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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Balancing Your Totality

Life Tapestry Creations

Channel: Brenda Hoffman

Dated January 20, 2025

Dear Ones,
Your physical self was often the last to transition throughout your transition phases.  So it is now.
You might feel tired, have a short-term illness, or not note any physical shift.  As is true in every phase, your transition is not in conjunction with others but in tune with your inner needs.
Many of you maintained 3D fears beyond what was safe for your new being, forcing you to now withdraw from society or activities.  This is not a punishment but a make-up phase.  Your physical being is merely catching up with your emotional and spiritual segments.
Those not feeling any physical discomfort will do so soon or have already completed this phase. 
If you are experiencing this short-lived physical shut-down, you probably feel you are a slow learner or less than others who seem to be sailing through this phase with few or no consequences.  Such is not an accurate description of this phase or your transition.  It merely means you focussed more on your emotional and spiritual segments than your physical being.  If you were to review your 3D actions in this lifetime, you would likely discover that such has been the case for most of your life.  Your spiritual/emotional segments were given more attention than was true for your physical being.
You are now balancing your totality.  Even though you could easily eliminate one aspect of your being without much thought in 3D, such is no longer the case.  You are becoming fully “there” in all aspects of your being.  You can no longer limp through this transition.  Your full being is required, including aspects you did not access in 3D or other locations.  It is as if you have been a flower with many unopened buds. They are all now opening. 
Even though you might wish to ignore your physical being, as has likely been your stance for this and many other 3D Earth lifetimes, this is no longer appropriate.  Your new being in this new world requires an “all-in” approach.
In a sense, you “slept” through your Earth lifetimes, accessing only bits and pieces of your totality.  As you incorporated more and more of your totality throughout this transition, you needed to be fully engaged.  And so you were except for your physicality.
Many of you reading this message will proclaim that you are physically active.  Perhaps you are, but you are unlikely to be active in ways that help unite your new totality. 
What physical activity does your body require?  If you allow your thoughts and actions to float comfortably, your body will tell you what it needs and when.  Many of you are physically active because it is a mental should.  There is no joy in doing what you should, even if it seems right. 
This last thought might disturb some of you.  Maybe your body requires no action, allowing the three major segments of your being – physical, spiritual, and emotional – to assimilate.
Or perhaps it is time for you to jog, walk, or play physical sports.  Only you know what you need.  The only way to obtain that information is to listen to your inner voice.  What do you want to do now – sleep, eat, run, exercise, rest?  Then, allow yourself to define it further with “I want to jump up and down, but not walk.”
Your map is within you.  If you are ill or tired now, what will help you feel less tired or not ill?  We of the Universes do not have that answer for you, nor does anyone else.  Perhaps you are tired because you have been exercising too much or the wrong type of exercise.  Only you know for sure.
Or maybe your exhaustion or illness is related to focusing too heavily on world events instead of listening to your inner being.  Your inner being is calling you back to focus on what your totality requires now.
Your role is no longer the world caretaker role you accepted when you first decided to help shift Earth from fear to love.  You achieved that enormous goal.  Now, it is time to focus on yourself and what your being needs to live successfully in this new world.
Those following you have a different assignment, as is true for each successive wave.  
If you are tired or ill, focus on determining why instead of continuing to function as you did when you were of 3D.  You no longer have to do this and this and yet push through your exhaustion or illness.  If you find yourself doing so, realize you have not yet accepted your new role of caretaking yourself. 
Some of you will proclaim that if you do not care for this being, that political action, or that Earth catastrophe, no one will because that is what you expected when you first accepted your role of shifting Earth from fear to love.  You completed that role.  You are no longer an Earth caretaker.
If you are surrounded by those who need caretaking, you need to question your inner being to determine how much caretaking you are capable of now.  We of the Universes venture to guess that you will discover your caretaking days are either minimal or eliminated because part of this phase is for those waves following you to discover how they can better care for themselves as they complete their Universal role.  And if that requires help from others who wish to perform those tasks, create a means for them to come into your life.
Your caretaking days of others are over.  It is time for you to focus on yourself.  This returns us to the original question, “Why are you exhausted or ill?”  A question only you can answer.
So be it.
Brenda Hoffman
Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Be prepare for the actual "Envelope"

