Hallo Amazing Beings,
First the latest update following my free workshop on 13th January at the full moon, to boost your 6D ascension and enable our planet to reach the tipping point of 50% light. As you may have heard the YouTube crashed at 1.11 minutes into the workshop due to an overload so I then recorded it and it went up on Youtube an hour or so later. So many of you wonderful lightworkers supported this effort that together we not only reached 51% but almost 52%!!!!!!
This is how my guide explained it. As a planet, while we were less than 50% light, we were in thrall to the dark. As soon as we reached the golden ratio of 50%, those lower energies no longer had their claws into us. We set ourselves free. Situations and certain people can no longer control or influence us. And now that we have been liberated, we will move more rapidly into the golden future.
On 22nd January, I was told that we can surpass 52% light if enough people continue to do the meditation on YouTube. On the following day, Merlin and Metatron came in together to talk to me. They said there has been a huge buzz of excitement in the spiritual realms and on Earth about this Energy shift.
AND the whole planet has now tipped into 52% – some parts of the world have reached 53% light.
The light coming in is now so bright it is accelerating the process of Earth’s Ascension to higher dimensions, as we become a multidimensional planet. As ever it is the task of those who hold bright light to shine it out so that others can see the way up the spiritual mountain.
This time now is of great importance to many light workers who have been working so hard for the planet and humanity. A greater number than is realised were actually completing their final exams in this universe during this period. With the tipping point they passed their finals and can move onto a new and higher part of their journey when this incarnation is complete.
AND if enough of us concentrate our efforts, we can reach 55% light by Easter. Then we really will be on the upswing.
On February 7th there is a long awaited and incredible moment. Have you ever had a big idea, a vision, something amazing you wanted to create or achieve but never thought was possible? I am not an astrologer, but I’m told that the North Node, Neptune and Saturn come together to impact us on February 7th – and under its influence, your incredible dream can become a reality. It can manifest. This is an extraordinary opportunity. Not only that but the roots of the idea that you plant at this time will grow strong and sturdy as an oak. It is time to start planning and take action.
On February 12 is the full moon and it is the Snow Moon. It is a time for purification. Archangel Gabriel is looking after this Moon. He is helping everyone to release what no longer serves and move to a higher frequency with a new clarity and joy.
Wherever there is snow Archangel Gabriel presides, people with joy, so remember to give thanks for everything that brings you joy. Enhance your delight in life as spring approaches. I was asked to create a special Snow Moon meditation with Archangel Gabriel. Do you look for it on my YouTube channel and in my newsletter.
Dianna Cooper

credit: youtube.com
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.