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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Março 22, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

For those Fighting a War with Evil, that is Not How we Create
This is dedicated to the new paradigm masculine who uses power as directed by the Source within, now being raised from the ashes of the old paradigm warrior who used force as directed by the pained human ego. This essay is not poetry nor a brief spiritual vacation from the more important business of fighting the enemy. Not Bob Hope entertaining the troops during the War. This is practical advice given as an intervention for those under the spell of fighting for freedom. Some t...
How to Flow into 5D
 Ashian, how do we anchor the 5D? Are we meant to feel the heaviness and pain being released or reach for higher feeling states of being? Ashian: Good afternoon Jennifer! We thank you for your question, there is a lot of conflicting information flowing around, and we would say that all the above are correct. The first thing we would say is, stop trying so hard. Trying is effort and effort is 3D; flow is 5D. You cannot create 5D lives from 3D substance. This is a process, like all other aspec...
Planning a World that Works
Folks who are participating in the Reval and other Abundance programs are, in actuality I think, funding a world that works. It’s hoped that lightworkers will use their money for humanitarian purposes. So not to buy jet planes and chateaux in the south of France. But to roll up our shirtsleeves and get to work. What to do is very simple. Take Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (above) and start at the bottom (physiological needs), on a global scale. Take a condition of unworkability and...
Hopping off the Anger Train
Roll through my chant with all thy lawless music, thy swinging lamps at night,Thy madly-whistled laughter…Thy trills of shrieks by rocks and hills return’d,Launch’d o’er the prairies wide, across the lakes,To the free skies unpent and glad and strong.~Walt Whitman, To a Locomotive in Winter* I am exhausted with feeling angry. I didn’t recognize the anger until a few days ago. The realization was a shock. Me, angry? Once I identified the emotion, my mind sped back, cataloging and labeling,... 
Everything is coming together into a perfect alignment
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am pleased to be back through this channel. I have a message today for humankind. I just want to remind to all of you who you are and why you are here. As you know by now that your memories were erased by the Dark Entities long time ago. Everyone, who resides as a human on this planet, came from different Star Systems, Galaxies and Universes. You made a promise before arriving here...
Help from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Cassiopeia and Lyra
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are enormously satisfied with the progress we see you making there on Earth, as you have been open and receptive to the energies of the equinox and to all of the beautiful energies that have been coming in to support you during the month of March. When we see one of you accessing what is yours and free to access at any time, it brings us such joy, and it informs ...
The One Law of Creation - Part 1
Before Creation, there existed only Infinite Being. No universe, no Creator exploring itself through its own manifestations, not even any motion of which to speak. Just the silent, reflective beingness of the all-encompassing consciousness which is the very essence of completeness and perfection. >From this unchanging, pure beingness of Infinite Being emerged the potential for action as God, the One Creator. Infinite Being, as the all-encompassi...
You are Never Far from the Light
 We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, our message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that a focus on our breath is an important tool at this time. The Gabriel Message Card for this week Have you ever started to feel anxious and confused, and then noticed that you were not breathing? Obviously our breath is a key to sta... 
Election Was Rigged: President Trump Reminds Americans That Dems Stole Election In Blistering Statement
President Trump issued a scathing statement on Saturday reminding the American people that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” against him by the Democrat machine. *“The New York Times* did a story today saying that various Republican groups, many of them outstanding, are rallying on false claims that conservative activists are finding that the best way to raise money and keep voters engaged is to make Donald J. Trump’s biggest fabricatio...
Time Standing Still
