A. S.
Para Era da Luz
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A. S.
Para Era da Luz
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My dearest and beloved Earth brothers and sisters,
This is Ashtar speaking. I greet you, and consider you to be part of me, and I consider you to be amazing examples of Source’s grace and perseverance and light.
In other words, I love you, and you have all my respect for persevering and holding on to grace and light in the midst of such darkness. To those galactics who have eyes to see, what you are doing is inspirational and is a Great Service.
You are also teaching the rest of us how to stand steadfastly, no matter what the rest of the world thinks of you. Us galactics aren’t used to being in a situation where most people around us think we’re crazy or deluded, and that’s certainly an area where you are more experienced and where we can learn from you and where we can look to you for inspiration.
I respect you enough that today I am going to present you with what I think is a high and challenging perspective. I trust you to be able to handle it.
My goal for this message is to help you transcend victim consciousness, and to help you align more with your soul.
So: every day I hear Earth people asking for intervention or help.
Now, we actually are doing lots of subtle and covert interventions. Every single one of you would have a much worse life right now, or would be dead, if we weren’t doing anything.
That said, I can certainly understand the perspective that we are not doing enough and that we should intervene or land pretty much today.
Other Pleiadians have pointed out to me in discussions that if my literal children were on Earth right now living a typical Earth life, that at least part of me would want to intervene immediately. And yes, that is true — but you can’t make policy based on that. Still, I get that argument, and I very much do consider the perspective to be entirely valid that we should intervene or land as quickly as possible.
That said, let me share an alternative perspective, the one that I am often choosing to operate out of. I frequently use other perspectives too, such as the perspective that if we intervene it may cause long-term instability, but today let us talk about one particular perspective.
The perspective is: all of creation is one big and free playground for souls, and it is largely as it should be.
Now yes, there are a few asterisks here. There was a reincarnation trap on Earth that has been dismantled. And beings that are disrupting the playground so much that very many others can’t have the experiences they want, can in exceptional circumstances get unmade and have their energy re-absorbed into Source.
Still, creation is a playground for souls, and you are primarily a soul that has had many, many, many incarnations. This current incarnation is one that you’ll leave behind in a relative blink of an eye, but you — your soul — is old indeed.
What do souls want? Well, most souls primarily desire experiences and soul growth. To them, pleasure and comfort and love and unity are nice, and being in pain or being oppressed or starving to death are equally nice. They’re all just equally valid and valuable experiences.
So creation is a playground. Souls can incarnate wherever they wish, more or less. Souls themselves cannot be harmed, except for being unmade in rare situations if they’re exceptionally disruptive. And what lower selves would see as painful and undesirable experiences are seen by souls as just as valid as valuable as what you would see as happy and desirable experiences.
So the galaxy isn’t some place that has some light civilizations that are good and nice and desirable, and some planets that produce bad outcomes and undesirable pain and oppression. From my perspective, it’s one huge playground and you have some areas such as the Pleiades that provide one kind of experience, and some areas such as Earth that currently provide another kind of experience. The playground has pleasant and fun rides, and the playground has more challenging and demanding rides.
So on a fundamental, big-picture level, if we put aside some issues that do need to be addressed and some management that does need to happen, reality is one big playground.
Reality really is as it should be.
So even if your lower self has a painful life, even if things are hard for your lower self, there’s no need for your lower self to go into victim consciousness. After all, most of you, as souls, chose to incarnate on Earth. And every single soul is consenting to remaining on Earth every single day. Because if you as a soul no longer wish to be on Earth, then it is very easy for you to arrange that your lower self has a heart attack or gets hit by a car and dies.
So yes, Earth is a challenging ride — but it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) most likely signed up for, and it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) keep consenting to every single day.
So while from one perspective you may be a victim, it’s also true that from this higher perspective you aren’t a victim. Now sure, don’t bulldoze the parts of you that are in pain, but at the same time it is valid to be able to see this higher perspective too.
Now, it’s entirely possible that your conscious mind isn’t aligned with what your soul wants. It’s entirely possible that your conscious mind currently is in resistance to pain. But then that’s simply something to work on, because whether your conscious mind likes it or not, your soul and not your conscious mind is in the driver’s seat for your life to a large extent.
So in fact, us galactics are not being callous. We’re doing what Source wants us to do, and Source wants us to balance helping liberate humanity with giving the souls of Earth what they want in the present moment.
We are listening to what the souls of Earth say every single day, and we are giving you exactly what you want — and the simple truth is that most people on Earth are still asleep, and most of those souls keep asking us for more time to wake up, because they’re hoping that they too can join New Earth if they get a bit more time to wake up. Plus they’re currently attaining a lot of soul growth.
So us galactics are doing exactly what most souls on Earth want us to do. It’s just that what souls want is primarily experiences and soul growth, and this current time is such a unique and amazing opportunity for growth and for unique experiences that most souls don’t want it to end yet. They want it to last a little longer. Not a huge while longer, but a little longer.
What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for.
Now yes, your lower self might be in pain, but remember that the true you — your soul — most likely willingly chose to incarnate in an obviously painful world. And your soul every day is consenting to being here, which is confirmed by you still being alive. So if you want to blame anyone for your pain, I guess you could blame your own soul — but then that doesn’t make a lot of sense because it’s more accurate to think of yourself as your soul rather than think of yourself as your lower self.
Personally, I would advise you to align with your soul and I would stop labeling pain as bad and wrong. It’s understandable to not enjoy pain, but labeling it as bad and wrong and as something that needs to be fixed is a form of resistance. And resistance to pain creates suffering.
