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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Our Shift in Consciousness

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on November 19, 2024 

As our environmental frequency rises into greater life-enhancing vibrations, and In order for us to make the shift in consciousness that humanity is being invited to make, we must be intimately connected with our intuition and our subconscious. Our entire being can learn to align with gratitude, beauty, great joy, deepest love and compassion. Although these vibrations are in the spectrum of our intuition and are all beyond ego-consciousness, we can feel them and know what they are. Our limiting beliefs cannot block them completely, because these vibrations are part of our innate sense of Being. We are naturally attracted to them. The leap in consciousness is aided by this attraction.
Every quality in our experience is a function of our conscious awareness, and we have the ability to control the extent of our awareness. By paying fearless attention to feelings and imaginings that draw us to what we love the most, we are naturally attracted to opening our awareness to our higher guidance. It leads us to everything we could want and inspires us to act in collaboration with what we deeply know.
For success in this endeavor, we can do anything that takes us into gratitude and joy in every moment. Aligning with the energies in resplendent natural environments, listening to inspiring music and doing focused breathing and intense laughter can all be beneficial. Anything that is so powerful that the ego is disabled, can help us to open our awareness to our inner knowing in elevated and expanded awareness. Out-of-body experiences are the most powerful in transcending ego-consciousness and moving beyond fear. Deep meditation and psychotropics can help us to open our awareness beyond the body and even beyond space/time. Sometimes into crystalline spacetime.
In our non-localized presence of awareness, we can seek great sensitivity to our inner guidance. Without any significant input from our ego-consciousness, the limitations of ego-consciousness become irrelevant. We can be entirely confident in our inner knowing of everything we want to know. We can recognize the inner light in the eyes and personal radiance of those we interact with. Our encounters become life-enhancing, and we become transformative for others. With our intentional creative power, we can use quantum healing processes for instantaneous healing.
This is the expanded consciousness we are being drawn into. It is an energetic dimension that we can recognize as real for us. It is what we truly want in our deepest Being, and we can experience it whenever we can realize it for ourselves in our inner knowing. Knowing our infinitely powerful creativity enables us to be beyond attachment to anything. In absolute acceptance and life-enhancement, we can live entirely in the freedom of needlessness in love and joy. We can fully realize our presence of eternal and infinite awareness without boundaries between us and the non-localized presence of awareness of everyone and everything else.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Seeing Beauty in the Passing of Life

Part II

Magisterial Son, Monjoronson is the Teacher

Message received by Vicki Vanderheyden

Posted on November 8, 2024


Credits: One of Antarctica's amazing sunset
[OC] [4651*2635] : r/EarthPorn
Mattawan, Michigan USA, August 5, 2020
Monjoronson: “Beauty has a universal quality that encompasses all aspects of living in both life’s unity and its separation. It does not exist in happiness alone. Beauty can be seen and love can be felt in the sorrow of pain, misery and death. It can be unleashed through a most cruel affront and from the most endearing gesture. It requires that you look for it, acknowledge it and then feel the love it unfolds. You need only to ask, “Where is the beauty in this situation, where was the beauty in that experience, where was the beauty in that human being?” Was there beauty in the people, in the disclosure, in the aftermath or in the lesson learned?
“Within human struggle lies the wholeness of life. And in the wholeness of life, beauty awaits to disclose truth and transform it into love. When you center on beauty it provides you with the opportunity to observe, to discriminate, and to appreciate the dualities of life. It can empower you to recover from the distortion of a lie that burns deeply within you because at times, the stark contrast of falseness can best highlight the beauty of truth. And if at that time you struggle to see this from the deep wounds that you feel, be assured that there is indeed, love and gratitude in knowing the difference between fact and fiction.
“And before long you will discover that love engenders beauty as well, for there will come a moment in time when the love you feel for your dear ones will remind you of the world they have passed into. One that is free of physical burdens, free of the veils, and free of the many limitations of material life. And you will realize that your love for them transcends the loss and will eventually settle into gratitude. For though you will physically miss each other, you will find beauty and peace in knowing that their life is now richer in other ways by the nurturing nature of the afterlife.
“Life is about the choices we make. It is about the way we tend to our inner landscape. The quality of our life improves with our ability even in the saddest of circumstances, to see its beauty, and feel the love that lies below the surface. So, when you find yourself in the throes of loss, try to step away from your grief and allow yourself to access the beauty of your precious loved one, the beauty of that moment, the beauty of a cherished memory, the beauty of the past and the beauty of what is developing around you. And remind yourself that no matter where you are, you have the ability to engender an aspect of beauty from every experience and gather the nectar of love from it.”
Vicki: “Thank you Monjoronson. The ‘beauty’ of these words comforts me. They fill me with much love. This, I will share with others.”
Monjoronson: “You are most welcome. You have my condolences and my love.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I tell you clearly and plainly that no darkness can withstand
the focus of the Father’s light. – Monjoronson



