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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Julho 16, 2022


Are You Uncomfortable in Your Physical Body?
By Andromedans
Through Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love, we the Andromedans extend into your being now. We wish to embrace you with unconditional Divine Love, we invite you to receive this unconditional Divine Love, absorbing it deep into your entire being and especially your physical body.

Throughout this Ascension process each being upon the Earth is absorbing sacred vibrations, activations, keys, and codes from the Creator, while activating deep knowingness and remembrance from within, from the soul, soul group, and the Creator. This means that your physical body is upgrading all of the time. It is upgrading its energy vibration, the knowledge and wisdom that it holds, and the truth grounded in your cells. This upgrading process of the physical body is due to you seeking, developing and discovering your Ascension process. Your body and being hold the purpose of accepting all that is the Creator so that you may exist upon the Earth as an embodiment and an expression of the Creator.

With all these activations and upgrades within your physical body there is still an energy, a programming, which is hindering the complete, and absolute success of these upgrades within the physical body. This programming may allow you to feel uncomfortable in your physical body. Let us, the Andromedans, describe to you what this might mean, feeling uncomfortable in your physical body. You might find that each day you are searching for things wrong with your physical body. You may be worrying about your physical body and your health, worrying about ageing or the future. You might find that you are deeply judgmental about your physical body, your body might not be the same as others, maybe you feel like...+