So there is nothing wrong with the situation on Earth. What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for. And if your lower self isn’t happy with the life it is experiencing, well, your soul to a large extent determines what manifests in your life. If your life sucks, quite likely that is because your lower self hasn’t yet let go of certain resistances or learned certain lessons yet.
Now admittedly, it could be the case that even your soul would prefer that the bad guys get arrested today and that us galactics would land today. That is possible — some people’s souls genuinely do feel that way. It’s just that they’re not the majority, and currently us galactics are listening to the majority of souls who want that to happen but don’t want that to happen quite yet.
It has been said that you are incredibly powerful. And you are — so long as you don’t limit the definition of “you” to just your rational mind. Your soul is very powerful, and if you align your lower self to your soul then you are even greater indeed.
The group of Earth human souls is even more powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, that Earth humanity as a collective has quite a lot of influence on what manifests. And indeed, the world that you see around you every day is pretty much the world that the majority of Earth human souls want to live in, in order to learn lessons and have experiences.
You can blame the reptilians, you can blame the dark controllers, you can blame greed and lack of consciousness — but really, the world is approximately as most Earth humans souls want it to be.
If most Earth human souls wanted mass arrests right now, it would probably happen quite quickly. Us galactics would seriously consider intervening if that’s what most Earth souls wanted, but most likely we wouldn’t even have to do that because you would be doing it yourselves very quickly.
Now to be clear, most Earth souls do want to have mass arrests and the creation of a wonderful New Earth, or they want to leave Earth and continue their lessons elsewhere — they just don’t want that to happen quite yet. It’s going to happen, people’s souls just want a bit more time.
Furthermore, Source and us positive galactics also want the situation on Earth to end in the not too distant future, so that is going to happen. It’s not our primary consideration, but in some ways the rest of the galaxy can’t move forward until Earth is liberated.
Plus, we recognize that while star seeds and lightworkers are a minority on Earth, they still very much matter, and in fact we owe them a great deal. So we’re not going to ignore their wishes forever. In the not too distant future, you really will see New Earth.
Now, in the past, messages along these lines have sometimes been accused of moral relativism. Or in other words, people have sometimes said that messages are bad if they’re not deeply invested in stopping evil.
To that, I would ask you to reflect if you are in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. And if you are, well, resistance to pain creates suffering.
Now, your soul might in the present desire to have pleasant experiences or to meet your galactic family, but that’s not the same as labeling pain as a bad or invalid experience.
Your soul isn’t in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. To your soul, it’s all just experiences.
Also, in the very distant past Source has experimented with situations where there was zero evil. And it was boring, and both Source and those souls desired more experiences and more excitement and more contrast and catalysts. Hence, beings started experimenting with losing their felt connection to Source and to others, and so loneliness and evil were created.
Still, I would not condemn evil. In fact I would even drop the concept of evil entirely and just talk about people who are currently behaving destructively and whom innocents need to be protected against.
After all, pretty much everyone has had incarnations where they were good, and incarnations where they were evil. So just because someone right now is in a good incarnation, why does that make them superior to someone who right now is in an evil incarnation?
If you condemn evil, you condemn yourself, for you have been evil.
And just because your evil was in a past life, doesn’t make you superior to someone who is currently living a life where they are evil. You’re not superior to them, you just happen to be in a moment in time right now where you’re being good and they’re being evil. But in another time, they were good and you were evil, and the pain you caused wasn’t any less real just because that happens to be in the past right now.
Now yes, it is entirely fine to prohibit people from hurting others. It is also a good idea to actively stop destructive people from harming innocents. I completely agree with those things. And yes, aligning with the light is a much preferable path to being destructive, for several reasons. I would advise others to align with the light.
However, once we agree that people shouldn’t hurt others and that innocents should be protected… once we agree on that, it doesn’t actually help to judge evil people.
The judging other people part, the part where you label them as bad, doesn’t contribute anything. You can just agree that people shouldn’t hurt others, and that innocents should be protected, without judging evil people.
I get that most likely you have been hurt in this life by evil people, and again I fully agree that they should be stopped from hurting other people. Yet, ultimately the solution to the pain of having been hurt by evil people is to look inwards at your own pain and at your own hurt inner parts.
And as the last part of this message, consider the following metaphor:
Imagine that you are the mouth of a man named Tom. In this metaphor, you as the mouth represents your conscious mind, and the man named Tom represents your soul.
In this metaphor, sweet food represents love and pleasant experiences. Non-sweet food represents challenging or painful experiences.
Suppose that you as the mouth are experiencing that non-sweet food just randomly keeps appearing in you, the mouth, and you really don’t like it. You prefer sweet food, which sometimes appears in you, but not nearly as often as you want. You as the mouth try various things, and some of those things help a bit, yet you keep getting less sweet food than you want. So you get upset and you label the current situation as being wrong and bad. You ask us Pleiadians to fix this unacceptable situation.
We take a look, and we observe that Tom (your soul in this metaphor) is choosing to currently eat mostly non-sweet foods, along with some sweet foods.
And curiously, the mouth (your conscious mind in this metaphor) doesn’t understand that food doesn’t just randomly appear in it, but that in fact Tom is actively putting mostly non-sweet food into the mouth. Which is a valid choice, there are health benefits to be gained this way (painful experiences can lead to soul growth).
So, should we as galactics intervene right now and make sure that more sweet food gets put into Tom’s mouth? No, Tom is making the understandable free-will choice to currently eat not a lot of sweet food, for health benefits. No need for us to kick in the door and force sweet food down Tom’s throat, just to please Tom’s mouth.
We would advise Tom’s mouth to realize that it is part of a greater whole.
