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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


I Am We Are; Being the Love and Peace as 2025 Approaches

By Archangel Michael  

Channel: Celia Fenn

Posted on December 30, 2024




In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World.

This means YOU ARE the Love and Peace of the New Earth in embodied form.

The Heart and the “Vertical Axis” and the necessity of Being Grounded

At this time you will need to be fully present in the NOW and aligned with your “Vertical Axis”. This is the alignment between Earth and Heaven within your Human Angel Template that includes all twelve chakras.

On the Material level these are the chakras below the Heart Chakra and includes also the Earth Star Chakra and the New Earth Chakra. On the Higher level this includes the chakras above the Heart including the High Heart and the Soul Star Chakra and the Solar and Galactic chakras.

When this alignment is active, it is necessary to be grounded and focussed in the NOW so as to keep your balance at all times.

Grounding practices can include being in Nature or at the Ocean. Walking in a Forest or a meadow or simply gardening at home. Or spending time with friends and family. Or undertaking simple practices like space clearing and decluttering at home.

Holding your Inner Light

As you move through December and into 2025, there will be many challenges as the chaos on the lower levels that affects the lives of many people. This comes in the form of extreme weather, social conflict and even wars.

Beloved Ones, you are here as illumined souls to hold the Light for the Collective Consciousness so that it may manifest within Humanity.

You are Light embodied.

That Light that you hold within your Heart and Soul can radiate and illuminate and lighten all the dark and heavy spaces in the Global consciousness. It can show many the way home to Higher Consciousness.


WE ARE ONE in Divine Love and Grace


What You can Do in the Month of December

Dearest Ones, we would suggest that in your daily meditations that you include a GRATITUDE practice, not only for yourself but also for the Planet. Be aware of deep gratitude for your Planetary Home and send it gratitude for the way in which it supports your life : air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat and whatever else you wish to include.

We suggest also a daily prayer of BLESSING or a Blessing practice in which you bless all living beings on Earth with Love and Compassion.

You can make this a brief prayer/blessing that you do at least 3 times a day, sending Love, Light and Blessings.

Beloveds, this is such a powerful practice!

And now, we ask that you let this Love, Light and Compassion move into the Collective Consciousness of the Planet, together with Forgiveness and Releasing. As you heal yourselves by becoming aware of trauma and mistaken beliefs, and then forgiving yourself and releasing negative energies, so this can also be achieved in the Collective. As you heal and transform, you empower the deep Collective to heal and transform.

You are One.

As you Heal you Empower Healing within the Collective.

And this is simply done by BEing Who You Are!

A Light to the World





ONE in the Love and Grace
Of Divine Love



Each one of You
Holding Space for Love, Peace and Beauty



Within Yourself
And on Earth.




Celia Fenn



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Being the Love and Peace as 2025 Approaches

By Archangel Michael  

Channel: Celia Fenn

Posted on December 11, 2024



In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World.
This means YOU ARE the Love and Peace of the New Earth in embodied form.
The Heart and the “Vertical Axis” and the necessity of Being Grounded
At this time you will need to be fully present in the NOW and aligned with your “Vertical Axis”. This is the alignment between Earth and Heaven within your Human Angel Template that includes all twelve chakras.
On the Material level these are the chakras below the Heart Chakra and includes also the Earth Star Chakra and the New Earth Chakra. On the Higher level this includes the chakras above the Heart including the High Heart and the Soul Star Chakra and the Solar and Galactic chakras.
When this alignment is active, it is necessary to be grounded and focussed in the NOW so as to keep your balance at all times.
Grounding practices can include being in Nature or at the Ocean. Walking in a Forest or a meadow or simply gardening at home. Or spending time with friends and family. Or undertaking simple practices like space clearing and decluttering at home.
Holding your Inner Light
As you move through December and into 2025, there will be many challenges as the chaos on the lower levels that affect sthe lives of many people. This comes in the form of extreme weather, social conflict and even wars.
Beloved Ones, you are here as illumined souls to hold the Light for the Collective Consciousness so that it may manifest within Humanity.
You are Light embodied.
That Light that you hold within your Heart and Soul can radiate and illuminate and lighten all the dark and heavy spaces in the Global consciousness. It can show many the way home to Higher Consciousness.
WE ARE ONE in Divine Love and Grace
What You can Do in the Month of December
Dearest Ones, we would suggest that in your daily meditations that you include a GRATITUDE practice, not only for yourself but also for the Planet. Be aware of deep gratitude for your Planetary Home and send it gratitude for the way in which it supports your life : air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat and whatever else you wish to include.
We suggest also a daily prayer of BLESSING or a Blessing practice in which you bless all living beings on Earth with Love and Compassion.
You can make this a brief prayer/blessing that you do at least 3 times a day, sending Love, Light and Blessings.
Beloveds, this is such a powerful practice!
And now, we ask that you let this Love, Light and Compassion move into the Collective Consciousness of the Planet, together with Forgiveness and Releasing. As you heal yourselves by becoming aware of trauma and mistaken beliefs, and then forgiving yourself and releasing negative energies, so this can also be achieved in the Collective. As you heal and transform, you empower the deep Collective to heal and transform.
You are One.
As you Heal you Empower Healing within the Collective.
And this is simply done by BEing Who You Are!
A Light to the World
ONE in the Love and Grace
Of Divine Love
Each one of You
Holding Space for Love, Peace and Beauty
Within Yourself
And on Earth.

Celia Fenn



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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