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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Already Fully Present Within You

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 4, 2025

I’m inspired by what the Arcturian Group said a month ago:

“Many are still questioning, hesitant to leave that which is familiar and continues to influence the decisions and beliefs of everyone on earth. This is especially true of the religious programming that has built up in most over thousands of years and many lifetimes. Prayer, rites, rituals, metaphysical tools, and church going are part of almost every spiritual seeker’s journey because it is a learning process.

“It is fine to engage in the spiritual traditions you love and enjoy but do not endow them with a power they do not have. Crystals, oils, ceremonies, books, classes table work, church, etc. can (not always) hold energies that can lift and expand personal energy but they cannot give you anything more than that which is already fully present within you.” (1)

“They cannot give you anything more than that which is already fully present within you.”

After having briefly experienced the state of consciousness I called “absolute trust” and after reflecting on it, I think we’ll find we already know this state, “which is already fully present within you,” and will recognize it when it returns to the forefront of conscious awareness.

Meanwhile I think we all can remember moments in our lives when deep trust was born towards another. I can remember when my trust was born towards Kennedy, Obama (oh my…), and Churchill (warts and all). But we can remember how good it felt.

As you can see, it doesn’t mean I always make the best choices. But I do remember the feeling of the birth of trust in that personality, however they were or turned out. How uplifted I felt.

Now multiply that by an order of magnitude. Now we’ve reached the level of certainty. We feel convinced of the rightness or goodness of something, but remain open to persuasion otherwise.

Now multiply it by another order of magnitude and we’ve reached the outskirts of absolute trust. Absolute trust itself, as an attained state and not just a flyby, is, I’d imagine, a very advanced state whose contours I would not be able to describe.

Over time the limited experience I had of it will fade from memory, with only the written record then to go by. As Werner Erhard said, our lot at this stage is to get it, lose it, get it, lose it. Until Ascension. (2)


On the matter of advanced states, I’m reduced to speculating. What drives me to speculate?

Because, as you know, I was given a vision in 1987, of the total life cycle of an individual soul, from God to God. It might work best to read Chapter 13 of The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment to get the context of what follows. That chapter describes the vision itself. (3)

And since then I’ve always been interested (or bitten by the longing for liberation) (4) to know more about the stages that lie beyond where I am in the realm of matter (mater, Mother).

Leaving aside the fact that none of us were unascended prior to incarnating and following the human script as if it were indeed actual, my attention is on the time in the vision immediately before the small golden star left the coils (lifetimes in matter) and flew back to the Father.

The picture that I have in my mind, which is the leftover from the vision, constitutes the map for me. And what you see me doing, viewed from one angle, is working with Michael and the Company of Heaven to go through the stages of enlightenment I saw in my vision, publicly, I imagine for the reassurance it generates: “Jump in! The water’s warm!”

I’ve also been asked by the Lord Arcturus to experience the dimensions higher than the seventh or ninth and report back so that people can know that Ascension is endless. Don’t stop advancing. (5)


One last research note. Here’s another way of describing what the precipitate of this last experience is. It has left me feeling as I have more ballast, am more grounded and balanced.

I said some time ago that I was at last standing flat and square on my feet, rather than always wobbling. That reflected an inner change that was a surprise to me. The word that comes up around that expansion is “substantiality.”

An example of another breakthrough moment would be when Constant Comment suddenly dropped away from me. The word there is “peace.”

Well, now, this latest experience has again impacted how I experience life and interact with others. I’m no longer as superficial as I was before, something I always puzzled over. I wondered how I’d be able to address it. I now see: With a little help from the guys and gals in the rafters.

Why am I going into detail in describing this? Because, if you’re like me, you ask yourself, “How is Mrs X’s little one, YYY going to do this very large task?” What’s happening with me, which some of you have been watching over time, demonstrates how Mrs. Beckow’s youngest son, Stephen, is going to emerge from his shell ready to do large things: Our guides in concert with our Higher Self will give us the spiritual experiences we need – and material resources if we’re that way inclined – to handle the tasks assigned to us. I’m in deep trust on that one.

I’m a living example of it.  As we near the time of our larger missions starting up, I feel ready, willing, but above all, able. And it’s been because of the series of spiritual experiences which I’ve described to you here – and here (6) – that I feel able.

If I were a lightholder or seeker after enlightenment, I would give less importance and prominence to spiritual experiences. But, as a lightworker, they are the primary source of equipping me with the balance, patience, and maturity I’m going to need to be doing all I’ve agreed to do.


(1) Arcturian Group, Dec. 8, 2024, at

(2) We can visit the higher dimensions via spiritual experiences. But only after our Ascension can we remain there. See Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at

Regarding what we’ll find there which all the hoopla is about, see Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at

(3) At

(4) See On The Longing for Liberation at

(5) Lord Arcturus: Now, you have come [from Arcturus] to a planet in this and in other lifetimes to assist – yes, through communication, through clarity – with the progression of the planet through the elimination of the old third … to the seventh so that the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it.

[The Seventh Dimension is said to be the plane of Christ consciousness.]

Now in order to do that, it is highly beneficial … that you would have, not only the intelligence but the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different). …

Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a grander plan, that the seventh dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all.

And, so, some of the perspective, the experience, the knowing, the intelligence of different dimensionality is highly beneficial [for you] in helping them move into that higher-dimensional anchoring.  (Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)

It just occurred to me that Michael put the same assignment in a different way:

Steve: Can you help me make sense of returning to my interdimensionality while not becoming a guru figure?

Archangel Michael: It is very simple, visit don’t stay.  So what you are doing, you are pulling into the 5th – into what you think of as your reality – the qualities of mastery [11th] without setting yourself apart from the masses.

You are … teaching others that they can access the mastery [11th] and still be in the Christ Consciousness [7th], in the expanded awareness in the physical form [4th] and in the love [5th and higher].  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013.)

This then is the rationale behind the spiritual experiences I’ve been having.

(6) See:

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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