Now, are you powerless here, as the mouth? No, as the mouth you can certainly ask Tom for a sweet peach — you can certainly ask or pray for certain things to happen. You can use manifestation techniques. And if you ask for something, you might get it.
But then again, if you ask for a peach, Tom (your soul) might decide to eat broccoli anyway. Which is why there isn’t a prayer or a manifestation technique that leads to results for everyone always, even though prayer or manifestation techniques work very well sometimes.
If you keep being confronted with a certain unpleasant reality, then that isn’t your soul torturing you. That’s just your soul repeatedly presenting you with an opportunity to release resistance or heal or learn a lesson. Apparently you haven’t yet released resistance or learnt your lesson yet, which is why the challenging situation keeps coming back.
If you release resistance and heal and learn your lessons, then more pleasant things will start manifesting in your reality.
And don’t be too quick to say that you’ve learnt all your Earth lessons already. Almost no physically incarnated Earth human has fully learnt all their lessons. If you feel that you have learnt all your lessons already, feel free to teleport up to the New Jerusalem, and we’ll happily welcome you. If you can’t, then there are still lessons that you can learn and growth you can achieve. And while I get that you may be tired or struggling, this is still a truly unique and exceptionally favorable time to learn lessons and achieve soul growth. Which is why most Earth souls want this current situation to go on for just a bit longer.
With all this said:
You will still be free.
Your future is still incredibly bright and filled with light and grace and ease and connection and warmth.
You are still going to be meeting us in the not too distant future.
None of those things have changed, and none of those things will change.
Even if most Earth souls keep asking for more 3D time, at some point in the not too distant future their time will be up, and the New Earth era will arrive that you and us galactics have been waiting for.
And our meeting will be glorious indeed.
And personally I can’t wait to meet you.
I leave you today with all my love and respect.
We are one,
A. S.
For Era of Light
My dearest and beloved Earth brothers and sisters,
This is Ashtar speaking. I greet you, and consider you to be part of me, and I consider you to be amazing examples of Source’s grace and perseverance and light.
In other words, I love you, and you have all my respect for persevering and holding on to grace and light in the midst of such darkness. To those galactics who have eyes to see, what you are doing is inspirational and is a Great Service.
You are also teaching the rest of us how to stand steadfastly, no matter what the rest of the world thinks of you. Us galactics aren’t used to being in a situation where most people around us think we’re crazy or deluded, and that’s certainly an area where you are more experienced and where we can learn from you and where we can look to you for inspiration.
I respect you enough that today I am going to present you with what I think is a high and challenging perspective. I trust you to be able to handle it.
My goal for this message is to help you transcend victim consciousness, and to help you align more with your soul.
So: every day I hear Earth people asking for intervention or help.
Now, we actually are doing lots of subtle and covert interventions. Every single one of you would have a much worse life right now, or would be dead, if we weren’t doing anything.
That said, I can certainly understand the perspective that we are not doing enough and that we should intervene or land pretty much today.
Other Pleiadians have pointed out to me in discussions that if my literal children were on Earth right now living a typical Earth life, that at least part of me would want to intervene immediately. And yes, that is true — but you can’t make policy based on that. Still, I get that argument, and I very much do consider the perspective to be entirely valid that we should intervene or land as quickly as possible.
That said, let me share an alternative perspective, the one that I am often choosing to operate out of. I frequently use other perspectives too, such as the perspective that if we intervene it may cause long-term instability, but today let us talk about one particular perspective.
The perspective is: all of creation is one big and free playground for souls, and it is largely as it should be.
Now yes, there are a few asterisks here. There was a reincarnation trap on Earth that has been dismantled. And beings that are disrupting the playground so much that very many others can’t have the experiences they want, can in exceptional circumstances get unmade and have their energy re-absorbed into Source.
Still, creation is a playground for souls, and you are primarily a soul that has had many, many, many incarnations. This current incarnation is one that you’ll leave behind in a relative blink of an eye, but you — your soul — is old indeed.
What do souls want? Well, most souls primarily desire experiences and soul growth. To them, pleasure and comfort and love and unity are nice, and being in pain or being oppressed or starving to death are equally nice. They’re all just equally valid and valuable experiences.
So creation is a playground. Souls can incarnate wherever they wish, more or less. Souls themselves cannot be harmed, except for being unmade in rare situations if they’re exceptionally disruptive. And what lower selves would see as painful and undesirable experiences are seen by souls as just as valid as valuable as what you would see as happy and desirable experiences.
So the galaxy isn’t some place that has some light civilizations that are good and nice and desirable, and some planets that produce bad outcomes and undesirable pain and oppression. From my perspective, it’s one huge playground and you have some areas such as the Pleiades that provide one kind of experience, and some areas such as Earth that currently provide another kind of experience. The playground has pleasant and fun rides, and the playground has more challenging and demanding rides.
So on a fundamental, big-picture level, if we put aside some issues that do need to be addressed and some management that does need to happen, reality is one big playground.
Reality really is as it should be.
So even if your lower self has a painful life, even if things are hard for your lower self, there’s no need for your lower self to go into victim consciousness. After all, most of you, as souls, chose to incarnate on Earth. And every single soul is consenting to remaining on Earth every single day. Because if you as a soul no longer wish to be on Earth, then it is very easy for you to arrange that your lower self has a heart attack or gets hit by a car and dies.
So yes, Earth is a challenging ride — but it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) most likely signed up for, and it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) keep consenting to every single day.
So while from one perspective you may be a victim, it’s also true that from this higher perspective you aren’t a victim. Now sure, don’t bulldoze the parts of you that are in pain, but at the same time it is valid to be able to see this higher perspective too.