Março 20, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Public Health England Admits It Cannot Scientifically Prove That COVID-19 Is Contagious
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Reporters Demand To Know Why They Have ZERO Access To Border Crisis
As the immigration crisis on the border worsens every day, reporters demanded Wednesday to know why they have not been given any access to facilities housing migrants, and why border officials have effectively been placed under a gag order, as reported by NBC News. During the White House press briefing, Jen Psaki was grilled by reporter after reporter on why an administration that promised transparency is doing the exact opposite. “It’s now been three weeks since I think in this room, you w...
Myanmar Military Seizes Bank Accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation For Funding Unrest
The Myanmar military is also planning to take legal action against billionaire George Soros’ OSF. Massive protests have been funded by OSF and local authorities are also planning to arrest other employees of OSF. An official from OSF, Phyu Pa Pa Thaw, has already been detained by local authorities. The Military also took control of illegal flow of money to OSF and controlled assets of OSF bank accounts at SMED and Co-operative Bank (CB), Ayeyarwady Ban...
The Spring/Fall Equinox: A Time for Harmony and Prosperity
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And so it is mid march of 2021 and spring is shortly upon us. And there appears to be no significant movement in the governmental picture with which we are presented. The dark appears to be in charge still. And, in our lower frequency moments, we doubt if our ascension will, in fact, take place. Or has the dark won? Yet, in our heart of hearts we know all is well. We feel, deep within us, the Divine energy, the love, the power that animates the universe. We feel a knowing a glowing growing w...
Jesus Discusses Growing the Cities of Light, Transmuting C0v1d/Vaxxines, Easing of the Mother’s Pause, and more
This beautiful channel is lovingly shared with us by the Denver City of Light Group from their reading with Linda Dillon. Greetings, I am Jesus, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi. I am known by so many names, for Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Sananda, all are One and all are ...
The Sacred Spiral
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Feel the Power of Being in the Flow
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You ar...
Stunning new details about the digitally faked Joe Biden - you won't believe this
It's now fully confirmed: Joe Biden is a fake digital mirage, and his "presidency" is completely staged using green screens and video compositing. This is why there's no actual Joe Biden at the Oval Office, and it's why the White House is dark. It's also why there has been no State of the Union address. Now they're shoving the lies in our faces, making it so blatantly obvious that only a fool would fail to see it. In today's podcast, I reveal the stunning details of this ...
Transformation of Your Multi-Faceted Self
Greetings, we extend our energy to you now, we are the Andromedans. We come forth as a collective, as a collective energy of pure love and truth. We are known as one of the most evolved and enlightened civilisations of the star beings. We bring forth an expression of the Creator, we bring forth the truth of the Creator. Today we wish to speak of transforming your multi-faceted self. There are m...
The Universe knows there has been pain. Circumstances in your life may have made you doubt the flow, made you scream, cry and curse at the wind. Those moments may have made you doubt the existence of your Higher Power. It is easy to hear, “I have always been with you”, but incredibly hard to understand when you are in the throes of your deep hurt. However, The Universe has always waited silently and patiently for your trials to run their course, supporting and loving you unconditionally…rea...
A Vision for Responsible Manufacturing
We see a world where the practice of manufacturing products so that they break or wear out in a predetermined time frame is now seen as one of the most detrimental activities we could have ever allowed to persist on this planet; where the businesses who used to create goods with built-in, planned obsolescence in mind have now seen the wisdom in abandoning their old ways in favor of a more responsible use of the finite supply of our raw materials. Now, all of our goods and products are b...
Many Enjoyable and Beneficial Things
In a human life, the inner journey is most important. It does not matter how far you go ‘out there’, how many places you visit, or how much your peers admire your achievements. The inner achievements are more important, those that only you will be able to evaluate when you look back at your life objectively under the light of the spiritual vision provided by the pres...
Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction
In a huge development the Chief Norwegian Investigator and Physician Pal Andre Holme who examined the three hospitalized health workers has confirmed that it was indeed the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine which caused the rare blood clots due to unexpected immune reaction. Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction Earlier, one of the three health workers who were adm...
Scientists Want To Turn Entire Sahara Desert Into A Giant Energy Farm With Solar Panels
GREAT GAME INDIAMarch 18, 2021 A team of Finnish scientists estimated that the world needs 69% of its primary energy from solar farms for achieving net-zero goals. This estimation was made 2 years ago stating there may be a need for more solar farms. As per the agreement Sahara was chosen to be a suitable option and scientists want to turn the Sahara desert into a giant energy farm with solar panels. But according to two researchers (Benjamin Smith from Western Sydney University and Zhengya...
Enhanced Circuits Explained
This message is for all souls on Urantia—that they may understand the mystery of the Indwelling Presence of Universal Father living and working in their mind. Each one of you has a powerful Fragment of deity (the Thought Adjuster) that works with you to see that your souls are progressing by providing insights to your consciousness that you ma...
End Human Trafficking
Be a teddy bear ( l o v e ) for a person in need of safety from human trafficking. *“Everyone should know the international sign for Help me. Let’s make this famous,” *at this link with video:  as seen on Saturday, March 13, 2021, with screenshot ...
In The Company of Heavens
So many souls are looking outside of themselves, on global levels for answers, guidance and soul growth, when in truth the answers to their soul purpose, mission and calling and fulfillment of this, lies not in outside forces on earth, but within their own soul, their soul contracts, and their soul groups, amplified by the Divine Source, the Angelic, Archangelic Forces, plus their own Ascended Masters and their own Higher Guides. The truth is that no soul ever incarnates on planet earth, without the Divine and Universal ...
Found 1,524 cases where V targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died
As the world spirals deeper into the total disinformation and censorship state, you are going to have to get used to researching on your own to discover the hidden truths that remain under the surface. For now, you can find some of this information at sites such as the VAERS database which collects data on vaccines. Of course, this would only represent information they receive and therefore would not be the actual complete and total...   

Setembro 12, 2020


Shifting the Sadness Within.

The Andromedans.

Through Natalie Glasson.

