What is happening to the human collective as a whole, and we have shared this in years past, is that there are ongoing transmutation and releases. What we wish for you to know is that though tensions seem quite ripe and rife in your present-day global scenario, what is being released is not being built up, held onto, and amassed with the same strength and amplitude as it has been built up for you in the past. That is, as you release and surrender old energies, your essence and your template become clearer and cleaner. And as such, it becomes more difficult for you to hold on to in any long-term form, denser or lower vibrational energies.
As such, what you are clearing is making way for higher experiences, and it in turn allows you to hold on to higher frequencies — frequencies that bring through the experience of greater harmony, love, and forgiveness. As a collective, through the process of transmutations you are increasing your ability to raise your frequency and hold your vibration in a way that amplifies love. As you amplify love, you continue to increase your personal frequency. You are also in resonance with any experiences, people and situations that echo a similar frequency. You are learning to move through life with greater equanimity and harmony.
Your balance with regards to the energies of receiving and giving love become more balanced because all energies seek an equanimous, balanced flow. So remember, our dear ones, that this in many ways signifies an ongoing shift and upgrade in human consciousness. It may be unfolding differently and at different rates within one individual to the next, but nonetheless, because of the way in which you are all interconnected energetically, what unfolds in a positive way for the one benefits the All.