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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Power of Attuning to the Divine Breath of Life

By Sanat Kumara

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

December 16, 2024

I welcome you all as your teacher, Sanat Kamara, holder of the universal laws and universal logos, transmitter of the teachings of universal light. It is my honor to join you this day, to bring to you a message from the Council of Love. I surround you in connection and love, in service, in devotion to the heart of One.
Allow us to continue to play a guiding role in a more vibrant way, on a more ongoing basis throughout your days, that you may learn to perceive what we have to offer you as you encounter moment to moment, your day-to-day experience. For there is much we have to share with you to assist you, not just to navigate what is occurring in your personal life, but to bring greater light and influence to those around you.
If you are but willing to listen to us with greater refinement, within many more moments of your day, there is an expansion that we can participate in together that will be tremendously joyful. In this subtle shift of your attention, you experience a unique flow that occurs in your life.
It occurs as you are attuned and listening more carefully throughout what you call time. Time then disappears, and you are immersed and beholden only to the Now moment, and within that moment, anything can be accomplished.
So, your perception of what occurs in a single day can vastly shift as you experience the timelessness of this level of attentiveness and care. In this tuning, we encourage you to focus not just to us, but to your heart’s desires, to the songs of your soul, to the subtle, quiet energies that are seeking to find their way through you into your world.
There are tremendous energies coming from your sun at this time, up from the earth, rolling in on the seas and oceans around you, through your water, present in your atmosphere, and within the clouds. All that surrounds you, the very air you breathe, holds these energies. This is why there are so many practices with the breath, to open, to heal, to enlighten.
As each of you breathes one breath after another, you take in more light and when done so consciously, it amplifies this transmission greatly. So taking even a single conscious breath every day is profound.
Let it fill you with the deep love that we all have for you. Invite it to bring you new ideas to inspire your minds. Allow it to cleanse you, to clear you of anything you seek to shift out of your field for transmutation. And let your practice on a daily basis be in devotion to not only the love that you are, but the love that comes to you through every breath and every part of your day.
Let every breath take you into deeper understanding of the gift your beautiful Earth provides through her ecological system. She offers you this through her numerous trees, plants and other forms of life that support you. For in acknowledging this, you share your love with her, you offer appreciation for the air you breathe for the gift that it is to you, and bring greater consciousness to this planet in each and every moment.
So allow yourself to know that the breath is a tremendously sustaining force in your lives that you each have at every moment at your disposal. Please never take it for granted. Protect and share your gratitude for the air you breathe, allowing yourself to embrace the possibility of a rapid shift on your planet towards the purification of Gaia so that all may breathe healthy, vibrant, living chi through this means.
We ask you to feel the beauty of this potential that is waiting – divine union with beloved Gaia in this plane in which you live. Feel deep within you the blessing and gratitude your beloved Earth offers you in every moment, as this tremendously fuels her healing and expansion as well. And as you engage with others in your daily life, invite them to join you for a conscious breath and let this spread throughout the world.
I am Sanat Kumara.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Local Impact

By Archangel Michael

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

November 12, 2024

I am Archangel Michael. It is my privilege to join you as the spokesperson for the Council of Love. You are indeed in tumultuous times and this is perceived by many as destructive. However, we ask you to hold faith that the changes are occurring do not necessarily lead to destruction.
The contrast that is playing out on the global and certainly national stage for the United States is simply a microcosm of what is occurring in your communities. It shows that there is division, that unification is needed, that meeting others with understanding is not yet the norm in your society.
So regardless of where you stand on the political parties or issues at hand, the opportunity that will make the greatest change is your willingness to contribute at the local level. Do this by creating groups, organizations, or intentional community settings that hold the divine principles of love at their core, regardless of their purpose.
Whether they are for environmental impact, school reform, political change of another sort, or building up new businesses to create jobs– Anything you choose to create, if it is based in love, will flourish with the support of the new energies that are entering your realm. That is their desire and purpose of expression. So do not be dismayed by the outcome of any large-scale election that occurs in your world.
Because what you are each tasked with is the opportunity to see how you can create peace in your own communities. So, look for those opportunities to find like-minded individuals who wish to create the same as you do, who want to establish a new way of operating as a collective on the local level. There are some communities doing this now already, and many more to come. For in the past the power has been granted, some might say given away – to large scale organizations based on the concept of greed, dominion and control.
And this no longer serves, nor has it ever served, the greater population as a whole. It is time for service orientation to be at the center of all public institutions in a way that is not limited to the few. And as you begin to establish new frameworks for structuring small community efforts to make the change that you seek and desire to see in the world, things will change on a much larger scale than if you elected one individual to try to make this change.
So, while those in positions of power do have influence, there is far greater opportunity to make change from the ground up. Or when communities are strong and united in their efforts to care for all, to build bridges with one another, regardless of party affiliation, for the benefit of the community, then things can really begin to change. For there is no longer the energy of “against-ness,” but cooperation, unification, altruism and true service to the path of love.
So, allow yourself to choose to be inspired by this possibility over being dismayed at whatever you desire to have happen or even if your candidate was elected. This is not the position to place your power in. Let your power be firmly grounded within your own self. Being in your local home community is where you each have the greatest level of impact. Let yourself explore what this might mean for you and what you are naturally inclined to assist with.
That you may experience being the change that you have been seeking for all your lives. That you may have the beautiful experience of awakening one another to a new way of living.
I am Archangel Michael


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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