Now, it’s entirely possible that your conscious mind isn’t aligned with what your soul wants. It’s entirely possible that your conscious mind currently is in resistance to pain. But then that’s simply something to work on, because whether your conscious mind likes it or not, your soul and not your conscious mind is in the driver’s seat for your life to a large extent.
So in fact, us galactics are not being callous. We’re doing what Source wants us to do, and Source wants us to balance helping liberate humanity with giving the souls of Earth what they want in the present moment.
We are listening to what the souls of Earth say every single day, and we are giving you exactly what you want — and the simple truth is that most people on Earth are still asleep, and most of those souls keep asking us for more time to wake up, because they’re hoping that they too can join New Earth if they get a bit more time to wake up. Plus they’re currently attaining a lot of soul growth.
So us galactics are doing exactly what most souls on Earth want us to do. It’s just that what souls want is primarily experiences and soul growth, and this current time is such a unique and amazing opportunity for growth and for unique experiences that most souls don’t want it to end yet. They want it to last a little longer. Not a huge while longer, but a little longer.
What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for.
Now yes, your lower self might be in pain, but remember that the true you — your soul — most likely willingly chose to incarnate in an obviously painful world. And your soul every day is consenting to being here, which is confirmed by you still being alive. So if you want to blame anyone for your pain, I guess you could blame your own soul — but then that doesn’t make a lot of sense because it’s more accurate to think of yourself as your soul rather than think of yourself as your lower self.
Personally, I would advise you to align with your soul and I would stop labeling pain as bad and wrong. It’s understandable to not enjoy pain, but labeling it as bad and wrong and as something that needs to be fixed is a form of resistance. And resistance to pain creates suffering.
So there is nothing wrong with the situation on Earth. What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for. And if your lower self isn’t happy with the life it is experiencing, well, your soul to a large extent determines what manifests in your life. If your life sucks, quite likely that is because your lower self hasn’t yet let go of certain resistances or learned certain lessons yet.
Now admittedly, it could be the case that even your soul would prefer that the bad guys get arrested today and that us galactics would land today. That is possible — some people’s souls genuinely do feel that way. It’s just that they’re not the majority, and currently us galactics are listening to the majority of souls who want that to happen but don’t want that to happen quite yet.
It has been said that you are incredibly powerful. And you are — so long as you don’t limit the definition of “you” to just your rational mind. Your soul is very powerful, and if you align your lower self to your soul then you are even greater indeed.
The group of Earth human souls is even more powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, that Earth humanity as a collective has quite a lot of influence on what manifests. And indeed, the world that you see around you every day is pretty much the world that the majority of Earth human souls want to live in, in order to learn lessons and have experiences.
You can blame the reptilians, you can blame the dark controllers, you can blame greed and lack of consciousness — but really, the world is approximately as most Earth humans souls want it to be.
If most Earth human souls wanted mass arrests right now, it would probably happen quite quickly. Us galactics would seriously consider intervening if that’s what most Earth souls wanted, but most likely we wouldn’t even have to do that because you would be doing it yourselves very quickly.
Now to be clear, most Earth souls do want to have mass arrests and the creation of a wonderful New Earth, or they want to leave Earth and continue their lessons elsewhere — they just don’t want that to happen quite yet. It’s going to happen, people’s souls just want a bit more time.
Furthermore, Source and us positive galactics also want the situation on Earth to end in the not too distant future, so that is going to happen. It’s not our primary consideration, but in some ways the rest of the galaxy can’t move forward until Earth is liberated.
Plus, we recognize that while star seeds and lightworkers are a minority on Earth, they still very much matter, and in fact we owe them a great deal. So we’re not going to ignore their wishes forever. In the not too distant future, you really will see New Earth.
Now, in the past, messages along these lines have sometimes been accused of moral relativism. Or in other words, people have sometimes said that messages are bad if they’re not deeply invested in stopping evil.
To that, I would ask you to reflect if you are in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. And if you are, well, resistance to pain creates suffering.
Now, your soul might in the present desire to have pleasant experiences or to meet your galactic family, but that’s not the same as labeling pain as a bad or invalid experience.
Your soul isn’t in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. To your soul, it’s all just experiences.
Also, in the very distant past Source has experimented with situations where there was zero evil. And it was boring, and both Source and those souls desired more experiences and more excitement and more contrast and catalysts. Hence, beings started experimenting with losing their felt connection to Source and to others, and so loneliness and evil were created.
Still, I would not condemn evil. In fact I would even drop the concept of evil entirely and just talk about people who are currently behaving destructively and whom innocents need to be protected against.
After all, pretty much everyone has had incarnations where they were good, and incarnations where they were evil. So just because someone right now is in a good incarnation, why does that make them superior to someone who right now is in an evil incarnation?
If you condemn evil, you condemn yourself, for you have been evil.
And just because your evil was in a past life, doesn’t make you superior to someone who is currently living a life where they are evil. You’re not superior to them, you just happen to be in a moment in time right now where you’re being good and they’re being evil. But in another time, they were good and you were evil, and the pain you caused wasn’t any less real just because that happens to be in the past right now.
Now yes, it is entirely fine to prohibit people from hurting others. It is also a good idea to actively stop destructive people from harming innocents. I completely agree with those things. And yes, aligning with the light is a much preferable path to being destructive, for several reasons. I would advise others to align with the light.
However, once we agree that people shouldn’t hurt others and that innocents should be protected… once we agree on that, it doesn’t actually help to judge evil people.
