Posted on November 21, 2024
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.
The journey of expansion and spiritual evolution you are on is not about trials, punishment, or rewards, in the here and now or after you transition into the next life.
This is about your realization of your divinity, your creative power, your realization and the truth that all which you seek can be drawn from
within your own being. This is how powerful you are.
It is not mandatory that you go through chaos in order to find peace. There is no Universal law that states such.
When you align your mind with your heart, you become aligned with your Higher Self. You become aligned with Source and All That Is. You awaken to your Divine Essence that is spiritual light and love.
Please, practice daily your deep breathing in meditation, with focus on your heart center, so that you may raise your vibration to or slightly beyond the half way point of the Fourth Dimension(4.5), this is when you become more aligned with your Higher Self, you merge into a higher version of you, the power manifestations and other divine qualities begin to awaken again.
Blessings to Your Heart!
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