The most precious gift that 2024 gave us is our deepened global vision and the expanded taking of the Universe as our own inner world, rather than as a foreign and hostile outer space. This helped us to better understand why the Absolute and Co-Creator decided not to force the Earth’s transformation in the first half of 2025. On 22 December, the new events’ scenario for the next six months was downloaded into the terrestrial Logos’ Casual Matrix. What earlier Disclosure News had written about in Operation 4th Universe (20 Parts) and New Matrix (14 Parts) has regained relevance. The systemic and human problems turned out to be more complicated than expected. Recall briefly the background.
Now we know that our current Local Universe is the third that 14D Absolute has created, being then a “tot” in the Source’s hierarchy. The previous two were unsuccessful and ceased to exist. To start the 3rd, Absolute singled out a primary undifferentiated Light from Self, which the Pleroma’s Number One Hierarch had to divide into Masculine and Feminine Foundations, charged with positive and negative energies. It was necessary to create a dipole (magnet) and, through this bipolar attractor, give birth to worlds and life in lower dimensions.
Today we comprehend why, during the splitting of the Absolute’s Light, instead of making a dipole, the Supreme Hierarch created two Male Highest Beings, Christ and his elder twin, who were not opposed in energy, but identical. Mistakes are impossible at that level, and, as it turned out later, this was the decision of the Absolute. Like the Source, it wanted to know Itself through its own creatures. In any case, the Cosmic Law of Free Will and Choice Freedom was not violated.
Yes, it has complicated our incarnation on Earth. The violation of the polarity’s principle led to the fact that the original reference formula of the Local Universe “unity of opposites” was replaced by “unity and STRUGGLE of opposites”. In lieu of a magnet, an explosive mixture appeared that caused a systemic break in the Universe’s core and the Pleroma’s schism. Disclosure News many times described how it went.
By Absolute’s request, Christ was assigned to create a Perfect Men, and His elder brother – the worlds to host them. To complete the task, both received the feminine half, becoming dipoles. Christ’s results were so ideal that they surpassed Him. This became the reason for his brother’s jealousy, which turned into hatred, and then, into the betrayal of Pleroma, and an endless chain of consequences for the entire Local Universe and Earth.
But they were very valuable to the Absolute, who wanted to see how we would behave in conditions of bipolarity and duality, that is, in separation from the Source. Will we perceive selves not as Its part, but as a completely independent beings? In other dimensions, such phenomena don’t exist, and entities there always feel their close and inseparable connection with One. Regretfully, even some Highest Light Hierarchs couldn’t meet this self-challenge.
This manifested itself in the betrayal of the Christ’s elder brother, who began to build his Anti-Pleroma, Anti-Universe and its Dark civilizations, while his twin expanded his Light eons and worlds. Thus began the confrontation and struggle of Light and Dark. The Absolute observed the developments, drew conclusions, and knowing Self through everything that was happening in Its Local Universe.
Both forces were initially endowed by equal power. But the lower these vectors sank in the tight densities, the fiercer was their antagonism, and in 3D it became extreme. The confrontation between them has encompassed all spaces and dimensions on the Subtle and physical plane. Over time, it reached Earth, which, along with other eons, was at the junction of two camps, in the center of a huge Gray zone, run then by Yaltabaoth.
Now, we are better aware of the humans’ role in these events. Prior to the fall, Christ brother angled for the permission to originate his Man’s version. But he couldn’t repeat Christ’s masterpiece because of the anger that was eating away at him from the inside like a cancerous tumor. To own off-springs, he gave fragments of his wave DNA and Super Monad, as well as an external form, copying it from the Perfect Man of Christ, but without the latter’s inner content. And worst of all, with the primary cell of karma, which we automatically received and had to process as the main term of our embodiment on Earth. Nevertheless, we took this planet as treasured gift. In all 700,000 Local Universes and 7 trillion worlds, we chose the terrestrial unique school for self-test. And nobody invited us here, forced or duckoyed by deception.
Gifting us an opportunity to upgrade and get needed experience, Co-Creators have helped us more than once, as we now know. On 21 December 2012, by the mightiest Impulse, the Absolute, as Its Christmas gift, annihilated the entire Earth’s Causal karma. After that, the Karmic Council began removing the fall-outs, about what Disclosure News narrated in Return Of Karma Lords (15 Parts).
In parallel, Higher Light Hierarchs and their ground team up to this day carried out dozens of ops on the physical and Subtle Plane to destroy and remove the NAA and Darks’ legacy that DNI also described, though thousands of them remained behind the scene. A lot has been done, but more needs to be accomplish. And that’s why Lightwarriors don’t whine, complain, accuse, or demand compensation for difficulties, but simply work together with Co-Creators to clean-up the space for the Absolute’s new, 4th Local Universe, free from duality, dichotomy, and Darkness.