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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Seeing Beauty in the Passing of Life

Part I

Magisterial Son, Monjoronson is the Teacher

Message received by Vicki Vanderheyden

Posted on November 7, 2024


Credits: One of Antarctica's amazing sunset
[OC] [4651*2635] : r/EarthPorn
Mattawan, Michigan USA, August 5, 2020
Vicki: “Dear Monjoronson, I am beside myself with the passing of my younger sister and now as the last surviving sibling, I ask: Why is it that there has been so much loss in my family and at such young ages? Is there something I must learn?”
Monjoronson: “Perhaps, that there is beauty in life… not only at its conception, or throughout the act of living and but at life’s end as well.”
Vicki: “Tell me more please…”
Monjoronson: “Let us first talk of beauty. It is truly through the acknowledgement of beauty that we can access heartfelt love. Seeing life through the eyes of beauty, opens your heart to feelings of love. As you observe the flight of a hummingbird when it hovers in one place as if frozen in time, anticipating the nectar of the flower below, it is that vision of beauty that fosters the love you feel for it.
“Love is often hard to generate on its own. Something can be seen, stated, written or proclaimed… but unless one captures its beauty, love may be difficult to feel. Yet the potential to feel love is abundant. From every aspect of life, one can define its beauty and unleash a burst of love.
“So much is missed in life’s demands, obligations and the daily existence of busyness, that it may take the death of a loved one, to jar you from your current path. As you are halted in your tracks by the sudden shock of it, you are forced to slow down. And at that moment you find yourself awakening to the beautiful aspects of his or her life and yours as well. It is at this time that you contemplate the beautiful essence of the one you lost as you celebrate a material life in its fullness regardless of its length. And when this occurs it is as if all that surrounds you is magnified and distorted enough to give you a unique view of the beauty that only days before laid dormant and undisclosed.
“The beauty and love you experience from the loss of a dear one is not confined to you. It is contagious. It passes on to others and inspires all to see the beauty in the loss you share, while you feel and express more love for each other. It expands your vision to view everything and everyone around you in a different light. It allows you to look beyond the finality of one’s passing and feel how your lost loved one touched the lives of so many others in unique and newly discovered ways. Beauty stimulates gratitude and love for the other blessings in your life as well. And through the loss of your dear one you gain a first-row seat to the beauty of growth that occurs in those around you at that time.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I tell you clearly and plainly that no darkness can withstand
the focus of the Father’s light. – Monjoronson



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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Perfection is Attainable

Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher

Message received by Oscar

Posted on October 30, 2024

Alabama, USA, May 15, 2014
Thought Adjuster: “The desire for perfection is innate in mortal creatures. Human beings cannot help but feel drawn to the perfection of their Heavenly Father. God’s perfection is the highest expression of goodness, beauty, and truth, and humans are naturally inspired by these attributes. When a person sincerely wishes to dedicate their life to the will of the Father, what they aspire to do is express the truth, beauty, and goodness of their soul with increasing faithfulness. This is why a life lived in this way offers the greatest satisfactions for the personality, as the creature finds its purpose and draws closer to making it a reality.
Perfection is attainable even during mortal life. While you may not be able to comprehend all of reality while living in this world, you can express the best of yourself within the limits of your current existence. Perfection is an individual achievement that does not depend on intellectual knowledge or material circumstances—culture, education, mental, or physical resources. All that is required is the creature’s supreme desire to approach the Creator, to come to understand Him, to discover His unconditional love, and then to respond to this love through the sublime dedication to the purpose of human existence—the achievement of perfection.
What would the life of a human being who is drawing ever closer to self-perfection look like? In the life of a mortal illuminated by their intention to be better, the pursuit of perfection would extend to every area of their life. This perfection would manifest in the work they do to make a living, in their relationships with friends and strangers, in family relationships, in responsibilities to society, in duties to civilization, and in contributions to this world. There is no area of human life that would not be improved and exalted when human beings live to fulfill the divine will of being the best they can be.
This is how you can transform your life from the enslavement of thoughtless reactions to daily situations into the elevated existence of those who have become masters of their own destiny and architects of their salvation, for they have come to understand the power that their will and decisions have to create the reality they wish to experience—a reality that brings them ever closer to their spiritual home, the Universal Father. This is also how you will transform your world when each and every one of you lives to be a reflection of God for your fellow beings and offer the truest, most beautiful, and highest good within your soul as a service in honor of your Father and for the benefit of the entire creation.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Intensity and Purpose

Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher

Message received by Oscar

Posted on October 7, 2024

Alabama, USA, May 9, 2014
Thought Adjuster: “Do you believe that the Father has sent you to write a book, to inaugurate a new religion, or to become a new spiritual leader? Remember what the task of a human being is during their mortal life: simply to draw closer to the Father and to become more and more perfect, just as the Father is. This is all that is expected of you. All the ideas you may formulate in your mind and the projects you undertake or fail to do will not affect your spiritual progress, as long as you maintain the clear intention to be the best you can be and to express goodness, beauty, and truth at increasingly higher levels with your decisions and actions.
A human being may notice that the world or society in which they live often makes it difficult to achieve their goals or give expression to their ideas and projects. However, nothing and no one, in this world or in the rest of creation, can prevent a creature from finding their Creator and achieving perfection if that creature has set this glorious goal. You already possess everything you need to find the path that will lead you to eternal life, and it will depend only on your will to reach the goal of the ages.
Do not let the expectations of the world direct your actions. You carry within you an Inner Teacher, the source of all wisdom, who has come from the Father himself to guide you in your attempts to understand God and be like Him. It is within you that you will discover the motivations and the inspiration necessary to begin working on the true projects, those with eternal value, whose achievements you will be able to take with you once you leave this world.
These are the projects that will provide true satisfaction and fill your soul with the assurance of having lived a successful life in this world, but not for this world, but for eternity. For those who focus exclusively on material goals, their lives are like a dream that fades upon awakening in the higher worlds. But for those who already have their vision firmly focused on the achievement of eternity, their life is a foundation upon which a new and superior being will be built, an eternal gift from the creature to their Creator—a life without end dedicated to helping make the most beautiful and perfect potential a reality in the universes, thanks to the work of each one of those who achieve the purpose of spiritual progress.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




A Message from The One

By Sophia Love

Posted on September 28, 2024



It is the One.

Thank you.

You are walking in perilous* times. History will report these coming days as some of the most challenging for your entire world. It does not matter who you are or where you make your home, you feel this.

Today, let us engage in conversation around human expectation vs human life. As you move into this next phase of your journey, you will be challenged and prompted to adjust.

You’ve come to expect to be cared for in relationships of all kinds. While your expectations may be reasonable in personal, family and intimate relationships, they don’t hold truth when extended out into the rest of the world with whom you interact.

This time of disclosure now is showing you, again and again, the motivation behind corporate, systemic and world players with whom you engage. These would be your governments, institutions of commerce, medical establishments, and most industries for humanity’s care. It becomes necessary for discernment in every arena.

The race has been more or less “bamboozled” by beauty, wealth and power. These attributes have risen to the top of desired goals, and monopolize d the purposes for human engagement. All of this was intentional. It will have to be undone. This will not be popular (at first), or easily accomplished. There are many still who grow up lusting for these things.

You’ll discover on your journey of Awakening that words and looks are shallow in comparison to action. It is actions that announce meaning. Many hideous deeds are completed with a smile.

You have come to this moment in order to assist, as well as experience, a global un-earthing and Awakening. You, who have been here** numerous times, recognize Truth. You are deeply activated by Pure Love. Part of your reason for being here now is to elevate and enhance Truth. It is your Light that illuminates it once it is elevated. It then becomes visible and accessible to the masses.

It is an awesome responsibility. You are “fighting against” massive structures of media and control. You are armed with Truth and fortified with Love. This means, dear human, that you will not ever be depleted. It means that your Source is Eternal.

You may find the challenge more difficult on some days than on others. Yet, you will not be defeated. Your Love is solid, and somehow you will sense a re-surfacing of it. It is always waiting to show you the way.