The Federation of Light

Channel: Blossom Goodchild

Posted on December 1, 2024

Better view here:

Black = Federation of Light 
Gray = Blossom Goodchild

Good morning to you. Many ask if you could share more detail regarding the ‘Envelopes’* you have spoken of in the past. I won’t recap for ‘newbies’ as I Trust you will fill us in on that which we need to know. Thank you.

Welcome, Blossom, Welcome to Each One who ‘tunes in’ to these conversations and also, tunes in to us during sleeping hours.


Oh yes, Blossom. We are One. We are family. We are friends. Although the body shuts down during sleeping hours, so much more takes place on other levels, and ‘Being with us’ is one of the ‘activities’ that many like to do.

Ok. We may get to go back to that, yet, for now, are you happy to talk about the Envelopes?

Yes, Indeed, we are. Although, much has already been said.

We use the word ‘Envelopes’ as merely a way to describe something that is not really explainable in your terms. Yet, of course, they are not actual envelopes.

We have said that within the ‘given time’, you will each receive your Envelopes to open and your individual instructions shall be inside.

You have also used the word ‘orders’ as opposed to instructions.

This is so. Yet, not in the controlling sense of ‘We order you to do this’. It is for you to know that the ‘download’ you shall receive ‘comes from you’ in its origin form.

You decided the role you wish to play when the time comes, for only you know your capabilities and what would be best suited for you, in ways of ‘Giving’.

Some people have written in to say they feel they have already received their Envelopes.

Perhaps it feels this way, yet, it is not the case. Would we put it as if these ‘pre-envelope feelings’ are more like postcards.


Meaning that they have received the know-how or incite to prepare for the actual Envelope.


Information has been ‘dropped in’, as to a lead-up to the actual Envelope. So, although one may feel they already ‘know’ what it is they are supposed to be doing … when the actual Envelopes are opened … the full extent of that which one is to do, will be revealed.

So for those who feel they already have opened it, they have not, yet, they are getting ready.

Why do some have this and others not?

Because some benefit from the postcards and others, either don’t need them or are not quite ready.

So … what sort of instructions are they? Surely, they must be quite profound for each of us, as opposed to something like ‘Make egg sandwiches for the hungry!’. You know what I mean.

Blossom, Each One will carry out that which has already been arranged and discussed.

What if they don’t like making egg sandwiches?

The role they will assume will suit the skills they have either acquired or brought with them. Therefore, there shall not be a situation where one wants to swap with another, for instance, because each role is directly assigned to each individual.

We are a bit flummoxed as to how different these instructions will be from that which we are already trying to do now. As in, help each other in any way we can … coming from our Hearts.

Blossom, what you have not taken into consideration is that when these Envelopes arrive, much will have been exercised in your World in ways of ‘Topsy Turvyness’.

I recall you mentioning that word before. So, do you mean that we will have been exposed to a great deal that will set everyone’s ‘life’ reeling?

We do. Many of you have been preparing for this all your lives. Yet, these Envelopes are not to be revealed to you until it is time to do so.  It is not appropriate for you to know, now. For, your instructions would not necessarily make sense now. Yet, when they arrive … they will.

So, let us assume the day/time has come and ‘It is time’. Do we, all receive them at the same time?

We would say within a time frame.

Do we receive them in a flash of inspiration? I mean … is it going to be such a revelation that we keel over in awe … or, is it an ‘Ok’  and we carry on eating our egg sandwiches?

Blossom … when these Envelopes arrive …


Mm! Now, do you mean it is an individual personal big event? Or, do they all come floating down because a BIG GLOBAL EVENT is happening?

They both happen at the same time.

Again, many times both you and White Cloud have spoken of an Event. Yet, it hasn’t popped up for a long time … should we talk about it now?