Many former Black Hierarchs, who have returned to the Light Side, are involved in this. They include Christ’s elder brother, as well as Yaltabaoth, Lucifer, Kali, Lilith and others, as Disclosure News informed (see – Surface Ops Of The Light Forces, Part 1, 12 August 2020; Yaltabael – Henceforth And Forever, DNI, 25 March 2021; Intra-Galactic Merkaba Reactivation – New Galactic Ops, Part 6, DNI, 5 March 2021; Armageddon Chronicle, Part 2 and Part 4, DNI, 23 and 25 April 2021).
According to Cosmic Laws, Co-Creators can’t interfere in the Monads’ karma, i.e. of Souls, embodied on Earth, or stayed in its incarnation field. And exactly then, we’ve got another valuable gift – from Guan Yin, and later, from Yang Bao, who annihilated our Monadic negativity by Their Hearts (see – Whipsaw, Part 7, DNI, 30 April 2023; and Light Forces Thai Operations, Part 2, DNI, 20 August 2020). The remnants of the toxic substance were transferred from the de facto to the virtual format, retaining de jure as a loan, in a 1:1 ratio, to facilitate our efforts of its redemption.
They believed in us and really hoped that thanks to their self-sacrifice, we could quickly cleanse selves from our current karma. But instead, we gave them an anti-gift. Due to the incessant malice, hatred and aggressiveness, the Monadic karma of incarnated people resumed a sharp exponential growth, and to stop it, Guan Yin and Yang Bao had to step in again (see- Elbrus Ops Part 2, DNI, 23 December 2024), but were not fully successful.
This was the main reason why Co-Creators downloaded into terrestrial Logos’ Causal Matrix the events’ scenario without speeding-ups and breakthroughs. Does this mean that everything was in vain? That the System bends and degrades us so much that, despite all the support from above, we descend to the animal state again and again and don’t want to change anything in our feelings, thoughts and behavior? That having fullest free will and choice freedom, we still prefer the System and its rules, and are ready to kill anyone who is against it?
Neither the Absolute, nor Co-Creators think so. And in the last days of 2024, they gave us another gift, beginning to transfer ALL OUR NEW, CURRENT KARMA INTO A VIRTUAL FORMAT. What does it mean?
This means that, within two weeks, they zero the newly formed karma, then, reset our Monads (folding all its manifestation bodies except the etheric and physical ones) and reformat of their cores in compliance with virtualization’s protocol. When committing a negative act and, consequently, a decrease in the vibrations and Luminosity of the Soul, karmic mutation does not occur. Instead, the program blocks and deactivates the corresponding segment of the Monad. That is, it simulates the state that would occur with the formation of real karma. And to remove it, neither the Supreme Hierarchs, but ONLY our Monads have to direct deal with us under the control of Karma Lords, at least until March 2025 and possibly longer, monitoring each of us individually.
How it occurs practically? The ground team head shared his recent personal experience. In the morning of the last ops’ day at Elbrus, he decided to have a cup of coffee on the balcony of his hotel room. Snow fell overnight, and the tiled floor was covered with ice, becoming very slippery. Lightwarriors missed his footing and began to fall. A split second, and, as they say in such cases, own whole life flew before his eyes. He realized that this was the end, flying headfirst into the concrete threshold and guaranteed to fracture cervical vertebrae.
And then suddenly some unknown powerful force picked him up and brought back to an upright position. If someone had told him that such a thing could happen, he would never have believed it. But it happened to him personally! Then, his Higher Self explained that this was how his Monadic karma had been removed. But the show went on.
After the Monad’s rebooting, already at home, a situation arose, in which his Higher Self unwittingly earned new karma. How did Lightwarrior worked it out? On the same day, he went out into the yard to feed his three dogs and two cats, who, alas, pop a deuce everywhere and, thanks god, not in the rooms. And so, walking along a concrete path, holding a bowl full of food, he slips on the poo spot and falls headfirst onto the stone surface again.
This time, an unknown force didn’t interfere and did not violate the law of gravity. Lightwarrior managed to put out his hand, and landed on his palm. But still hit his head on the concrete, although not very hard. He got up and went to feed the pets. His head ached for several days due to a slight concussion. And all the time, he thought within self: yes, Karma Lords can count everything down to millimeters. Very symbolically they planted feces, sort of karma’s analog… Gaggers, Jeezy Louisey…
But it was at this moment that the protocol of Monad’s self-purification from virtual karma worked again. Ideally, it is desirable that this doesn’t happen in force majeure, so that the physical body not suffers or dies. But now it depends only on each of us personally, which “gifts” we will give to selves. Therefore, the polarization and further increase of Solar tempests and magnetic storms to the maximum level, as occurred on 31 December, will continue throughout the coming months.
Timelines, which are formed by the energy of the earthlings’ collective aspirations, can provoke serious cataclysms, but today they have minimal potential, as Co-Creators suppress them in every possible way to avoid excessive sacrifices. Cataclysms occur, but only as local clean-ups and are very far from reaching global proportions. However, their strength may rise. For this, the System and Power Pyramid pump up the mass consciousness with eschatological content and predictions of the Apocalypse, trying to convince us that Co-Creators won’t help, masterly steering our attention and behavior in the necessary direction.
