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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Heroes Taking on the Goliaths of Your Time

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 20, 2025

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
We are always in awe of humanity, and we hold that awe with many others in the higher realms as we look down upon you, and we can see how much you have chosen to face, chosen to take on in this lifetime. It is important for you all to remember that it is always by choice that you are taking on your challenges because you do not get anywhere, you do not make any progress, by seeing yourselves as victims of a force outside of you that is stronger and bigger than you are.
We know that you face a lot of Goliaths out there in terms of the size, the weight, and the momentum of what is already in place, what was in place when you were born into your physical body. But you know that you are not alone in what you face and in taking on the challenges that you have taken on. You know that change is coming, because it always is and because change will reflect the level of consciousness held by those like you in The Awakened Collective. Therefore, you can relax and take some of the burden off of your shoulders for having to do it all.
You do not need to single handedly change your financial system so that you have an economy that is fair for all, but you are one of the ones who is contributing to the changes that are underway and that will continue. You are one of the ones who is changing your system of government, your politics. You are one of the ones who is contributing to living more harmoniously with Mother Earth and Mother Nature and having an environment that serves all.
You are one of the ones changing the educational system with your thoughts and your ideas, and you are one of the ones changing the health care system by choosing alternatives and by recognizing that the human body contains within it everything that it needs to heal itself. You are the ones to change the consciousness of the collective of humankind. And when you change a thought, a perspective, a belief, and your vibration, you change everything. So do not worry about how much work it will take, how much time it will take, and how much efforting is required on the part of those of you who are awake.
All you can do is what you can do in the moment, and you can also trust that more and more of your fellow humans are choosing to change themselves and to partake consciously in the changing of your world for the better. As we said, we are in awe of you for taking on so much, but we also don’t want you to feel like you’ve taken on too much or that you’re doing it all on your own. You have so many helpers in the physical and in the nonphysical. And in fact, you have the help of the entire universe as we are all ascending together.
This is an up-leveling of the consciousness of the entire universe, and you get to be a part of that. You are a significant part of it because you are doing it on one of the most challenging worlds to incarnate on in the entire universe. So do pat yourselves on the back and see yourselves as the heroes of your time because that’s what you are.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Sacred Space

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on December 16, 2024
As you continue to shine more brightly, people may be attracted to your light. If they are unaware of how shine themselves, they may want to borrow from you. 
It is your choice to allow or disallow this. Part of self-care is setting strong boundaries in a loving way. Your energetic space is a sacred and priceless gift from The Universe to you. 
You are worthy and deserving of maintaining it with love! 
The Creator


Credits to: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Free Flowing

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on September 25, 2024


As another energy surge arrives you have a choice; ride on top of it like a surfer or let it suck you under.  Every shift gives you a new opportunity to release and grow.  If you dig in your heels and refuse to budge, it is more challenging to navigate.  
Be the free-flowing spirit you were created to be and rise above, dear one!  No one can do this for you, but The Universe is always there to guide and assist. 
The Creator


Credits to: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Which Earth?

Message from Adama of Telos

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight


Posted on September 5, 2024

Even if events happen very quickly, if up becomes down and down becomes up, it is your inner peace, your inner silence, your inner calm that matters now.

Because you know the world and people, you must now withdraw, hold back and take back! Because the coming discharges are happening so that humanity’s karma can be redeemed, and they are happening so that the individual human being can be freed from the burden of collective human karma.

What is now emerging can cloud your mind, stir your soul and shake your heart. We are in the phase of transition from the dark world to the light world and from a humanity marked by negativity to a humanity that approaches life creatively and peacefully. Everything is changing, everything is moving towards the light, everything is healing, becoming whole, becoming wonderfully sublime.

Unity brings victory!

So now it’s about recognizing God’s handholds, realizing that you are surrounded by God at every step, accompanied by God, and supported by God. Give your deep inner longing more space, give your need for harmony, love, and joy more importance, give yourself more attention, and give your fellow human beings more time.

The hermits among you may connect with the luminous human family in meditation; those who are in the prime of life may look out for like-minded people and connect with each other.

This power of humanity is needed now! The power of groups brings trouble to the rulers of the last days, the self-confident behavior of people creates reality and actuality.

The silent majority is needed just as much as the loud minority, however things turn out – it depends on each individual!

Beloved people,

The divine spark in you is now ignited and so you become visible to all people who have not yet released their inner light and made it shine. You go ahead, you lead the way, you are the bright light in this dark time for many people.

We from the realms of the Inner Earth love you for your courage, respect you for your perseverance and support you wherever we can.