My dear, dear, human, what is happening now is a turning of a page. You find yourselves willingly leaving what was written there behind you. This, as you pick up the pen and write the next chapter.

This part may be shaky at first. It will feel a bit like a riding a two-wheeled bicycle for the first time. It will be wobbly and you may fall a few times. The thing to remember is the purpose. The thing to hold on to always is the goal. You’ll do this with intent.

Each interaction, every day, aim to spread some Light. There is no place where Love is not the preferred emotion. There is no event that cannot be improved with compassion. These things are your calling cards. You arrived with boxes of them, and have had them stored for just the right moment.

I tell you that moment is now.

I tell you that each “time” you leave a calling card of Love behind, someone picks it up and passes it on. There are no futile endeavors.

We began today talking about expectations. We will complete our discussion by requesting that you let them go. For expectations depend on some outside “other” to fulfill. You are up to the doing.

It is upon you to write the story. The drama of these last pages has no power over what comes next. You are the writers, the architects, the artists, the creators. Indeed, you are the Builders.

This is what you came for and the world you live in is ripe for what you have to offer. Spread your calling cards of Love, Light and Truth freely. Act “as if” the supply is eternal. For indeed it is.

You have arrived now to ensure that every corner of the earth is illuminated. It is time to shine, dear human. As you do, the darkness scurries and scrambles for places to continue. You pledged to spread your Light so far that there will be no dark places remaining. This is why you find yourselves in every country, continent, town and neighborhood. You are needed everywhere.

Remember your Light. You are a beacon for Truth. These next pages will be written with Pure Love. That love emanates from your core.

As you proceed, everywhere you look on this New Earth will be a reflection of who you are. It is time to come out from hiding, dear human.

It is time.

That is all.

Thank you.

*The definition of this word includes the synonyms “serious, unhealthy, threatening” as well as risky or dangerous. I was curious about the word use here, and almost changed it. Yet as I considered its use here, it feels like a reference to the gravity of the moment in time we traverse together; a reminder not to take anything lightly, and that our thoughts, words & actions have far- reaching consequences. The “perilous” part here is what could happen if we ignore the signs all around us, reminding us to “seize the day”, every day, and instead think, speak or act carelessly.

**Here was not a reference to a location, as in earth. It refers to the place we are spiritually; we are on the cusp of Awakening.

Sophia Love


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Equinox and Sun into Libra

By Celia Fenn

Posted on September 25, 2024

As we move into Libra it seems as if everything has slowed after the frantic pace of the April to September period.
We have arrived where we are meant to be and it is time to be still and find the Inner Balance.
Equinox is the time when the seasons change and so the day and the night are of equal length. It is a time when the Earth herself finds balance as she begins a new phase of her spiral journey around the Sun.
We are called to celebrate this moment by finding that point of balance within ourselves as we rest and connect with Love, Joy, Peace and Beauty before we begin another phase of our inner journey.
We can be confident that we are where we need to be as we embark on the next phase. Everything we need is coming to us, at the right time.
As the Sun moves into Libra, the sign of Balance and Relationship ruled by Venus, we can feel a light being shone on these aspects of our journey bringing intense energies of unconditional love whether it be to friendships, partnerships, romantic or soulmate relationships, or marriages.
The energy is intense, sensual and soulful. It is a good time to “upgrade” relationships to the next level.
The Earth too is feeling the need to come into balance with Nature.
The Feather of Ma’at, the Egyptian Goddess of Cosmic Balance, is an important symbol for now. It signifies the lightness of Joy as we move with currents of the ascending Flow of Divine Energy.
On this day, May your Heart be as Light as a Feather.
May you find balance and peace!
Let there be Ma’at!
Celia Fenn


