The acceleration in our ascension journey that we are living during this year culminates with the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces, on September 17th. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, ruled by Neptune, we end an old Era of being immersed in human illusions, to begin a New Cycle of Light on a Higher Octave of Love based on integrity and authenticity, represented by Pluto moving into Aquarius.
The Piscean eclipse is the first one occurring on the Piscean-Virgo axis. An eclipse that as my Gudies shared, is key to the soul evolution process that many of you are undergoing, by reconnecting yourselves to your God Source. An inner work that many of you have been achieving during all this year of conscious reconnection and integration and that now reaps its fruits.
An eclipse whose main frequencies will also help us release all crown anomalies, implants, imprints, seals, and everything that impedes us from being a Divine channel, for we all have the same ability to connect to God’s Source, as it is not a privilege only a few have.
Pisces-Virgo Axis eclipses will help us to focus on both our health and the retrieval of our soul’s memories and Divine connection, descending all the guidance we need for our personal journey, and anchoring all this knowledge into the tangible, where we can be of service in the way that we are meant to. This eclipse acts as the initiator of the soul mission descension that many are already experiencing, and that will continue for the next three years, for the Piscean-Virgo eclipses will continue until 2027, precisely an eleventh universal master year.
The Piscean eclipse will align Neptune, square to Jupiter which expands Piscean and Neptunian essence, and harmonizes with Uranus, propitiating the transformation and adaptation to change required for us to continue with our process of metamorphosis, as we are literally becoming anew, in mind, body and spirit.
The gift from this eclipse and its alignments with the other planets is precisely to help us see where we are, our wounded self, navigating through the depths of our soul to see what we still need to integrate and what we need, shift, by letting go and cut cords with, so we can start the process of conscious liberation, marked by Pluto moving into Aquarius on January, and that will continue for the next twenty years, as liberating ourselves from the many consciousness traps we have been exposed to, is not a one-day process.
Pisces helps us embrace our feelings, allowing ourselves to sense all we feel, without judgments, rejections, or prohibitions, for our feelings are the best source of guidance, even though often we cloud them with denial. In truth, we always know who we are and what is taking place within our lives, we just need to be brave to embrace it and own it, as it is how we heal and move forward from situations that bring us sadness and unlove, and therefore repression of who we are, and our benevolent Light, one we are here to share with All.
Pisces, as well as Virgo, are about faith, compassion, purity, unity, service, and retrieval of our authentic Divine essence, which is one of compassionate and neutral witnessing, and joy. All the painful challenges we experience, all the relationships that we believe go so wrong in our lives, are key to helping us integrate more unconditional love and compassion, for ourselves and others, moving from judgments to neutrality, holding love for all, knowing all is teaching us how to become more empowered, stronger and sovereign free beings.
Both signs also teach us the importance of creating healthy boundaries, so we do not allow anything and anyone to drain our divine life force, as giving is one thing and depleting us a totally different one, and our first and most important task is to take care of ourselves, so we can take care of others, and give from a replenished space.
During this month and especially during the Piscean eclipse, whose healing frequencies will remain with us once anchored on earth, my Guides invite us to work on DNA retrieval, for those ready to literally unplug their DNA from eons of manipulation, and false attachments, starting to reach the process of crystalline-silica retrieval.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the one helping us in DNA integration by embodying all the lessons we have had, all the pain, joy, and all we have ever experienced while we traveled through each sign of the zodiac. Piscean energies assist us to unify polarities, retrieving the authentic Divine masculine and female, achieving ascension and hence graduating us from this Earth plane.
It is with Pisces that we awake our intuitive channels, healing our crown complex from eons of disconnection, allowing the divine insights that will set us free from this limited mental cage, expanding into new horizons, and harmonic timelines.
Pisces shows us our divine perfection and wholeness through the integration of opposites and healing of all previous trauma. This is what this eclipse will help us achieve, during this profound year of transformation and transfiguration – the rebirth of our Divine template.
This is a time of great soul remembrance for many, for you are now ready to heal not only your present self, but all the parallel ones, integrating all the love, wisdom, and power into your present being, for this is part of our ascension journey, to heal all of our selves and all the wounds that are still present within us.
Soul retrieval is key if we are in this phase of soul remembrance, as only forgiveness and compassionate witnessing of all we have ever done or received can heal years of soul fragmentation and abandonment, bringing us back into our BEing, and a state of complete wholeness.
We are finally moving from the many reversals that have caused us a profound separation from God’s Source to trinity, the previous step to unity consciousness, where we finally reunite with our soul and monad, descending our purpose and starting to see All as equal.
However to reach this step having healed at least soul fragmentation and the genetic and epigenetic baggage that we bring is essential, to take the next step, this is why this year of deep healing, clearing, and reconnection has been so important.
The more old layers of our lower self we peel, the more we discover the God within. And the more we do so, the more we awake to all we ever wanted to be, or know, for we are everything and have access to everywhere within Creation, for all is Home.
We are at the cusp of one of the most important planetary transitions that has ever occurred, your dedication to your personal healing and unity is pivotal to contributing to our planetary evolution.
Thank you for all you do for yourselves and therefore for All, Beloveds.
Keep embracing your Light and Soul.
Keep remaining in your Higher Hearts for All, as we walk through this threshold into our new harmonic destination.
Within Infinite Love,