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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Março 23, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

The ‘Harry Potter’ Conspiracy
Who among us could not fail to enjoy the harmless fun and yet enjoyably scary tales about *Harry Potter*, the heroic boy-wizard and his epic fight against the forces of evil, along with his plucky chums, Hermione and Ron Weasly? What wonderful entertainment we have all had from the vivid imaginings of Joanna K. Rowling, that ‘single-mother made good’ who somehow against all the odds, managed to drag herself almost from the gutter singlehandedly, to become a multi-billionaire and a ...
Ben Fulford Report: BIS Crime Syndicate Clings to Power with Murders and Bribes
The source of the ongoing dystopia in the West has been traced to the Bank for International Sins in Basle, Switzerland. This Nazi Khazarian Mafia institution has been murdering European Royals and others while simultaneously trying to bribe the Asian Dragon families into cooperation, according to NSA and Asian Secret Society sources. These are the criminals behind the fake Joe Biden presidency and the probable murder of Queen Eli...
Surfing The Energies of March 2021
There is so much change, with so many new possibilities, that it’s disorienting. The phrase “cognitive dissonance” has entered everyday lexicon to describe the trance-like state that surfaces as you gradually begin to understand. The way you thought things were, never was? How can that be? The institutions that made you feel safe and protected – lies? Manipulations? Control mechanisms? Steady deterioration and decline of health and well-being, so much death, an incredibly prosperous, costly healthcare industr...
When We Seek
When we truly seek – we shall be given to the measure that we can receive. When we knock – the doors will be opened so that we can step into the higher dimensional states and find ourselves guided every single step of the way. If we ask that the Power of Love, unconditional love, reveals its bounty in all forms and expressions thereof, we will receive and experience this is the most profound, powerful and beautiful ways – indeed, we will be left speechless, as only the heart can truly express and experience Love through the soul, ...
Memories, Daydreams, Tuning in the Present
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a moment. Look around. What is happening in your world right here and now? What room are you in? Are you in your car? Outside? Take a moment to appreciate your computer, phone, tablet, or the device with which you are reading our words. Take a moment to appreciate your environment. Take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking a few minutes to connect with those of us in the heavens who love more than we can possibly ever convey with worl...
MASSIVE Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide: Burn Your Masks!
Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns [which are illegal] and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable [or no] science — which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking. Protesters in United Kingdom (London), Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherland...
A Vision for Death and Grieving
Our Vision for today is so heartfelt and eloquent that we feel blessed to share it with you. It was sent in by Joni Stone and she said it was written "In Memory of a Bright Light Spirit and one I called Friend, Ramya, 9/12/11."* I have a vision of a world that embraces the Dying process as part of our Living process - that it no longer hides in faraway facilities and funeral homes, and those who mourn are embraced and consoled appropriately whether family or friend. That this fact of life can...
Social Distancing Rule Not Based On Science
According to former US FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb, the social distancing rule followed worldwide is not based on science. “This six-foot distancing requirement has probably been the single costliest mitigation tactic that we’ve employed in response to COVID … and it really wasn’t based on clear science. … We should have re-adjudicated this much earlier,” he said. In a recent interview, former US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said “This six-foot distancing requiremen...
What Is Humanly Possible
After more than five weeks of unbroken communion with his Paradise Father, Jesus became absolutely assured of his nature and the certainty of his triumphs over the material levels of time-space manifestation. He fully believed in, and did not hesitate to assert, the ascendancy of his divine nature over his human nature.” [UB 134:8.5]* Thought Adjuster: “The 32-year-old Jesus spent six weeks in solitude on Mount Hermon in communion with his Thought Ad...
Feeling Your Place in the Infinite
We greet you, in love. We are happy to have this opportunity to communicate with you. We are always with you, but you are not always aware of our presence. We surround you always, with love and are here to assist you in fulfilling your higher potentials; the intentions of your soul and the reasons for your embodiment. You each came here intent upon specific things -- experiences you wished to explore and creation in domains that were of interest to you. We join you as t...
The Path of Realization & Transmutation. Mayan year of 13 E - Mayan Kiche' Calendar (Traditional Calendar) The number 13 (JUN or HUN) is the power or driving force of this year. This year (13) is rooting or anchoring the base of a huge body of cosmic work. The Maya call this the base of the pyramid as everything created descends from the cosmos. In many places, on temple carvings, we can see the descending Gods....
Turn It Over…
There may be times when human words of comfort will not be enough to make a situation better or more peaceful. When this happens, turn it over to The Universe. There is more comfort and peace in one moment of Unconditional Love than all the words on your Earth plane. ...
With the Equinox we reach a turning point which marks the beginning of a new season and a new phase in our evolutionary journey. We have navigated a week of intense energies that have brought to the surface many old emotions and negative through patterns, which the incoming energies are helping us to clear. It looks like much of this will continue into this week as we are urged to let go of the past and embrace where we stand now. This particular Equinox has highlighted your inner world and the relationship you h...
Your skin creates a radiance
Greetings, friends of the light, I am your brother and friend, Stefon. I come through this one today with a message of hope for you, for earth times are appearing arduous at best. We are filling your skies with light, love and with healing modalities and technologies. We are in full support of the Mother’s Tsunami of love which is pouring toward your sphere. The dark ones are aware of this and are running out of tim...
Love One Another!
JFK: My beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, TruthSeekers, and all others...I welcome you all to my message here today! I love you all, and I watch over you all! Each one of you souls, are very important to me! It is a very exciting time, is it not, dear ones? Yes, it is also very exhausting and frustrating, I agree with you on that...however, can you not feel how every single event that is happening daily now, is showing those who have “eyes to see”, how very close we are to the tide turning completely in the Light’s favor... 
Food as Loosh
First of all, folks, I want to mention something. I went over to my neighbour's house and as they turned the channel on the TV, this strangely colored being popped up on the screen, along with a boy. I asked, “What is THAT?!” and it was explained to me that this was an alien show. I thought, “Oh goody, I'll just sit here and wait until I can blow holes in the narrative,” because obviously this is why there are so many of these shows on air right now – shows about aliens. They KNOW disclosure is coming and they use ... 
Ascension is not the End of the Journey
This article grew out of the research for the book on the Time of Separation, but is not a part of the book. Is our Ascension the end of evolution? Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Ascension is not the end of evolution but merely the beginning of another phase, this time in joy and happiness where all is in harmony and love. (1) Archangel Michael: The Ascension process is an on-going journey, not a destination. (2) Divine Mother: Do not think simply because you have arrived in the Fifth Dimension with Gaia that...
We Innately Want to Connect with Each Other
I realized this upon watching Aurea's video, “How Unity Consciousness Looks in 3D,” which I put out the other day. Think about it, separation consciousness can only be practised at the lower levels because at the highest level, we are aware we're all One, part of God. Humans instinctively want to connect with each other. Aurea wanted to connect, in love, to all around her, all through her life because it was natural for her, but it was very very difficult because she met so many unlov...
Faster and Faster Manifestation by the Newly Awakened
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are electrified with enthusiasm about where you are headed as a collective there on Earth. We have noticed how many individuals there on Earth have awakened recently, and we have felt their enthusiasm, their excitement, their eagerness to explore who they really are and what they can create. The newly awakened actually have an advantage in the creation department, an advan... 

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