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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Are You Awake to Source’s Greatest Gift?

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 28, 2024

Credits: Reddit
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You have a wonderful consciousness to explore, and your consciousness is your greatest gift from Source to get interested in and excited about. Another way of looking at it is that you have senses that go beyond your five senses through which you experience the physical world. For example, you have your feeling sense with your nerve endings, and you can touch something like the coat of a cat, and you can have the physical sensation on your hand, but then there is your consciousness and your experience of it at that level.
There are many ways to use your ability to have an experience that we would like to explore with you, because you know that you have more than five senses, and you must know by now that you have more than six senses as well. You have a depth to you that goes beyond the physical realm when you are willing to explore that which you really are as an infinite and eternal being. What does it feel like to love that cat that you are petting? What does it feel like to commune with that beautiful tree that you are staring at? What do you feel when you look into the eyes of a child?
These are all experiences that you signed up for, that you wanted to have through your journey of life experience there on Earth. Now, you’re ready to explore how much more is available to you because you are awake and you are aware. Being aware gives you everything that you need in every moment to continue the journey that you are on consciously. It is important for you to know that you don’t always use your conscious awareness to guide you, and instead you go by what is habitual or societal. You go by what is subconscious or genetic, and you bypass the opportunity that is in front of you to go deeper into the moment you are in to explore what is available to you as a being of light and love who is expanding out in all directions.
We know that you are interested in this, and we know that we are your guides at this time, and so we present you with the opportunity to ask yourselves the question of, ‘How can I go deeper into this moment to have a more pure experience of it?’ You are going to awaken so many connections and abilities when you answer that question for yourself. And you are there also to demonstrate just how far you can go within a physical body on planet Earth in the fourth dimension. We can feel your readiness to stretch your experience of reality right now, and that is why you are receiving this message.
Do not take any of this seriously, but do see it as another way to enjoy your lives that you were not taught about in most of your schools there on Earth. We know that we are speaking to the teachers, the healers, and the leaders of humanity, and we know how much potential there is within each and every one of you to go further with your exploration of consciousness, of self, and of Source.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Secret to Trusting Your Intuition

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on November 3, 2024 


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of #25 of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel is offering the secret to learning how to trust our intuition.
Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.
Everywhere I turn now, I feel like I am being confronted with the need to be aware of other states beyond the physical. In fact, much of my life at this point seems to be focused on looking beyond the 3D world we have been familiar with and more about learning to live in the higher frequencies in the expansive of 5D world we have moved into.
I find it to be a really interesting time to be alive right now. I am so curious about the shifting frequencies and the magical beauty inherent in the way the Divine Flow of Love is working through all that we are experiencing. It feels like being Home in a way that life in the world all these years has never been.
I love that my Higher Self is available to me in a new way. Many people are agreeing with this assessment. The Light Fields of energy are pliable and malleable enough for us to be able to co-create a life that can bring us fulfillment of our greatest dreams. I am able to have deeper communication with my heart without taking as much time to raise my frequency. I find I am already living in the higher frequencies that give me access to my guidance system.
It is living in the world with these new frequencies that seems to be the trickiest part for my physical body, especially my nervous system. Life responds differently in the higher dimensions. When my actions do not create the same results they used to before 2012, that tells me I have to pay attention and make some new action choices. It turns out that when I do this, everything is much easier. Even more radically, it seems as though Love is a greater component in all activity than ever before.
It is a bit wild when I realize that it's taken more than 70 years to finally start the world that I thought I was being born into. When I did not have a body, it seemed like a great idea to "be ahead of my time." However, the reality of life when nobody understood anything I said and even thought I was more than a bit crazy, was grueling to say the least.
The freedom of the time we are living in now is remarkable and I love having more people to play with in the Beauty of the higher frequencies. This teaching has become a component to all my private sessions, so that Hope, Creative Solutions and Expanded Perceptions can be brought into daily life.

Divine Presence,


Thank you for guiding me through this time with so much Clarity, Grace and Ease. Thank you for helping me to see what steps I need to take to be in harmony with my Soul's wisdom and learn to work with the Angelic Dimensions to create new life on every level.


As I learn to navigate the new frequencies, please care for my physical body and my nervous system. Help me to be more conscious of the times when I am over-stimulated and need to slow down, be quieter and take deeper breaths.


Thank you for guiding my decisions and all of my actions so they are in alignment with my Soul's journey. I ask to be in Harmony with the power of my intentions for this new time. Thank you for helping me learn to be more receptive to my guidance.


For all these blessings and for the beautiful life I have been given, I say thank you. And so it is.


