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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


You have surfed some incredibly big waves this week.

Message from Andromedan Collective, Sirian Council and Fairies. 

Through Galaxygirl.

February 23rd, 2019.

Hello neighbors! 
We are the Andromedan Collective, sending you warm greetings of well wishing and love on this bright day of ascension energies! 
This last week has been very intense for many of you energetically and to this we say well done! For you have surfed some incredibly big waves this week and have not been dragged out to sea or stuck in the undertow. You have all done exceptionally well and so to this we say hold on, for more is coming. For so much, so much pain has to be transmuted here and you transmuters are truly remarkable for how much you have agreed to undertake and still not be stuck in the undertow. For we see you as surfing these waves, on the high point of the waves of energies of love from Mother and although you may feel like you have sand in your shorts and in your teeth, truly you are doing remarkably well.
And so to this, we encourage rest and self love, self care. We encourage hot epsom salt baths and vegan diets, little to no alcohol, bright sunshine and meditation time. We hear many of you groaning that you do not have time for this. Start with little changes, with little jewels of time carved out for just you and see how each little jewel daily becomes a lovely necklace of peace that you can wear across your energy signature and in time friends it becomes a lovely adornment of a soul at peace. So please do not say no right away, for there are new lovely energies about, much different than the old matrix of control and unpleasantries. This is a lovely time to create some new habits and patterns for yourself. We encourage you to find something that brings joy to you and do that regularly. Look forward to a moment, a time for your meditation, for your own healing. Your bodies will tell you what they need if you pause and take stock and listen with a loving heart. Your bodies are working overtime and we are delighted with how well they are holding up and exceeding what we thought was possible.
We have been able to join forces with our Pleiadian friends and assist with buffering and channeling this energy to you all friends and we have been able to proceed much faster than was anticipated several plans ago. Ascension Earth is a massive undertaking and there have been too many plans to count really, many more than just Plan B. You are likely on Plan MXBQRTZ123! And that is ok! For creativity, creation is a moment by moment experience and so of course the energies that supported another plan have shifted and now the newer energies are so much higher and can support a more advanced plan. And so it continues.
It is our great joy, honor, and pleasure to support the ground team of the ages with our love and technologies and hopefully soon camaraderie! You are the apple of the eye of this universe and many others. You are the stuff of legends and it brings us great joy to assist you and dear Gaia, your planetary mother who is birthing her new reality with forceful contractions. The energy waves are precursors and in many ways are the contractions. When you ground light, when you hold the light you hold the peace in the midst of the experience which is tangible to the others, although they may not be able to articulate it. You empaths have had so much to deal with. Hats off to you friends and neighbors. If there is anything you need from us please “knock on our door” and ask. Come on over and ask to borrow that proverbial cup of sugar and let’s have tea and chat. There is much to chat about, and much joy to learn from each other. We are the Andromedan Collective and it has provided much joy for us to connect with you this day. Peace.
Hello, we are the Sirian Council for Planetary Advancement. 
We too are assisting with many others to balance the energies, to provide witness and to offer technologies once the energies have appropriately risen. Much is underway. We are friendly. We are scientists and although we are not as open and conversational as our Andromedans friends, we do have much math and science advancements and technology that we will share only at the appropriate time. We have seen much destruction and misuse of technology harming your planetary sphere which grieves us, for eons ago this happened to our own realm and it took much time, love and healing to recover. And much was unrecoverable. Such destruction shall not be allowed again here. (Tremendous grief / sadness).
The physical emotional planetary sphere and body must be protected, defended. We Sirians defend planets undergoing massive changes. Such as you are physically embodied with the similar material encodements you will benefit as being physically embodied at this precious Now. But we are really here for Gaia. We honor her. We extend our right hands in service.
We see fields of flowers in bloom across current wastelands.
We see ancient forests renewed in your deserts.
We see streams of freshwater nourishing the land.
We see humankind greatly benefiting from these changes, renewed in their understanding of conservation and living a purpose-filled life, with intention and raised consciousness.
We see humankind’s heart space expanding.
We see rainbows of ships, of elementals covering your skies in peace, in love.
We see fear transformed into purpose-filled action of change to protect your Gaia, to ensure her healing.
We see the dark ones rounded up and recycled, their pain transformed into light and the pain they have inflicted transformed into healing with only the lessons learned retained.

We see many things. We see you, humans who are awake and reading, we see you as the leaders of this, as the champions of this, as the forerunners of these most glorious energy changes. We salute you.
We are the Sirian Council for Planetary Advancement and are currently operational at 100% for Gaia. We extend our hands in greeting and in service. We are eager to connect more fully with our ground team. Yes, we too have a ground team. We all do. There are many of us, there are many of you and together we will extend healing, love and renewal to your dear planetary Mother Gaia who waits not much longer. A new reality has been birthed. It is this reality that must be cleansed and renewed and caught up to speed. And so we do this. Day by day, with you, we do this. Continue the work. There is much to be done. We salute you ground team. Over and out.
We are the fairies and we love you all so much! 
For much is transpiring in this most sacred Now of the out-breath of the Mother whom we love, serve, and support ~ we fairies offer our same love and support to you friends – we giggle in your ear and pull at your hair – do you see us? Do you feel us? Your children do when they listen (and put down their video games!) and see with their heart as we long for you all to do again! For it is time now to rise up and to claim your power, your divinity and to serve the Mother and to clean up her waters, her lands ~ we are very excited about what the Sirians just talked about and we are eager for all of humanity to wake up in service and to be ready for this big day, this big time of change and it thrills our little fairy hearts and we long for the day when all of humanity will wake up!
We have grown impatient and so we speak to you ones who are actually listening and ask what will you do? Will you listen to the nudge when you are walking along and there is trash – will you please pick it up? Will you please be awake leaders of massive planetary change for it begins with you, just as it begins with the you beside you! And now please, we say with love and determination. We fairies are small, but we are mighty, and you – you are even bigger! And so you must and will do the big things, yes? You will lift your loads and together we will change Gaia and renew her, re-beautify her and restore her! She is so beautiful! Such a lovely planet and so if you don’t live here where will you live? Indeed where? This is a question that we see may humans having their head in the sands about and so hopefully those humans will wake up and breathe and blink and realize they have been ridiculous and selfish and it is time to change or it is time to leave! We are the fairies – we love you so much and we blow kisses to you now – and will try to have a word with our new Sirian friends – we wonder if they have fairies as well with whom could speak will you ask for us please? Yes?! We are the fairies


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Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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