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


See Beauty Everywhere

Teachings from Shambala

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on September 18, 2024

Dear ones, we cherish the opportunity to establish this connection with you. Our teachings come from a world that remains a mystery to many of you, though a few have visited us over time.
We would love to show you how to maintain a stable and beautiful vibration. Earth is full of 3D technology that can pollute the human mind, but it only affects those who connect and absorb it. Beyond this, there is another realm where one is truly present, and nothing harmful can touch them.
To avoid lower vibrations, it is crucial to be mindful of what is happening in your mind and to be selective in your thoughts and beliefs. Once you learn to do this, your mind will no longer tune into lower vibrations. Set your intentions clearly, and direct your mind toward beauty and positivity—you will begin to experience more and more of that.
Tell yourself, “I see beauty everywhere,” and observe the magic that this intention brings. You create your reality, so choose wisely what you plant in your inner garden.
A high-vibrational being does not feed judgmental thoughts—whether toward themselves or others—because that contradicts the law of One and lowers their vibration. Spend your time wisely by supporting the life force that flows through you. Nurture your body with wholesome foods, meditate, exercise, dance…
If someone has convinced you that you need to sit for long hours in a chair, reflect on that belief and manifest what truly resonates with your heart. Be spontaneous, flow with the life within you, and smile.
Sometimes, down here in Shambala, we put in great effort to achieve our goals, but we are always motivated from within by our true aspirations for the growth of All. We are neither lazy nor passive; we are very active beings who love to create. At times, we give up our personal desires to channel our energy into collective creations for the benefit of All That Is. We remain relaxed, so we don’t feel the need to rest after our work. We are constantly connected to one another, and we can sense when someone needs something—we always help.
Many of you on Earth are becoming increasingly empathic, but sometimes you may not know how to handle your heightened sensitivity, leading you to withdraw. Know that your sensitivity is a gift from the future. You are the new human, one who feels and understands what is happening around them. Use this gift by nurturing others, by being open and caring. You feel—so that you can help. You are a Healer.
Many of you are destined to visit Agartha and the other civilizations that are part of Shambala. You, who have opened your heart to acceptance and love—are you ready to visit us?
Octavia Vasile


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!






Mensagem de Emmanuel Dagher

Tradução: Regina Drumond

a 1 de dezembro de 2023


Boas Festas, meu amigo

Sua presença aqui é apreciada e lhe sou muito grato.
Temos muito a colocar em dia, então vamos direto ao assunto. . .


À medida que o ano de 2023 chega ao fim, somos presenteados com uma oportunidade fenomenal de curar as feridas e mágoas mais profundas dentro de nós mesmos, a fim de nos prepararmos para um novo ano épico.

2023 foi um ano imensamente espiritual, que nos tem  ajudado a ancorar em nossos corações e mentes um equilíbrio entre o Feminino Divino e o Masculino Divino.

A antiga filosofia chinesa descreve esta época de caos e mudanças intensas como uma mudança de maré.

O Yang (o Masculino) está sendo chamado a apoiar e servir o Yin (o Feminino). Embora esses princípios possam parecer opostos, eles são essenciais para a expansão um do outro.

Cada aspecto de nossas vidas está experimentando as reverberações das amplas mudanças internas e externas que estão ocorrendo.

Neste momento, temos a oportunidade de acolher um equilíbrio inabalável entre o princípio do Feminino Divino e o princípio do Masculino Divino.

Este equilíbrio tem um forte potencial de se manifestar e se concretizar na consciência coletiva em 2024 e além.

Isto se revelará através de qualidades de mais graça, compaixão, gentileza, paciência, flexibilidade, sabedoria, beleza, autenticidade, criatividade e abundância, bem como mais aceitação, perdão, carinho, fertilidade, acessibilidade, bondade, cura e amor incondicional.

O que nos é pedido agora é que criemos o espaço em nossa mente, corpo e campo energético para melhor apoiar e sustentar essas qualidades e permitir que floresçam.

Para cada dia restante de 2023, convido-o a encontrar alguns minutos para criar espaço da seguinte forma:



1. Feche os olhos. Respire profundamente várias vezes para ajudá-lo a se concentrar, depois coloque a mão direita sobre o coração e a mão esquerda sobre a mão direita.



2. Pergunte à sua Presença/Espírito EU SOU como você pode apoiá-los e amá-los ao longo do dia, da maneira como ela/ele sempre o apoiou e o amou.



3. Ouça o silêncio entre os pensamentos. É aqui que as respostas do seu Espírito começarão a se revelar. Se a mente não for capaz de compreender ou receber uma resposta direta, simplesmente deixe-a aproveitar o silêncio por um momento.



4. Expresse gratidão à sua mente por estar disposta a acolher a quietude dentro de você.



5. Expresse gratidão ao seu Espírito por amá-lo incondicionalmente.



6. Abra os olhos e expresse gratidão por cada um dos seus sentidos – seus dons de visão, audição, paladar, tato e olfato.



