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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Março 18, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

A Vision for Access to Universal Truths
We see a world where all people everywhere now have access to the laws and truths of the Universe - in our schools, in our libraries, in our media, and on our internet. We see people becoming less enamored with the information being offered to them by the old mainstream media and educational systems and beginning to integrate higher truths into their daily lives. Indeed, we are now a much happier race of people because our adherence to these Universal truths and laws has brought us a m...
Talents and Healing
Bzutu: “There are times when I feel I should throw my hat in first to see if I’m truly welcome. I see this is not one of those times. In our defense I reiterate that it is almost always possible for us to prejudge for suitability those who are to be contacted by us. I use the term ‘almost,’ as there are times when an...
Texas Woman Leaked Spinal Fluid Immediately After COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test
A woman in Texas leaked spinal fluid after a nasal swab test for Covid-19, which punctured tissue in her brain 3 weeks back. The fluid turned out to be spinal liquid, which leaked because of a tear in her dura mater, a membrane that saves the central nervous system. [image: Texas Woman Leaked Spinal Fluid After COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test] The woman named Chari Timm went to a San Antonio hospital after feeling chest pain and she was then suggested for a heart diagnostic exam later last month, as ...
Italy Launches Manslaughter Investigation After Death By AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
The prosecutor of Biella, Italy has opened a manslaughter investigation following the death of a man a few hours after getting vaccinated and ordered to seize a batch of AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs. He ordered the preventive seizure of the entire ‘ABV5811’ batch of AstraZeneca vaccines of the country that may affect 400,000 doses of the Anglo-Swedish jab. [image: Italy Launches Manslaughter Investigation After Death By AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine] This decision made pending the resul...
Quantum DNA: the return to authentic genetics
March is notoriously a powerhouse month of transition with all the trinity (3:3) stargates pushing us to rebirth into life via true/triality consciousness, but this March holds the extraordinary amount of energy necessary to bring us to an entirely new level of (unified) life experience. The Pisces new moon of which (3/13) really kicked things off for us all, serving up a major karmic death + birth point into our higher spiritual identity on Earth. Because of this major death·birth we are all movin...
Forgiving Yourself
Each and every one of you has experienced something in your past that brings up shame/guilt. Those experiences can create ripples that go on long after the experience has concluded. The Universe would like to remind you that forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Releasing and allowing forgiveness in your existence makes room for Unconditional Love, understanding and support. You are worth it! ...
This week holds powerful moments of transformation which are gifting us with the opportunity to gain a greater understanding and clarity around many of the thought patterns and emotions that keep us trapped in the past. It is these thoughts and feelings that diminish hope, create doubt and a lack of faith and trust in ourselves. As a result, we feel immobilised and unable to take action and move forward. Currently you are replaying old conditioning and therefore shedding old skin. As such you are becoming acute...
Steve: Well, I have four pages of questions, Lord! Archangel Michael: Yes, I know! Steve: Why don’t I just ask you for a synoptic answer? AAM: The one [synoptic] answer is yes! (1) I’m still in the same mood I was in yesterday. (2) I said that I’d experienced a number of “higher” states over the year 2015. I spent the year off and on in love and bliss. But the highest state, which I experienced extremely briefly, I thought of as exaltation. When I asked him about it, Michael identified it as a transcendental experience. (3) When I aske...
The Crystalline Gene
O little feet! that such long years* *Must wander on through hopes and fears…* *O little souls! as pure and white And crystalline as rays of light* *Direct from heaven, their source divine…* *~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Weariness* I drag myself through the days, one stumbling foot after the other. But I mustn’t complain. My life is “easy.” I heave a dolorous sigh, though no one hears. Perhaps there is some vital spiritual message, or an essential otherworldly process, occurring in this experience of exhaustion. Reflectin...
Welcome to the Real World: Simplest, Truest Definition of Ascension
Steve Beckow; Archangel Gabrielle gave the best, most succinct definition of Ascension I’ve seen: “There are many explanations of how and where and when and what Ascension is and looks like and feels like. So again, in the spirit of simplification, we tell you that Ascension, individually and collectively, is the experience, the anchoring, and the embodiment of Love, in its totality, in its divinity, in its expression, in its actions.” ( 1) Absolutely. And if that definition doesn’t ca...
What Must Happen to Bring About the Event/Solar Flash
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been feeling the excitement that humanity feels for all of you to get back to a sense of normalcy on your world. You have moved past frustration, anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, and a host of other emotional states to get to this place where you can actually fathom co-creating a new Earth with a new society. You are ready for something new and something different, howeve...
Message from Spirit Guardian of Serpent Mound Sacred
his post was from a previous blog where I wrote about my handmade pottery. I just re-discovered it and was very pleased to experience Tekmut's energy again and I believe his message is needed today as much as it was over a decade ago! If you are unaware of Serpent Mound, it is located in Peebles, Ohio USA and is a very large earthworks mound estimated to have been built by the Fort Ancient Indians sometime between 900 and 1550 A.D. ...
You're Not Allowed to be Angry
Through Sharon Stewart;  I love youtube's programming: I get twenty percent likes on every video I produce. I've seen higher ratings on the same videos on other channels, but youtube has mine set to twenty percent. Every time I put up a video, I know one fifth of the viewers will like it and there will be one thumbs down, which I figure is some content check algorithm they're running. Sometimes I'll get more thumbs downs when I put up information that goes against the accepted white hat narrative and that is viewers doing ...
The Three Fold Flame of God
I am St Germain and wish to memorandum this reminder to you, the people of Earth. You are in a part of the process now, the wonderful process of awakening of the souls and minds of the people of planet earth. Yet you do not understand the significance of this process. Some do, and others do not. And some are lost within it. Allow me please to give you guidance. At this time in the history of earth, timelines are being created that will enable again, the ascension of the soul through the earth sc...   
Your Plateau Phase
Brenda Hoffman; Dear Ones, Many of you are beginning to feel a new gentleness. As if you do not need anything more or different. This sense of rightness is your plateau before moving into your new world. You have wrapped yourself in a cocoon of security, of discovering what lies within. So it is you began the unusual earth step of learning to love yourself. Even though you’ll soon feel the need to exit your security cocoon, for now, you feel content, secure, and a sense of wonderment that this...

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