We are guided to look through the “looking glass” so that we can choose the experiences that we wish to have in our lives. Further below I will go into detail as to what you can do during this time to help you connect to this portal.
And now here is the channeling that I have received from the Highest Order of Light:
Things are becoming crystal clear for you now, as you are becoming sages of your realities. The stronghold of the past is easing its grip, and the invitation you’ve sent out into the ethers for those of your ranking and collaboration to join you on the earthly planes of existence, have answered your call and have arrived on your shores.
Each moment of your existence is filled with wonder and the kind of flight of imagination that has not been seen in your world since times immemorial. Your conditioning is slowly being peeled away to reveal the true essence of that which you are and the true power that you hold within your vessel of time and space. The truth of the manipulative powers that have been controlling your human experiences for eons is surfacing for all to see.
For the time has come to remove the one-way mirror, and to lift the veil if you will, for you to truly see that which this universe that you have created for yourselves unbeknownst to your cognition is truly made of.
For the intricately woven fibers of your plane of existence is nothing more than an energetic blueprint of your imagination. Of your perception of your third dimensional reality. For the veil has thinned enough for you to see the other side of the one-way mirror, and to look back at those who have controlled your realities, who have manipulated your thought processes. Allow you to clearly see that which has been happening all along.
And by so doing, you are then able to take control of your thought processes and maneuver said thought processes into creating the type of world, that is truly meant for you, the world of your choosing, the world of personification of BEing, whereby you allow as much light into your creation as you wish.
And so, and thus, comes a moment in time, where you have an opportunity yet again to take control of your lives, to take control of the next chapter in your journey, and to make a choice, as to which way you wish to travel.
For the time has come to choose, the time has come to look through the looking glass and all the while seeing the different realities and paths, to choose from and select your new intricately designed pathway for you to travel for the next part of your journey.
And so, and thus, it is of importance for you to set a time in your daily routine and look through the looking glass at the myriads of possibilities awaiting you for the next three years of your earthly human experience.

AA Starseeds Home Portal Activator – Intergalactic Space Key – Opens the doors for direct communication with your home planet. For more information please click here.
For the blueprint that you choose to follow during said time shall define your daily experiences and form a construct of your very own selves to adhere to your chosen path.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloved children of the universe is that the time has come yet again to make a choice as to the path that you shall travel for the next three years of your life.
A portal is about to open to help you make a decision for the next three years of your experience. By evaluating different possibilities and outcomes, by examining the deeply held desires and manifestation capabilities, by making choices to go with your bounty of energetic upliftment or to succumb to the influences of the outside external world. By going deep within you shall see the looking glass through which you will be able to choose your experiences. Choose wisely, for time is of the essence.
What will your choice be? How do you wish your life to unfold? Which colors would you like your world to be painted? For the moment brings with it a chance for you to experience your true identities, your true selves, and to fully walk into your true essence of BEing.
And so, and thus, the time has come to make a choice yet again, to adhere to the true benevolence of that which you are, or to continue walking the path that you currently are. What will it be? The choice is yours.
That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.
What to do during this time? How to connect to this portal?
If you are not sure how to connect to this “looking glass” there are several ways to go about it.
Option 1: Meditation
Simply close your eyes and go into a deep meditative state. Once there ask to be connected to your own looking glass and ask to be shown various paths that you can take for the next 3 years or your life. Observe how you feel when you are shown these different paths, and choose the one that you feel will benefit you the most.
Option 2: A visual aid for mediation
If you are having trouble actually meditating and connecting within you can use this image to help tune you into this portal. This image has been channeled through me, this is what I saw and I recreated it for you to use as a “connection device”.
This should help to tune your mind to a specific frequency that will help you tune into this meditative state from which you can then ask to see your various paths and select your blueprint for the next 3 years.
Option 3: Imagination
This is the most straightforward way of utilizing the energies coming through this portal. If you cannot meditate or wish to reiterate your plans, you can do the following. Find a quiet place and moment in your day. Sit down and clear your mind. And then ask yourself a question of what you want to experience during the next 3 years of your life. What is your life like? Play our various circumstances in your mind and see which one you feel would benefit you the most.
Then write down everything that you wish to experience during this time in the most minute details on a piece of paper. Use words such as “I want, I wish, I would like”, don’t use words such as “I don’t want this or that to happen”.
Focus on what you want. But be sure that it is what you truly want to experience. And always say at the end “with harm to none”.
I truly hope that this will help you during this very exciting moment in time!
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.