In a way time is standing still and unable to progress until action is taken to finally curtail the power of the dark Ones, to a point where they can no longer interfere with the planned changes leading to freedom from their cynical and evil plan to control and reduce the world’s population. The audacious plan has only been possible through their infiltration and control in so many areas of business and politics. You could say in many instances it has only been possible through coercion, bl...
Worthy and Deserving
The next time your mind drifts to what you have given up, let your next thought be of what you have gained. The past few months may have been very trying. As your world expands again, rest assured that everything you released has been transformed to unconditional love. Unconditional love never diminishes; it grows, multiplies and comes back to you in the most unexpected and joyous ways! It is time to declare yourself worthy and deserving of receiving it. ... 
Federation of Light: An Awakening by many of the sleeping ones
What ho, chaps! How’s things in your neck of the woods? Greetings Blossom and to Each one that resides upon the Earth plane, whether they know of us or not … our Love still reaches out to them. I am sure it does. A question by many is … ‘Where does the land lie regarding the Announcement? Is there still to be one?’ Indeed. For the changes that are to take place in/of Great Magnitude, pivot around this. In that … when such a matter is brought into the open … it’s the ...
A Plea to Scientists
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Questions have always been asked, “When you channel, is the entity being channelled [Kryon] aware enough to know where you are? Does Spirit know what’s going on, or does channelling represent some kind of a disconnect, like somehow you bring in the entity from the other side of the veil and it is in a kind of a bubble of sacred reality and doesn’t know what you are experiencing?” This entire question comes from misinformation and a perception of how God [...
A Time for Harmony and Prosperity
According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Spring / Fall Equinox occurs on March 20 with the Sun and Venus in the water sign of Pisces. This is the day twice a year when the amount of daylight and evening is about equal. Many ancient traditions honor this sacred time on Mother Earth to show gratitude for their lives and nature’s abundance. What would bring you joy and help you connect with this sacred time? How do you feel drawn to serve as a good steward of Planet Earth? With the Mo...
Goddess of Creation: Universal Truth and Activating DNA
This channel was truly needed at this time! Right now, there is an intense battle going on, on the Earth which is the old energy of control and manipulation being removed to be replaced by the higher vibration of peace and balance. There are intrinsic Universal Laws that are a part of our world and universe. Some of these were what the Goddess tapped into during this channel. She spoke of love, balance, do no wrong, and compassion. In all of this, it allows you to experience that... 
You Are All Needed
I am Judas and I have come today to sow some seeds here and there. Everyone who listens and takes in different messages can sow a seed in their inner self. A plant is already there, it depends on whether you have cared for it or not as it can grow strong and so its seeds, which in turn germinate and form a new plant etc. We can call these plants your gifts, your vitality and your life task in this life. You all went down with open eyes, but it can b...
Lessons I Learned From A Bar of Soap
Well, here we go again with another of our weird titles. Many years ago, my fourth grade teacher had us do a brief experiment for her science class. Two students stood facing each other. One closed her eyes. The other held a strong-smelling bar of soap under the nose of the student with the closed eyes. The teacher instructed the student with the closed eyes to let the class know when the other student had removed the bar of soap. After a minute or so, she said it had been removed. But it was still the...
Define Yourself
For most of your life you have allowed society and those close to you to tell you exactly who you are. It is time, my beautiful child, for a change! If you are feeling awesome, tell yourself and others, “I’m AWESOME!” If you are feeling compassionate, beautiful, loving or strong, do the same. From this point forward no one can do it for you. Define yourself! ... 
Press a Button and Teleport to Your Home Star System?
 Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are loving the process of witnessing your evolution of consciousness, because we are doing it with you. We are on a journey together, and you are making the most progress of any beings in any dimension in this galaxy. That is because you have moved so far from the truth of who you really are, and the journey back to that knowing is such a giant leap from where you once wer...