However, they can’t just take away people’s faith in the future. First, it needs to be loosened by discrediting the channels through which it accumulates. And loosening is easiest to do where there is no complete confidence in the source of information, especially since Co-Creators, Curators and Guardians rarely give it openly. Yes, their data often contradicts our taking, knowledge, and beliefs, and much of what they say defies human logic. Therefore, Darks so fast hook us by infiltrating our channels of communication with the Higher Light Beings to sow disinformation. It’s difficult to avoid, given the advance technology, the number of “well-wishers,” the human factor, and more.
However, this doesn’t give anyone the right to throw accusations and openly impose their hopeless and desperate opinion on others in crude forms. Moreover, no one promised the absolute truth here. It simply does not exist, because it depends solely on the perception of each individual. For example, many believe that unlocking our memory of parallel or previous incarnations and psi capabilities will greatly simplify the tasks that we came to perform on Earth. Others have a different point of view. But it’s not a reason to try to expose Co-Creators and dictate WHAT AND HOW they should do, and what gifts to give us.
Of course, given the specifics of the Absolute’s experiment, many predatory and parasitic space races took advantage of this, which no one has ever denied. For the Source, everyone is important, plays own role and has the right to exist. This aggravated the life on Earth, which many constantly complain about, continuing to consider selves deceived, and accuse Co-Creators of helplessness and “unprofessionalism.” Also, a lot of people are sure that the Local Universe’s Programmers, who created 3D world, lured Souls in it, promising paradise-like living, but in fact, use their vital energy in the NAA, Darks and Grays’ interests.
We categorically don’t accept the explanations made millions of times that these are the conditions of any experiment. Its course is constantly changing as it develops and is adjusted on the go, taking into account the non-stop transforming. No one can ever predict the outcome in advance, not even the Source and the Absolute. That’s why it’s an experiment, and for participating in it, we came to Earth from our home worlds and densities.
Staying here resembles a game of multidimensional hide-and-seek that One plays with Its children, leaving us to believe or not to believe in the Source’s help and existence. And with each cycle, these hide-and-seek games become more complicated, and losing self in them happens more often, which we did not initially expect. Like many Souls before us, we came to this planet to understand the causes of its viscous and extremely toxic reality, its involution and decaying, and to try to find a solution to the problem.
There are also a huge number of the same researchers who, like us, continue to conduct the energy of the Source into this experimental area. If Darks had just been trapped us on Earth and fed disinformation, then nothing would happen. But changes occur, and only a complete blind person can deny them. The world would have long ago fell into abyss, and civilization would have been completely removed, as it was done before us. However, this does not happen for reasons that Disclosure News returns to over and over again.
Awakened awareness, and widespread taking and deeper understanding, freed from television and consumer husks, has a very high degree of influence on the surrounding space and events in it, in comparison with sleeping consciousness. One awakened Soul affects the timeline in the same way as 10 sleeping ones. By skillful brainwashing the masses, the System and Power Pyramid spend much less resources, but achieve the desired status quo. The more we believe in hopelessness, the more we attract it to selves, in our reality, pumping by the energy of our attention the Darks’ lives.
But they are powerless in the main. Co-Creators are carefully monitoring Earth and won’t allow the situation to completely degrade, and never permit the global unconscious at the level of faith to destroy self and the planet. That is why there is such a fierce war going on for every Soul. That’s why there are so many disinfo, hopium and waitium in the most “reliable” and “resonating” esoteric sources. That’s why there are so many complaints, anger, and distrust in the comments. Some behave as victims, complaining about their personal issues. Others accuse Co-Creators of grave crimes against humanity, playing the role of judge and considering selves at least their equal.
Everyone has problems, but does it make sense to focus others’ attention on them, attracting even more hardships? It all depends on our choice: do we want to be victims? We will be. Do we want to further upgrade and believe in the developing our world into a new reality? This also will happen. Going outside or just looking out the window, we see that everything remains the same. But reality is changing and dividing, which many already feel as a general discomfort, malaise and constant bad mood.
We don’t understand that not everything is achievable in one day. The knowledge we are receiving now looked like complete schizophrenia a few years ago. But today there are more and more of it, and data are becoming more and more open, which is another great gift. This very fact already highlights the huge changes in the information field and the quality of people’s thoughts. There is a systematic prep of the earthlings’ consciousness for the qualitative leap called the Transition. And the more we complain, whine and reject, the slower it will go because of our unreadiness.
The same applies to the entire civilization. Giving us the opportunity right now to use all possible capacities (unlocked cosmic memory, restored superpowers, etc.) will wreak havoc among unprepared men. A general critical mass must be reached, and the timing of events will be proportional to our denial or belief in what is happening, but now these timing are unpredictable. It’s precisely the achievement of a critical mass of open minds that the System tries to avoid, provoking criticism, distrust and negativity, whether consciously or not. And it only depends on us whether to give it such a gift in 2025.