The judging other people part, the part where you label them as bad, doesn’t contribute anything. You can just agree that people shouldn’t hurt others, and that innocents should be protected, without judging evil people.
I get that most likely you have been hurt in this life by evil people, and again I fully agree that they should be stopped from hurting other people. Yet, ultimately the solution to the pain of having been hurt by evil people is to look inwards at your own pain and at your own hurt inner parts.
And as the last part of this message, consider the following metaphor:
Imagine that you are the mouth of a man named Tom. In this metaphor, you as the mouth represents your conscious mind, and the man named Tom represents your soul.
In this metaphor, sweet food represents love and pleasant experiences. Non-sweet food represents challenging or painful experiences.
Suppose that you as the mouth are experiencing that non-sweet food just randomly keeps appearing in you, the mouth, and you really don’t like it. You prefer sweet food, which sometimes appears in you, but not nearly as often as you want. You as the mouth try various things, and some of those things help a bit, yet you keep getting less sweet food than you want. So you get upset and you label the current situation as being wrong and bad. You ask us Pleiadians to fix this unacceptable situation.
We take a look, and we observe that Tom (your soul in this metaphor) is choosing to currently eat mostly non-sweet foods, along with some sweet foods.
And curiously, the mouth (your conscious mind in this metaphor) doesn’t understand that food doesn’t just randomly appear in it, but that in fact Tom is actively putting mostly non-sweet food into the mouth. Which is a valid choice, there are health benefits to be gained this way (painful experiences can lead to soul growth).
So, should we as galactics intervene right now and make sure that more sweet food gets put into Tom’s mouth? No, Tom is making the understandable free-will choice to currently eat not a lot of sweet food, for health benefits. No need for us to kick in the door and force sweet food down Tom’s throat, just to please Tom’s mouth.
We would advise Tom’s mouth to realize that it is part of a greater whole.
Now, are you powerless here, as the mouth? No, as the mouth you can certainly ask Tom for a sweet peach — you can certainly ask or pray for certain things to happen. You can use manifestation techniques. And if you ask for something, you might get it.
But then again, if you ask for a peach, Tom (your soul) might decide to eat broccoli anyway. Which is why there isn’t a prayer or a manifestation technique that leads to results for everyone always, even though prayer or manifestation techniques work very well sometimes.
If you keep being confronted with a certain unpleasant reality, then that isn’t your soul torturing you. That’s just your soul repeatedly presenting you with an opportunity to release resistance or heal or learn a lesson. Apparently you haven’t yet released resistance or learnt your lesson yet, which is why the challenging situation keeps coming back.
If you release resistance and heal and learn your lessons, then more pleasant things will start manifesting in your reality.
And don’t be too quick to say that you’ve learnt all your Earth lessons already. Almost no physically incarnated Earth human has fully learnt all their lessons. If you feel that you have learnt all your lessons already, feel free to teleport up to the New Jerusalem, and we’ll happily welcome you. If you can’t, then there are still lessons that you can learn and growth you can achieve. And while I get that you may be tired or struggling, this is still a truly unique and exceptionally favorable time to learn lessons and achieve soul growth. Which is why most Earth souls want this current situation to go on for just a bit longer.
With all this said:
You will still be free.
Your future is still incredibly bright and filled with light and grace and ease and connection and warmth.
You are still going to be meeting us in the not too distant future.
None of those things have changed, and none of those things will change.
Even if most Earth souls keep asking for more 3D time, at some point in the not too distant future their time will be up, and the New Earth era will arrive that you and us galactics have been waiting for.
And our meeting will be glorious indeed.
And personally I can’t wait to meet you.
I leave you today with all my love and respect.
We are one,
A. S.
For Era of Light
Posted on September 28, 2024
It is Ashtar, and it’s such an honor to know that you’ve recognized and felt my presence. There are many Beings that are lining up to share and iterate messages that speak to all of you.
What we simply wish for you to know is to sit tight, hang tight, for the energies are going to be wild. They have already been wild for some time. Keep in mind the backdrop of incoming energies are here to help humanity release what they need to release. Those that resist releasing may experience some of these deeper lows, and those who have already been doing their work, those who in the very least listen to their heart and to pay closer attention to their emotions will find that they will better navigate these highs and lows.
The ambient energies (and those of the collective) will also be felt, so remember to keep your ‘light shields’ strong. Ask that the information that you need to know can permeate those shields while still keeping your own energy intact while connected to the collective to assist the collective without shouldering these energies… for it will be intense.
We simply wish for you to know, as we are showing Kate, there is a beautiful alignment. There have been a series of celestial alignments. But there is an alignment of a different sort. It is more of an energetic alignment, and it is an alignment where Earth is in many ways coming into a fuller and clearer (or more unobstructed) view with the galactic center. As a result of this, the incoming energies do not need to pass through any other celestial body. There is no circumventing involved. It is in many ways a direct hit. And as a result, this is what will create a wild ride.
But remember that even the wildest rides always end up in a level of re-stabilization, and this will be a re-stabilization that will look and feel different for everyone. Nonetheless, it is exactly where each individual needs to be. Nonetheless, for the vast majority of those who will not resist these energies, there will be a leveling up, an energetic upgrade. And how individuals move into this upgrade is largely up to them and how much support they are open to receiving, how much they tune into their own feelings, their own needs, how much they heed their own internal compass to do what is right for them.