Março 08, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Self Empowerment
Beloved ones we greet you, This sacred time is about you awakening to your own self-empowerment. Choosing to utilize the Conscious breath allows you to consciously rebirth yourself within your Heart. This is a returning. Each time you utilize the Conscious breath you actively realign yourself past the illusion of the Ego mind. You are actively aligning to your unlimited abundance within your Heart connection. This is a time like no other when you are able to connect to the higher potenti...
Trump Assassination Attempt
NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE ~ As reported last month, a would-be assassin’s bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump’s bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours on January 26. Bullet proof glass, which he had installed recently, probably saved his life. And ballistic experts who at first speculated that the shot originated from a chopper hovering off the coast have dismissed that hypothesis in favor of a more plausible premise—an armed drone. A source in Trump’s orbit speaking under condi...
Brave Is Launching a Privacy-Focused Search Engine to Compete with Google
Brave, the privacy-focused web browser, is currently preparing to launch its own search engine for desktop and mobile users, according to recent reports. The company’s goal is to offer a complete package of browsing and search untouchable by the Masters of the Universe. TechCrunch reports that Brave, the privacy-focused browser co-founded by former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, is preparing to launch its own search engine. Last week Brave announced th...
Universal Love Diamond Frequencies
Universal Love Diamond FrequenciesBy Natalia Aba. *Posted on 03/07/2021 by EraOfLight* The current Diamond frequencies that are being descended upon our Universe, and that will remain for some time, are ones of Unity and profound healing, especially for all who experience deep fragmentation. These essences are introduced by one of the many galactic alignments that are taking place in our Universe, the encounter between Mars and Pleiades, whose configuration is pivotal for the transmission of these Diamond Codes. Forces that again show us that everything within our dual Universe is...
Spiritual Spring Announces Itself
INTERHUMANITY IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY* “Interhumanity” and “inhumanity” are the predominant phenomena on earth. However, the time of change has come and so now interhumanity is the order of the day. Transform your aspirations, transform the imperfect – and imperfect is everything that diminishes the human and disregards the divine. You are a cosmic and divine being. Full of light and love, you were born in this world, born to sow your light and love o...
What is Your Soul’s Journey
*Your* soul. Where do you want it to take you? Do you want to know? It’s taking you everywhere. It’s the leading light that’s guiding you from lifetime to lifetime via the spirit world and has a hand in every inspired decision you’ve ever made. What is your soul’s journey? It’s the journey of many lifetimes, stretching over aeons of time. Every action you take, every word you speak is a contributing part. The real question of the soul’s journey isn’t about what defin...
Increasing Frequencies
We want to tell our story. We were a peaceful people who lived in love and care for each other and our earth. For us, the material was not the most important thing. We shared with each other. We did not have jealousy and envy. These characteristics / emotional states have been added later. This has been created by human greed. We were a people who had come a long way in our spiritual development. Thanks to this, we understood each ot...
As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it More Desperately Than Ever
Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless. First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state offici...
There are Now 16 States with No Face Mask Mandates
Alaska does not require its residents to wear a face mask when in public but does encourage the practice “whenever social distancing is a challenge.” However, Anchorage Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson signed a modified emergency order in November 2020 that requires all people in the city to wear a face covering in public for everyone over the age of 5. *Arizona* In Arizona, wearing a face mask is not a statewide mandate and is a decision that each county is fre...
460 Dead 243,612 Reported Injuries from COVID19 Vaccines Reported in the U.K.
The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the *Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency *released their latest report today, March 4, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through February 21, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of *460 deaths* and 243,612 injuries. For the COVID-19 mRNA Pf...
The Wave of Inner Acceptance
Greetings, Beloveds, It is good to be with you again. At this time, we notice in your world a tremendous wave of inclusivity arising. This momentum of empathy has long been anticipated and although there is much conflict and change going on, we invite you to notice the emergence of this momentum too. Inner acceptance and a sense of self-significance is the beginning of this new way of being. More and more people are considering that potentially they might al...
Mask mouth may be killing more people than coronavirus
"Mask mouth" is now known to cause gum disease and other serious oral health problems. Gum disease, in turn, leads to a 900 percent increase in death risk from coronavirus exposure, according to studies. Far from saving lives, masks may be killing more people than the virus itself. Thank goodness states like Texas are ending the absurd mask mandates. Read the full story here. P.S. Tomorrow morning I'll be posting a new official Brighteon update video which will announce several e...
A Vision for Handling Higher Frequencies
We see a world where people everywhere are now aware of the shift that is going on in our world as well as the shift that is going on inside of us; where we have taken notice of the quickening within and are adjusting to it moment by moment by moment; and where we have realized that the key to handling these higher frequencies is to let go of our worldly concerns and let God take care of everything. - The Inte...
You Are Always Receiving Divine Love
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, our message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that God's Love is always with us and all we have to do is be willing and open to receive it. The Gabriel Message Card for this week We live in an Ocean of God's love. I was told that you can come to the Ocean of Infinite Abundance with...
Invoking Spiritual Consciousness
Not surprisingly, higher states of consciousness carry much more power to change reality than do the lower states of consciousness. The higher you reach, the more effect your consciousness has in resolving problems and creating a better life. Spiritual practices not only lead to expanded states of consciousness, but also to the inner qualities of happiness, peace and joy. Seeking joy from within is an activity which places you in tune with the ...
I know that you are tired, my love and sometimes you may become disheartened with your Earth Plane existence. Please remember that you are never alone. The Universe has an almost imperceptible way of moving that will bring about the perfect changes at the perfect time. It may be challenging for you to understand and even more so to accept, but know that you are always lovingly cradled and all will be well. ...
Claiming Your Gifts
We are here, streaming energy, offering suggestions and gentle reminders that you are a multidimensional being of great skill with a great desire to serve. These are miraculous, wondrous times. Humans are expanding into their full powerful potential as the multidimensional beings they truly are. Your news offers examples of the incredible abilities of multidimensional beings, the story of the young blind man who senses sound vibrations bouncing off objects as he clicks like the dolphins. He has stepped into his pot...
Revelatorium Revelations Video Series (E15): How the Revelatorium
Hello Everyone, This Episode of the Revelatorium Revelations Video Series is special, as it discloses how the Revelatorium Revelations came to be. More discussion with Delstarr on this lengthy topic will happen as the video series proceeds. See embedded video below: video censured by fb, click link below to see it: 
Remember The Revelatorium Revelations, can be considered pre-school to University in the basic knowledge and understandings of Creation and of the Creators ...
Help Coming from Sirius, Andromeda and the Pleiades
We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have our arrangements with other ninth-dimensional collectives from other star systems to ensure that we are covering all the bases, so to speak, for humankind there on Earth. We work together as one gigantic team in the sky. And working together has proven to be very effective. We have been communicating with a ninth-dimensional collective from the Sirius star system about how...
In the Space Free of Issues, Truth Remains
I just spoke with a reader who told a story of so many strategies she has to pursue just to stay alive. The IRS takes 80% of her monthly cheque. I forgot my own woes hearing her. The Reval could not come a minute too soon. I hope she comes on the blog and tells her story. In another email, a reader shared her personal take on waking up to a disappointing emotional baseline each day. I asked her as well to come and write about her experiences ...

