Violet Flame: Seeking truth to be Free!
Biden Under Investigation For Freezing $1.4 Billion In Border Wall cash
RT: The Government Accountability Office is investigating President Joe Biden’s executive order freezing funding for Donald Trump’s wall along the Mexican border. Republicans say the decision wasn’t his to make. Joe Biden halted construction on Trump’s wall on his first day in office, issuing an executive order that paused the project and ordered the government to investigate how to redirect its funding. “Building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a ser... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/biden-under-investigation-for-freezing.html
Don't go down with the vaccine suicide cult

The vaccine zealots have devolved into an actual suicide cult, much like the "Heaven's Gate" cult in Calfornia a few years back. These cults always end in mass suicide, and that's exactly what's happening now with the 128 million doses already given in the USA. People are lining up for mass suicide, believing the vaccine is their "savior." Surviving this mass, global suicide ritual must be our top priority. Today's Situation Update article and podcast bring you the details you need to know... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/dont-go-down-with-vaccine-suicide-cult.html
Absolute Proof That Aliens Follow Planes’: Suspected ‘Foo Fighter’ Caught on Film in Pakistan
The term the blogger used to describe the strange object was originally employed by Allied pilots during World War II to describe inexplicable aerial phenomena they encountered. Blogger and UFO hunter extraordinaire Scott C. Waring has revealed yet another strange-looking phenomenon – that may or may not be an extraterrestrial craft – spotted from a plane in the skies of Karachi, Pakistan. According to an eyewitness account featured in Waring’s blog, th... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/absolute-proof-that-aliens-follow.html
The Ascendant Path of the Soul

Greetings to you my dear brother! My name is Vutia (Voot-cha) and I am an ascendant soul once residing on the planet called “Panoptia.” I belong to a group of seven that contacts you from the Fifth Mansion World and from its’ sea of glass. We are sanctioned Mansion World Teachers that may have contact with Urantians that seek more light in consciousness to understand Mansion World lif... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-ascendant-path-of-soul.html
Clearing And Releasing
Many of you may have noticed the deep clearing and releasing going on in this moment. Things you have not thought of in years are being brought to the surface for examination and healing. Rather than balking at the task, think of it as a gift! (Smiling) If it becomes overwhelming, remember that Unconditional Love is filling all the space left behind and The Universe is beside you every step of the way. ... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/clearing-and-releasing.html
Life as we know it has permanently changed. The world as we have known it has irrevocably changed and with it there is a deeper understanding of the impermanence of all things. As a result, we are being urged to review, revise and or release our beliefs, opinions and assumptions about how life should be. We have the opportunity at this time to see how our wounded patterns negatively affect every area of our lives. Our willingness to clearly see this will enable us to heal, expand and unleash our greatest po... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/morn-passing-of-old.html
Letting Go

Letting go of the old you and that which no longer serves you is the quickest way to move forward. You don’t have to know what that future looks like as it will change so much along the way as you shift and change. We want you to make the choice to move forward into this unknown with the trust that something truly magnificent is waiting for you to walk through the flames. Thought for today: *It is time to move on! Endings make way for amazing new beginnings!* And so it is You are d... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/letting-go.html
Higher and Higher Frequency Energies Are Coming

We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you our best every single time we transmit energy to you and every time we provide transmissions of wisdom through this channel and other channels like him. We know that those of you who receive us are ready for our best. We know that you are the ones who have aligned yourselves enough with the truth of who you really are to receive our transmissions purely and without ... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/higher-and-higher-frequency-energies.html
Are We Ready?

I go where I’m guided and right now that guidance is in a financial direction. I mentioned earlier something that Cdr Hatonn volunteered in the middle of an exchange with Suzy Ward: “Steverino … You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available. “St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you. It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture.” (1) His comment ties i... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/are-we-ready.html
Galactic Federation Update: March 25, 2021
Greetings, I am Ashtar and I am happy to be here today to share this message with you. I would like to inform My Brothers and Sisters that my fleet and the rest of the members from The Galactic Federation of Light are working on the permanent removal of the corrupted souls from this part of the Galaxy. We have been dealing and fighting with the Dark Forces on a daily basis like Reptilians, Dracos, and others ones, who entertain Darkness inside them and try to harm ... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/galactic-federation-update-march-25-2021.html
On the Wings of Icarus

Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew…I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell,but just coming to the end of his triumph.~Jack Gilbert, Falling and Flying* I am in the strangest space right now. It’s as if ribbons of memory and realities from times past are curling toward me and wrapping gently round me, pearly pastel colors gleaming, faces smiling as they drift by. I absolutely do not feel anchored in the current reality. Looking around my home, I am puzzled. Where did these white walls, wooden bookcases, fade... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/on-wings-of-icarus.html
Some Families may Go their Separate Ways

This is not part of the book on the fate of the dark, but a separate article. Will some families go their separate ways? *Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self:* It is realised that it means some families will go their separate ways, and this possibility would have been foreseen before they incarnated. Understand that you are sometimes placed with other souls because your presence helps advance them through your example. It is also possible that you will keep contact with them acting as one of their Guides, and we kno... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/some-families-may-go-their-separate-ways.html
Looking for the Decisive Experience

So many military planners were looking for the knockout blow, the decisive engagement. I just noticed that I’m looking for the knockout realization, the decisive experience. The spiritual version of the Big Bang. After it, I see myself awakening and saying, “So everything every master has ever said is true.” Yes, each piece of the puzzle in its place, but all true. And I rest back into not only certainty but also sufficiency, satisfaction. It’s all true. And it always was and always will be. That having been sa... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/looking-for-decisive-experience.html