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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Março 28, 2021


Ending Dark’s Control


I am Ashtar and I am happy to be here today to share this message with you.

I would like to inform My Brothers and Sisters that my fleet and the rest of the members from The Galactic Federation of Light are working on the permanent removal of the corrupted souls from this part of the Galaxy. We have been dealing and fighting with the Dark Forces on a daily basis like Reptilians, Dracos, and others ones, who entertain Darkness inside them and try to harm humankind.

Our battles in space are severe, it involves advanced technology and we usually have a million of ships fighting, it includes motherships and we even have spaceships the size of a planet, our smallest skirmishes have thousands of ships. Your speed and technology play a huge role in the battle, the whole civilization can be quickly eliminated, you get evaporated in space like you never existed before. The war between the Light and Darkness has been going on for eons.

They still think that they can stay in control... 

Part of a Greater Whole

I am your Saint Germain. I am here to continue to carry on, carry on what was started–not years ago, but lifetimes ago, here on this planet with all of you.

All of you that have been working, moving forward, forward in consciousness lifetime after lifetime, and coming in the next lifetime, and remembering little bits here and there, but to the point in this lifetime you are reaching the end. The end of this era, and the beginning of the next. The beginning of the New Golden Age of Gaia. The Golden Age of Gaia that you will participate in, are participating in. You are bringing this about. And all of you need to understand that you are here together to do this.

Yes, you are individuals, certainly. You have your own individual lives, your own individual needs, and wants, and desires. But you also know that you are part of the collective. You are part of the group consciousness, the collective consciousness of this planet. You have your levels, or your circles, as was mentioned earlier, of your... 

Become The One

light waves eraoflightdotcom

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here.

And was that a wonderful message, or not here!  We were there going, “Wow!  Wow!”  What wonderful words!

What wonderful inspiration is coming not only from Saint Germain, yes that was him speaking, but he has the calling, or the backing, if you will, those that are assisting him to bring these wonderful messages to you.

But it is more than just a message, it is about life itself.  It is about you becoming The One.  As we say many times, “Be the One.”  You need to do that.  You need to become The One.

And if you follow these words, these messages that we have been giving you for some time, you will move to that point where you are ready to move through and fully through your ascension.

That is what this is all about:  preparing you for this, getting you ready, moving you through it, and then asking you to turn around.  Not... 

Trafficked Children On Container Ship

Anons are buzzing with the intel that the giant Evergreen container ship blocking the Suez Canal is full of trafficked children.

The revelation of this heart breaking ‘cargo’ could be the shot that is heard around the world – the first domino to fall in the final destruction of the [D]eep [S]tate. A reminder that [H]illary [C]linton’s Secret Service code name was EVERGREEN.

WhipLash347 re-posted this message…

Scroll down WhipLash347’s Gab feed – there is a brilliant analysis of the container ship situation by an Anon called LuckyBill777. Find the post with French text then click on the image to read his two-page theory explaining how the ship became grounded – and why.

[B]iden’s press conference today was so bizarre, there can only be ONE explanation – the Alliance is in FULL control. Scroll down Major Patriot’s Gab feed and find the Sharp Edge post. It features a two-minute video of edited highlights from the [B]iden presser. Warning: It is excruciating to watch.

This Anonup account is a great visit every day for the REAL news.

Finally, just when you thought... 

Heart Attack And Brain Stroke Main Causes Of Death After COVID-19 Vaccine Shot

After analysing the cases of death post COVID-19 vaccination, it was found that most of the hospitalized vaccine recipients suffered from heart attack and brain stroke after getting the jab, which led to their death.
Out of 79 people who died after getting vaccinated, almost 50% of them had brain strokes and heart attacks. The group of experts also analysed 273 vaccine recipients who recovered after being hospitalized. 15% of them suffered from severe allergies and anaphylaxis.
A member of the National Task Force on COVID-19, N K Arora said, “Of those who have died more than 50% had heart attacks and brain strokes. Out of those who were hospitalized and who recovered about 20%, too, had heart attack and brain stroke. More than 15% had severe allergy and anaphylaxis and all of them recovered.”
Arora said that practice of observing vaccine recipients for half an hour after getting the jab was very effective.
“The cases of anaphylaxis could be handled precisely because of this practice. If they were not observed the...

Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs

People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.
It turns out the nefarious globalists needed a way to accelerate their bioweapons development schedule, so they used the vaccine to transform billions of human beings into bioweapons factories churning out deadly mutations.
In today's article and podcast, I reveal how this works and why it is the greatest crime against humanity that has ever been witnessed.
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What Will You Bring to Show-and-Tell?

Thought Adjuster: “Isn’t it mindboggling that the almighty God made the fulfillment of his creative vision co-dependent on his immature creature’s free will decisions. He thus knowingly set measured limitations to the exercise of his will power—quite a daring move. Some may coin as foolish such a good-will gesture.

His bold initiative tells you:

  • That you have it in you to make the right decisions.
  • That the almighty Creator does not shy away from taking measured risks.
  • That your hands-on self-mastery apprenticeship calls you to make weighty decisions.
  • And that judicious damage-control measures are in place.
The Father’s will unfolds on the solid foundation of truth—the facts of life—and aims to eventuate a creature-friendly reality.
How do you invest your willpower? Do you defile it by pursuing unworthy causes that clash with the Golden Rule—the divine rule of thumb of treating others as you would like them to treat you?
The full manifestation of the kingdom of Heaven on Earth requires a show of good-will on the part of humankind at large—not... 

What Masks Are You Wearing?

Years ago a good friend asked me, “What masks are you wearing?” A bit startled by her question, I replied, “I’m not wearing any masks.” “Yes, you are,” she said.

In the years since that day, I’ve come to realize she was absolutely right. We’re all wearing masks. We’ve become experts at disguising our true identities.

It’s even reached the point where many of us believe we ARE our masks. We’ve totally forgotten who we really are. ... 


We completely agree with what Johnny’s friend said to him years ago. You are all wearing masks. The biggest, and often the most detrimental, mask you wear is your human ego.

We are NOT here today to criticize or judge your ego. Your ego is a necessary part of your existence as spirit in human form.

You all knew, before you incarnated, exactly what you were getting into. You knew exactly what the ego was and what its purpose was.

Your ego, albeit the biggest of your “mask collection,” if you will, is also absolutely necessary for you to be able to navigate through time...


No safety studies were conducted on any vaccine over thirty-two years as required by law

A Vision for Conscious Casual Conversation

Here's a letter we received recently that cuts to the core of so many issues facing the people of the world today. It came to us from Michelle Matthau from Los Angeles, CA. Thank You, Michelle. This one is wonderful!
My prayers and vision for every being in this Universe is for true Soul Freedom! We are assured this freedom as we all understand the true meaning and transformative nature of "forgiveness".
"Forgiveness" is not an action that condones wrongful behavior allowing others, or ourselves, to skip mindful responsibility. No! True forgiveness is the soulful understanding and release of the baser energies of anger, bitterness, resentment and even victim consciousness, that keep us prisoners in those same lower vibrations. By continuing to hate or judge that which we feel is wrong, we actually keep ourselves stuck in the magnetism of those lower energies. BUT, as we "forgive" or let go of those emotions, we release our hearts from the tyranny of those harmful vibrations, allowing our consciousness to soar and manifest the... 

What Will Open the Floodgates?

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been riding a wave of ecstasy into this current moment because we are so thrilled to have these opportunities to share with you a bit of who and what we are. We would love to see all of you feeling even the tiniest bit of excitement about sharing who and what you are with each other. We are not talking about your beliefs, your political views, or even your accomplishments. We are talking about sharing something that comes from inside of you that is special, that is unique to you, that gives people a window to your soul.
We are talking about going beyond your ego and into the multidimensional you that you really are. Whenever you send a wave of love from your chest to another human, that’s what you’re doing. You are sharing a part of yourself that is infinite and eternal, a part of yourself that was meant to come to the surface and be seen, be felt,... 

You’re Bridging the Gap Between You and Source

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are tremendously encouraged by the way that we see all of you changing your interactions with Source and with yourselves. We see more and more of you bridging the self-imposed, imaginary gap created between self and Source, and we see it happening in every moment of every day. You all are becoming more comfortable with yourselves as Beings of Source, beings of unconditional love, and when you get into that state of allowing more of Source to flow through you, it is hard for you to deny what is actually happening.
Getting into that flow means that you are following your bliss, you are being in a state of joy, you are allowing yourselves to relax and let go. When you can just be and be present with whatever it is you are doing or not doing, that’s when you are open. That’s when Source flows through you, and that’s when your concept of self evolves. When you know... 


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