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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Godself Embodied

By Ramona Lappin

Posted on September 29, 2024

This is how we walk in The One True God-Self into physical form, and return to our true nature, essence and original Innocence, as we remember our Eternal, limitless, boundless, fearless and magical Self!
For we have fully liberated and freed ourselves from all imagined boxes, rules, constraints, judgments, blocks, and prisons that our minds had us believing to be real.
Now we fully awaken from the slumber of forgetfulness, our hearts fully heal and awaken, and we return to our own Original Energy Signature Frequency, and the Divine Love that we are at our core, our Plasma Lightbody, Wings and Superpowers come fully online along with our multidimensional self’s and DNA Blueprint awakening the magical realms of Avalon, the lands of plenty, and milk and honey.
All through the magical frequency of pure true Divine Love of The One God-Self!
Now we get to take our seat on the table of our feast of plenty, to receive the infinite abundance we hold within our very own Evolutionary Blueprint, with the Crystalline core, networks of Earth, and Cosmic Emerald Heart Network fully awakening our ancient future memories and realities. Where our new normal is us in total Love-Bliss and in states of Divine Ecstacy, as a higher Cosmic Consciousness has risen through our
For us to project onto it all new free worlds full infinite quantum potentials, possibilities and opportunities that hold no limits, and visions are given to us by God. For we walk in true service to the Divine, and as a living proof that a loving God truly exists!
Fully free to write all new storylines and our happily ever after endings and all new beginnings, all wrapped up as One!
As The Alpha and Omega, and Divine Masculine and Feminine, become atOne again. The Beginning meets The End.
Unifying and collapsing all polarities within the Stillpoint of The Zero Point Field of True Divine Love, Neutrality and ONEness, for all to be reset and re-birthed as One again within the Holy Trinity, which they embody when they come to Divine Union with their own True Eternal Authentic Self, God and One another.
Love, God, the Divine, is who we are and all is made of. All illusions of separation and imagined fears fully dissolve in this flood of pure Source Light now, which is Divine Love, which is Truth!
We & all of life are being anointed, fulfilled and reanimated by The Holy Spirit!
That’s how all falls into place as we stay in full flow state, fully present in the now, following our hearts guidance and intuition, one step after another.
We have alchmised and transformed our pain and suffering into ever greater and deeper levels of true Divine Love, understanding, wisdom and gnosis, and an expansion of The One Consciousness. Having multiplied and created all new Blueprints and Templates!
The Cosmic Dragons and Maji Grail Queen’s and King’s, The Original Tribes, Pairs, Twinflames, Founder Races, and Guardians of all new free worlds now rise together as The New Christos-Sophia/ Cosmic Kryst/ The One God-Self and unified field, as all remember The Real Truth and their Original missions.
For all is being returned and restored to as if non of this had ever happened, but with the lessons learned.
As we fully let go of all attachments to our false ego self, the illusory character and roles we played in the game, we become free to reinvent ourselves now, as all remaining curses and hexes fully lift from the field along with the false overlays, karmic density and akash.
NOW ALL AWAKEN FROM THE DREAM within the dream, and illusions of being lost in an artificial Matrix simulation. All it takes is for us to become fully cognizant of the true power we hold, and what is truly real. To see through the false and withdraw it our lifeforce, attention and consent, and imagine all anews instead!
For when we have returned to our Real True Self-actualised Authentic Sovereign FREE God-Self, we see the Divine in all people, places and things reflected back at us.
It’s this new awareness, consciousness and perception of self, others and reality at large, that shape-shifts everything now. That’s when we see with crystalline clarity again and project out all new free heavenly realities, bodies, kingdom’s and worlds!
For HEAVEN IS A STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS we now become fully cognizant of on how TO EMBODY whilst in physical form.
Fully Human and fully Divine, and with our vast multidimensional self’s and higher identities fully merged and unified as One coherent and integrated whole!
That’s us fully at home. Feeling truly safe, protected, provided for and loved by Source, no matter where we are, or what storm we may face, within or without.
Never again will we reject, abandon, suppress, gaslight or pretend parts of us don’t exist, for that was the old false ego self in conflict and at war within its own self, and by default, also with others.
Now we START ALL OVER AGAIN, as we leave the false behind, to MAKE EVERYTHING RIGHT AGAIN. BRINGing ALL INTO TRUE & FULL ALIGNMENT WITH REAL TRUTH and our natural state of being Divine Love embodied. Returning what it truly means to be in Divine Union with Source and all of Life!
For its our love and experiences shared that brings true emotional fulfillment and healing to our hearts, minds and bodies now. When we come back together with our Soul Tribe and Beloveds, and can see each other through the eyes and heart of God, and no longer cast shadows and demons upon each other.
Eternal Love,

Ramona Lappin



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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