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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


All rulers removed

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on January 15, 2025


Deep State collapsing like a house of cards

Planet Earth has reached the most important crossroads in the history of civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have caused great damage to our planet, society, industry, culture, etc. Now they are starting to panic as their corruption is being recognised and confirmed all over the world.

The oppressors, the cheats, the exploiters, the enslavers, in short, the minority that oppresses the majority, will cease to exist. Mother Earth, as the source of feminine energy, will give her children everything they need.

When all ruling powers are removed once and for all, competition will give way to cooperation; then, finally, time will turn to abundance and prosperity!

It is one or both of these that will trigger the long-awaited breakthrough for the liberation of Planet Earth. Namely the ‘mass awakening’ or the ‘collapse of the current cabal monetary system’.

We have been waiting a long time for the mass awakening to bring about the big breakthrough, otherwise we would have been freed from our ancient monetary slavery and oppression long ago. If people don’t awaken in sufficient numbers, our second option is the collapse of the cabal’s worthless paper money system.

There is no greater fraud than that of the central bankers. The Federal Reserve and the ECB and the Bank of Japan BoJ etc. have ‘illegally’ acquired a monopoly on the issuance of worthless money and control over its supply. They can increase or decrease their balance sheet at any time, at no cost, by buying assets with fake money, most of which is perpetual government debt.

Paper money is only valuable as long as there is not too much of it. The market can absorb a little fake money. But there is a limit. And that limit has now been reached!

This debt money scam was created by crooks to enrich the cabal and their cronies; money stolen from the earnings of working people. Governments are knowingly complicit in this crime and are therefore collectively responsible for this inhuman fraud.

The pledging of citizens’ ‘trust money’, without the consent of the people, as ‘collateral’ to the central bank for the creation of debt money, is a shameful criminal act by our governments.

This is an exchange of guaranteed valuable energy money for worthless debt money created out of thin air but backed by the confidence of real earned trust money.

The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, speaks to you

The history of humanity, the information wave

You have the power to speed up the transition.


It lies in the fact that this year the geopolitical situation in the world will change radically. As a result of the change of power 
n the United States of America, all the plans of the Deep State will begin to collapse like a house of cards.


The strong intention of the embodied forces of light to preserve humanity as a species will be the driving force for all awakened souls on Earth.

You can already see how many people are no longer afraid to speak the truth, how quickly the puppets of the Deep State ‘change shoes’ on the fly, how afraid they are of the coming revelations of their criminal acts.

So the powerful wave of energy that is now coming to Earth will be accompanied by a wave of information that will bring the truth to the people and tear off the masks of the hypocritical and cynical world “leaders” whose policies have led the people into the abyss.

All this will contribute to the rapid awakening of millions of people on your planet.

And in order for this to happen as quickly as possible, you should combine your energy work with the manifestation of your clear and unambiguous intent on the physical plane as well.

Here’s how you can do this.

Try to keep track of every new piece of information about the crimes of the deep state so that you can pass it on to the people around you.

It is very important to do this in such a way as not to frighten the person, which will only lower their vibrations and therefore their spiritual potential, but to give them a sense of liberation from the danger that threatened them.

In other words, any news, even the most tragic, should be linked to the changes that are taking place on Earth, opening up the prospect of a new, happy life for a person, rather than focusing their attention on past painful events.

In this way, not only your own intention to free yourself from the bondage of the three-dimensional world, but also the intention of those around you who have seen the prospects of their new happy existence, will give a powerful impetus to the coming changes in all areas of your life.

The unity you have dreamed of will come.

And it will be unity not in fear and submission, but in the liberation of the consciousness of millions of people from the darkness of the three-dimensional world and in their desire to build a new life on the earth of the Fifth Dimension.

And for that you are blessed!

Received from Marta and edited by Peter B. Meyer

Peter B Meyer
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


This is the End of the Old Paradigm

By Saint Germain

Channel Chellea Wilder


Posted on December 23, 2024
Blessings, My Dear Earth Family.
It’s wonderful to connect with you, thank you for communing with me.
Life is full of changes, and at these moments Humanity is finding yourselves at a crossroads where you must decide how to move forward. 
Transitions can be challenging, as they often bring up questions about your long held beliefs and ways of being.
The old paradigm is ending, but it is also opening the door to new possibilities for a brighter future.
The old paradigm was made up of the old beliefs and control structures that have long been a part of humanities reality. These beliefs and societal structures might have provided a false sense of security, but they have also restricted your spiritual growth.
Letting go is often one of life’s hardest lessons. It takes strength and a willingness to part with attachments. Every ending serves a purpose, clearing the way for new beginnings.
The Earth and Humanity are embarking on a new chapter in your reality. You must now decide the direction you want to take as a collective.
As humanity enters a new era, you as individuals are also concluding an old way of existence.
The ending of the old paradigm, is unveiling a new, more aligned version of yourself. Embrace this transformation and explore how it can influence your life. This new identity may bring a sense of courage and curiosity that encourages you to step out of your old comfort zone, and into a new way of being
When you begin to feel uncomfortable with your current situation, this is a sign you may be experiencing a shift in your consciousness. This discomfort is a signal that change is needed. By facing it head-on, you can open yourselves up to new experiences and possibilities. Acknowledging this ending is the first step toward elevating your consciousness and embracing what lies ahead.
Recognize that personal transformation is rarely a straightforward process. There will be ups and downs, moments of clarity intertwined with confusion. Embrace this natural ebb and flow, knowing that each twist and turn is part of your unique journey.
Celebrate small victories: Each step forward is progress.
Each lesson learned helps build resilience, a vital trait when navigating new experiences. Reflecting on your journey can help solidify this perspective.
All life experiences can serve as stepping stones for personal growth. When faced with challenges, rather than viewing them as roadblocks, understand how they contribute to your journey.
Remember to Honor your journey. This enables you to recognize how far you have come and gives you motivation for what lies ahead.
Think about specific goals you want to pursue. Setting these intentions will help guide your path when uncertainty strikes. Your Intentions act as your compass, keeping you grounded and focused even during turbulent times.
Navigating the ending of an old paradigm and the start of a new chapter can seem intimidating, yet it can be an adventure. As you navigate this transformative time, remember that each ending leads to a new beginning. Offering a chance to discover more about yourself and your spiritual Journey. Embrace this New Version of You, and let your inner Light lead you towards a new way of being.
I share with you now the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you in Love and healing. Allow it to bring you courage, to step into this new Chapter of your existence.
May peace and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Chellea Wilder


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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