The peoples of the Inner Earth know what is happening on the Upper Earth now and what is being decided in these days. Our full attention and presence is with you, nothing is left to chance, everything must be considered.

JJK: What will be decided in the next few days?

Man’s choice!

ADAMA OF TELOS: Man’s choice! It will be decided in these days which earth you have chosen. Your decision will be realized in these days. This creates the relevant perception: some see the light, others only perceive darkness everywhere.

In this way, two humankinds are created through perception. In this way, the ascent of man takes place in his own consciousness.

This is your journey, this is what it is about – having planted the seed within so that the seed can sprout outside NOW.

I am with you every day.





Jahn J Kassl


My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Seeking truth to be Free!

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Warning as mRNA vaccines may alter your genes through "retro-integration"  Although the lying media claims this can never happen, there is a biological mechanism through which mRNA vaccine fragments can be transformed into DNA and then inserted into your own human genome, altering you forever. This could cause cancer, infertility, birth defects or critical health problems leading to death. There are zero safety studies examining this possibility, and the vaccine industry is covering it all up, pretending no one could possibly be harmed or killed by mRNA ...
Undo Societal Programming and Be More Powerful  Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are the beings in the non-physical who look for opportunities to connect with anyone or any collective because we are so curious by our nature and so unconditionally loving. We want to understand who we are as Source Energy Beings, as all-that-is, and so getting to know any component within all-that-is will always be one of our many pursuits. We look at the commonalities as proof ...
Creathing good or negative, it comes back to you almost immediately  Creating good or negative, it comes back to you almost immediatelyKarma*Channeled by Erena Velazquez*April 10th, 2021 I am Karma, and I am here today to introduce myself to humanity. I am a Divine Feminine Being and I also have a team, who works for me 24/7. You heard before that you carried Karma from your past lives, yes, all of you did. You have been dealing with your own Karma for thousands years. What is Karma? Let me explain to you, all of the negative actions you have done to others, environment and etc. during your lifetime. Another way to say it cause and effect. If yo...
THE HAPPY DREAM  Good Day to you our Dear Lightworkers, Starseeds we are very pleased to connect with you on this beautiful day in April. This beautiful day of Spring 2021, where the flowers are blooming more brightly, and the birds are singing in enchantment as Divine music for your ears. Indeed, the world has changed for you as you enter the fifth dimension of love. All around you in your perception is more radiant, brighter, ablaze with luminance as you move out of the fear dimension. The knowing of who and what you are, and...
What you're Affected by is your Choice ~ What you're Affected by is your Choice Ivo of Vega*Through Sharon Stewart*Posted April 10th, 2021 I want to get Ivo to explain this in more detail because I believe it's a lesson we all need to learn. And I mean it when I write it, “What you're affected by is your choice.” You can react to everything or you can react to nothing. Granted, there are influences on your consciousness that perhaps will lead you to get mired in some pit of negativity that perhaps you'd rather not get mired in. I was talking to one person yesterday and felt very depressed, then another person came alo...
The Great Purification ~ We are indeed in the middle of intense things happening on all levels now, and these are happening in the invisible realms and mostly on an exceedingly high vibrational frequency level. The great purification by the Sacred Divine Fires is escalating and indeed this is going to go deeply into very core of the heart and soul. I was shown yesterday, how this the beautiful Sacred Fires are descending and are a beautiful Golden-white-platinum color. This is acting like a huge purification network and indeed I saw how the soul...
More and More Still ~ More and More Stillby Steve BeckowPosted April 9th, 2021 As a lightworker and a spiritual seeker, I see the benefits of cleansing, purifying, removing obstacles, processing vasanas, deconstructing the constructed self, reparenting myself, etc. I know what’s “down there.” (1) And it’s innocent and pure, loving and blissful. I am in a sense uncovering it. Or one could look at the matter in an entirely-different way and compare it to the sentient column of water in the movie Abyss (see graphic, above). When contact was over, it simply withdrew to the center of itself. By the same...
Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues ~ More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones, only to be confronted with threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale that thousands of lives could have been lost. But in conceding to them it has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken their power base. Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues at a fast pace, and there will be no let up until their web of ne...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

