Seeking truth to be Free!
How can we confront that which we cannot see?

How Can We Confront* What we cannot see? How can we remember Who we are meant to be? This is a NOW To remember HOW We came to be *within* this NOW We realize that something, somehow Has changed our world, in an invisible way That we must deal with every day How do we deal with this unknown If we search inside, Will we be shown? At least if we look deep inside We'll know that we aren't Trying to hide Hide from what? We ask above Can we face this NOW With Faith and Love? We cannot hide, ...
Graduation is Coming

I wish to bring a message of hope. Soon things are to change dramatically. We know you have heard this word far too often and you are understandably weary of this particular word, nonetheless, it is true. There are great changes about to manifest for all humanity. These changes will present both the best and the worst in humanity, they will require the light workers of all vibrations to model compassion and forgiveness in their daily lives; these times will also bring the presents that have long...
Do Not Avoid me

Our beloved Yeshi has asked that I share a recent channel given in the Council of Love Teacher Training class. Yeshi reminds us that he wishes to join each and every one of us – to walk with us always and in all ways. We are all teachers of the new way of Love. Linda ~ Greetings, I AM Jesus. I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Yeshua, I AM Yeshi, I AM brother, I AM sister, I AM friend. Welcome beloved ones, and yes, many join us here this day in this sacred undertaking as you open your hearts, your minds, and your b...
For Newness in your You’ness
Hey friends! I'm not a unicorn, but I play with them in the inner realms. Here's some musings, echoes of their lessons that I've been remembered of and would like to pass along for those who are open to receiving. Thank you in advance for participating in this co-creation by reading along with this 'translation' of mine. My wish and prayers and Faith are held for you/us each and all, many blessings of happy smiles, and tearful eyes from fits of giggles; stitch in your side, peeing from laughter and more hugs and '...
We are waiting for the New Republic to be announced
Greetings My Children, I am Prime Creator, God, Father or Source here today to send my message to all of you. This is a call for humanity to wake up and raise their consciousness and help bring by Earth to the Golden Age. As I said previously that we started The Final Phase of Divine Plan to bring Ascension to Mother Gaia, who moved awhile ago to 5th dimension, now you need to catch up to her speed. Ashtar with his fleet are working together with other Light Force...
Family Picture, a Snapshot
The Goddess stood that fateful day, as she had many days and days before. Recoiled in grief, horror and rage; The Goddess has wept. The Goddess Stands as she always has, strong, unwavering; fortified by the living streams, rolling waters and infinite dreams of the Dreamers for Freedom, US! You, Me, Them and All. The Goddess Stands, righteous and upright, as she has timelessly, tirelessly since the day she stepped ashore and arose in her full might as Guardian, Protector, Witness and Guide. The Land of The Free, The ...
The Change I Want to See

Covid-19 was introduced to push mail-in ballots in the American election. The Quantum Financial System is online, is instantaneous, and will cost nothing to use. Elon Musk put $1.5 billion into Bitcoin. And it wasn’t even his money. On and on the public discussion goes, as we head towards something we know not what. (1) But I know that the most important thing to me – even as I do this work – is how I feel. I spend my days trying to escape from the mud of grumpiness. I don’t count the days until the Reval...

You must know by now that nothing happens by chance and therefore the Lockdown caused by Covid19 that has resulted in a virtual standstill of your normal activities. It is a worldwide phenomenon during which you have had more than ample time to consider better ways of conducting yourselves and living in peace. There are many matters that affect your way of life and how you relate to others, so that instead of being separated you could come together in mutual respect and understand...
Be Unmanipulatible 2
To the lady who messaged me saying that she finally found me back on YouTube, I know, I'm shadow banned. I might just become unavailable to viewers at any given time. Our video channelings are all on our website, sharonandIvo.weebly.com in text format on the blog usually. I'm also putting up some of our older videos on the site as well in video format. With censorship becoming as acute as it is now, you might want to consider visiting people's websites more for your information than you previously did. As...
The March 2021 Energies

The March 2021 EnergiesThe 9D Arcturian CouncilThrough Daniel Scranton *February 27th, 2021* Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exploring all of the various timelines that are in front of you now there on Earth in 2021, and we are very impressed by the timelines that you are currently creating and that you have been creating so far in this calendar year of yours. You are looking for opportunities to go deeper in your connections, and that is of paramount importance to the unification of the human collective...
See Yourself as God Does | Aurea via Sharon Stewart

