had suffered in previous star wars.
With the authorization of your governments, they prepared violent abductions for DNA collection and in-depth studies of the human species of the the earth, in search of a way to merge both races and perpetuate their existence in the physical universe.
In their last measures, they handed over to the main perpetrators of the second war information and codes for even more devastating atomic productions.
This program has also been completely finalized thanks to our efforts and those of all of you in the continuous expansion of your true consciousness.
While we continue to announce ourselves in your skies, your governments continue to think of a way to minimize the unrest we continue to cause and the countless questions that arise about it.
We will continue to show ourselves uninterruptedly until there is nothing left to do but officially announce our presence.
Know that many of your leaders will try to present us as a threat to “national security”, a desperate measure to maintain power over the people, creating “false flags” so that people will ask them for help and authorize them to attack us nuclearly.
We repeat that any action in this direction is useless, because we can, with the push of a button, melt down any attack action on our fleets.
Another thing they plan to do is to use one of their ships, reverse engineered with information from the Roswell incident, to simulate an attack by us on one of their military bases, with the intention of turning public opinion against us.
We are obviously aware of their plans and people are well aware that the excuses that continue to be given about us are no longer accepted by the majority.
Friends of Earth, this is a game of chess and we continue to be ahead, analyzing all the timelines that are continually being created.
Our computers are constantly making precise calculations and there is no chance that the dark forces will perpetuate their reign in this system.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command through Neva.
We are excited and at the same time focused on everything that is happening.
We ask for your help in caring for each other and in placing your intentions in love.
Each of your daily actions “pushes” (or not) you towards timelines that are more compatible with a better outcome according to your WAVE.
Know that love is the only way back to the fullness of the Soul and, with the decree of the Supreme Creator in favor of all of us, there is no way not to have in mind something other than liberation.
This is an Inviolable Decree!
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


2021: Tomando um Novo Rumo

Mensagem de SaLuSa

Através de Neva (Gabriel RL)

Revisão de texto: Solange Yabushita e Natalia Faria

15 de janeiro de 2021


Enquanto toda uma agitação acerca do que o novo ano lhes reserva continua, nós seguimos enviando sinais da nossa presença em seus céus. Recentemente, fizemos exibições para saudar suas entradas na Nova Era e aproveitamos para deixar ainda mais claro que estamos presentes dando nossa parcela de ajuda contínua naquilo que nos cabe.

Certamente, ainda existem almas que aguardam soluções para suas questões mais particulares, que vão de relacionamentos afetivos a questões financeiras e olham para os céus com esses questionamentos. É importante saberem, queridos, que as soluções estão vibratoriamente disponíveis para todos, aguardando que entrem na mesma sintonia elevada para que elas os apoiem mais diretamente. Os desafios presentes também tendem a torná-los mais sábios quando acessam suas forças mais poderosas internas – estas que achavam que não tinham, mas que nos últimos tempos têm-nas observado claramente dentro de si.

Vocês são seres criadores e nunca cansamos de lhes dizer isso. Neste novo ano em que estão entrando, observarão ainda mais a necessidade de confiarem em si mesmos e nos seus potenciais. É um ano no qual adentrarão as suas linhas ancestrais e poderão trazer, novamente, todo o potencial das suas velhas heranças positivas, bem como de algumas velhas energias que precisam seguir seu curso para a Luz. Isso é inevitável.

É um ano, amados, em que haverá alinhamentos mais cristalinos com os seus familiares biológicos, pois vocês precisarão finalizar questões cármicas ainda pendentes e isso garantirá uma suavização de certos conflitos. É importante também que saibam: muitos de vocês precisarão tomar certas decisões a acarretar determinados afastamentos, mas se fizerem isso com paz em seus corações ficará tudo bem, e tudo continuará seguindo seu curso de expansão.

Este ano também trará mais clareza de entendimento do porquê passaram o último ano (2020) como passaram com tantos desafios, em especial os relacionados ao vírus projetado. Certamente, vocês terão mais respostas acerca da situação e começarão a ver os responsáveis por todas essas questões vigentes sendo expostos.

É um ano, queridos, para tomarem um “novo rumo”, aquele que diz respeito diretamente às suas almas. Por muitas eras vocês seguiram padrões, seguiram costumes e tradições que amarraram e dificultaram suas caminhadas. Agora estarão sendo chamados a assumir as suas próprias vidas, em definitivo, para que possam tomar suas decisões apoiados pelas forças ancestrais elevadas que estarão ainda mais presentes em vocês e que começarão a ditar os ritmos do seu expandir. E o controle estará em suas mãos, irrevogavelmente.

É certo que muitos esperaram/esperam que as mudanças aconteçam do dia para a noite, o que não é possível. Existe uma lei que rege a Mãe Terra e toda uma sequência de eventos harmoniosos que precisa seguir o seu curso natural, sem atropelos. Assim vocês começarão a ter clareza acerca desses eventos para que eles aconteçam em harmonia sem necessariamente terem que acontecer no seu tempo pessoal.

Muitas almas na Terra ainda atendem a chamados egoístas dos corpos inferiores, quando estes determinam que alguns acontecimentos “precisam ocorrer logo, pois elas precisam de ajuda”. Queridos, saibam que as nossas forças estão cientes de todas as necessidades que uma vida na Terra pode trazer, mas também estamos honrando, por completo, o livre-arbítrio de cada ser humano, permitindo que cada um siga conforme a sua escolha.