7. Durante o resto do dia, imagine periodicamente como seria se seu coração estivesse sorrindo.




A oportunidade de curar os nossos traumas profundos e não resolvidos está agora a ser plenamente realizada, nas nossas vidas pessoais e para toda a humanidade.

O crescimento e a cura que antes pareciam impossíveis para a mente racional estão agora se tornando uma parte normal da vida.

A cura ocorre porque nos permitimos retornar a um estado de paz.

Onde quer que haja paz, podemos saber que residirão fluxo, facilidade, amor, plenitude, alegria, criatividade e abundância.

Se algum dos seguintes itens estiver associado às nossas expectativas de cura: corrigir algo, livrar-se de algo, controlar/forçar algo a acontecer, culpar algo, esconder ou negar algo, não nos permitir sentir algo – isso torna muito mais desafiador experienciar uma cura.

Permitir que a paz seja a nossa principal prioridade cria uma abertura para que ocorra uma cura duradoura.

A verdadeira paz é a base para a criação de um mundo de unidade, amor e abundância para todos.

Estamos  vendo muitos países em todo o mundo que estão rompendo com as velhas ideologias que promoveram a separação e a desconexão intercultural. Existe agora uma prioridade coletiva que consiste em lançar as bases para um futuro muito mais brilhante para todos, e não apenas para alguns selecionados.

Pode haver um ceticismo saudável nas nossas mentes sobre se tudo isto está realmente acontecendo, devido a todas as separações que as nossas mentes foram condicionadas a ver no mundo.

Isto é completamente compreensível, considerando que costumavam levar décadas ou séculos até que qualquer mudança real se tornasse visível.

No entanto, à medida que as coisas continuam a evoluir mais rapidamente, fica mais fácil perceber as mudanças que acontecem ao nosso redor.

Em nossas vidas pessoais, as energias atuais estão criando uma oportunidade para transcendermos as velhas histórias que uma vez criamos para nós mesmos, que nos impediram de curar.

Algumas dessas histórias incluem:

  • Acreditar que devemos crer que cada pensamento que temos é verdadeiro
  • Acreditar que a mente precisa operar a partir do medo e da consciência de vítima
  • Acreditar que precisamos da aprovação de alguém além de nós mesmos
  • Acreditar na escassez e de não ter o suficiente
  • Acreditar que não podemos perceber os nossos sentimentos
  • Acreditar que somos incompreendidos e que ninguém pode nos entender
  • Acreditar que precisamos de algo fora de nós mesmos para nos fazer felizes (uma alma parceira romântica, um certo estilo de vida, um tipo de corpo específico, etc.)


Todas essas histórias, que foram criadas pela tendência da mente à autoproteção, têm a oportunidade de serem resolvidas agora, para que possamos retornar à paz que sempre esteve por trás de tudo.

A paz é quem somos em nossa essência.

À medida que nossas histórias interiores vêm à tona para serem curadas e resolvidas, é importante nos dar permissão para perceber todos os nossos sentimentos, sem nos julgarmos.

Cada pensamento, emoção e sentimento que já experimentamos merece ser reconhecido, e receber o nosso Amor incondicional.

Com esta nova consciência, imagine a abertura que ocorrerá para que a cura seja plenamente realizada em nossas vidas!


As festas de fim de ano são um excelente momento para praticar estar mais presente no momento.

Quando estamos presentes, transcendemos o tempo e operamos a partir da versão mais expandida e empoderada de nós mesmos.

Praticar a presença nos permite estar abertos aos milagres, insights, oportunidades, sincronicidades e bênçãos que de outra forma não teríamos notado.

Estar presente nos ajuda a transcender as ilusões do tempo.

É a partir deste espaço de não tempo (um espaço de desapego) que as nossas maiores e mais desejadas intenções podem se manifestar.

Aqui estão algumas coisas simples que podemos fazer para nos ancorarmos no presente:

  • Passe mais tempo explorando e curtindo a natureza
  • Expresse gratidão frequentemente ao longo do dia
  • Cante, dance, tricote ou encontre outras maneiras de se expressar criativamente
  • Observe e esteja atento aos seus cinco sentidos – reserve momentos de silêncio para perceber os sons, formas, cores, sabores, texturas e aromas ao seu redor.
  • Dê uma grande gargalhada diariamente
  • Olhe nos olhos de todos que encontrar ao longo do dia e sorria


É no momento presente que a maior parte da nossa liberdade é vivenciada, porque não estamos mais presos às ilusões e hábitos do passado ou às preocupações com o futuro.