September 11th, 2020

with video below

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beautiful and beloved beings on the Earth. We are the Andromedans, we come forth as a collective energy showering you in our vibrations, in our love and wisdom.
It is an honour to be in your presence currently, ascension is quickening, unfolding, and developing. It is an exciting time as there are so many shifts, transformations, and changes occurring within your being and outside of you. We, the Andromedans wish to come forth to you today to speak of the sadness within. We feel the Earth is releasing much fear and negativity, some of this is being released through your being.
It is often that which already exists within your being, is attracted to you for you to release, meaning the collective energy of a fear or stagnant energy held within the Earth may be released through you if it is similar to the fear or negativity held within your being. Thus, you are able to master your being while releasing, cleansing and purifying on behalf of humanity and Mother Earth.
We wish to share with you tools that will support you in easily releasing the fear and negativity whether it is for your personal benefit or as a service to Mother Earth. Rather than focus on the negativity or fears held within your being, we, the Andromedans, wish to focus upon the sadness. We feel that sadness is a reflection of fear and negativity, often sadness is more personal and much easier for you to access. You may find that throughout your day different aspects and energies of sadness rise within your being. These energies of sadness have a way of being present that feels very normal and you become accustomed to its presence, even involved in its drama and vibration. By focusing upon the sadness within we believe it will be easier for you to connect and release this energy, therefore, bringing your attention to the sadness within your being. It is advisable to examine your day, especially at the end of a day to realise if you felt, sensed, or acknowledged any form of sadness. 
You may be able to list different forms of sadness, there may simply be one or maybe you do not notice any sadness. If this is the case, then we invite you to continue this process each night. Sadness can be like a judgment or a complaint, it does not have to be a bereavement, lack of confidence, or a lack of completion of something. It can also be a complaint, a judgment, or a blockage in an area in which you feel stuck, stagnant, unable to move or unable to recognise a new way forth.
Listening to the Sadness
Sadness can manifest in many different ways and can be connected to numerous different experiences. In order to master and release the sadness within there is first a need to recognise the presence of sadness in your daily life, as we said to document this whether it is one form of sadness, many, or maybe you do not notice any form of sadness.
Then we encourage you to choose one form of sadness, to think of it, to contemplate it during meditation and to predominantly sit with the sadness allowing the sadness to speak all of its words, everything that it wishes to express. Within the sadness there maybe anger, frustration, a feeling of lack or being unsupported. Allow yourself to sit with the sadness as if the sadness were someone else and you simply wish to sit and listen to them. Listen to the sadness within, what it says, what it shares, how it makes you feel, notice how it makes your body feel as well. Notice if the sadness creates a momentum moving from different emotions.
As you sit with the sadness gradually it will begin to dissipate. While you may still feel it and its presence within your being, by being present with the sadness you are allowing the truth of the sadness to emerge.
What Is the Sadness Really Trying to Tell You?
What is the truth of the sadness? It may be a lack of power, that healing or self-love is needed. It could be that you need to physically move yourself whether that is exercise or moving along Mother Earth. Allow yourself to really connect with the core of the sadness and what is needed. What is the message? It could be that you are giving your power away to others, or that you are not allowing yourself to experience the joy you wish to. Maybe you feel lonely or that there is a hurt or wound within your being. Allow yourself to discover the message, what is really taking place, because often the sadness is the drama but there is a message underneath which is very subtle, very truthful and when you connect with it you will notice that this sadness dissipates.
Once you have connected with this message beneath the sadness then it is time to ask yourself, what action is needed? What do you need to shift, to alter, to transform or put into action? Only you will know the answer to this. When the answer comes you will feel excited, empowered and it will be for you to then put this into action. To experience it physically on the Earth, in doing so you will shift the inner sadness, release fears and negativity connected to the inner sadness that are personal to you, and also in service for Mother Earth and Humanity.
We, the Andromedans, are inviting you to achieve this now, because it is a clearing, purification and supports the releasing of energies within Mother Earth, therefore, raising the vibration of Mother Earth and all beings. It creates the flow and momentum of the Divine Creator’s energy throughout your being dissolving stagnant and stuck energies. and This is important in expanding your energies, expanding your consciousness, expanding your ascension, and moving forth in your mastery. In a time when so many shifts are taking place new possibilities and opportunities are ready. Liberating yourself will allow you to grasp these new opportunities and possibilities, manifesting all that is needed and all you desire for your fulfilment upon the Earth.
Now our practice is simple and yet we feel it is immensely powerful. We encourage you to acknowledge the sadness within you as a deep healing and a release process. Know this healing and release process spans across the entire dimensions of your being, past lifetimes, and civilisations you have been connected with. It is a very deep and thorough cleansing, healing, and purification, which is needed we believe at this time.
Please know that you may call upon us the Andromedans to assist you, surround you and support you in this process. Be patient with the sadness, it is like a flower bud waiting to open, sometimes it takes your attention, focus, and patience in order for it to open up and reveal itself.
We wish you all the very best in your journey of shifting the sadness within and acknowledging the beauty that manifests in its place.
We thank you,




Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa


All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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