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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Federation of Light 2021/02/21
Morning! Here we are once again, then! Straight to it, if I may? Many are concerned regarding you always saying things are going to get a lot more Topsy Turvy than they already are. Can you elaborate on that? The warmest of ‘Hello’s’ to you Blossom and Each Soul present here. Firstly, we would say that all that is to come is nothing that you are unable to handle! For inside each one is a mechanism that triggers strength when needed and necessary. Mechanism? This ...
‘I Have No Friends’: Why You Feel This Way and What to Do
I’m an introvert, and I don’t have many social connections. But sometimes I feel like I have no friends at all. And something tells me that many of us feel this way from time to time. What can you do if you don’t have friends you could trust and rely on? And most importantly, why does this happen to you? First of all, let’s admit that friendship is a subjective phenomenon, just like happiness or love, and each of us has our own definition of this type of connection between two people. For...
A Vision for the Miracles of the Physical Body
Here is a Vision that was sent to us from an Intender named Pam in France. She says: This vision is for a world where humans have reconnected with their own bodies and have realized they are each absolutely unique Walking Miracles. I see a world where children in schools are taught as much about the inner workings of their wonderful and amazing bodies as they are about the external world; where they are taught to have total respect for the miracle of each and every organ that ...
Change and Reality
Your scientists realize that the world that you know and the world that surrounds you are always in constant flux. There are multi-realities, multi-choices available every moment. Quantum Physics offers insights into these multidimensional realities. Quantum Physics shows that energy can be a particle or a wave. Energy is imprinted by your conscious or unconscious thoughts. Each moment is new and fresh. It is awaiting your command. Humans are especially rigid with how they view their life, who they think they are, a...
Czech Microbiologist Claims 2nd and 3rd Wave Coronavirus Strain Was Artificially Engineered
Czech Microbiologist Soňa Peková has claimed in an interview that the coronavirus strain which caused the 2nd and the 3rd wave was artificially engineered. According to her, the COVID-19 vaccine may not work for the British coronavirus mutation, and that it is not certain what the vaccine will do in five to ten years. She also admitted that she would not be vaccinated. The Czech microbiologist Soňa Peko...
Italy: Masks Forbidden at School, Judgement of the Council of State
ER Editor: Most of us reading a site like this are very much aware of the various physical risks of mask-wearing. Remember the fireman showing us how a variety of masks deprive us of the legally required level of oxygen? See FIREMAN PROVES WEARING MASKS DEPRIVE YOU FROM A VITAL OXYGEN LEVEL. See also German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurologica...
As Biden’s son-in-law invests in CV19 response, questions of family and ethics could resurface
Interesting to compare MSM articles and positions on the two most recent Presidents. We can already see a difference in how the Lead-in title and approach to a possible ethics issue is framed as compared to the previous administration. Likely the last time you will hear about this, so take note. As posted on Yahoo news: When the boutique tech firm Yosi Health developed software aimed at streamlining the nation’s coronavirus vaccine effort, CEO Hari ...
You Did Not Come Here To Fail
Have you ever wondered what happens to a person who commits suicide? Spirit: Suicide. Your society generally condemns suicide. It looks down on those who attempt it, especially if they succeed. Is that condemnation justified? In our opinion, no!  Many of you reading this have been affected by the suicide, or attempted suicide, of someone close to you. *Why You Came to Earth* First of all, you must remember no one on your planet today came here without a good reason. In most cases, that reason is to help...
Health Ranger details the Texageddon collapse and animal rescue
The "Texageddon" collapse is like living in a post-EMP apocalypse. Grocery stores are empty or closed. Gas stations have run out of fuel. The rolling blackouts lasted nearly the entire week, and entire cities could not supply water pressure. Millions abandoned their homes and were forced to live in their vehicles or seek hotels, which were filled to capacity. Untold numbers froze to death in their own living rooms or vehicles. Food rationing still continues today, as ...
Out of the Box
Out of the BoxMorning Messages*By Peggy Black* *Message 82* The dimensions are a matter of frequency and vibration. Humans travel from one dimension to another many times a day. If it is not within their belief system, they are not aware of this and will not recognize this happening. For them it does not exist.You only see what you believe. Your reality matches your beliefs. That's the tricky part. You look out at your reality and see a certain experience. You see it--it looks real, feels real, and others agree that it's real. Therefore, it must be real. You continue to gather p...
Embrace Yourself
Embrace all parts of yourself; the spiritual, the intellectual and yes, the primal as well. Becoming comfortable with your whole self is the next step in your personal evolution....