Escolher conscientemente se ancorar no momento presente leva a uma vida vivida em um estado de graça, fluxo e tranquilidade.


À medida que este ano chega ao fim, este é um excelente momento para refletir e esclarecer o que gostaríamos mais em nossas vidas.

Aqui estão algumas perguntas que devemos nos fazer, para obter maior clareza sobre o que queremos criar mais:

  • “Como é minha vida quando estou em paz e feliz?”
  • “Quais são algumas das coisas que eu gostava de fazer quando criança e que posso integrar em minha vida agora?”
  • “Que ações ou situações parecem expansivas e boas para mim?”


Responder a essas perguntas pode nos ajudar a esclarecer o que realmente queremos experimentar mais.

Depois de termos essa clareza, fica mais fácil agir e pedir apoio.

A maioria  hesita em pedir apoio a outras pessoas, seja porque não tem certeza do tipo de apoio que deseja, ou porque foi condicionado a acreditar que conseguir o que quer, tira algo de outra pessoa, criando um fardo para ela.

Também existe a crença de que “se eu pedir ajuda a outras pessoas, elas esperam que eu retribua o favor”.

A vida consiste em partilhar esta experiência humana com os nossos irmãos e irmãs. E um aspecto importante da experiência humana é fazer parte de uma comunidade.

Estamos aqui para compartilhar nossas bênçãos uns com os outros. Se você está cercado por pessoas que não querem apoiá-lo ou ajudá-lo, geralmente é um reflexo de como você tem tratado a si mesmo ou aos outros.

Você é generoso com seu apoio a si mesmo e aos outros? Você oferece apoio a outras pessoas sem esperar nada em troca?

Você acha fácil e divertido compartilhar suas bênçãos com o mundo?

Quando você puder responder “sim” totalmente a essas perguntas, perceberá que o apoio está disponível em abundância em sua vida.

Quando expressamos o que desejamos ao Universo e às pessoas ao nosso redor, pedindo apoio,  abrimo-nos para receber oportunidades que de outra forma não teríamos tido a chance de vivenciar.

O Universo quer nos dar tudo o que sempre desejamos para nós mesmos. É apenas uma questão do quanto estamos abertos para recebê-lo.

Se você se sentir sem apoio, encontre uma oportunidade de apoiar outra pessoa, mesmo que seja alguém que você não conhece muito bem.
Este ato de bondade mudará as energias para você. Isso abrirá sua mente, seus olhos e seu coração para saber que a vida é muito mais do que nos escondermos ou nos separarmos dos outros.

Trata-se de viver, amar e compartilhar abertamente nossos dons e nossa presença.


Muitas vezes, esta época do ano oferece um vislumbre da direção que estamos tomando como um todo, em nossa consciência coletiva.
Isso acontece mais facilmente nesta época do ano, quando a maioria das pessoas está mais aberta à magia e às maravilhas que estão realmente disponíveis para nós em qualquer época do ano.
Isso geralmente permite que as pessoas deixem de lado suas diferenças e ao mesmo tempo pratiquem mais a gentileza, cuidado e compaixão.

Por causa disso, a cada ano, durante esta temporada, todos nós subimos mais um degrau na escada da consciência. Começamos a sair do mundo da separação e entrar em um mundo de paz, amor e respeito por toda a vida.

Se você for alguém que se fechou para a magia extra disponível para nós nesta época do ano, não seja muito intransigente consigo mesmo! Apenas saiba que se você desejar, ela estará disponível para você.

Durante esta época festiva, vamos amar e adorar a criança de três anos que existe dentro de nós e em cada pessoa que encontramos.

Esta é a nossa parte que deseja apenas ser amada, aceita e nutrida.

Nós, como adultos, agora podemos oferecer esse amor à nossa criança interior e à criança interior de todos aqueles que encontramos.

Boas festas!

Até a próxima,

Com amor,


© 2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher 
Todos os Direitos Reservados

Você é absolutamente bem-vindo para compartilhar e distribuir essas previsões com os outros como você se sentir guiado. Certifique-se de manter a integridade deste artigo incluindo o link do site do autor e da fonte.

Transcrito por, com agradecimentos, de: 

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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