But there are those within the collective who perhaps may not respond or react to these energies this time around. Yet remember, the Universe unfolds in a way that beautifully supports the expansion of all Beings. So if they are not onboard this time, eventually those individuals will come around in a way that even up levels them to a playing field that will allow their consciousness to be even a little more open than in the past. The goal here — the objective for humanity — is an ongoing, gradual opening and expansion of consciousness. Our friends, this is different for everyone. For everyone to expand their consciousness does not mean that everyone will align in their political ideologies, nor in their beliefs, but it is an up leveling of consciousness that they need to connect with at a soul level. This is part of their blueprint or their energetic signature that carries them into an experience that represents a progression.
It is important not to judge how others react or respond to these energies, not to have any set expectations or attachments as to what an expanded form of consciousness looks like in those around you. It is different for everyone. Simply hold space for all those by lending a compassionate ear, by encouraging them to listen to their heart. For this is, in essence, what humanity is learning to do more fully and consistently: listen to your hearts versus perhaps the stirring of your conscious minds. Listen to your feelings versus what the ego mind drives you to do. It is about learning to discern with greater observation (at a deeper level) about what is right for you.
When you choose to move from a place of love, in essence, you are creating an energy, a synergy between you and all other Beings that essentially catapults the collective into a higher way of being. This is simply the trajectory of humanity, and so it is going to be exciting. It is going to be intense. There will be much that comes to the surface. It will not all appear to be easy and pleasant, but simply remember that some individuals need energies and experiences mirrored back to them so that they can better recognize what needs to be healed, resolved, and understood within them, and how to step up into a place of greater love, compassion, and acceptance.
The more you become accustomed to navigating these energies, the easier it becomes, and in turn, the easier it becomes for you to support those who are perhaps uneasy with these energies.
on September 21, 2024
The first is the supermoon on September 17, then the second is the full moon and third is the partial lunar eclipse of September 18, 2024. All this creates a great force that is released. She clears the passage to a new beginning.
The shift is now really starting, this force will develop stronger and stronger. Many purges penetrate deep into people’s consciousness and where the old money is about to undergo a transformation, a shocking event takes place.
Triptych Moon: Partial Lunar Eclipse, When the embezzlement takes place, special codes are released for the Netherlands and Belgium. In politics, this leads to attacks on important political leaders, creating many events that will have a lasting effect and will have an impact on world politics as a whole..
Domino effect: ‘The Falling of Many Mighty Links.’
The powers and the political system are going through a crisis, which starts now and culminates in 2026.
Many old timelines influence your personal growth. The blockages arose in a traumatic past, in which old family lines caused a major drain in the ancient monetary system.
A kind of reverberation that vibrates and fans out to all layers and levels in society. This sting will act like a nasty ‘bacterium’ that infects everything, so that everything becomes visible in order to heal this imbalance. In principle, the old system no longer exists in the energetic layers of the earth and the cleanup is as good as complete.
The manipulations arise from old traditions that cannot be abandoned in the lower dimensions, in which many types of monetary systems control matter and therefore play a major role in influencing rich and poor. This causes suffering, which was intensified in 2020 by the ‘Corona’ period. The coming generations may be hindered in their light consciousness and a letting go process is necessary.
The New Consciousness is Entering the Field of the Financial System
Where the old influences of politics are still active, deep transformations occur. The great powers will bow to the new waves of Aquarius. Where they cannot let go of the old, a new wave of purification will spontaneously arise, in which a major cleansing and clearing of the old system will become a fact..
Those who carry a great obsession with the old monetary system dominate everything and end up in a narrow funnel of detachment. They are confronted with the loss of material and personal damage. The fear of this loss will receive worldwide attention and cause a lot of commotion. So that the cosmic mirror will reflect in all corners and they will become aware of the Divine power of unity.
Everyone has the right to abundance, but the one-way traffic that has arisen causes abuse of the material world: ‘Share possessions of your own free will, so that everything in your life becomes equal in energy.’
Wake up and realize that everything is going to flow the other way around, it seems as if the clock is running backwards and the cosmos is turning differently. Chaos arises in the brain when you hold on to the old system. The more you fight to keep the old, the more exhausted you become. This can even lead to chronic diseases and ultimately death.
Rethinking works best when feelings and intuition open up. Accept the new wave, then the life energy flows through you and you live from abundance. Let go of the struggle and allow love to come.
Be flexible and relax. No one can understand or control this new energy, tune in to the heart. Then you hear the voice of the new age, because it calls you and shows you the way.
Are you currently in a difficult process with family, work or another area, where everything is turned upside down? Keep breathing calmly and know that this is the new flow of Aquarius that asks for space. The old is turned upside down and can start to bounce back and forth.
Twists are straightened out but get tangled again if you can’t let go. The transition to a new form of life sometimes takes a lot of energy. The old illusion pulls you down and eventually it disappears in a fog of misery. Be wise and prevent this by landing in your feelings in time and retuning.
In the new world, the older person will be seen as wise, full of life experience. The young people will welcome them into their hearts to be part of this wisdom. In today’s society they are waved goodbye and seen as a useless burden, because the monetary system is in charge.
The old Programming is stuck
Change your life if you keep getting stuck and start anew every day with attuning to the changing energy. Create a vertical line of light with the Divine Source of love. Follow your intuition: This way you will get through this innovation well, sometimes there are moments when you no longer know, but this is only temporary and very normal. There will be many resets that will be opened by the photon light and the guidance from the starlight will be very great, they activate the path of the heart.
The light consciousness now also enters the shadow fields, to free many young people from an old downward movement. The release of a strong dark current in the layer of the new children and young people will cause a lot of commotion and the dismayed feelings that arise will eventually be calmed down in a loving harmony.
The new needs more and more space to renew the old process. This can lead to a head-on collision in all systems but know that after the purification the energy starts dancing.