Making Sacrifices
In my opinion, folks, my best guess would be the next thing they'll pull off is something to do with the weather. I go on Youtube and all I see now are MSM posts about weather catastrophes. There's snow in the southern States. You'd have to be Canadian all your life to know how unimpressed we are with a snow storm. We just got a foot of it the other night. So what. News about snow storms don't spark fear into the heart of a Canadian – we're so used to them it's boring. This fear porn is sneaking its way on...
This year is going to unveil many unexpected truths and events
This year is going to unveil many unexpected truths and eventsBy Saint Germain*Channeled by Erena Velazquez*February 19th, 2021 Greetings my Dear Ones, I am Saint Germain and I am happy to be here today. As all of you know, many things are happening in your world. Each day is bringing the humankind closer and closer to their liberation from the Dark Ages to the New Age, where there will be no more suffering, hunger and poverty, only joy, harmony and peace. Yes, my Dear Ones these days are finally coming to this planet. I am aware that humanity has been waiting for a very long tim...
Take Even More of Your Power Back
Take Even More of Your Power BackThe 9D Arcturian CouncilThrough Daniel Scranton *February 20th, 2021* Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been aware of the inevitable changes that would be taking place there on Earth for a very long time, but we never knew exactly what path you would take to get to where you are today. You have already begun taking back your power there on Earth with these enormous changes to the way that you share information. You no longer depending on newspapers, news from major networks on television...
The Nature of Negativity
I keep seeing people disliking these videos. I believe the first dislike is youtube's computer checkers checking to make sure I haven't used any of the buzzwords that get people's accounts suspended, and I'm careful not to. But any dislikes afterwards are most likely viewers who dislike the video. The first thing I want to say, is I made an assumption, and that is that they think like I do: that these negative viewers are looking for something they like and want to watch, but I keep forgetting the nat...
Happy, Loving, and Blissful
I’m waiting for the other Presidential shoe to drop and, while I do, using the Mother’s Pause to go deeper and deeper inside. And get clearer on some matters. Here’s one. I think the vast majority of people would be very satisfied if they were happy. I think a smaller section of people would be satisfied if they felt loving. Another smaller section, if they felt blissful. If you felt happy, loving, AND blissful, well, come on down! But that’s what it’s all about for most of us, isn’t it? To feel happy and, better still,...
Dare to be Different!
Dare to be Different!Message from Jeshua*Channeled by Pamela Kribbe **February 19th, 2021* Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your brother and equal, who has lived as a human being among humans. I am with you, although not physically, but in and through your hearts. You are connected to me as a bearer of the Christ energy. The Christ energy is one of connection, of being one on a level outside time and space. I am not the individual I was on Earth, that incarnation of Jesus or Jeshua. I am in you, and who you are speaks through me. I speak from a level of unity that lies outside earthly...
A Constant Light From a Star
Your heart already knows the answer. Listen and you will hear it. Your heart, your soul, is guiding every choice and decision whether you are aware or not, constantly allowing for expansion within you. We want you to remember this when you have a difficult time choosing. Pause for a moment and remember, “My heart already knows this answer.” By tuning in to the heart, by listening and trusting, it becomes easier to take action on what the heart is nudging. Your heart’s knowingness is lik...
Distractions, Portalways, and Cords
Why do I feel tired at the thought of writing about this? Guidance has seemed far away lately. Speaking to my Arcturian soul family… Energies heavy. Too many open doorways. Seal them, close the windows. Windows into other people’s realities. Through your creative expression you come back to yourself. Be discerning of what you take in. Over attention to the Internet siphons energy. Focusing, instead, on the Inner Net… the webs of connection you have with one another in the etheric. Soul sisters and brother...
Exploring Doubt
While doubt can certainly be a stagnating energy, it doesn’t have to be. Doubt is an invitation to use discernment, an opportunity to connect with your own inner wise one and discover your own truth. So if you are experiencing doubt rather than simply sitting in it, we encourage you to dig deeper. Get curious about what you are doubtful about and why that is. Is your intuition telling you something? Are you simply seeking clarity or a new alignment? What is your truth about the topic? What further energy is...
How Humanity Stays on Mission
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been very interested in perceiving the evolution of the human consciousness for quite a bit of your linear time, and we have often been very impressed by the way that you all can face such tremendous challenges in your lives and keep going. It is your love for each other that often keeps you going. It is not the belief in some sort of reward in the afterlife. It is not a feeling of responsi...

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