What Has Changed and What is the Same?
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One Truth Within   I am Mary Magdalene and I am here today to make you remember that you are one with the divine, that your Holy Grail is within you. It is a great revival that is now moving across the earth. People wake up from their deep sleep and discover that they have a different reality within them than the one they see in what happens on the outside. They begin to question their truths, the truths of others, and the truths that appear in the media. What is really ...
Your Choice   Ivo: I wish to bring up a few examples for the audience to consider. Me: Great, thank you Ivo. Ivo: So many of you wish to own your own home, but your home will put you in debt for the balance of your life, until most are in old age. Why? This is because of the interest rates on your home and because you will end up paying for that home two or three times over by the time your mortgage is paid off. Do you really think that owning a home is such a benefit to you when you understand that you will be indebted for...
Look Forward to What is Coming  Do not be afraid of the future! Take courage, have confidence and enjoy the things that are coming. Changes from the light reach the earth and the hearts of people are touched by the divine light. The dark plans fail on all lines and those who have chosen the light and decided for the love of God enter HIS kingdom. Beloved people, I am JESUS CHRIST. The days are longer and we are in a new year. The awakening continues and more and more people remove t...
A Vision for Complete and Utter Freedom  We see a world where the powers-that-be on this planet suddenly see the great benefit to themselves and everyone else that comes as a result of their changing their behavior so that now they no longer attempt to control others by any means whatsoever. Likewise, we also see a world where the part of ourselves who has allowed us to remain under the thumb of others suddenly sees the great benefit to everyone concerned in changing our own behavior so that we are no longer allowing ourselve...
There is Plenty you Can Do
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The Veils Must Be Removed Slowly  Honored light workers, light warriors, truth seekers, healers of Mother Earth and more. It can now be so frustrating for you, not to mention anything else. The needle eye you go through of lies, injustices and untruths that you also want to implement in humanity. You see it, you are awake and you know what truths must come to light before we can bring about change. So frustrating dear ones. A symbolic image we can se...
Scientists Find Evidence Of Toxic Chemicals In Your Face Masks  Scientists have found toxic chemicals in preliminary analysis of face masks. These toxic substances found on face masks also involve carcinogens, allergens and controlled substances. Masks are used by general public these days mandated by governments in order to prevent Covid-19 infection. However, experts are concerned that toxic chemicals in face masks can cause unintended health issues. Before pandemic, China was the leading mask manufacturer of the world and solidified this position ...
Their real plan: The vaccinated will die; the unvaccinated will be hunted
 The globalist extermination plan for humanity is now accelerating. The covid vaccine "death wave" (likely to explode this Fall) will likely kill tens of millions, but that's not nearly enough for the anti-human criminals in charge. They're also building concentration camps and passing laws (in New York already) to round up the unvaccinated and throw them into camps for mass extermination. This is the Holocaust, version 2.0, the "covid camps." And it's coming to ...
Anticipation  Look forward with anticipation to the coming of each new day. Exciting experiences unfold, wishes are granted and thoughts become reality, all in the blink of an eye. Are you anticipating? ...
KEEP AFLOAT  In our world dualistic thinking has governed our experience of life. As such our lives have been divided into opposites of light / dark, joy / sorrow, love / fear. We have had to know each side in order to explore and reestablish balance. Currently our awareness is deepening which is enabling us to clearly see and understand the root of our suffering. For some this is an extremely painful process as the depth of their pain is experienced. For others it is a liberating time of expansion as they are finally freed from the con...


Seeking truth to be Free!