Joyful thoughts make your energy dance in harmony, pass this on and let everything blossom and transform into a new love in the heart. The stars in your eyes carry the cosmos in the soul and will bring all your dreams to reality.
Adjust your lifestyle and embrace the new dimension in your heart. Welcome Aquarius.
I greet the Light in your Heart, Ashtar.
Olá, Trabalhadores Da Luz! Senti uma energia vertiginosa esta manhã combinada com um intenso amor cheio de coração que me fez chorar. Senti que alguém queria dar-me uma mensagem para os trabalhadores da luz e pude sentir a urgência disso. Estou grato pelo fim de semana de férias nos EUA, por isso pude sentar-me ao meu computador. Após o aterramento e a proteção, pedi a Metatron que guardasse o portão e falasse também, se quisesse.
Lovely, Diana. It is I, Sananda here to bring you grateful tidings of love on this fair day. I have seen how many Lightworkers are indeed putting on a tough face and taking a stand when it comes to raising their frequency in order to help the collective ascend. They are working very hard and we see this. We want to say Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! Monitoring your positive thoughts, emotions and energy is of utmost importance at this time. Thank you!!!! Your service is very much appreciated and treasured, dear Lightworkers. Your energy boosts will continue to be ramped up by Mother God/Source and by your Galactic Family who are also sending these intense energies to Gaia. This will continue in volume and intensity until the Grand Solar Flash will burst upon the scene.
I understand and empathize with you on feeling like sometimes it’s just too much. This one sometimes feels like she is charged up like a battery and we have seen her use her grounding mat to help elevate that feeling. It is highly recommended to do whatever you can to bring yourself & your body comfort. Brother Metatron spoke on this subject beautifully before I stepped in, so I will not repeat.
I am here to thank you and remind you to monitor your thoughts, for your thoughts have very strong manifestation powers. Only focus on what it is you wish to amplify! Sometimes you may wake up ‘in a funk’ as this one says. You can change this just by focusing on happy thoughts as you all know, but often forget. Another example is how your body is hurting and you may suddenly think “I’m getting sick.” Your body goes hot to cold in a flash, you’re dizzy, head hurts, joints ache, etc. A way to turn around this thinking is to acknowledge that it’s the energies that are causing you to feel this way. Know that you are healthy!! You are healthy! Think positively in all aspects as much and often as you can. We are encouraging you to do this, to consciously do this until it becomes an unconscious response. These small actions collectively raise humanity’s vibration. Every action counts dear hearts!
We are with all of you every moment of every day and night! We send you our love! We are winning! You have our love and support always. We will see you soon and you will celebrate with us!
Posted Aeptember 5, 2024
Hello, Lightworkers! I felt a giddy energy this morning combined with an intense heart-filled love that made me cry. I sensed that someone wanted to give me a message for the Lightworkers and I could feel the urgency of it. I am grateful for the holiday weekend in the USA so I was able to sit down to my computer. After grounding and protection I asked Metatron to guard the gate and to speak as well if he wished.
Hello, Diana, it is I, Metatron here to serve as your Gatekeeper and also I wish to speak with the Lightworkers. Seems like many of you have had a difficult time with the energies ramping up so high. This is to be expected. You are doing a stellar job of holding the light and anchoring it into Gaia. I have seen that some of you feel like you’re not doing a good job—but you are indeed. You are doing fabulously just by BE-ING here, boots on the ground and bringing this extra intense light energy in through your physical bodies. It’s OK to feel exhausted, drained of all energy, body aching all the time, etc. Please listen to your body and follow it’s direction on what it needs; be it extra rest, fluids, grounding, salt bath, what have you. It will tell you what it needs. Please honor it and this will ease your symptoms.
You ARE doing God’s work! This IS what you came here to do and you are doing it marvelously. You also cannot help but share and shine this light as you go about your day. Whether you are grocery shopping, meditating, crashed out on the couch, or at work. Your bodies have been integrating these light downloads and have transmuted it into useable energy to beam out. Do you see? You are indeed lighthouses!!! You are blasting this light and love out to those who are wondering about aimlessly in the dark. They need you and you are there! And all you need BE is to BE there—on Gaia. You don’t have to DO anything other than to be BE.
Of course, there are ways you can focus and send out your energy to directed places or people who need it most. Or, you can visualize covering your whole globe with a blanket of soft, white comforting light. You have wanted to be ‘of service’ and I wanted to speak today to inform you that you are indeed being of service this very moment!! This happens as you sip your coffee (or tea), pet your dog (or cat) and daydream about shining light and love to all those around you. Imagine a 5 mile radius around your home. Start small. Fill it with light and love, then continue to expand it to your city, state, country and then to all of Gaia. The more you share, the more your heart will burst with love! Try it! It makes this one cry. This pure Source love and light is so intense and yet gentle.
You are all doing a stellar job. Please know this in your hearts. You are accomplishing your mission at this very moment. Find the peace in that for it is truth. Others who had similar missions may have crossed over but they are able to continue their mission from where they are. You are supported from many realms, dear hearts. This life has not been a fool’s errand, or one lived in vain. It is a successful life and one well lived. You have all suffered greatly but have stayed strong. How do I know this? If you weren’t strong, you wouldn’t still be here doing this sacred work. Staying steady to offer those who are lost a loving hand or hug. “Everything will be OK” your energy says to them. Things may get rockier from here but stand strong together, dear Lightworkers! Shine your lights, blast them out of your Lighthouses and know that you are supported and loved. This is your Metatron.
Thank you, dear Metatron for this inspiring message!!
You are welcome dear heart. Now I shall serve as your Gatekeeper and allow the next speaker to come through.