Junho 03, 2012


Mark Kimmel, 28 May 2012


Mensagem de Bren-Ton
Através de Mark Kimmel
Em 28 de maio de 2012

Saudações, meu nome é Bren-Ton. Sou um andromedano a bordo da nave estelar Athabantian. Hoje, junto com meu associado Taugth, um celestial deste universo, eu lhes trago uma mensagem de certa importância, envolvendo a sua mais valiosa participação na criação da Nova Terra.

Impactos energéticos em todo o planeta começaram alguns meses atrás e continuarão por vários anos. O colapso das suas estruturas construídas pelo homem em breve tornar-se-á evidente. O clima extremo continuará. Ocorrerá fenômeno físico de magnitude suficiente para focalizar a...

Tags: bren-ton, mark kimmel

Posted at: 19:19 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Ben Kalil, 01 Jun 2012


Mensagem de José
Recebida por Ben Kalil
Em 01 de junho de 2012

Queridos irmãos e irmãs, a força de seus poderes estão sempre no tamanho da sua fé em nosso Pai Supremo, de sua fé em nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

A chave que abre as portas de seu sucesso estará sempre aliada ao tamanho da sua bondade.

Sejam verdadeiros filhos de Deus em seu caminhar, em seus procedimentos e em seu caráter.

Tenham dentro de vocês o desejo da justiça, o desejo de serem dignos, pois somente a dignidade será o reflexo de sua pureza e...

Tags: a chave, ben kalil, jose

Posted at: 19:08 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Mytria; Mytre, 20-27 Mai 2012


(Sete Mensagens)
Por Suzanne Lie PhD
Em 29 de maio de 2012

(continuação da mensagem "Unidade")


Quando Mytria se virou sem ao menos responder minha pergunta e foi para a gruta, eu fiquei enfurecido. Quem ela pensava que eu era: algum brinquedo que ela podia brincar e descartar quando eu me tornasse entediante?

Sem pensar em nada mais, eu me virei e fui embora o mais depressa que eu podia. De fato, andando rápido, mas não o bastante, então comecei a correr. Eu não havia percebido em que condição boa eu...

Tags: alycone, comando ashtar, mytre, mytria, mytria de alycone, pleiades, suzanne lie

Posted at: 05:18 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

SaLuSa, 01 Jun 2012


1. Este ano, vocês percorreram um grande caminho num curto período de tempo, e os nossos aliados progrediram ao ponto em que os seus esforços serão recompensados. Em tempos, foi uma jornada difícil, pois quanto mais bem sucedidos foram em ancorar a Luz na Terra, mais os que pertencem às trevas estavam determinados em impedir o vosso progresso. Ainda assim, enfrentaram o desafio e a possibilidade de ser impedidos antes que o vosso objectivo fosse alcançado. Por esta razão, a partir de agora é viajara todo o pano e, praticamente, está tudo no lugar para o impulso final. Presentemente,...

Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

Posted at: 20:15 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Arcanjo Miguel, 26 Mai-02 Jun 2012


(Sete Mensagens)
Miguel, Canalizado por Ron Read
em 01 de junho de 2012

Hoje falaremos sobre o tópico do trânsito de Vênus. (*)

Todos estão falando sobre esse assunto e nós simplesmente queremos adicionar uma coisinha na discussão.

(*) Nota - O trânsito de Vênus ocorrerá nos próximos dias 5 e 6 de junho, com uma duração de quase 7 horas. Mais detalhes aqui

O que nós desejamos que vocês façam desta vez é exatamente o mesmo que fizeram para o 5-5-5 e para o eclipse. Muitas meditações foram planejadas e realizadas naquelas datas. De...

Tags: arcanjo miguel, miguel, ron head

Posted at: 19:13 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Continuum, 25-31 Mai 2012


 (Três Mensagens)
Por The Continuum
Em 31 de maio de 2012

Nós somente queremos lembrar que você é parte deste sistema (global) e, portanto, parte da "Cabala".

Uma separação entre "eles" e "nós" não é útil, ela somente daria o "nosso" poder para "eles".

Esteja ciente de que você é parte da "Cabala" e de que VOCÊ tem poder para fazer mudanças a partir de dentro.

Seu Continuum

Observação (canal) : essa mensagem refere-se a um desenvolvimento pessoal e está sendo compartilhada porque pode ser útil a outros.

Tags: causa e efeito, continuum, the continuum

Posted at: 19:02 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Blossom Goodchild, 28 Mai 2012


Blossom: Bom dia, está um dia belíssimo, aqui na Austrália. Têm tempo para conversar?

Federação da Luz: É sempre um prazer encetar uma conversa contigo quando as condições o permitem.

Blossom: Então quais são as novidades?

Federação da Luz: As energias sempre a aumentar que estão a acontecer são um bom tema para começar este dia. Porque estamos cientes que muitos sentem que são uma perda de tempo … precisamente rodando os polegares e SENTINDO a necessidade de estar a FAZER muito mais. Ainda não acreditando que o que ESTÃO A FAZER AGORA faz parte do que está a...

Tags: blossom goodchild

Posted at: 04:59 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Sheldan Nidle, 31 Mai 2012


  Atualização feita por Sheldan Nidle da Herarquia Espiritual e da Federação Galática
4 Men, 8 Pax, 8 Manik (31 Maio 2012)

Voltamos! Muito continua a acontecer a portas fechadas em seu mundo. Os banqueiros da cabala escura criaram uma situação de tal indisciplina, com a sua massa de instrumentos de dívida ilegais que se tornaram o meio de forçar a indústria bancária a assumir nova gestão e mudanças drásticas de operação. Nós usamos essas práticas bancárias fraudulentas como as bases para trazer um novo sistema financeiro global. A arrogância dos cabalistas forjou uma situação...

Tags: federacao galatica, herarquia espiritual, sheldan nidle, sirio

Posted at: 21:01 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Federacao Galatica, 22 Mai 2012


  Mensagem da Federação Galática


Através de Greg Giles



1. Com a nossa ajuda e assistência, tanta coisa pode ser possível para o vosso mundo e para o vosso povo. Não há necessidade de ninguém sofrer às mãos da falta e da escassez. Temos os meios e a tecnologia que permite a cada alma encarnada hoje, no vosso mundo, de prosperar para lá do que possa ser imaginado por muitos de vós através de todas as vossas encarnações no mundo físico. Não há nada que não possa ser levado a cabo, logo que estabeleçamos alcançar um...

Tags: federacao galatica, greg giles

Posted at: 19:42 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Andromeda, 31 Mai 2012


Mensagem da Galáxia de Andrômeda (11)
Transmitida por UTE
Em 31 de maio de 2012

Nós somos do Domínio do Fogo e da Luz, da Unidade de todas as Almas e da Essência do Sagrado Coração Divino na Galáxia de Andrômeda.

Queridos, hoje viemos a vocês com uma missão importante. E acreditamos que esta missão preenche suas necessidades, visões e esperanças mais profundas a respeito do desenvolvimento de seu planeta e de sua própria evolução.

Gostaríamos de declarar que estamos nos comunicando com vocês para remover todo medo e todas as dúvidas que vocês possam ter...

Tags: andromeda, galaxia andromeda, ute, ute posegga-rudel

Posted at: 18:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |


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