People will use their opinion of you to manipulate you. God won't. People will even make up an opinion of you to gain their ends. God won't. He loves you. If you're like me and were highly sensitive, you experienced others' behaviour as brusque, gruff, frank, aggressive, uncaring or unpleasant, whether it was intended to be or not, and you developed an opinion of yourself that there must be something wrong with you if everyone else is so nasty to you. If you were raised in an abusive home like I was, then yo...
Federation of Light: A Planetary Shift Occurred

Hello to you. Well, something shifted in my energy last Sunday. I’d heard an energy Light boost was coming in (someone had sent me the info) and to be honest, I take everything with a pinch of salt these days. Yet, for me, and others I know … it happened … something that was said actually happened! A definite lift of my energy … as if an ‘attachment’ had been removed, type of feeling. Just feeling so much Lighter. Any thoughts? ~ Dearest Blossom and all souls who par...
They Eyes Of Time
A child will play with emotions to learn their significance. “I love you”, “I hate you”, “I am sad”, “I am angry” are often expressed with intensity and passion in the moment to be replaced by another of equal strength. As you grow older, the tempo changes to a more even rhythm. Be like a child in your emotional expressions, but temper them with the eyes of time. ...
Regret is an indicator of growth

The energy of regret is an indicator of growth. It shows that you tried something and have discovered it isn’t a true energetic match to who you really are or who you wish to be. Some of you experience regret and end up getting stuck there, unable to shift out of the resulting energies of guilt and shame. This actually stalls your own growth and expansion. This amounts to choosing to stay in lower vibrating energies as some form of penance which serves absolutely no one. If you regret an ac...
A Vision for Help from Higher Beings
Today's Vision comes from Brian K and he asks us to take a look at the bigger picture. Thank you for the wise reminder, Brian.* My vision is for all awakened souls on earth to ask for help from the brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light to assist us in the realization of the perfect reality that we all desire. We want your help!!! So be it and so it is!!!!! ...
Hershey, Nestlé and other chocolate makers sued for child slavery

A human rights group has filed a lawsuit against some of the biggest names in the chocolate industry for allegedly trafficking children across national borders to harvest cocoa. Eight Malian men claim they were victims of this child slave labor scheme, which involved their being recruited under false pretenses, trafficked into Côte d’Ivoire, and forced to work on cocoa farms without pay, travel documents, or any knowledge of when they would be allowed to return home. Among the...
Media Obsession With Jan. 6 ‘Extremely Frustrating’ to Law Enforcement

Black Lives Matter protester Jorge Mendoza holds a sign while rallying at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Following an agreement between Democratic Gov. Kate Brown and the Trump administration to reduce federal officers in the city, nightly protests remained largely peaceful without major confrontations between demonstrators and officers. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) National Police Association spoke...
The Decline of the West: American Education Surrenders to “Equity”

From thetruthseeker.co.uk The Strategic Culture Foundation Feb 18, 2021 *It will be difficult or even impossible to go back to a system where learning is actually a discipline that requires hard work and dedication.* Public education in the United States, if measured by results, has been producing graduates that are less competent in language skills and dramatically less well taught in the sciences and mathematics since 1964, when Scholastic Aptitude Test...
Return To Love
My spirit guides often say nothing you do, say, or think is done in a vacuum. It all ripples out to the whole world and touches many lives, whether you’re aware of it or not. *Spirit* You have often heard us say you are all connected. It can never be otherwise. However, you live in the illusion of separation. You see this person here, another there, and so on—all separate, even distant from you. You chose to physically incarnate, or reincarnate, into this world of illusion many times over many years. But now your world ...
Special 'Mad World' edition reveals we are all living in an insane asylum

The world has gone completely mad. Mass psychosis now rules everything. In a high school in Washington, they're stuffing band kids into suffocating "cocoons" and calling it progress. In China, US diplomats are getting "anal swabbed" for covid, against their will. And in America, a new company is reportedly cloning the flesh of Hollywood celebrities to make cloned sandwich meat so you can literally eat the flesh of your favorite movie stars. Yes, it's all dem...