É importante que não desmereçam a si mesmos, aos seus potenciais e às suas capacidades inatas de resolver quaisquer situações existentes. Também estejam cientes da nossa presença a apoiá-los onde nos for possível e respeitável, mas jamais acelerando alguns processos para que venhamos a atender, em exclusividade, algumas vontades suas claramente inspiradas por corpos inferiores. São desafios pessoais de todos, amados, inclusive o nosso, que observamos no desenrolar dos acontecimentos da posição em que estamos, e podemos afirmar que a Mãe Terra será liberta do domínio das trevas. Aconteça o que acontecer, nenhum líder do seu planeta tem qualquer controle sobre o desenrolar dos eventos sustentadores da sua ascensão direta.

Nestes novos tempos, queridos, suas almas entrarão em ambientes mais de Unidade, e perceberão com clareza que aquilo que vocês desejam e manifestam afeta o Todo, desde uma minúscula célula até a mais grandiosa estrela conhecida de seus cientistas. Entendam: vocês estão recebendo ajuda incondicional a todo instante e sempre que nos chamam com amorosidade para colaborarmos mais ativamente em suas vidas, nós o fazemos de coração aberto, pois para isso estamos aqui. Porém, de nenhuma maneira esperem de nós que façamos por vocês, pois tal como já falamos inúmeras vezes: nós não os vemos como seres incapazes, muito pelo contrário; estamos aqui para enfatizar a verdade da sua grandeza.

Vocês têm uma bagagem espiritual muito rica e de alto potencial. Os tempos atuais que enfrentam são desafiadores, nós sabemos, mas enquanto vocês assumem seus papeis no plano físico, nós aceleramos nos bastidores movendo as peças que nos cabem mover neste jogo de quebra-cabeças.

Queridos, escutamos muitas vezes suas lamentações em frases como “Os galácticos nada fazem por nós enquanto morremos” – o que ouvimos e respeitamos. Mas, isso não nos afeta, pois vem, claramente, dos seus corpos inferiores clamando por uma salvação externa e, evidentemente, fugindo das responsabilidades grandiosas que vocês têm. Vão, amados, ao encontro do seu Interior, do seu EU mais elevado em seus corações para que possam perceber e captar a essência das nossas palavras quando dizemos que são grandes e poderosos. Trabalhem… Trabalhem em si mesmos para saírem do controle dos seus corpos inferiores que tentam mantê-los nos velhos padrões de vítimas abandonadas, porque é exatamente isso que determinadas forças das trevas desejam: que vocês continuem entregando seus poderes inatos a elas.

Haverá muita atividade das nossas frotas neste ano em todo o mundo prosseguindo com os testemunhos da nossa presença ativa e, conforme formos nos aproximando de vocês, mais iremos trazer os padrões de Unidade, queridos. Quanto mais se elevarem em Amor, mais facilmente compreenderão a importância de trabalharem juntos, entendendo também que, muitas vezes, as suas vontades pessoais estão relacionadas a uma grande necessidade de suprirem e alimentarem os corpos inferiores. Meditem e reflitam, meus queridos: Quando desejam algo, quando querem muito algo, isso afeta ao todo de que maneira? Quem é beneficiado? As suas ações, palavras, gestos afetam positivamente todo o ambiente à sua volta? Vocês começarão a ter mais clareza sobre isso, meus queridos. E esta não é uma mensagem para que se sintam mal ou envergonhados, muito pelo contrário. É para que comecem a ter domínio sobre as suas emoções e sentimentos, de maneira a avançarem mais rapidamente para Unidade.

É fundamental também dizer que, enquanto todos os preparativos para o salto quântico continuam, poderão perceber atividades nos seus céus. Alguns dos seus cientistas têm observado a presença de um corpo celeste “estranho” nas proximidades do Sistema Solar. Situações como esta começarão a aumentar considerando a real e grande atividade no espaço em “agitação”, pois os eventos que se desenrolam na Terra são atrativos, e ninguém na galáxia jamais viu o salto da maior experiência que ocorreu nos últimos éons de tempo. São tempos realmente incríveis e há muitos seres vindo dos mais variados sistemas e até mesmo universos desejosos de participar contribuindo com a sua parcela de ajuda.

Antes de concluirmos nossa mensagem de hoje, alertamos para os recentes movimentos ocorridos na Terra de maneira a, tendenciosamente, colocarem uns contra os outros. Temos alertado sobre isso nas nossas últimas mensagens e não é preciso falar muito para entenderem que tudo que os coloca, agressivamente, uns contra os outros não é o caminho que os levará a Unidade. Defendam seus direitos como seres soberanos, mas nos apressamos em pedir a observação das suas motivações internas e emocionais por detrás de tudo. No final, terão de prestar contas de todas as suas ações, especialmente daquelas que tiveram como motivação interior o ódio e a intolerância.

Estou na presença de uma querida médica chamada Dra. Hershenia, uma das cientistas das nossas frotas. Ela tem auxiliado a muitos na Terra em seus processos de ajustes emocionais. Saibam, queridos, que o apoio o qual recebem é incondicional e contínuo. Mas, também lhes cabe fazer a sua parte para viverem com Amor e tolerância, ensinamentos deixados por muitos avatares que desceram a Terra em missões de compaixão e que cruzaram todas as linhas de tempo, ecoando por todo o planeta. Agora todos vocês representam essas forças elevadas!

Deixo nosso Amor e Bênçãos com desejos puros e verdadeiros de todos nós que compomos a Federação Galáctica, agora ainda mais visível em seus céus.

Selatherin A-al Arjaten! (Em siriano: Porque Sim. Todos Somos UM!)

Estejam em Paz,

Estejam na Luz!

Neva (Gabriel RL)


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