It would be in keeping with our conversation to do so.

The trouble is, in my head, when you speak of The Event, I automatically go to a bit of a biblical happening … when the skies open and Light shines through etc … you get the picture. As I write that, my heart chakra took flight because I could sense your answer … which is …

You wouldn’t be far wrong.

You see, the thing is, for me, and I can only speak for me … the possibility of that happening is too much like a fairy tale, or a programming. Lovely as the thought is … is it really going to happen?

Let us begin …

At the moment … your World is being released from the bondage it has resided within for eons of time. This darkness, as we have said cannot be cleared overnight. So, on the one hand, remember to be patient. On the other hand, be Joyous that the transformation is taking place. Even though it may appear otherwise.

Well, on the ground level, l I would imagine there is much clearing up to do. Many changes to be made etc, in order for the human race to Trust in Love, once again.

Indeed, this is so, Blossom. There is much groundwork to take place.

However, in the confines of time …

Whatever that means.

It means that your World exists within the time frame that has been introduced to it …

So, within that time frame …



Will the skies actually part?

We can only say ‘In a sense’.

I just double-checked on ‘Heralding’ … a sign that something is about to happen. So, to clarify … how different will our envelope instructions be from what we already know to do now?

Naturally, Blossom, all that you are … all that you all now know yourselves to Be … will be the core essence of that which you do.

Yes, but what I am trying to get at is … will it be something like for instance ‘ Donovan … you must fly to Egypt and there you will meet a man in a sackcloth who will lead you to an inner corridor of the great pyramid, and there you will be shown the Lightship that has been awaiting you … You will be told when to make it once again air born’ … Or, will it be ‘Donovan ( Who Donovan is, I have no idea) … walk around your local area and see who needs comforting’ … Do you see what we mean?

Blossom, we like your line of questioning. If we were to say to you again ‘Both’ how would you react?

I want to say ‘NO! Really?’

Yes, really!

The issue is Blossom, that for so long you have been trapped within a program that prevents you from KNOWING THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE.

If you were to be watching a movie and these things took place, you would be aware of it as just a movie. You have been programmed to believe that such things are not a reality.


Let us say you auditioned for your roles before you came.

So, seriously … the ‘Donovan thing’  going to Egypt could be in someone’s envelope?


Far out and a bag of sprouts! So, as our instructions would be coming to us via a download … that kind of thing would require a vast amount of TRUSTING that we ‘picked it up’ correctly. I mean, imagine going to Egypt and there was no man in a sackcloth to be seen. Or, even worse, 50 men in sackcloths!

What we would like you to understand … to grasp … is that ‘when’ this timeframe occurs … your BEINGNESS will have opened up enormously to the fact that YOU ARE LIGHT.

You will not have the doubts of self that you have now … for this is all programming.




So … I get the programming … although, I don’t fully understand its extent … yet, are you saying that when this happening takes place … we will be free and no longer within the program movie?

Yes. Yet, there will be many that do not understand AT ALL what is taking place. Those who have been so deeply asleep will be greatly confused and lost …

Many Envelopes will have instructions that they chose to bring comfort and understanding to such souls.

It seems so far-fetched and indeed, ‘out of a movie! ‘And yet, the sooner we get that it is a movie …  the more able we shall be to conduct each scene as deemed necessary.

And to assist on that matter … although it seems unreal and an impossibility of such magic and wonders taking place … for there shall be many …  KNOW THAT THIS IS WHY YOU CAME …

Almost all of you reading or listening to this conversation can feel within your Hearts, your very Souls, that YOU KNOW OF THIS.


And after the Event?

We feel that should be for our next conversation perhaps.

Phew … I am glad you said that! I don’t feel I have the brain power to start on that one. Good one Chaps. Thank you so very much for this.  I guess it doesn’t matter if I am ‘sitting on the fence’ about it all. I will just carry on as I am. We all will. We look forward to all the GREATNESS that is to emerge. How exciting. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

*For more information on the Envelopes … go to


Blossom Goodchild



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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