aTONAment, NWO Achilles’ heel.
US Inc., (NWO) Achilles’ heel is the Titles of Nobility Act of 1810 enacted 1819 as Organic law of the land!
Posted September 12, 2020 by Edward Morgan.

and who did it…
“if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts,” by George H.W. Bush
At the Precipice We Change…or Do We? – John Renesch
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. – Mark Twain
~ Charles de Montesquieu
For those that want a quick read on the Titles of Nobility Act aka TONA:
The lawfully enacted Titles of Nobility of 1810 which is still law was illegally and unconstitutionally removed from the constitution for the united States of America un-incorporated. Titles of Nobility was constitutionally ratified in 1810, enacted by 1819 and has never been repealed by We the People of these united States of America – un-incorporated.
The Titles of Nobility is the law of the land and has been since 1819. This means that since 1819 there has not been a constitutional congress because there have always been person or persons in one house of congress or both who have held a title of nobility. Therefore, there have been no valid laws passed since 1819.Any law created by a law – breaker is not Law! A Law breaker can not act as a judge!
There have been no valid amendments adopted to the constitution since 1819. The Act of 1871 resulted in a Corporate United States [See Title 28 Section 3002 (15)(a) ] created by banned foreign agents that has been pretended as if it were the original we the people Public Trust when it was no such thing. The interlopers Plagiarized the Original Constitution, changes a few words, deleted the Titles of Nobility Ac XIII, and have since masqueraded as the original Organic Government which it is no such thing.
There has been no lawful we the people agreement to what has been passed off as th Constitution of the United States of America which is not our Organic government but is in Crown – Vatican corporation now fully exposed by Anna Von Reitz in this recent document:
The current United States is:
Title 28 3002 15 (a) (b) & (c).
(15)“United States” means—
(A)a Federal corporation;
(B)an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C)an instrumentality of the United States.
California Code, Commercial Code – COM § 9307
(h) The United States is located in the District of Columbia.
The current UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation created under the Holy See and the Crown Corp. of London. Washington, D.C. is a sovereign city-state, not bound by any laws or treatises that the 50 states in the Union are (just as the City of London is not part of England proper and the Vatican is also a sovereign city-state).
I post this for the benefit of those who still want to claim that Titles of Nobility was never ratified by Virginia in a timely manner. Understand that these letters could/would not exist had that been true. This demonstrates the fact that Titles of Nobility WAS constitutionally ratified by 1819 (likely 1812) and has been the law ever since. The history of the united States has therefore followed its present path because The united States of America was usurped by the enemies of this country approximately 1860 and this understanding of history has been purposely hidden by those same people.
This demonstrates the importance of Titles of Nobility as a fundamental protection in the constitution for the united States of America un-incorporated for We the People.
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