Lovely, Diana. It is I, Sananda here to bring you grateful tidings of love on this fair day. I have seen how many Lightworkers are indeed putting on a tough face and taking a stand when it comes to raising their frequency in order to help the collective ascend. They are working very hard and we see this. We want to say Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! Monitoring your positive thoughts, emotions and energy is of utmost importance at this time. Thank you!!!! Your service is very much appreciated and treasured, dear Lightworkers. Your energy boosts will continue to be ramped up by Mother God/Source and by your Galactic Family who are also sending these intense energies to Gaia. This will continue in volume and intensity until the Grand Solar Flash will burst upon the scene.
I understand and empathize with you on feeling like sometimes it’s just too much. This one sometimes feels like she is charged up like a battery and we have seen her use her grounding mat to help elevate that feeling. It is highly recommended to do whatever you can to bring yourself & your body comfort. Brother Metatron spoke on this subject beautifully before I stepped in, so I will not repeat.
I am here to thank you and remind you to monitor your thoughts, for your thoughts have very strong manifestation powers. Only focus on what it is you wish to amplify! Sometimes you may wake up ‘in a funk’ as this one says. You can change this just by focusing on happy thoughts as you all know, but often forget. Another example is how your body is hurting and you may suddenly think “I’m getting sick.” Your body goes hot to cold in a flash, you’re dizzy, head hurts, joints ache, etc. A way to turn around this thinking is to acknowledge that it’s the energies that are causing you to feel this way. Know that you are healthy!! You are healthy! Think positively in all aspects as much and often as you can. We are encouraging you to do this, to consciously do this until it becomes an unconscious response. These small actions collectively raise humanity’s vibration. Every action counts dear hearts!
We are with all of you every moment of every day and night! We send you our love! We are winning! You have our love and support always. We will see you soon and you will celebrate with us!
Dear heart, this is Mother Mary, I am the Ascended Master know as Mother Mary. I wanted to step up to speak to all Lightworkers on this day to offer my heartfelt respect for what you have accomplished so far, and to offer the encouragement to stay on track and keep going! You amaze me. You all amaze me! Your strong and steady dedication to your mission is a tribute to your pure hearts. To still be here at this stage of the game is nothing short of an astonishing accomplishment. You are the pinnacle of light warriors! Thank you, I AM grateful for your Service!!!!!
Yes, we all work as a Team and we all have our specialties. Yours is to be a transmuter of the light and yes, a Lighthouse to power it out all over Gaia, to each and every person. Time is short until your mission is complete. Please continue doing what you came here to do for a short time longer until it is done. We need you. We support and love you unceasingly. Call on any of us, call on me and we will be here to lift you up! Instantly! You are never alone, many of us are by your side at all times.
You are strong! You are light warriors and love holders. You receive Mother God’s light, transmute it with your bodies and then share it with her love infused in the light blasts that you send. You can do this right now from you room or your car! Intention is key as you know. You are the pure hearts with intense courage who took on this mission and we will all be victorious! What a long journey we have enjoyed and endured together. We have all played many parts, taken on various lifetimes, bodies and missions to get here. We’re a breath away from the finish line, dear hearts!!! Soon you will enjoy our loving embrace and celebrate with us. We in the higher realms see this and are pre-celebrating at this moment. Bask in our love, encouragement, respect and awe of YOU. I AM your Mother Mary.
What can I say? What is left to say when one goes last? (chuckles). This is Ashtar and I represent your Galactic Family, dear ones. The Angelics and Ascended Masters have been represented here and so I thought I would give you my perspective and voice. This Grand Experiment has been going on for eons and is “a breath away” of being complete, we are told.
Gaia was over-run with the dark and it was ALL OF US who answered the call from Mother God to step up and return the Light to Gaia so she and her people may ascend. Yes, we all took on many characters, suits, lives in many forms to assist. “High” or “low” we have always worked together. We planned out our lives before coming into existence each time. You–all of you–have Soul Sparks (as this one calls them), or “other lives” where you were indeed a Galactic. And, we galactics have all had experiences living on Gaia or other planets. This long, arduous Ascension process has occurred all over the galaxy and universe. Gaia’s rebirth is not the first and will not be the last. This does not in any way diminish any of our work!!
Gaia’s Ascension has been a monumental undertaking for all of us. I dare say though, it has been one of the most difficult that I recall. The level of complexity of The Plan is daunting. As you may or may not see, the continuing efforts of your planet’s military combined with our assistance at Mother God’s request to remove the dark ones from your planet has been arduous to say the least. That, combined with the dismantling the powers of the dark ones over your world’s leaders and governments is another aspect that we, your Galactic Family, have been working on for many, many years. We have indeed been working with Gaia’s light forces and your Leaders with a light quotionet high enough to visualize and make this plan a reality. The dark had taken over every aspect of humanity and that tangled web has been difficult to remove. We also are grateful for the support of Light Beings and loved ones who have crossed over to assist us with this exhausting work.
We (the Galactic Federation as you call us) are a collective of many galaxies who have a commitment to assist Mother God with her pronouncements. We could not have continued this work without the spiritual assistance that we have received. You–Lightworkers, the “boots on the ground” are an integral part of this enormous mission! We all have our talents and together we are a well-oiled machine, using this one’s parlance. I do not have the knowledge of when our missions will be complete. However, I wanted to offer our thanks and support to our Gaian brothers and sisters. We all shall meet soon and we are greatly looking forward to it! We love you immensely.
THANK YOU, Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary and Ashtar for coming to speak with us this morning. We are very grateful for your love, support and offers of encouragement.
A. S.
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A. S.
Para Era da Luz
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