4 Painful Lessons Learned from Losing a Friend
Lauren Edwards-Fowle; Losing a friend might just be the hardest relationship break-up any of us ever goes through. It’s somehow higher stakes than losing a partner, or even a marriage, since we assume that our friends will be by our sides come rain or shine and forever after. However, we do lose friends, and much as we need time and tools to cope with any other kind of loss, it is essential to give yourself the emotional strategies to learn from it. Let’s work through what th...
Was Tanzania’s President John Magufuli Assassinated For Exposing COVID-19 Plandemic?
Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has died at a hospital in Dar es Salaam, the country’s vice president announced in a televised address on Wednesday. He was 61. His sudden death has raised many questions including whether Tanzania’s President was assassinated for exposing the COVID-19 plandemic by taking controversial action against Big Pharma and the WHO and their global push for vaccines. [image: Was Tanzania's President John Magufuli Assassinated For Exposing COVID-19 Plandemic] ...
How To Protect Yourself Without Getting A COVID-19 Vaccine Shot – Canadian Doctors Speak Out
Canadian Doctors Speak Out; In an educational video created by the Liberty Coalition Canada in partnership with the Canadian Health Alliance, licensed medical professionals and doctors provide instructions on how to protect yourself without getting a COVID-19 vaccine shot. The doctors also offer the top reasons not to fear Covid-19 providing information about variants of the disease and immunity, and recommends treatments that have been proven effective against the virus. The doctors believe that policie...
The One: Our Ascension Event
Sophia Love; It is the One. Nothing but your/the Ascension takes precedence now. For all of your aspects, every one of your timelines and “dimensions”. All eyes, hearts and energetic impulses are focused right here, right now, on this very moment which you are creating now. This life. Your life in 2021. For this is the most glorious culmination of collective love, an outpouring of generational, universal intent – a brilliant force of cosmic light. This moment is unique. The build-up to its eventual completion is something n...
Doctor Warns Experimental COVID “Vaccine” Actually “Dangerous Gene Therapy”
Dr. Steven Hotze M.D., a conservative activist and medical professional out of Houston, Texas, wants Americans to know the COVID-19 shot is not technically a “vaccine” and is actually “a dangerous, experimental gene therapy.” “The so-called COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine at all. It’s a dangerous, experimental gene therapy,” he explains. “The Center for Disease Control, the CDC, gives the definiti... How to survive the engineered extermination... it's here
To understand why the globalists are actively working to exterminate the entire human race, you have to first understand their plans for themselves. They believe in transhumanism and think they're going to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by "uploading" their consciousness into machines. To control all the resources, they are working to exterminate all carbon-based lifeforms, including human beings. And the vaccine is all about spreading ma...
Meeting our Galactic Family
Suzanne Lie; Greetings Dear Friends and Family, We, the members of your/our Galactic Family, have asked that our scribe, and/or scribes (the ones who document our messages to them, and share their messages with the other grounded humans ) wish to remind you all that we, the members of your Galactic Family are grateful for your great advancement in remembering that you are much, more than just a human being. More and more humans are beginning to awaken to the fact that they are *not just humans. * In fact, more and more of the "memb...
We are now living in a reality in which many, many things are changing and or sprouting up from nowhere. We could choose to be afraid and/or angry, or we could choose to focus on expanding our own personal view of reality. There are so many changes within this now, And within about every place that we look, That we often cannot find a manner in which we can Calmly examine, think about, and discuss with others Our thoughts and ideas about how our reality is changing. In fact, we can take this now to ask our self each of the ...
Up To You
Jennifer Farley; Take a few moments today and think about what is important to you and what you would like to create in the coming weeks and months. The arriving energy will, again, lend extra power to all your recent manifestations so, it is best to plan accordingly. (Smiling) Remember, The Universe will co-create anything on which you choose to focus. Bumpy or smooth, the choice is up to you! You are worth it! ...
Kate Spreckley's Inspiration; We are transforming from the inside out which is creating a profound shift in how we operate in our world. How we view ourselves and our reality is changing unlocking new opportunities and new potentials. As we shift our thinking and release the old programs, we elevate our awareness to the realms of the soul where the power we need to manifest a new world is unleashed. Honour this time as a sacred space where deep healing is occurring. Observe your reactions, assumptions and projections and continue to clear t...
Equinox Energies, Your Energy Fields and the New Earth
Daniel Scranton; Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with how you all have been acclimating to and utilizing the energies of the equinox. The equinox energies are upon you, and they will continue to be upon you because of the openness of those of you who are awake. You are grounding these energies into the physical reality for yourselves and others. Others who are not awake and have a bit of resistance with...
Very soon all will witness what changes are taking place
Erena Velazquez; Good Morning America and the World, I am Nikola Tesla and I am glad to be here today and speak to all of you. It has been awhile since I left this dimension about 78 years ago. I was called an electrical and mechanical engineer during my life on Earth, I viewed myself more as an inventor. I was fortunate and blessed to live a long human life to the age 86. During my time being here, I was a very busy man, who kept creating new inventions. So...
There is No Wrong Path
Steve Beckow; All paths lead home.  The book Some Will Choose Not to Ascend: The Time of Separation can be downloaded here: I worry that some family and friends are following the wrong path.* SaLuSa: Do not worry about anyone’s path as all are destined to follow one that has already been planned. You will all find yourselves in the right place to continue your evolution. (1) SaLuSa: All are cared for and by the time Ascension comes... 
By Adanata Aingeal; I was born on the 1st day of the 5th month, meaning July 17th. 8 years ago I got a tattoo that says adanata, not knowing at the time that is actually means father, son, and Holy Spirit. I have have always had a deep connection with God, but have never been a devout churchgoer, or even bible reader. I have a good heart, apparently, the best heart, that is why God chose me. That and other things, including my blood which is very special. I lit the world on fire when Trump came on the scene in 2015 with the words, I created a movement on ...

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