Shanta Gabriel

November 3, 2024


The Gabriel Message #25

Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.
You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated "Know Thyself," they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one's consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means having real discernment of who you are as a multi-dimensional being.
You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the physical world in which you live. In fact, developing an awareness of these other states of consciousness creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking. The deeper qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane. They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being. To commune within yourself is to find these qualities. It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create conscious awareness of the love and light within you.
As you sit quietly and breathe balanced breaths deeply and slowly, there are immediate results in mind, body and spirit. Imagine that you are sitting in a pillar of golden light joining Heaven to Earth through you. This allows you to enlarge your consciousness raising your vibrational frequencies to match your dreams. When you add prayer asking for what you want in your life, you allow the grace of the Angels to work for you.
On this free-will plane of existence, you need to ask for their assistance or they will not interfere. This does not necessarily mean a formal prayer. Asking can be as simple as saying the words for the qualities you want in your life, such as Love, Peace and Freedom. Meditating on these qualities can literally change your life and create a more abundant, joy-filled existence. It allows you to tap into your Higher Self and your guardian Angels, so you are communicating with the deepest levels of your being.
From this place, the answers you receive will be from a level of Divine Order, and all that follows will be for the highest good of all concerned. You will receive intuition and know the actions and words that will best assist you with the challenges you face.
Once you begin to act on your intuitive guidance, you will start to trust yourself. Life will feel easier. You won't need to continue looking to others for the answers. With every fiber of your being, you will know what is Truth in your life.
Trusting in yourself does not mean you are alone, for you are never alone. At all times, you have with you Angels to assist you. Some have been with you for eons of time. Working in harmony with the Light of God, they know you at the deepest level of your Soul. It is comforting to know that you are always wrapped in their wings of pure love and cared for beyond your capacity to understand.
It is this link within the self that most people are seeking. They hunger for knowledge of the love that is within them. It is readily available through prayer and taking time to sit and breathe in a conscious manner. So give yourself the gift of sitting in light and love every day for five minutes. It is a simple thing that will provide you with wondrous joy.
The Angels are ready now to lead you into the light of your true Self. Create a conscious relationship with your Higher Power and find the joy you so desire to have. Ask for assistance from the Angels. Begin to do this every day and miracles will surely occur, for miracles are your birthright and the natural state of your being. Know that you deserve to have your life filled with Love, Joy and Miracles. Learn to communicate within and trust in your own truth. This is the way you will live to your fullest potential and fulfill your highest destiny on Earth.
The Angels love you and bless you with all that is good. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel 
November 3, 2024
copyright: Shanta Gabriel 2024


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Your Love is More Powerful Than You Know

By Jeshua

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

October 21, 2024


It is my gift to commune with you as your brother, Yeshua. I come in encouragement of you and all light workers at this time, for there is a wave of change coming that you will all take a primary role in, that has already begun. For there is much to do, on the ground, in human form, as part of this beautiful transition that may at times, in the current moment, seem messy, unruly and confusing. But fear not, for this is only a surface level of appearance of what is ongoing at a deeper level: a great movement, a sea change of love, and at the root of all things, a homecoming.
And while those of you who are aware of this can be reassured that this is what is happening at a deeper level, there are many awaiting this information. They need to understand that there are only illusions being surfaced, dissipating as they interact with the great flood of light that is coming to the Earth at this time and that they will dispel.
For those who are in conscious awareness of this, it is great reassurance in times like this of the tumultuous surfacing of the ruptures of the old, that which is being discarded from the 3rd dimension. As this light enters your realm and filters across all that is on your planet, including each one of you, there is a subtle calling to come home to yourselves in a deeper way than you have previously known, to experience in human form, your expanded awareness in all that you do.
This will require many to become familiar with not only a true sense of who they are, at the depths of their being, but new ways of relating to themselves and others. New ways of engaging in society, of teaching their children, of honoring the Earth and how they go about their daily activities and work.
So, there is room everywhere for this light to invite change to occur. And so many are needed and being called to play a part in this, to help those who are not yet or are newly awakened. To help them come to this knowledge of what is occurring, that they may drop their fear and transition into the security and warmth of the love that is present within themselves.
For as they do that, they begin to hear the call home, not to leave this Earth but to come home to themselves; to integrate their aspects; the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within themselves and society. That they may find new ways of living in harmony with all that there is, to invite collaboration with their ancestors in restoring the lands; in creating new rituals for society that bring love into all that is done.
So let yourself unleash your creativity that comes from this love within you, that this light inspiring all of you – will free those tender desires to make change in your society, to trust that it is now possible for these things to have their day in the sun, as you say in your world.
Trust that there will be a new kind of response to these ways of being, offerings of love, instances of engagement that are light-filled. All this is for the implementation of a new basis for your society, grounded and rooted in harmony, balance, peace and love.
It is a vast plan that we are all part of. While this may at times in your mind seem overwhelming, there is nothing to fear if you are simply aware of being present within your true self, of grounding in the moment and asking within, what is your next step.
It might be as simple as integrating the energies around you. It might also inspire the writing of new material, a book to come forth perhaps. But so often, what is needed is a change in the presence between all of you who live on the Earth. And so do not discount when you feel called to just stand as witness to something, or to introduce and generate a new idea in a setting that no one has spoken of before, that may be very familiar to you.
These simple acts will ripple forward as each of you activate others, and they activate others beyond them, and the sea change begins to occur, just like the droplets in the ocean can create tremendous waves. Every act of love is a gift to this Earth. Every choice to align with the vibration of peace ripples forward in some way, shape or form to others on your planet.
You may not see the evidence of this with your physical eyes always, and that is okay. This is where we ask you to trust that in doing your part, all is well. Your soul seeks to fulfill its mission, and we are calling you forward to remind you that this brings great blessings to all, and need not seem overwhelming, for your love is more powerful than you know.
I am your brother, Yeshua.


Compiled by from: 
  • https://

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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